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Our Suns Binary and Spiritual Second Sun (Coverup)

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posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Astronomer62

A scene from the bloodthirsty film Apocalypto below, not for people of the sensitive kind:-

That night the protagonist makes his escape under a full Moon. Which, of course, is impossible on the day of a total solar eclipse.

Please note that Hollywood films are economical with the truth, although the Spanish did nearly wipe out the Mayans.
Being a film it isn't to be taken seriously or literally, i put in the film clip to show how ancient people viewed an eclipse as a bad omen, which stopped a Battle in 0585 BC.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 06:03 AM
The alignment In Rome lasted nearly 5,400 years and would have continued but for adoption of the Gregorian Calendar.
This was using a 2 degree margin regarding Sirius above or below the horizon with the Sun half way on the horizon commonly called a Cosmic alignment.
It was the Greeks with their mathematical skills that developed this and was used in astrology from around the birth of the Julian Calender, even though you couldn't see it.
You will note that by the 1550's that Sirius was slipping from one degree below the horizon thus was getting staggered for some years.
So a much better alignment was happening on 21 July 1542 in Rome, it would seem that the Vatican follows Ra and the Isis star more than the Christian religion!!!
Links below:-

edit on 11-9-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Link error.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Isn’t this self evident and self fulfilling? If the Calendar is based on astronomical alignments then we shouldn’t be surprised by the correlations.

Without blowing smoke up Phages behind he eloquently demonstrated the physics and shows that Sirius is nothing anomalous.

Apologies if this appears derogatory, I absolutely love your posts.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Astronomer62

Isn’t this self evident and self fulfilling? If the Calendar is based on astronomical alignments then we shouldn’t be surprised by the correlations.

Without blowing smoke up Phages behind he eloquently demonstrated the physics and shows that Sirius is nothing anomalous.

Apologies if this appears derogatory, I absolutely love your posts.

My resaerch has two different area's, one is to go back in time to follow ancient civilizations and archaeoastromy back to the first culture that used Sirius as a calendar, native americans followed ancient traditions as Hunter Gatherers being nomads, they were nomads moving to place to place to follow food and buffalo herds, to stay in one place to develop civilization/temples and cities, you need crops.
Native American lifestyle

The Native Americans had very limited technology when European settlers first arrived in America. Some tribes were still using stone implements.

Native Americans were hunter-gatherers. They gathered maize, squash, beans and turnips (asking permission from the spirits of the land before pulling them up).

They also hunted deer, rabbits, ducks and turkeys, but the central event of their life was the buffalo hunt (on horseback).

Men and women had clearly defined roles. Men went off to the hunt and to war (on horseback). Women (and any males too timid to go through initiation) gathered food, stayed at home and looked after children.
Why did Native Americans live in tipis?

Tipis were warm in winter, cool in summer, helping them to cope with the extremes of temperature on the Plains.
A tipi's shape protected it from the Plains winds.
Tipis were easy to move (and fitted the nomadic lifestyle). The wooden poles in the tipi were used to make a travois, which was like a trailer that was pulled behind horses with their belongings piled on top of it.
Tipis were circular, and Native Americans thought that: "...the power of the world works in circles".
Tipi dwellers believed that a fixed home was unhealthy - a cage - while a tipi was healthy.
Links below:-
So far we have followed Sirius alignments back to Gobekli Tepe, but we might find earlier alignment from much earlier temples, like the one below, which i will come back to later with a hypothesis:-

edit on 12-9-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

edit on 12-9-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 04:16 AM
The second part of my research is examining if any part of Sirius and Alnilam beliefs that come from ancient superstitions exist today in Secret Societies with aligning these stars or using numerology, would you like this done in war?
All modern Olympics from 1896 have been aligned to Sirius in one way or another, however i don't mind this as it doesn't do any harm for Olympic that go back to ancient Greece to be aligned to ancient gods and godesses:-
My research on 9/11 below:-
All threads have a number of pages to look through.

edit on 12-9-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Link error.

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

like the one below,

Perhaps one might confirm, rather than assume there is a temple there. You know that is not photograph? You know the location has not actually been surveyed?
edit on 9/12/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Indeed, and I find it all really interesting, I also think you’re definitely onto something. This thread however suggests there’s a coverup of Sirius being a binary star to our own Sun. Which looking at the evidence presented appears to be false.

Spiritually certainly, clearly there’s a special historical relationship but astronomically it behaves just like every other star and from what I can see has no influence on our own star (no measurable influence or relationship at least).

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: Astronomer62
I'm not sure of the reason for your uncertainty, but there certainly were horses in America about 13,000 years before present (BP). There has been debate about the reasons for the decline and extinction of horses (researchers call them Equus) after that, along with other "megafauna" like mammoth, mastadon, and sabre-tooth cat (smilodon).

