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The Shadow Government of the United States and the Decline of America

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posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Daystar

i saw this thread after CA sent me a u2u asking me to take alook at it and i would like to congratulate him for a very good find!

i have to say, on the article, that i knew things where bad, i just didn't realise just HOW bad. the extent that the rockerfellas and the rothschilds and this whole CFR/tri lat thing have screwed this world is alarming

it is just a shame that the article was written in1994 under clinton. i would have loved to hear what the author would have said on Dubya, the Neo-cons and the 'wolfowitz cabal'

Clinton, Bush, Rossevelt, really doesn't matter and it shouldn't be an issue or the issue.
The issue is not the religious undertones of the article nor that some are feeling the "Christian push."
The real issue is that this government, along with many world governments are being influenced and somewhat controlled by a "shadow government," a unseen and hidden power elite/base. Many do not see this because its like a puzzle with the pieces scattered about....
If one takes the time to put the piece's together, one by one, the picture begins to be discernable. The problem is, no one is taking the time to put the piece's together or they have put a few but are still not gleaning the picture.
The NWO is an agenda; a goal. It encompasses this whole world, not just America. This goal is being achieved through a long, subtle, almost unseen way and has been an ongoing process for a very, very long time. It almost equates to cancer......the cancer grows in your body, unseen, undetected, until oneday, it becomes seen or then, most times, its too late.
I don't know if this can be fought or stopped, but being aware can make a difference, in one way or another. This organization adopts the same policy as many other governments do: they maintain a policy of denial and deception. They are so diversified, so abroad, that exposing one part or group, does nothing to the whole, nor to the overall agenda, world domination, otherwise known as the agenda of the New World Order.
I denied I said, hindsight is 20/20. Its time that we as individuals, as citizens, "we the people," see this, identify this, stop ignoring this.....because as cancer, if left untreated and un-diagnosed, it is often times, terminal.

I will try to gather more information as I can.


[Edited on 8-8-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 07:25 AM
thats a good post seek, fair play. it isnt the issue whether its dubya or anyone else. i just would have liked to hear the authors views on the post 9/11 world, and maybe a prediction from said author of things to come ( i mean like a time line or something of specific events that they think the future holds for the world)

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Leveller

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Leveller, in regards to your "Hello!?!..." assertions, might I point out the colonists broke away from and gained their sovereignty from Europe becasue they didn't like the way things were going? They also went to war, among other things, 15%. I pay over half, they went to war over 15%. Very little of my tax dollars go to constitutionally authorized spending.

You could point it out. In return I could point out that the 15% was far less than anyone else in the modernised world was paying in taxes.
Taxes were merely an excuse for seccession, not the reason.

The problem with you Yanks is that you want everything and you want it now. You don't feel that you have to pay for it either.

You demand that the system is perfect yet you do nothing to make it perfect, you demand comfort at the expense of others yet you offer no comfort in return and all the while you whine and whinge bitterly about your "sorry" plight, whilst outside your borders, the rest of us look on at the far higher standards of living that you have, as we live in poverty and real hardship.

You cling to a piece of paper that was written hundreds of years ago, yet at the same time you tore up the rule book for the rest of us.

No wonder the Rest of The World doesn't like you.

OK, I'll make this clear as a bell for you; There were several reasons we went to war for independance, but a main reason was taxation without representation and the amount of taxes. Oh, I'm sorry, you say it was merely an excuse, I suppose I should listen to you about my country as you refer to us as "you yanks", obviously you are not from here. That, obviously, makes you much more of an expert than I.

Saying we demand the system be perfect is a statement that is both stupid, wrong and overly general, all at the same time. It is obvious that we don't expect the system to be perfect (so much for you being an expert.)

Where do you live? Are you the victim of abject poverty, something you think Americans know nothing about? Well, do something about it! Although I know few destitute people who have a computer in their cardboard box, but you might be an exception. We aren't buffered in an ivory tower, the same people you say are hated by everyone else are some of the most generous. Were Americans to stop all donations as individual citizens as well as a nation, how many of those people that you say hate us would starve in short order?
There's no doubt that some are fat, dumb and lazy, but that isn't what made this country strong and prosperous, it was that piece of paer to which you say we cling, the type of people who wrote that document, and the guiding hand of the God who gave us the freedoms. And yes, we have a welfare state that demands food and comfort from others, and I am a taz payer who'd prefer those people go to work, but that isn't the majority or our population, as a matter of fact, that is a small percentage. This nation is a working nation, and you darned well know it.

As a matter of fact, most of your posting is nothing more than a spewing of fertilizer. No, you are no expert at all, not in reference to my country, anyway. And as far as people like you that hate me and my country, fix your own problems. The problem to which this thread is dedicated is the whole world's problem but has been effecting my nation hard for the last several decades because we had to be taken down, elsewise their plan would never succeed. The disease spread from Europe, as a matter of fact. This is what I've tried to say before, stupid, it isn't America that is anyone's problem, it is the power, the "Agenda" behind the government. The same one that controls yours. So go hate yourself, among other things you can do.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
So go hate yourself, among other things you can do.

