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Channeling RA, Zoroastria?

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posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 01:47 AM

That's why I posted this:

Celibacy - Samael Aun Weor

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Tamahu]

I apologise. I was under the impression that Samuel was advocating celibacy. I probably just imagined that. I agree that lust is not productive and should be separated from sex.

However, I do find Samuels information to be quite dogmatic and authorative. Especially his comments on masturbation and homosexuality.
There are quite a few "thou shalt and shalt nots"

Further some of the doctrines such as the system if laws and how the various planes are formed of different isotopes of hydrogen does not
seem to have any substance.

There is actually nothing new in this teachings. He borrows heavily from the yogic schools and buddhist school of thought and then marries that with some verses from the bible to form a irreconciable whole.

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 01:51 AM
I'd like to have someone define 'animal lust' for me. I don't know what that means.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
I'd like to have someone define 'animal lust' for me. I don't know what that means.

Here you go:

Tantra, Kundalini and Sexuality


posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:45 PM
Thank you all and god bless you for your prayers. My mom has recovered very well and she has been moved to general ward now. She is much better.

I think I might be able to do a session now, that my mind has cleared. All your questions are in my subconscious mind. I'll see what questions come to at the moment I begin channeling.

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Thank you all and god bless you for your prayers. My mom has recovered very well and she has been moved to general ward now. She is much better.

I think I might be able to do a session now, that my mind has cleared. All your questions are in my subconscious mind. I'll see what questions come to at the moment I begin channeling.

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

Good to hear about your mom. I send my best.

A couple more questions...

Are you right or left handed?

Which hand to you use when channeling?


Q's for Ra

Can channeling be done via Keyboard?

Could a Oiuja board be able to be used, without human input, with a strong EM field or in some other way?

What other options are available for "channeling"?

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 05:43 PM
Indigo----I am so HAPPY your mother is feeling better....I think she got a lot of positive energy from all of us here at ATS!!

On another note, I have a question for you, or Shadow, or anyone else with experience in channeling. I just can't keep up! The visions, answers, and explanations are like in another language I can't explain. When I try to write it down, it's so hard to keep up, and I can feel my guide's presence trying to slow it down for me....but the infor mation I get is so amazing, and valid....It's just so damn hard to keep up, and word. My guide uses words through me....but it's like I can't find the proper usage for most of it. I mean, I totally understand it in a way that is still hard to describe. My guide talks about the Universal.....which i have began to believe is the logos. I have so many answers to things almost beyond belief....I just can't seem to word it. I'm in the process of trying, and my guide seems to find it quite amusing, and I do to in a way, but i still get frustrated feeling flooded with all of these explanations and equations. I was just wondering if you had these problems?

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by entiti
On another note, I have a question for you, or Shadow, or anyone else with experience in channeling.

I wish I could channel! I would done have all the conspiracies on ATS solved. Free Energy and Anti-Gravity: Done. Universal Field Theory too. I would be able to float and create energy waves to dispel intruders. And then I would teach everyone else.

But alas, no experience here.

[edit on 3-26-2005 by ShadowHasNoSource]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by entiti

On another note, I have a question for you, or Shadow, or anyone else with experience in channeling. I just can't keep up! The visions, answers, and explanations are like in another language I can't explain. When I try to write it down, it's so hard to keep up, and I can feel my guide's presence trying to slow it down for me

I find that sessions begin slower and then increase in speed. I am always surprised that by the end of session I have filled pages of paper. The writing just becomes ever so fast. It looks very rough at the end, so I have to write it out again on the laptop.

Shadow, you can do channeling by any medium, yes, even a computer. I should be doing that, because I can type better than I can write. But, for now, I am staying with writing. It's just that when you write out a letter, each letter has it's own shape, and you are physically writing it out, it carries a meaning. While, when typing, they're all are the same.

Fortunately, I was able to do another session today. As I was able to sleep on time to meditate in the morning. Here it is, this time the subject is the man upstairs himself!

Session 14: 26/3/2005

Is my guide there?


It has been so many days since I last channeled you?

Light never diminishes, it continues to burn as bright as it was before. Our connection is never compromised. I am always with you child, just call me when you need me.

My mom has not been well, it has been difficult to keep presence of my mind.

Mind is ever present - always present. It is just the connection that comes out of phase. Just bring it back into phase by meditating and quietening the mind.