One study claims data suggest horses (Equus) may have been hunted to extinction by the clovis people who lived in North America 13000 years BP. There was also a period of climate change ~12000 years BP (and there's an impact hypothesis floating around related to that), and the researchers found some extinctions had little to do with human hunting in some regions like mammoth and mastadon extinctions around the Great Lakes (GL) region.

They made some complicated graphs which took me some time to understand but this is the simplest one. The orange band shows the approximate timing of the growing population of the clovis people around 13000 years BP. After that (to the left on the chart), the red lines show population "busts" eventually leading to extinction. The symbol of spear thrower means they think clovis hunters may have been a major factor in extinction; the cloud symbol means climate change was the more likely factor contributing to extinction. For mammoths in the southwest, there is evidence both were factors in their extinction.

Population reconstructions for humans and megafauna suggest mixed causes for North American Pleistocene extinctions

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Astronomer62
Perhaps one might confirm, rather than assume there is a temple there. You know that is not photograph? You know the location has not actually been surveyed?
The last I heard, the researchers involved were trying to get funding to do more research, but they never got the funding to do it. The sonar images are much more ambiguous than the artist impression:

Underwater world: Man's doing or nature's?

originally posted by: Grenade
This thread however suggests there’s a coverup of Sirius being a binary star to our own Sun. Which looking at the evidence presented appears to be false.
There's no evidence of any binary partner for our sun now, but a Harvard astronomer found evidence that binary star formation is so common we can't rule out that our sun had a binary partner long in the past. If it did, the partner may have been separated from the sun by a massive passing object, and could in an entirely different part of the galaxy by now so we may never know it or find it.

edit on 2020912 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Sep, 13 2020 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Astronomer62

like the one below,

Perhaps one might confirm, rather than assume there is a temple there. You know that is not photograph? You know the location has not actually been surveyed?

Hi Phage,
Please note quote below:-
The team returned this past summer with a 1.3-tonne, unmanned Remotely Operated Vehicle, controlled from the mother ship via fiber-optic cable. Its "CAMERAS" confirmed the earlier findings, showing vast granite-like blocks, between two and five meters in length, that were cut in perpendicular and circular designs.
However it does need proper surveying.

posted on Sep, 13 2020 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

My earlier post did have a link about horses in America, obviously they originated in America

Even in very early times they were not domesticated, but hunted, so native Americans were hunter-Gatherers.
The Spanish brought the Horse back to America after they were domesticated, and were highly bred to be a horse that we recognize today, a few escaped, bred, and native Americans started using them.
Cities and temples are built when crops were grown, hunter gatherers wander from place to place looking for game, before the Spanish, they would have done this by walking, thus didn't have a permanent base.

posted on Sep, 13 2020 @ 11:34 AM
Purplemer called the thread Spiritual and Binary.
Binary has a few meanings:-
1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
The binary system expresses numbers using only the two digits 0 and 1. It is used especially in computing.
2. uncountable noun
Binary is the binary system of expressing numbers.
The machine does the calculations in binary.
3. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Binary describes something that has two different parts.

Aligning Sirius to the horizon does have two parts, that shows our year when it is two degrees above horizon by using the Julian Calendar when the Sun is below horizon but orange tinge is in the sky, using both makes the year accurate, and may have been used by ancient people, with even leap days!
Sirius precession is odd, but there are a few dimmer stars that do act the same way, however they are not the brightest star in the sky.
Expressing numbers comes out with Latitude and Longitude, astronomy is full of numbers.

I wouldn't use Spiritual, but beliefs, i think the whole basis of religion started with Sirius worship.

edit on 13-9-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

posted on Sep, 13 2020 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Hello to you. I know you are busy. But I wanted to know if you could make sense of this when you have time. Still trying to get my head around it.

The Precession Paradigm Re: Homann's paper on Precession from Karl-Heinz Homann to Mr. Robbins

If the measurement of Sirius is taken from a precessing earth, can anyone explain why the mean transit time of Sirius is identical to the mean transit time of the vernal equinox, considering the indisputable fact that Sirius does not retrograde around our sun by about 1223 seconds per year?

Experts at the International Astronomical Union (IAU) are in an uproar. Worldwide, thousands of students and teachers have been confronted with the most controversial astronomical problem in the history of science. In 1955 the IAU substituted the tropical year of 31,556,925.97474 seconds for the sidereal year as the fundamental unit of time. But in authoritative textbooks it is asserted that the time interval of the sidereal year or Earth's complete period of revolution measured with respect to inertial space is about 31,558,149.5 seconds. The IAU refuses to confirm this assertion. Experts have recognized the fact that such a sidereal year does NOT exist in reality. The IAU is accused of willfully misleading the scientific community.

