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Grey caught on tape?

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posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 07:50 AM
Does look very fake,

lol I think my brothers friend has a mask like that. Anyways, if I had such an opportunity I don't think I would film the alien.(I would probably be really scared at first though)

Because I need to ask for permission first, or else I would feel reeeally bad about it. ^_^;;

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 01:21 PM
Let's view this video from another perspective and let's focus on what COULD be real in this video.

What in your opinion could look real in this video?

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 02:42 PM
hmm, what could be real? maybe the movement?

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 03:06 PM
I was expecting it to be one of thoose shockers, you know the ones, make your jump out your skin so my heart was pounding as we aprroached the curtain but when i saw the alien i burst out laughing! Obviously a mask!

[edit on 12-6-2006 by joecool280]

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Soulstice
Xenophobe, at the expense of seeming to be a smart arse (ass), you typed 'grammer' instead of 'grammar', but I agree with your meaning. It's not just what we say it's the way we say it.

Hehe, caught me red-handed!
Sorry about that!

If it means anything, I actually do know how to spell the word grammar! (See!

I did want to mention that I thought that the videography was pretty good. The dark, greenish color tones of the video did convey a sense of foreboding. The glowing eyes looked pretty scary too, very similar to the way that real eyes would light up in a nightvision video. It would have been better if the cameraman had moved the camera around in a startled fashion, and maybe screamed or something.

[edit on 12-6-2006 by Xenophobe]

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 07:36 AM
if this were real the dude with the cam would have freaked out big style i know if i had a grey in my house i would either run like hell or prolly caus it to frazzle me by attempting to smack the thing about the head with a heavy object!

but a cool vid even if it is a fake.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 08:37 AM
the one thing i see about this is................

If the alians have all this tech. why would they HIDE behind a curtain ?

and to "peek" from behind it.....please....don't think they would do that

Y'r Canadian friend,

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 09:23 AM
Doesn't look like a mask to me at all. Could be great makeup with special contact lenses. The eye doesn't appear any larger than a human eye if you look at it paused. It looks to have makeup around it to give an illusion of size and the lens may be opaque. Can't tell due to the reflection.

Also, why wouldn't an alien peek around a curtain? It kills me when people assume that they know exactly what an alien would or wouldn't do. Furthermore, yes, most people would run screaming like a little girl but I'll bet there are people, even people on this very board that would stand and deliver.

This is very well done IMO. A hoax, most likely, but not bad at all!

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 11:53 AM
No one looked at the other videos this user posted on putfile, did they? Watch HORROR MOVIE, the exact same "alien" behind the curtain reveals himself to be rather human looking with t-shirt, jeans etc. " target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

go to 1:41 in and you will see the "alien" come out of the curtain.

Oh bother...

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 12:15 PM
Yes. it's most likely fake then; however, I don't think spelling mistakes should be used to debunk stuff like this. Some people just aren't great spellers.
If it was to be proven true, would one think: 'But the spelling, it wuz awful, how could it be true
That's just being unjustifiably picky IMO. And because it was debunked, it wasn't the bad spelling, it's just that, a lot of these video's are fakes, bad spelling or not.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 12:51 PM
Once he comes out from behind the curtain it all goes downhill. Looks like one of those wrestling masks used mainly in Mexico.

Should have stayed hidden and not made this film at all.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by logaphasia
No one looked at the other videos this user posted on putfile, did they? Watch HORROR MOVIE, the exact same "alien" behind the curtain reveals himself to be rather human looking with t-shirt, jeans etc. " target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

go to 1:41 in and you will see the "alien" come out of the curtain.

Oh bother...

i got a feeling your just part of the hoax. with all the files on putfie u just happen to find the right one, with no label of an alien on it

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by DalairTheGreat

Originally posted by logaphasia
No one looked at the other videos this user posted on putfile, did they? Watch HORROR MOVIE, the exact same "alien" behind the curtain reveals himself to be rather human looking with t-shirt, jeans etc. " target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

go to 1:41 in and you will see the "alien" come out of the curtain.