Poor Thomas.
I don't hate anyone, dude. Life is way too short.
The only people I really see hating on this forum are those who live on your continent.

See, whatever happens, you will never be happy with your lot.

Hate is one word. Pity - another

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 10:44 AM
Dudes TC and leveller, i understand that u try to make a point each of u, u actually are right both in certain things, but the main disscussion here, is how far it goes the agenda, and as TC said, they are all over the world not only america, they are THE PLAGUE, but still, also TC has to admit that America is being used as a main tool for this agenda, but anyway both of you remember that u have a common enemy, and is not depending on the race, depends on the acts they do to us, and how the are treating us, no matter where do they come from, just check what i am telling you, anyway i�d like to see quotes from the article, is full of wisdom, and also full of quotes of presidents and so on that are really True!

Calm down mates, try to see the point of this, don�t get envolved again in the same disscussion of everytime

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 11:28 AM
i agree with that comment about america being used as the main tool, but its definetly a world-wide problem, a plague as CA so eloquently put it

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 01:16 PM
Found somemore information related to this topic.

Shadow Government:

"Illuminati: The World Conspirators"

"Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission"

"The Coming American Holocaust"

"Quotes from Well Known People"


[Edited on 8-8-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 03:22 PM
Ah, the wisdom of Cold Anger never ceases to amaze me. Here you have it folks, look carefully. Ignore the references to God and Jesus, while the founding fathers were Christians, as was normal for that time, they also offered us freedom of belief.

Lokk between the lines. The banks hold America and Europe by the balls. Follow the money trail people. Who owns the banks? Whoever owns the banks are the ones who have Hijacked America. Those who own the banks are the very same vermin who own the media, and have our gutless turd politicians groveling at thier feet.

Look at the members of the federal reserve board. Look at the owners of American media. There you have it folks: Zionists.

Another interesting point in this article is the creation of Buerocrcy and offices here and there of this and that. Buerocratic nonsense is socialistic, and drains the blood of the broken backs its monsterous weight crushes. It is unamerican to have an ATF, FBI, Social security adminoistration, bank comittiee, IRS, immigration agency, DMV, transportation agency, Agridculture agency, ect. Offices and Buerocracy are the sure way to an autocracy. Buerocracy places power out of the reach of everyone exzcept the govornment employed drones who sit behind the desk and stamp this paper and that. Social services, eductational departments, so on and so forth. Department of energy. You cant complain or punish those entities, they are beyond punishment. And they are unconstitutional. The constitution blatantly states that the powers of the federal govornment are limited only to national defense, postal service, federal courts, and imposing tarriffs. Thats it. Social security, income tax, and agricultural research are NOT powers the govornment has.

Read well and remeber, as long as we keep demnading the govornment do something about this and that, we continue to surrender those principles and beliefs we were made from. The govornment should do NOTHING about anything except fight off invaders, deliver our mail, make final descisions interpretting disputes in the amendments, and tax the hell out of chinese imports. Thats it. WE should be the ones worrying about roads, retirement, corn production, and how to make our kids smarter. Stop surrendering your lives to the govornment and think for yourselves, something that sadly, Europe has never learned. Do you want that kind of orwellian socialist technocracy? Then keep along the trail were on, and youll have it, piece by piece.

If any of you truly love your country, then get back to the core ideals we were founded on: self sufficiency, healthy distrust of authority, and isolationists "you stay on your side of the planet and i stay on mine" non interference. Dont throw away the dream.

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 05:27 AM
Check this out also has something to do with this matter>>

And tell me what you think,

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 12:51 PM
Any benefit that a government offers is to advance some undisclosed cause,like a trap.The government itself really does not exist,it is the people in the government who are chasing $ signs that prevent it from working correctly
Is it better just to give the so-called "underpriveledged" fish?,or teach them how to fish for themselves,the fact that many want to enjoy benefits without sending anything back is what is destroying everything,someone has to pay somewhere along the line.
The system won't work because it can't work,it is based on greed,either greed from wanting and not paying,or greed in taking more than you need.
Many people support their governments in the same way that they follow a certain religion,their parents followed it,so they just blindly go the same route,just because it is the government of your country does not make it just and right and fair.

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 07:09 PM
After having been fowarded to this link by a fellow brother in the cause, I guess I might as well pitch in my fifty-three and a half cents.

I read this article about two years ago right before 9/11.
It sheds some light on the CFR and Tri Lat. Commision, but really doesn't help that much on revealing the Shadow Government.

I remember Powell and Cheney being members of the CFR, and considering the fact Bush Sr. was Director of the CFR 20 years ago, it is safe to assume Bush is under the influence of the CFR, if not influencing the CFR. While I do agree, the CFR runs the world, they don't have an army, yet. In my opinion, The NWO is basically a consalidated coaliton of the CFR, Tri Lats, Bilderburgs, and oter ruling officials in the US and EU. I agree, the Shadow Government exists, but is not in complete control yet, they haven't activated their technocracy.
I have yet to see any strong conection between the Omega Agency and the NWO or Shadow Government. Certainly, their are members who exist in both organizations, but I do not see the two factions/societies as allies.