If precession were to occur as claimed, not a single fixed star can be measured that has a mean meridian transition time of about 86164.09054 s (equal to the vernal-equinox transition period). But the transit periods of Sirius, as described in the paper, prove otherwise.

posted on Sep, 13 2020 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Thank you for posts in thread again. I will be back I am starting to get a little more time again now. Came across a mention of some Mayan alignemnts on Sirius and wondered if you could again when you have some time pass some comment.

The sun revolves around Sirius every 25,200 years as the Precession of the Equinox proves. The sun rises through Pisces and each respective zodiacal sign one degree every 70 years. Hence 360 degrees multiplied by 70 years equals 25,200 years. 25,200 years divided by 12 signs of the zodiac constellations equals 2100 years per zodiacal age, literally, the precession of the sun through that constellation. The Mayan 5 cycles in the calendar accurately follows this grand orbit.


The Mayans knew the significance of the grand cycle around Sirius as it crossed the galactic plane four times in it’s orbit up and down the galactic plane within this cycle around Sirius. Literally the solar system wobbles around the galaxy due to it’s orbit around Sirius (One full galactic day). Hence 250 times per galactic cycle (Mayan year). The Mayans labelled the up and down motion night and day. Below the horizon of the galaxy into night or negative polarity, and day when in positive polarity above the galactic plane. The galactic whole having a north and south polar charge. This ying yang charge according to the Hindus and the Mayans affects our climate, creating change, and in turn also affecting our consciousness, and in turn, our evolution.


posted on Sep, 15 2020 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Astronomer62

Thank you for posts in thread again. I will be back I am starting to get a little more time again now. Came across a mention of some Mayan alignemnts on Sirius and wondered if you could again when you have some time pass some comment.

The sun revolves around Sirius every 25,200 years as the Precession of the Equinox proves. The sun rises through Pisces and each respective zodiacal sign one degree every 70 years. Hence 360 degrees multiplied by 70 years equals 25,200 years. 25,200 years divided by 12 signs of the zodiac constellations equals 2100 years per zodiacal age, literally, the precession of the sun through that constellation. The Mayan 5 cycles in the calendar accurately follows this grand orbit.


The Mayans knew the significance of the grand cycle around Sirius as it crossed the galactic plane four times in it’s orbit up and down the galactic plane within this cycle around Sirius. Literally the solar system wobbles around the galaxy due to it’s orbit around Sirius (One full galactic day). Hence 250 times per galactic cycle (Mayan year). The Mayans labelled the up and down motion night and day. Below the horizon of the galaxy into night or negative polarity, and day when in positive polarity above the galactic plane. The galactic whole having a north and south polar charge. This ying yang charge according to the Hindus and the Mayans affects our climate, creating change, and in turn also affecting our consciousness, and in turn, our evolution.


Hi Purplemer,
You do ask perplexing questions LOL!
Some of what you ask is beyond my astronomy computer programme, but perhaps the Mayans could give an answer, they had a calendar more accurate than our own Gregorian Calendar which needs adjusting after approx. 3,200 years, it is highly probable that they did align to the Galactic Centre which is crucial to our study and our position in the sky and distance from Sirius, although it isn't near the centre.
I have left a link to what i have already said about the Mayan Calender below, which appears to imply that they also used Sirius and Alnilam as markers. The alignment in Izapa, Mexico on 21 December 2012, the Winter Solstice, aligns the Galactic Centre on day using sunrise and sunset with Sirius setting and Alnilam rising.

There is the earlier cycle, i leave quote below:-
The Long Count calendar identifies a date by counting the number of days from a starting date that is generally calculated to be August 11, 3114 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar or September 6 in the Julian calendar.
I'm using the Julian Calendar, so would use the September 6th date in 3114 BC
Links below:-
Using Sunrise day marker in Izapa, Mexico, we find Sirius Culminating.
We need to know the relationship (If there is one) between Sirius and the Galactic Centre, our Sun and Earth regarding precession, i don't have the software, to investigate!

edit on 15-9-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

posted on Sep, 15 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Astronomer62
a reply to: Arbitrageur

My earlier post did have a link about horses in America, obviously they originated in America

Even in very early times they were not domesticated, but hunted, so native Americans were hunter-Gatherers.
The Spanish brought the Horse back to America after they were domesticated, and were highly bred to be a horse that we recognize today, a few escaped, bred, and native Americans started using them.
Cities and temples are built when crops were grown, hunter gatherers wander from place to place looking for game, before the Spanish, they would have done this by walking, thus didn't have a permanent base.

