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Rockafeller, CFR, Free Masonry, Sumerians...

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posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by akilles
First person to say: "That ISN'T a secret Handshake!" wins

You are SUCH and idiot, it never ceases to amaze me(I say this at the risk of being warned by moderators, but I don't care. Someone needs to say it). Do you not even THINK!?!? Say for a second it even LOOKED like a handshake, which it does not, do you think that a pair of ex-Presidents would do that in PUBLIC, with cameras trained on them every second of the time!?!?!? If so, you're a bigger moron than I though.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Grey
Axeman, congradulations. You hit the nail on the head. Yes, I thought all this was new. I'm actually 13 and just read this off of and got really excited so I came here to tell you guys what I've learned.

I'm done with this thread until people that have something to say post.

Grey, dont let there mind games get you down, they wreck threads on purpose, they are trying to stop anybody posting any truth.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by akilles
Read this page, explain it to me, and I will NEVER post here again. I promise.

I want an explanation from each Freemason independently, but I will keep my word.

What exactly about that page do you need explained? I looked through it, and about a quarter is just baseless, ad hominem personal attacks against Ed King. Ed is apparently the target of the webmaster's venom because he has a popular website which debunks and dismisses anti-Masonry in a logical, factual, and systematic manner.

I've never heard of this guy, and I doubt that Ed has either. I do know Ed, however, and his research is impeccable. It's fairly simple to note that this guy hasn't actually tried to use an argument to disprove Ed's research, he simply launches a personal attack against him.

Aside from that, I don't really see anything on that page worth commenting on. Kids drugged and kidnapped by Golden Dawn members? "Secret spiritual marriages" between Masons and female Golden Dawn members? Apollo "moon hoax"? The 33° created by Albert Pike? (quite an accomplishment considering Pike had not even been born when the 33° was created!)

Sorry, but if you want a serious response to a critic of Masonry, you're going to at least have to give us a serious critic. It's pretty sad that I may have to do your job for you here, but there are serious critics of Freemasonry who have indeed developed legitimate arguments as to why they oppose Masonry. They are, of course, not as entertaining and comical as most of the anti-Masons, but their criticism are based in fact, and spur intelligent discussion, instead of "Golden Dawn and Masons kidnapping folks", and other such stupidities.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
Grey, dont let there mind games get you down, they wreck threads on purpose, they are trying to stop anybody posting any truth.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Do you even read what the Masons here post? As for myself, yeah I have a little fun with folks, so what? If you are acting like a fool you deserve to be made a fool of IMHO. That includes me.

Akilles, that link is hilarious... I will post something for you after work.
I bet you can't wait.

P.S. What truth?

[edit on 2/25/05 by The Axeman]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 06:11 PM
i already posted too much truth for you to handle, earlier in the thread.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
the hard truth is freemasonry is owned and controlled by the global satanic network also known as the SATANIC NEW WORLD ORDER.

freemasons speak not of the mass ritual sacrafices like the staged 911 etc and all similar through history.

for example

tesla style weapons used for ritual sacrafice and nwo brainwashing

26th december 2003, the iran earthquake

26th december 2004, the tsunami (300,000+ ritual murder without a flinch)

its no accident the 26th of december is used as this is the human sacrafice day to the death and rebirth of the sun etc.

the basic ritual codes and symbology are dripping off such events through history, learn the codes, it isnt over yet.

any FREE masons it isnt too late to change and work for TRUTH

What, this? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This paranoid rediculous crap? So now Freemasons are responsible for 911, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Dude if that's your idea of truth then I truly pity you. I think I hear the nurse calling for you to take your meds...

Natural disaster = ritual murder. OMG that's rich... RICH!!

[edit on 2/25/05 by The Axeman]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 07:32 PM
"any FREE masons it isnt too late to change and work for TRUTH

that part was rich

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
"any FREE masons it isnt too late to change and work for TRUTH

that part was rich

Again, what truth is that? It can't be what you posted above... Enlighten me.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by akilles
Read this page, explain it to me, and I will NEVER post here again. I promise.

