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Jewish groups call for hate-crime probe on Mel Gibson

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posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 07:51 PM
While being arrested for DUI, Actor Mel Gibson allegedly made anti-Semitic remarks...

JEWISH groups have demanded Mel Gibson be investigated for hate crimes after the Hollywood star allegedly made anti-Semitic comments to US police officers when he was stopped on suspicion of drink-driving and speeding.

Gibson's reported criticism of Jews, contained in a leaked police report detailing his arrest early on Friday morning, included the phrase: "F*****g Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."

He has since apologised for his actions, saying they were "despicable", but community Jewish leaders called for Gibson to be ostracised from Hollywood, where the A-list actor is considered an industry powerbroker.

Calling for a criminal investigation into the Oscar-winning actor and director's remarks, Abraham Foxman, the national director of the US Jewish Anti-Defamation League, said: "We believe there should be consequences to bigots and bigotry."

Source Link

I guess freedom of speech only applies to all speech except that which is critical of the Jewish faith, or the state of Israel.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:00 PM
It simply amazes me that each day, it seems people
get more and more idiotic, and if this "investigation"
goes through, than I will have lost even further
faith in humanity.

On the flip side, I wonder what will happen when/if these
groups are told, basically, where to shove it, and the majority
of people tell them to get over themselves.

Fixed spelling error.

[edit on 7/30/2006 by iori_komei]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:02 PM
well I got to agree with your last statment. If Gibson has hatred in his heart then that is what he has. I dont like it but we dont have thought police, yet.
Perhaps if this gets dragged on some sort of explenation will evenchely be forth comeing.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:11 PM
Since when is speaking a hate crime? Hate crime is committing the act based upon the intent to harm someone because of a specific group that they are a member of. He wants to say something about Jewish people, as much as I think a statement such as that is wrong, then more power to him! Want to go after someone for hate crimes that says bad things about Jewish people? Go after the KKK!

Don't go after some Hollywood bigwig, because they know they can get more attention. If anyone recalls, is this the same group of people that went after Gibson for making the Passion movie? As in, the same organization?

As far as I see it, if he gets in trouble for that, then our freedom of speech has been insanely curtailed.

Would the people that are wanting hate crimes charges have spoken up so loudly if Gibson had made epithets against another certain group of people? I think not. Publicity stunt, nothing more.

*Edit - No Doubt! Revenge much for not getting him enough over making a movie?

ADL Anger over Passion Movie

As if it wouldn't be that obvious. Anti Defamation League, they obviously have a serious problem with freedom of speech! I don't recall the last time I had pressed charges against someone for calling me some not nice gay names...

[edit on 7/30/06 by niteboy82]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82
Since when is speaking a hate crime? Hate crime is committing the act based upon the intent to harm someone because of a specific group that they are a member of.

Good point . . . so any American that talks bad about the Jewish and the conflict in Lebanon and tells their disagreement will be deemed a hate crime?

I don't think it will stand in any court. . . but you never know.

[edit on 30-7-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:22 PM
The JDL and ADL are both in themselves, terrorist hate groups. They hate everyone who doesn't agree with them, and persecute them relentlessly.

The ADL has been known to intimidate witnesses and tamper with evidence in trials. Something should be done about them.

Mel Gibson, like any American, has rights to his own opinions and beliefs, hateful or not. When you have pitbull groups like the ADL around trying to silence and persecute people for speaking their minds, freedom of speech, belief, and thought are in grave danger.

Someone needs to go after THEM.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82
Since when is speaking a hate crime? Hate crime is committing the act based upon the intent to harm someone
You dont know about the "Thought Police"???
Its very real nowa days.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:50 PM

JEWISH groups have demanded Mel Gibson be investigated for hate crimes after the Hollywood star allegedly made anti-Semitic comments to US police officers when he was stopped on suspicion of drink-driving and speeding.

Gibson's reported criticism of Jews, contained in a leaked police report detailing his arrest early on Friday morning, included the phrase: "F*****g Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."

Well, maybe certain Jews are responsible for many of the wars we have been forced to endure for many years, all you have to do is follow the money trail.