So, you accidentally put the word "NOT" in this statement, but you really were sure?

originally posted by: Astronomer62

Or, you knew about them, but didn't know about their extinction? I'm not following you.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 03:36 AM

originally posted by: Astronomer62

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Astronomer62

Isn’t this self evident and self fulfilling? If the Calendar is based on astronomical alignments then we shouldn’t be surprised by the correlations.

Without blowing smoke up Phages behind he eloquently demonstrated the physics and shows that Sirius is nothing anomalous.

Apologies if this appears derogatory, I absolutely love your posts.

My resaerch has two different area's, one is to go back in time to follow ancient civilizations and archaeoastromy back to the first culture that used Sirius as a calendar, native americans followed ancient traditions as Hunter Gatherers being nomads, they were nomads moving to place to place to follow food and buffalo herds, to stay in one place to develop civilization/temples and cities, you need crops.
Native American lifestyle

The Native Americans had very limited technology when European settlers first arrived in America. Some tribes were still using stone implements.

Native Americans were hunter-gatherers. They gathered maize, squash, beans and turnips (asking permission from the spirits of the land before pulling them up).

They also hunted deer, rabbits, ducks and turkeys, but the central event of their life was the buffalo hunt (on horseback).

Men and women had clearly defined roles. Men went off to the hunt and to war (on horseback). Women (and any males too timid to go through initiation) gathered food, stayed at home and looked after children.
Why did Native Americans live in tipis?

Tipis were warm in winter, cool in summer, helping them to cope with the extremes of temperature on the Plains.
A tipi's shape protected it from the Plains winds.
Tipis were easy to move (and fitted the nomadic lifestyle). The wooden poles in the tipi were used to make a travois, which was like a trailer that was pulled behind horses with their belongings piled on top of it.
Tipis were circular, and Native Americans thought that: "...the power of the world works in circles".
Tipi dwellers believed that a fixed home was unhealthy - a cage - while a tipi was healthy.
Links below:-
So far we have followed Sirius alignments back to Gobekli Tepe, but we might find earlier alignment from much earlier temples, like the one below, which i will come back to later with a hypothesis:-

Hi Arbitrageur,
My first post is listed above with link explaining that the Genus Equus did originate in North America as a species that probably become extinct due to hunting, so i knew all about this.
My comments were about the modern horse that had been reintroduced by the Spanish, a few escaped, bred in the wild and native Americans started riding them, obviously that was because they saw the Spanish riding them.

The other link i show that i show a quote for implies native Americans had always used horses, which probably become extinct by hunting.
The original Genus Equus bears no behaviour patterns to the modern horse, i have no idea even if its back was strong enough for riding, the zebra is part of the species, a few zebra have had a strong enough back to ride but it isn't the norm, as in video:-
The Modern Horse is highly bred thoughout thousands of years, like the dog, from the Chihuahua to the Great Dane:-
Another link to domesticated horses is below:-
They have many characteristics due to Human Breeding that didn't happen in North America as far as we know:-
Therefore the early native Americans were hunter-gatherers who didn't ride horses, however if you want to test the theory and go to Africa to ride a wild Zebra, be my guest, but please make a video, it might amuse readers:-

edit on 16-9-2020 by Astronomer62 because: Edit.

posted on Oct, 10 2020 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
Why is this such a hot topic? It doesn't even have aliens in it.

It does have aliens in it. See lots of these cultures that hold sirius in such esteem also say in their mythology that this where our knowledge came from. That beings came from this star system and imparted knowledge on us.

For example. The Egyptians (Kemets) associate Knowledge with the God Thoth. Now this God came from the Sirius star system. Or the Doggon tribe who say that beings came from Sirius called the Nommo and imparted knowledge on them.

The object we called Nirubu I think may well be a representation of Sirius too. The Sumerians state in their historty that the gods came from here and share with them their knowledge.

Aliens all the way :-)

posted on Oct, 11 2020 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Hi Purplemer,
I thought link below would interest regarding information vanishing from the web:-

posted on Oct, 11 2020 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: Astronomer62

Thank you for the link i watch it tonight. I was doing a little reading about John the Baptist (I find him enigmatic -being born of virgin to start with) This page has him and Orion. It correlates the birth date of John the Baptist with the rising of Orion on the horizon. I am a little confused to where this might be and if you could if you have time shed a little light on it.
I cannot copy and past from the page so a link below.

Happy days

posted on Oct, 11 2020 @ 12:47 PM
Aboriginal interpretations of the constellations Orion and Pleiades are very similar to the stories about them in Greek mythology. The stars of Orion are widely associated with young men – usually fishermen or hunters – while the seven stars of Pleiades are usually seen as young women.[4] The two constellations often appear in legend together, and are part of the Dreamings of several language groups.

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