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An End To The Moon Conspiracy!

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posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by bigbrain

Don't you see the rigid structure above the pilot?

sir , and i use the term loosely .

your dishonesty knows no bounds

[which is on the same index page as the picture you posted ]

clearly shows the open framework

even looking at your image - it is clear from shadows and exposure [ ie the stencil is readable ] that the frame is open topped

please do some basic research before opening yourself to further ridicule

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
it is clear from shadows and exposure [ ie the stencil is readable ] that the frame is open topped

please do some basic research before opening yourself to further ridicule


posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 01:32 PM
Well then according to your logic, I guess it's not true that they can eject from any of these either.

They're all solid on top, so those ejection seats must not be real in those either. I guess it's just not possible to build a system that causes part of the top to come off and then eject someone.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Do you really think possible to build a system that causes part of the top to come off and then eject someone from this orrible cabin that shows the most incredible poor technology???

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 02:19 PM
Yes, except they didn't NEED to because it's obvious in that picture that there IS NO TOP TO IT. If there was a top on it, then HOW IS THE SUN HIGHLIGHTING THE LETTERING BY HIS HEAD?! And if they can make one that blows off small sections of other airplanes, why couldn't they have done one that would for that as well if they needed to?

[edit on 4/15/2007 by Zaphod58]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 12:42 AM
Actually, I think I saw a show where they showed an early accident in one of these lander trainers, and the astronaut ejected just fine.

Bugbrain, I don't know why this particular aparatus affects you so much.

[edit on 4/16/2007 by bodebliss]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:54 AM
bigbrain :

what is your fixation with the LLTV ?

in EVERY picture / vid of it in flight / operational - the cockpit area is clearly open topped

you have posted one picture - which you provide no context or explaination for

that picture , showing the LLTV sitting unmanned on the ground - may include a sun or weather cover which is detatchable - and removed BEFORE flight

as BODELISS and zaphod have pointed out - the vids of the accidents clearly show trainees ejecting from the LLTV without incident

further - the vids of it in flight show that it does work

PS - everyone who claims that the LEM should produced a visible rocket exhaust should watch the LLTV clips - where is its rocket exhaust ??

so "bigbrain " what is your problem - you continuanllly brand technologies " rediculous " with no evidence or explaination to suppirt your opinions

a classic example is the joystick controler - how can you tell it is rediculous just by viewing a picture - and more to the point what would you replace it with ??? the joystick provided the required flight controls - and was reliable - easy to use even wearing pressure suits

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 10:16 AM
The picture that "bigbrain" posted showing an apparently solid top cover on the LLRV cockpit was taken afetr a design configuration change in late 1965. A canvas side piece with a triangular aperture could be added to simulate pilot visibility from the LEM window.

The top cover was made of lightweight Styrofoam, so the pilot could have ejected through it without difficulty.

The LLRV/LLTV craft made hundreds of successful flights (bigbrain was kind enough to supply links to photos and videos of some of them). Three of the five vehicles were eventually lost in accidents, but the pilots survived due to successful use of the Weber ejection seats (again, bigbrain provided photos).

The seats were tested for the various cockpit configurations. Not only could the pilot safely eject at zero ground speed and zero altitude, he could also safely eject at low altitude with a 400-foot-per-minute descent rate and limited attitude control.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
so "bigbrain " what is your problem - you continuanllly brand technologies " rediculous " with no evidence or explaination to suppirt your opinions

You are very ridiculous as you think this terrible nonsense can fly

Have you noticed that it seems a T-rex?

Oh, poor me, oh poor gullible people, do you really think this orrible old crock can fly?

Oh, poor me, oh poor gullible people, do you really think this orrible old crock can fly?" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:08 PM

[edit on 16-4-2007 by bigbrain]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:43 PM
I believe they did land on the moon. But I believe the reason why the moon landing looks like it was filmed on the earth, was because it either was filmed on earth, or because it was edited to make the moon appear to not have a breathable atmosphere.

They are hiding something. For example, if the moon has a breathable atmosphere, why would they hide it?

Well the current super powers wouldn't want 3rd world countries to become super powers or else they'd loose their own power. Making places like the moon and mars out to be desolate and unable to support life would reduce the desire for another country to start a space program and would be a great way for NASA and other space agencies to keep their power in the space sector.

But doesn't our school textbooks say there is no atmosphere on the moon? Well I would imagine these facts come from NASA and the other major space agencies. How do we know for sure this isn't disinformation?

Now.. I wonder what the U.S. is planning on doing now that China is planning missions to the moon? China may find out the truth about the natre of the moon. Perhaps they will let them into their club..

[edit on 16-4-2007 by curiousbeliever]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by curiousbeliever
I believe they did land on the moon.