I was with you when you were healing your mother. Your mothers body was floating in my realm, being rejuventated. Her heart is a anew. Continue to heal as many as you can. When you go out into the world you see those many souls that need healing. A lightworker works with light and heals. Do not worry how you do it. Just declare your intention. Healing is the most powerful energy you can give.

There are many souls, both young and old, who need healing. Be their healer son.

There are so many questions I want to ask you. That have been brewing in my mind from recent events. Things that I need to know and want to know:

what is chaos?

Chaos is darkness - degrees of darkness. The difference is between a dimmed light and a shining light. The shining light has more energy
and radiance.

Chaos represents a state of less energy and radiance. There's a lack of cohesion. Yet, even in Chaos there is order. This is why the universe is always ordered, no how much it is disordered. Chaos has to obey the order of chaos.

Try to create complete randomess, no matter how you hard you try, there will be order in your randomness. The non-dual mind is the highest order, the truth, oneness, cohesion, love. Here you can observe and see all. Nothing is relative.

Yet the dualities are all words of chaos and vary in chaos. There is chaos even in the spiritual kingdoms, that is why war occurs there too. The higher you ascend the worlds, the lesser the chaos becomes. The lower you go, the more the chaos, but the higher the potential for order.

Order is existence. Even in seemingly absolute chaos, there will still be existence - order. Beyond absolute chaos there is absolute order.

The interplay of light and dark is all pervasive. It is also within you.

What is more important, the parts or the whole?

The whole cannot BE without the parts, that is why the whole beckons to the parts. The parts are incomplete without the whole and they thrist for the whole. The need is mututal.

When two parts connect, they unite and form a greater whole.
This is how it is. The parts fulfill themselves by having a greater
existence as a whole. Each part has a worth - a divine importance.
Like cog wheels in a clockwork. They each play a role so
the universe keeps running.

If this wasn't, there would be no existence, but it is impossible
for there to be no existence, because even non-existence
is existence. The wheel will always spin. This is just how it is.

Motion is energy. This energy is perpetual. It is always the
same, never created nor destroyed, just constant. At a
perfection ratio - the divine mean.

Why is there evil. I know you said it is like friction for the soul's journey. But still, why? Why isn't it that we are already in light. Why should there be darkness in the first place?

Darkness must exist. It is the rule of the opposites.
If something exists, then it's opposite must exist too.
To know that light is light and dark is dark.

This is what the universal consciousness obeys.
God could not know himself by not knowing
what he wasn't.

Again it is about keeping the wheel spinning.
Darkness is very necessary for this.
It is just how it is. It must be like this. There is no other way.

When we merge with god, why should we want to separate

(I now draw a wheel)

Merging with god is like completing one revolution of
the wheel. The 359th degree - that is one less than the highest,
is the highest state you can attain as the soul, after that you
complete the cycle, and no longer know yourself again, to
know yourself, the wheel of time will turn again.

Know that you already exist at your highest levels and lowest levels
all at the same time. There never was a creation or a dissolution.
The beginning and the end are just illusions of time. The universe
just IS.

Does that mean that god does not exist or that he not a sentient
or conscious being?

The wheel exists and it spins and without the wheel
and the force that turns it, there is no life.
So god does exist and he is formed of the parts, that also exist.
The life of the wheel exists. The force that turns the wheel exists too.

It just is. This is how it always was. It is existence and non-existence
at the same time. The ultimate paradox.

You feel the presence of god when the parts combine. You
feel god when you love one another and in the holy matrimony
of souls. You feel god when you make love.

Your most divine moment, most loving moment, most
joyous moment, the tears of a mother who gives birth to
her child, is the feeling of god.

Why should it even matter whether god is some ultimate being? The
feeling is real - then god is also real. Love one another and you will experience god.

The wheel is real and the movement is real too and so is
the force that turns the wheel.

God loves everything and his love allows it to happen.
Love keeps the universe going.

His beckoning to his parts to form the whole is
the will of god.

Thank you for your wisdom and love.

[edit on 27-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 10:46 AM
Great Session.

I have a few more questions about the channeling.

Do the words come to your mind first or is the writing more automatic without thinking?

Do you just start writing from you own will or do you leave your hand there waiting?


And is there a noticable difference between channeling and say just writing a letter to someone? Is there a particular feeling attached with it so you know you are channeling?

[edit on 3-27-2005 by ShadowHasNoSource]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 02:00 PM

I have a few more questions about the channeling.

Do the words come to your mind first or is the writing more automatic without thinking?

Do you just start writing from you own will or do you leave your hand there waiting?