I want an explanation from each Freemason independently, but I will keep my word.

Here ya go...

Akilles, you have outdone yourself. Bravo. You managed to find the one page that contains almost every single fallacy that has ever been cut to shreds here on ATS. I mean this guy is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the Masons and only makes himself sound like a paranoid moron in the process. OMG I laughed out loud several times in the course of reading that one page. Comedy.

I now present Axeman’s favorite comedic quotes from . Enjoy. I bet this is going to be loooong...


Do they now?

If they don't control the world, then why are they trying to control the "Freemasonry Watch" website, by having it shut down

Because it is run by slandering liars, and Freemasons want to defend their good name?

They do not, however, have a secret alliance with satan, at least not to my knowledge. Although the activities they involve themselves with, would by most people's opinions, (if known) classify as Satanic.

Great logic.

Here I would like to add a comment : Neither this Page nor this website is meant to be "Anti-Masonic".

Could have fooled me.

I have many more secrets to expose, but I don't feel "inclined" at this time to do so, but I'm sure with a little encouragement from people like Mr. Edward L. King Reptile, I'm sure I could sit down and write a few more for you all.

I’m sure by “encouragement” he means showing that he is full of crap, and by “write” he means “to author,” as in “to make up.”

To understand Freemasonry thoroughly one must study it intensely. It is not an easily understood practice.
It can be simply explained though.

What?! Self-contradiction anyone?

Note : How many of you saw the new Austin Powers movie "The Spy who Shagged Me" and caught the part with the Shriner wearing the "Fez" Cap that was chasing Austin in the car? Austin even makes a comment about the "Fez"
cap giving him away. He states he cannot reveal the hideout of Dr. Evil unless asked 3 times. And then states he does not like being asked anything 3 times.

You think that’s something, go watch “From Hell” and study Mystery Religions for half a semester!!
Here’s a tip – if the guy is using Mike Meyers flicks (or any movies for that matter) to back up his argument, there is something wrong.

Now THAT’s funny. I’ve seen this argument made before, but what the hell kind of crooked, half-assed pentagram is THAT supposed to be?!

The number 3 has been placed by the Freemasons in very important places in our society and culture : "3 strikes and your out" in Baseball. When they send you to the slammer you "recieve 3 square meals". I already mentioned "You will be put through the 3rd Degree". The Genie of the lamp grants you "3 wishes". There are "3 branches of government".

This just gets more and more ridiculous...

The 33rd degree was added by Albert Pike, a high ranking Mason who established the Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction in 1832. He was also the founder of the early KKK in the South.

Ah, that old chestnut.
As ML stated, the 33° was created before Pike was even born and I’m not even going to waste keystrokes (hey, what do I think I’m doing with this post anyway?! On a Friday night, even... I’m such a dork.
) on the KKK thing.

The Masons all wore aprins, (look at the early pictures of
Washington in his Masonic Aprin) to cover their Phallus (Penis). The OBLISK in
Washington D.C. comes from Egyptian Oblisks, which are "Phallic" symbols. The
Oblisk, if you look at it from above and face the White House, directly enters into
and points toward the "OVAL OFFICE". See how easy and fun this is. Why
didn't they teach us this in school?

Besides being paranoid and delusional, he’s not a very good speller either. Perhaps he should have payed more attention to what they did teach in school. And nevermind the fact that stonemasons wore aprons to do their labor, and Freemasonry uses stonemasons' tools and references in their symbolism...

Yes, you too can be a conspiracy retard and repeat other people’s tired theories about our Nation’s capital. It’s fun and easy!

The "International Red Cross" is the only organization allowed to go behind
enemy lines during wartime or what the Masons would term the "Theatre of
War". Why do you think this is. How are they somehow IMMUNE? Because

Good grief man, I can’t even imagine why they are “immune” (btw, no one is immune to bullets, they just aren’t “legal” targets by order of the Geneva Conventions, not Freemasons). Damn this guy is out there!