Ah! There's the rub. The best that ANYONE can say is that they 'believe' that they landed on the Moon. Without independent verification, no one really knows.

But I believe the reason why the moon landing looks like it was filmed on the earth, was because it either was filmed on earth, or because it was edited to make the moon appear to not have a breathable atmosphere.

They are hiding something. For example, if the moon has a breathable atmosphere, why would they hide it?

If you look at the size of the Moon, it seems reasonable that there is insufficient gravity to retain an atmosphere.

Well the current super powers wouldn't want 3rd world countries to become super powers or else they'd loose their own power. Making places like the moon and mars out to be desolate and unable to support life would reduce the desire for another country to start a space program and would be a great way for NASA and other space agencies to keep their power in the space sector.

Huh? The reason that other countries don't/haven't gone to the Moon is that it is prohibitively expensive. Even if they discovered the Moon was one big diamond mine, other countries still wouldn't have the finances to go there, let alone the technology.

But doesn't our school textbooks say there is no atmosphere on the moon? Well I would imagine these facts come from NASA and the other major space agencies. How do we know for sure this isn't disinformation?

Now.. I wonder what the U.S. is planning on doing now that China is planning missions to the moon? China may find out the truth about the natre of the moon. Perhaps they will let them into their club..

[edit on 16-4-2007 by curiousbeliever]

I'd be surprised if China makes it to the Moon in the next 10-15 years, because they seem to be building their program from scratch. Also, it would take away too much funding from their 'Defense' program(s).

I'd like to see an 'all Nations' cooperative venture. First build a more robust space station and be able to dock and launch and refuel from that, then worry about going to the Moon.

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 01:49 PM



Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 04:50 PM

You are very ridiculous as you think this terrible nonsense can fly

Have you noticed that it seems a T-rex?

Oh, poor me, oh poor gullible people, do you really think this orrible old crock can fly?

Oh, poor me, oh poor gullible people, do you really think this orrible old crock can fly?

hehe, there is finally a human being here that sees obvious things as they are...I love the "orrible old crock" comparison, made me laugh several times.
We should honestly write a comedy, it would be a great movie. I just don't know how to explain it to the poor people that the whole "Moon Landing" is a bad joke. It is not even scientifically interesting, it is more a media phenomena.

hehe, "orrible crock", I will remember that one

[edit on 17-4-2007 by swimmer]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Thank you, "bigbrain," for continuing to post photos proving that the Lunar Exploration Module performed exactly as designed.

It is equally funny when you post pictures of the LLRV/LLTV and its escape system functioning perfectly, while claiming it didn't work.

Your ignorance is astounding. You are your own worst enemy.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 02:05 PM
These three pleasant swindlers

would have come back with this mouse-trap

To defend those 3 poor men, NASA jockers covered that trap with special paper invented in SCGHTRYNHGFVC Research Center of Pasadena.


[edit on 18-4-2007 by bigbrain]

[edit: removed excessive use of Large font tags]

[edit on 21-4-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 09:26 PM
That is one special paper, you don't understand. Nobody understands science any more.

It is a special, special, super-secret paper cover, nobody will ever understand how special it was. And the secret of how it was manufactured is lost, like those pictures from the Moon that NASA lost.


posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by bigbrain
To defend those 3 poor men, NASA jockers covered that trap with special paper invented in SCGHTRYNHGFVC Research Center of Pasadena.

What on Apollo, was made out of paper?

Originally posted by swimmer
like those pictures from the Moon that NASA lost.

What pictures? Unless you mean the tapes, which there are multiple copies of, just the original slow scan tapes are gone, which is unfortunate, but not a huge deal.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by jra

What on Apollo, was made out of paper?

Don't you see the special super-secret brown paper that covers the metal, able to defend those 3 poor men from heat and to prevent they could become chickens on the spit?

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Badge01
I'd like to see an 'all Nations' cooperative venture. First build a more robust space station and be able to dock and launch and refuel from that, then worry about going to the Moon.

I'd like to see a hell of a lot more than that. We need to quit with the world's childish nature. Politics are for monetary gain only. Simply to sustain an economy. If we really cared about 3rd world countries, we take half the money the US taxes their population every year and devote it to one country each year. Throw the money into developing the country and giving them technology. Eventually (after several decades) we'd be on the track to have every nation, or at least most nations developing new technologies and we'd see a true "Space Race".

Wouldn't that be great? A world competition to build space stations, colonize the moon, expeditions to Mars and the development of technology that could reach light speed or natvigate wormhole ... and possibly even understand and manioulate the space-time continuum.

But, I fear mankind will never get that far. We're a very physical and emotional race. I'm not sure we'll ever get over our limitations as human beings.

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