What normally happens is as soon as I've asked a question, a thought comes and after that I just start writing non-stop without thinking. Yeah, I do get a feeling sometimes. Sometimes a feel of an energy, sometimes surprise at what I am writing.

However, I am quite a scientific minded person, and I am not about to immediately accept there is an entity channeling through me. I feel that all this information I am channeling is something I know at a very deeper level and these channeling sessions just help me manifest that. I call this my higher self or the univeral self.

Imagination and inspiration all connect to higher minds. All I am doing is maintaining that connection throughout the session - connecting to something - I cannot say 100% what. But, definitely connecting to something. There's a lot I've said, that I normally wouldn't say.

[edit on 27-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:51 AM
Session 15: 27/3/2005

Hello to my guide.

I want to know more about love and feeling

Love has a touch - the caressing feeling. A sensuality and a sexuality.
This touch is feeling. The mother giving her milk to her child is the sensual touch.

When souls entwine. That is love. That is the sensual touch.
The spiral of space, time, soul and mind is love.

The divine song is a love song.

Love is the only one true feeling. All others feelings are caused
by darkness. There is only one love, but it has many forms,
each a divine personality of god - a relationship.

A child is bonded with his mother with love. Their touching
souls is love.

How does one love?

To touch sensually with the sole intention to give pleasure. Pure selfless love. No impurities. To touch with a rhythm like that of sexual intercourse. To create the sensual and sexual wave with the caressing, rhythmic and loving touch.

The rhythm of love is one. When it is harmony and resonance it
becomes the sensual touch.

Knowing yourself by loving yourself. This is the sweet nectar of divinity. This is the ambrosia. Drink this. Food can also be love because it engages the senses. It can also be the sensual touch.

Basking in the sunlight, lying in the greens of the meadows, standing in the natural springs of the mountains and breathing in nature can also be love.

A touch, a sensual touch, is love. To touch like handling fragile glass.
The souls is very fragile. It's natural note and rhythm can easily be
disturbed. The caring, loving, considerate and compassionate touch is love
and creates resonance.

The fast, wild touch is lust. Lust is the desire for love and so always remains a desire.

The more pleasure one can give with their loving sensual touch
the more love they create.

Love happens In the bedroom, between brother and his sister,
between a mother and her son and between a father and her daughter.

The opposites love one another. The male and female energy
completes one another.
(I now draw the Chinese Ying and Yang symbol)
This is the holy matrimony. Together they form the greater whole.

A child is the fruit of their union. Love creates life. Life is
in it's essence love.

Love with the heart, mind, body and soul. This is the universal
love. This is the feeling of god.

When one connects to another object, mind or soul it is love. Tuning
into it's calibrated note and finding the harmony and creating resonance is the sensual touch. The connection is the feeling of love.

How does one tune into the calibrated note of something?

Sing with it. Sing with the waves of your soul and you will
begin to sing at the same note. This finds the harmony
and creates the resonance.

To connect to anything - there needs to be resonance.

Can you use these principles for technology?

It is always being used in your plane. Yours radios
televisions etc. Matching the transmission frequency
establishes the link.

The mind works similarily. It has it's own quantum
frequency and various ranges. Infinite ranges for infinite souls.
This is how the mind links to anyhing by matching the quantum

This can be replicated using the said principles and creating
a device that listens for quantum frequencies - a quantum radio.
By creating resonance and linking anywhere in space-time.

Thank you my guide!

I am there for you always. You do not need to separate me -
because we are not separate. You are channeling your higher self
and by doing that you are channeling me.

I am peace.

[edit on 28-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 01:12 AM
Youre amaizing Indigo. The answers to the questions you ask while channeling, they are also incredible... Such an unimaginable amount of knowledge. Can anyone learn to channel like this? Where would be a good place to learn to start? I could use some help here, its quite interesting, and i would like to know more of this process. Anything any of you can do for me as far as links, or general information on this would be appreciated.

farewell Indigo. I'm happy to hear your mom is doing well and recovering!

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 01:13 AM
Now why did I already, before opening this thread, have a clue you was going to "channel" in that vedic nonsense into the annunaki hoax?

Maybe I have psychic powers....

[edit on 28-3-2005 by Silenus]

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Silenus
Now why did I already, before opening this thread, have a clue you was going to "channel" in that vedic nonsense into the annunaki hoax?

Maybe I have psychic powers....

[edit on 28-3-2005 by Silenus]

Welcome to the thread.

Do you even know what the annunaki is?