As for the issue of God in the big picture, I can see the NWO bringing about WWIII and the Nuclear Holocaust, (or WWIII bringing aboutthe NWO). I believe God is definetly the key in the issue. He is most likely the only one that can save us now. Stay strong in the faith, and even stronger in friendship with others, you'll need them.

We often see ourselves going out in a bang, taking on the NWO in little teams of 3 to 10. It's not happening. I agree, it would be fun. but we would die. Once the NWO takes shape, there will be no UN bans on the use of atomic, nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. There will be no UN.

This is the time in which America must turn itself for freedom. We fought against tyranny last time, that was one of the first and easiest quests for freedom in history. This one is going to be like hell.

Good Luck,

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 04:39 AM
Just take a look at a Trilateralists meeting, here are some:

List of Participants Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, D.C. -April 5-8 2002

[Edited on 11-8-2003 by CoLD aNGeR]

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 06:01 AM

This would take me days to absorb.

I would not apply Henry Ford's most famous quotation to it.

But I would try to put it in a global context to see what disadvantages the relevant parts of history create for the US as a nation.

jagd writes best on the Federal Reserve of anyone at ATS. I relate to his analyses in full.

My reaction is, fundamentally, it shows some history of systematic corruption in the US, but there are more immediate problems (economic, political and global security) for the US and the world to fix in the US before unwinding some of the last century's history which it may be worthwhile to unwind.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 06:07 AM
By the way, just to ensure the people who think America is behind all the evil in the world, look at the members and their places of origin. In another thread I read a few minutes ago, so bafoon suggested the CIa is controlling Australia. People still don't get it. One puppet does not control another puppet.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 06:19 AM

In Prague, I have seen some very clever puppet shows where the puppets actually do control puppets.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
By the way, just to ensure the people who think America is behind all the evil in the world, look at the members and their places of origin. In another thread I read a few minutes ago, so bafoon suggested the CIa is controlling Australia. People still don't get it. One puppet does not control another puppet.

Pine Gate, Echelon, and some surveillance system, are well known in Australia, also the connection between Aus-UK-US is very well known Thomas, there is a lot stuff going on there, and yes, the game of a puppet controls another puppet is perfectly possible, but i know your point, All this comes from europe, before colombus even discovered south america, there was already such chaos with power here in europe, we are sure, all this NWO matter, and CFR or TC, and stuff like that, all at the end comes from here from europe, u can blame it here no problem, here started, but you have to understand the paper of America in this agenda, please, don�t take this as personal, but 100% for sure is that US is the main tool.
We don�t like it, but it is so, reality always hits hard mate...

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 06:08 PM
The reality of it is, America worked its butt off to get somewhere. America didn't just pay lip service to God but put its collective faith firmly upon Him. Rugged individualism was the order of the day, as was decency and respect for your fellow citizen.

America was a strong force, a moral force, a determined force.
That had to be changed. All that has been changed. We are no longer the solid society that we were at one time, "they" saw to that. In the early 50's, the CFR was given there orders to collectively devise a plan to destroy the nation at its foundation. It's worked.
Now, you have a nation that has military power, an appearance of wealth, and the hatred of many ignorant people around the world aimed at it. A perfect tool for "them" to use. Yet, it is merely a tool. If your neighbor were to club you with a baseball bat, are you going to dog-cuss the bat or get ill-tempered with the neighbor?

We are no more at fault than anyone else. My government is no more dirty than anyone else's government (after all, at some point we can't even measure dirt when its piled so deep!
), but some of you are singing a song "they" want you to sing, "America Is Evil", and ignore the words between the lines of the song. Hate us, take no notice of the puppeteers.

And, no matter how complicated the puppet network is, the puppets are still only puppets. Although I would like to go and see the puppet work mentioned above!

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 06:44 PM
Thomam Crowne,
I very much agree with that last post,america used to be something better than it has become,and you will always get people who want to argue that good old fashioned morals and honesty don't fit because it is a different world,but it's the same world is what everyone is forgetting....drifting......
Really now,where does someone start to make changes?,it is getting to the point where it is dangerous to cross these blind raging patriotic fools in this country,if you're not with us ,you must be a terrorist,I have actually had that said to me to my face.
You learn the truth,you keep it to yourself,or you are considered crazy.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 09:22 PM
Being patriotic is good, assuming you are fully aware of and agree with that which you are pledging your loyalty. In order to get better, this nation must first survive. But I have a larger question.

At some critical point, society becomes so ignorant and so amoral that there is no way to pull back from the inevitable. Might we have reached that point? Maybe the HAARP is making me a bit depressed after all, so would anyone like to tell me how we could get back to the "Good Ol' Days" of dignity, morality, rugged individuality, and once again, the shining light in the darkness by which all may guide? Or has their plan of making us unholy worshippers of self and, inadvertantly, the government, been successful?

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 09:32 PM
Unfortunately Thomas,it looks like they may have succeded,I think this on occasion when I get tired and realise just how difficult a task it will be to fix this mess of a country,like I have any power to anyway...........just another guy......

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