Napoleonic wars - Millions made by Rothschild (jewish) family.
WWI - Millions made by Rothschilds, Loebs, Kuehn, Rockefeller and many other Jewish families.
WWII - Millions if not billions made by the afore mentioned Jewish families.

Personally - The ADL and their ilk can go troll with their brothers in heart: the Skinheads, Brown Berets, and other hate groups.

Here's a hate crime for you - the exclusivity of jewish people running the entertainment and finance businesses - isn't nepotism/cronyism a form of racism?

FEH! Vas macht a Jid?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:10 PM
I think it's ridiculous.

He's done nothing that should warrant a criminal investigation.

Isn't it enough that he's been exposed as a hateful SOB? Can't we just shrug our collective shoulders and cross his name off our Christmas card list?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by 2stepsfromtop

Here's a hate crime for you - the exclusivity of jewish people running the entertainment and finance businesses - isn't nepotism/cronyism a form of racism?

OK, lets not turn this into a complete Jew bashing thread, a little restraint folks, please.

It seems that everyone with an agenda has an axe to grind these days. If Mel had been yelling about African_Americans then you can bet the Jessy Jacksons and Al Sharptons would have been all over him. If he had yelled about women's rights putting him down then the Gloria Steinhams would have been all over him. If he had yelled the American indians were at fault the...ummmm...the....(Does anyone speak for the American Indians anymore?)

The dude got drunk and did/said something stupid. If you haven't done the same then you need to get out more.

I'm just sorry to see he fell off the wagon. He was working his program and making movies about his religious beliefs and kicking that monkey's ass.

I guess the monkey kicked back.


posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:30 PM
I agree with Mr. Wupy. He was drunk, spoke his mind yada yada yada(pun inteneded). I believe we all knew how he felt after Passion
He just should not have verbalized it to an arresting officer (oops!) Hate-crime, Hardly. Crass, for sure!!!!. Better not be planning to work with Spielberg

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
You dont know about the "Thought Police"???
Its very real nowa days.

Err... No they're not, don't take some idiotic call by an extremist organization(s) as proof of such. And whether or not you agree with Mel Gibson's views he has every right to express them, as long as its in a non violent and non enticing manner.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:57 PM
If the one taken by the police was a regular joe we would no be having this debate . . .

When you are a public figure as in the entertainment business everything you said will come back to bite you in your back side.

And is always groups out there waiting for the opportunity specially when you were not very nice with a movie that put millions on your pocket and make some look bad in other region of the world.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
I think it's ridiculous.

He's done nothing that should warrant a criminal investigation.

Isn't it enough that he's been exposed as a hateful SOB? Can't we just shrug our collective shoulders and cross his name off our Christmas card list?

Best post in this thread!

Well said.

There's plenty of idiocy to go around on all sides...

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
I think it's ridiculous.

He's done nothing that should warrant a criminal investigation.

Isn't it enough that he's been exposed as a hateful SOB? Can't we just shrug our collective shoulders and cross his name off our Christmas card list?

Hey, WyrdeOne///

I agree!
But, do WE have to, cross his name of our Christmas card list?

'breaking news'.......Israel strikes back,telling civilians to get out.........
Oh, and Mel Gibson........I mean, isn't there more breaking news then Mel Gibson being arrested for D.U.I........

I think i'll just switch my tv off for the rest of the year.....
Lucky we have ATS.

Oh, and I also agree that Mel Gibson has a right to make mistakes, like any other person in the world should have, without him been labeled a ''so and so'' extremist!

Don't go after some Hollywood bigwig, because they know they can get more attention

Totally agree with you there, niteboy!

The dude got drunk and did/said something stupid.

Agree with you mrwupy!
What they should be doing is going arresting the drunks that keep re-offending and have no concerns but themselves!
(oh, help them if possible!)

Mel Gibson, like any American, has rights to his own opinions and beliefs, hateful or not

Yep, and why should Mel be any different to the rest of us?
I bet it's because he has already been labelled on what he believes!
And mind you, it's not like he goes out everyday doing this so he can piss certain people off.
He got drunk, and well, sorta said words that he later regretted...(and so the news said!)
Give him a fine, and let him be.