Nah, you don't have psychic powers. To have psychic powers
you need to be out of the box

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 02:04 AM
Hi i'm a new member and can finally post. I been skimming through this thread and it has been really interesting. I'd like to go back and read it more in depth when I have time.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by antigovFZ777
Youre amaizing Indigo. The answers to the questions you ask while channeling, they are also incredible... Such an unimaginable amount of knowledge. Can anyone learn to channel like this? Where would be a good place to learn to start? I could use some help here, its quite interesting, and i would like to know more of this process. Anything any of you can do for me as far as links, or general information on this would be appreciated.

farewell Indigo. I'm happy to hear your mom is doing well and recovering!

Thanks a lot antigovf2777,

I think channeling knowledge like this begins from imagination. If you are imaginative and creative, and already have synthesized a good body of knowledge on science and philosophy, then you begin to understand this all and make order of it at a much higher level of consciousness - your higher self. By meditating and quietening the mind, you make a connection to your higher self.

Your higher self knows the truth. All channeling sessions are a collaboration between you, your higher self, spiritual and the universal mind. You are accessing higher information than your own mind. Now, it complicates it, to assign labels to your channel. It could be your higher self, a spiritual entity or the universal mind.

Yet, what I got in my session today, that it does not matter from where this information is coming. I should not create the separations. I should just recognise this information as from a higher state of mind. Which it is.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Seoul On Ice
Hi i'm a new member and can finally post. I been skimming through this thread and it has been really interesting. I'd like to go back and read it more in depth when I have time.

hello new member and have a good time here
and keep posting whatever you wanna say

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 01:35 PM
After reading through this thread, a few things--

It probably would be a good idea to question this channel's veracity and purpose a bit more than you are doing (actually, I don't see in the thread where you have seriously questioned the channel at all, but I might have missed it so I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt).

Just because you hear a voice in your head that tells you great wonderous mystical pronouncements doesn't mean the voice is telling you the truth. Heck, it might be telling you the truth. But it might not. If you want to delve into the ocean of mystical inquiry it would probably be good to not get carried away by the tide but to maintain a sense of objectivity. If you do choose to apply some measure of critical thinking into this enterprise do not be surprised if your channel gets offended and threatens to "leave you." A good "spirit" will not demand that you be unquestioning as to its truthfulness.

Some other suggestions: read some books by rationalist thinkers, books about science, books about non-alternative history, etc to balance this inquiry into the mystic out--and perhaps you are already doing so, I don't know. It would probably be a good idea to not get carried away with the esoteric alone. What is being presented to you is probably not the "secrets of the universe" but only an aspect of it at most. The seductiveness of what you're writing is that is becomes an end onto itself, a universe onto itself.

I used to write/channel stacks and stacks of looseleaf pages filled with a lot of the stuff you are writing now. Except I was "channeling" Wiccan goddesses instead of Ra. After writing this stuff for a while you begin to believe it with an intensity to the exclusion of alternate explanations. You attack those who disagree with you as "lost" or "from the dark side." You explain away any problems you have with others or society by rationalizing that you are *special* somehow (I mean, of course you are, you're channeling the secrets of the universe for pete's sake!) and might be even part of the next stage of evolution (that's why society just doesn't understand). Your reading matter becomes mostly esoteric and you consciously or subconsciously shut out the rationalist viewpoint. In effect--you become imbalanced. Did the "entity" seduce you with its silver-tongue? Or did you seduce yourself?

There are 3 ways such a situation ends. One is, quite frankly, the funny farm. Or you could become a greater or lesser "guru" to others, living completely in the esoteric pseudo-scientific world you have channeled and giving up all attempts at critical thinking. Or you could wrench yourself from the womb, force yourself to read alternate viewpoints, and live with the idea that you do not know all the answers and neither does anybody else. Frankly, most people would chose the second option and not care if they were any closer to reality or any closer to the truth. In the end, people are most succeptible to wonders, flattery, and being told what to do by a "benevolent" parental figure. People want to hear simple platitudes like "love is the answer, love and light" rather than have to sit and chow down the buffet of "well, there are many answers as well as questions and it's all rather complicated and sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to." An "angel" sounds a lot more "sexy" than a particle-wave, and will comfort you in your darkest hours. It is a relief to "know" that the aliens are our friends, and that nature-spirits walk with us in the meadow, and that when the world ends it will happen on a pre-determined date and that we will not die horribly but be so evolved that our bodies will simply turn into light and float away. It's comforting to believe that the alienation that we sometimes feel from society is not the result of genetics, upbringing, or our own choice not to "join in"--but rather, that we are "chosen" by the gods to possess the secrets of the universe. It is easier to get caught up in the construction of an etherial future-times raygun that shoots orgone than it is to file our taxes.