Oh bother...

i got a feeling your just part of the hoax. with all the files on putfie u just happen to find the right one, with no label of an alien on it

Actually, i just went to see if the person who posted the film on putfile had anything else in reference to this, all of the movies were named "my bro's new car," etc, then I saw HORROR MOVIE, caught my attention. I was just getting ready to flip it off when I saw the curtain move like in the clip.

I understand your conclusion, but I honestly just stumbled on it.

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 12:47 PM
Was just saying if an Alian had all these "Powers" (mind control, etc, etc,) why would hid haft't'a HIDE behind a curtain.......not trying to say what an Alian would do or not do....but WHY would it hide like a kid behind a curtain....just don't make sence.

Y'r Canadian friend,

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 03:04 PM
"o group of teens reported missing in Langley in the past 5 years. I'll look a bit farther back but honestly it looks like a latex mask."

I agree...

I heard the girls in langley....

posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 05:45 PM
definetly fake, if i saw it i would run like hell. If it didn't see me i'd hit it with a baseball bat and keep the body as proof.

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 03:55 PM
Yeah i have to say fake as well. The thing just looks like a mask and as others have said, if i had seen that i would have gone nuts. I reckon i would have thrown the camera at it and then done my best to beat the #### out of it. Not just becuase it was an alien but becuase it was in my house without permission.

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 04:28 PM
I think this is the Video.....


Looks ok but im on the fence about this one..


posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 01:46 PM
My views.

At the start of this film it looks acted, and badly so. It's like something from a sitcom. Lines like "I just think she should of told us the guy was black is all", were delivered in a really fake tone. I have no problem with the line itself i just have a problem with the lack of real care in the voice. Try having a friend write something and then read it out, the lines sounded remembered and mechanical. When they finally spot the "craft" and it's occupants the acting becomes better though. The voices, excited yet worried, a mix of heavy breathing and shuffling, wanting to run and wanting to stay. The camera zooms in and out badly and shakes a little, all very nice touches.

Now we come to the "laser weapon/scalpal". They were using it to cut open a cow, which suggests a close quarter thing and yet the "alien" uses it at long range. The scalpal causes someone to fall over and yet it's a cutting instrument. Obviously we cannot speculate on technology but it seems to me it was a laser just becuase of how it was being used and the fact you could see a thin beam of light. I think this was a cheap laser pen of the type used for presentations.

Now the house, the acting again goes downhill, father going out alone etc. Now for me i would want everyone to stay together in one room with hopefully only a door. I would have stayed there with a gun pointing at that door. Running outside and so leaving my family behind would not fit well with me. It seems he did blow a hole in the door rather than a special effect, i may be wrong but that's how it seemed. Actually that worries me as he couldn't really see where that round/shot was going. That is a silly point with no standing on the case but it just annoyed me lol.

The nice touches were "I think i wet my pants", very very nice that. It made it sound more realistic as who would want to put that on video unless it was true right? The tape survived, this is truly stupid. If an alien race or the government had taken that family out then they would have stripped the house of evidence, it just makes sense that if they are trying to be covert they would remove evidence.

The transformer. Well that is interesting, transformers once they have blown can keep discharging like that for a while. Becuase it just happened it could be real although anyone with an internet connection can find out how to make convincing sparks, or they could buy small fireworks and set them off electronically. I would like to know how it blew, IF it was even blown, The sparks seem to come from behind it which suggests that some fireworks or effects are hidden behind it.

The "UFO" seems large but because it is dark, the people seem near it thugh and it gices a good comparison. There may be a camera trick going on that i don't know about, i don't think they were using false perspective but it is dark so who knows. If they did build that i am impressed just for the commitment of it lol. I wonder if somewhere this structure still exists, maybe someone built it for fun and they decided to make use of it.

Finally. If a family like this goes missing with this many people then i would expect to see massive stories. The ones i have found so far are small and from questionable websites.

Well just my thoughts.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 07:57 PM
Any more news' or info on this movie???

Just wondering?

Y'r Canadian friend,

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