If we learn to forgive more, then maybe one day, we also, shall be forgiven!
I guess it works both ways!


posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:48 PM
thought police are very real indeed!!!

you may have heard of it as being called the internet/cybercrime squad

the internet is their way of getting into your mind

every web page you look at shows what you are interested in!!

anything you search for is what you are thinking about

they know/log your thoughts...keep track of what pages you looked at

and with their computer programs (carnivore...etc..)and and wire tapping stuff

all they have to do is type in a profile

and shazam, your name pops up

and you are put on a list with other people to keep a closer eye on

you remember those programs that "sniff out" emails and phone calls for certain keywords (carnivore)

some of those keywords may be , democrat, black pride, sex, bomb,
hack,crack, government corruption,,,kiddie porn,,,,peace rally,,,.PROTEST............

you know, topics that a GROUP might talk about.......
and groups are bad in a corrupt governments mind

and now ,since EVERYTHING is digital,.......
it becomes a whole lot easier to collect and sift through the phone calls, email, fax's,
and they can now tell exactly where you are thanks to satelite communications
and gps........even if they are turned off........they are in your car too
maybe it is a government regulation that when your cell phone is off,,,
it still listens

what is to keep them from tracking your every movement??
with electronics in cars they could hack in through onstar and take full remote control
and drive you off a cliff..........not possible you say??? ask around!!!!
lets see,, at least the throttle and brakes

those new emissions tests for your car,, what is keeping them from uploading
info from the ecm (driving habits)?? or download a backdoor/trojan

and thanks to broadband, they can upload your entire harddrive, in a matter of minutes...,, yes, your isp has YOU limited but the potential speed of a
dsl modem is very quick, and believe me , they do have super computers,
to do all the work,, and lots and lots of storage

and digital is much easier than analog,, to record your voice,
and make you say things....and holograms to make you do things....
then videotape your hologram commiting crimes.....we are screwed!!!

i'm waiting for the hdtv's that have a built in web cam. and mic...(hidden) of course

sorry,,,back on topic,, yeah they are just flexin their muscles,,
they are pissed cause gibson turned the light on so people could actually see

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 11:47 PM
what a joke.
you cant even speak your opinion in a drunken rage any more.
Soon, calling up the X Mrs on the phone at 2am asking how she's doing will be considering sexual harrasment,

minorty groups, although some have good deeds, make me sick.

its like the cops giving out speeding ticket for being 4kms over,

why are you wasting time with this utter BS, when the real crooks are laughing at u behind ur back.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
The ADL has been known to intimidate witnesses and tamper with evidence in trials. Something should be done about them.

Do you have any handy links for this?

further in the article…

But she questioned whether a factual TV mini-series about the Holocaust that Gibson announced he was developing late last year would now be "too hot to handle".

I foresee a huge coordinated smearing campaign against Mr. Gibson. There are subjects you can’t touch. The Protocols of Zion is one, and the Holocaust is another.

[edit on 31/7/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
I think it's ridiculous.

He's done nothing that should warrant a criminal investigation.

Isn't it enough that he's been exposed as a hateful SOB? Can't we just shrug our collective shoulders and cross his name off our Christmas card list?

Telling the truth makes you hatefull? He is probably angry in that no matter what he does Jewish Hollywood wants to shut him down not because he is bad but because he is competition.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 12:39 AM
Without bashing anyone MrWupy,

What I mean to make clear is that while many groups will hide behind the race issue declaring their sensitivity, many times it is that same group of people that are doing the very same acts they complain about. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Yet in Los Angeles, Mr. Gibson's arrest is the top news story, with 'spokespeople' for the Jewish people (funny, they certainly don't speak for me!) demanding that Mr. Gibson be banished from the film industry even though he is set to direct a film about the Holocaust soon.

Obviously what happened is that he was drunk, and belicose, and said things that were on his mind, not in a specific way but in the all-inclusive way that drunks have of expressing themselves, such as: instead of "I hate my ex", drunk-talk would state "I hate women". I forgive him because I understand him, those without understanding are predisposed to prejudge and therefore speak disingenuously.

The real problem for Mr. Gibson is that this is, I believe, his second arrest for being intoxicated while driving in Malibu.

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