And who's to say who is right or wrong, who holds the truth and who doesn't? I know enough to say that I certainly don't know. I think what you're doing could be ok if you balance it out with rationality, critical thinking, and don't take the whole thing too seriously. Not taking something too seriously does not mean you belittle it or disregard its worth. It just means that you admit to yourself that there are things that we don't know for sure in this world, and that we might never know--and that the possibility is always there that reality is far weirder than we can think or comprehend. Once you hear a voice say "this and this and this is the secret of the universe", and you believe it without questioning--that's when things can get f**ked. And as you progress further in these dialogs with Ra et al, please be on the alert for the day you are specifically told that you are some sort of Christ/Buddha/Krishna/messiah type character specifically chosen by God to spread the "word." This is a common phenomena in channeling/mystical circles, and leads ultimately to nuttery. So if your channel tells you you're the messiah, take it out back in your etherial yard and take your etherial raygun and put it out of its etherial misery and then go read some Amazing Randi books until your eyes water in order to regain your balance.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 02:21 PM

Just jumping in with my stinky opinion.

I think particle waves are much "sexier" than angels. Why? Because particle waves (with relativity) explain the universe.

I for one would get more benefit from scientific inquiry than mystical. Simply because I've spent my whole life so far working on myself and those answers I can find for myself. The science stuff is kept on a tight leash by the powers that be (idiots). That's the stuff I want.

Oh, and specificially related to your objective analysis of channeling and your offering of advice to Indigo:

I agree to a degree. But, we are all chosen when we stand up and take responsibility. We are all messiahs if we wish to be. You yourself, channeling His Divine Shadow, is a messiah because you are giving out information that is not readily available to the masses. (Leaving out the correctness of either source since it's wholely unverifiable.)

In other words, I agree with you both and disagree at the same time. That's just me though. I have this nagging ability to see both sides to everything.

Good advise though, none the less. Humans have proven what happens when you believe those you think are above you, unquestionably. That's why we have war and so many are suffering. People just believe whatever it is as long as it came from someone in apparent authority.

Oh well, life goes on. I'll just continue my escape from the system, enjoy every moment and laugh at all the human silliness (including my own).

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 05:12 PM
Thank you Cassie Clay for your advice,

It's a bit late here and I am tired. So I will be brief.
I am questioning my 'channel' all the time. The answers
he gives is how I evaluate his veracity.

If my channel was telling me about chaos and
enslavement, and made me sick, like yours, I would not have done
another session.

You see this is real critical thinking. Apparently critical and rational
thinking to you means doubting everything and you personify that
as "Amazing Randi's books" That is not critical thinking. That is doubting.

Critical thinking is the ability to think logically and independently and to arrive at a truth e.g. 2 + 2 = 4. We need truths, because without truths, we would have no order in our society. If there is no order - there is chaos - if there is chaos there is anarachy.

What separates us from animals is that we are able to create order. Now, what you are telling me "nobody will ever know the truth" "It is all relative" would cause society to regress - not progress. If man thought like that, he never would have made any progress. He would never have even invented the wheel.

Now what is wrong with that?

Your "channel" told you to consolidate. Should have early man consolidated? There is no logic to explain why progress and growth is better. Yet, we know it is better by experiencing the whole. An unsolved puzzle is just not right. It needs to be solved.

This is why love and light is right. It is the way. It is growth. You will never understand this, because you are not thinking critically. Rather, you are defending your beliefs of atheism and moral relativism.

Meanwhile my guide's answers all make sense. This is not a "my guide is better than yours" but it's true - he makes sense. There is more critical thinking and rationalism in my guides information than yours. In that, your guide tells you what is wrong and what is right - he calls angels parasites. While, my guide calls 'demons' a necessary evil to balance the universe. He even goes as far as saying that god is the cause of evil.

I appreciate your advice, but I am going to ignore it. I don't think you're in any position to give me advice, especially on critical thinking and science, there is not an iota of this present in your "channel"

P.S. I also like particles-waves and information like this comprises more than 80% of the information by my guide in this thread. While yours turns into a rant against Christians, religions, theists, god and angels. Again, not a "my guide is better than yours" just a truth.

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