You would think with all the money in the world and power and control that
these Freemasons would be a little kinder to society instead of creating diseases,
reducing the population, terrorizing and torturing the children, impoverishing
nations with false debts and creating genocide on virtually anyone but themselves.

All I can say is WTF, over? MysticOfRadiance, did you write this? Next he’s going to say that Freemasons caused the tsunami!

Freemasonry Controls all Religions!

OMG no he did not...

... America's very first 3rd Party

OK which is it? First or third?!

Here is a List of Relevant Books & Videos : To Read a Comprehensive Summary or to Order, Click on the Item : Items marked with a " * " are in stock and may be ordered. Any Books in the Catalog Marked with a (@) are carried by and most may be ordered. Some are "Out of Print", but if you follow the link,, and have them do a used-bookstore search, they will get back to you with a couple of weeks. Items marked (In Stock) are carried by me and must be purchased through me by Postal Money Order or E-Gold. If Ordering with E-Gold, make sure to contact me me by E-mail first to verify that I have the Items you are looking for. Thank you.

Ah, here we are. NOW we get to the meat and potatoes of this whole page of nonsense. Guess who wants you to buy his books? No further explanation needed. This bottom feeder is merely trying to cash in on people’s ignorance and naturally suspicious nature. People who don’t know any better will often take this kind of crap as the gospel truth, we have seen it here for a long time, myself for the better part of a year. They will believe that there is some grand conspiracy (and there are lots of similar sites on the web, it appears that slandering good Masons is a fairly lucrative business), and pay through the nose to “get the scoop” on those nasty, evil, natural-disaster-causing, toilet-destroying Freemasons.

So there you have it akilles, there is your explanation of this site. He wants to sell books. Period.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 08:46 PM
i cannot enlighten you, that is for you to do yourself as is the same for every individual.

[edit on 25-2-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

[edit on 25-2-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]


posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 09:22 PM

I'm on to you..

MysticOfRadiance AKA MOR. MOR as we all know is the Sanskrit translation of the Sumerian word for The Great Deceiver. To carry on, the Number of the Great deceiver is 14, and 26 - 12(Dec) = 14. hummmm things are getting interesting.

its no accident the 26th of december is used as this is the human sacrafice day to the death and rebirth of the sun etc.

Gotcha! You couldn't help yourself could you.. If you add the numbers of the sacered square of the sun it equals 666 The numbers christains connect with the Great Deceiver.

The authorities have been notified... expect to be tried in secret for the murders that occurred on the 26 of Dec.

[edit on 25-2-2005 by Cug]

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
i cannot enlighten you, that is for you to do yourself as is the same for every individual.

Whatever dude, you know good and well what I meant.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by The Axeman

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
the hard truth is freemasonry is owned and controlled by the global satanic network also known as the SATANIC NEW WORLD ORDER.

freemasons speak not of the mass ritual sacrafices like the staged 911 etc and all similar through history.

for example

tesla style weapons used for ritual sacrafice and nwo brainwashing

26th december 2003, the iran earthquake

26th december 2004, the tsunami (300,000+ ritual murder without a flinch)

its no accident the 26th of december is used as this is the human sacrafice day to the death and rebirth of the sun etc.

the basic ritual codes and symbology are dripping off such events through history, learn the codes, it isnt over yet.

any FREE masons it isnt too late to change and work for TRUTH

What, this? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This paranoid rediculous crap? So now Freemasons are responsible for 911, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Dude if that's your idea of truth then I truly pity you. I think I hear the nurse calling for you to take your meds...

Natural disaster = ritual murder. OMG that's rich... RICH!!

[edit on 2/25/05 by The Axeman]

took me out of context there dude, i never said freemasons where responsible, like you did above, looks like youve condemned your brothers.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
took me out of context there dude, i never said freemasons where responsible, like you did above, looks like youve condemned your brothers.

I did no such thing. Nice of you to try to twist my words though.

No you never came right out and said it, that's a common tactic used by anti's so that they can weasel their way out of their accusations by saying "Oh I didn't say that!" What you did though, is insinuated some connection with these statements:

the hard truth is freemasonry is owned and controlled by the global satanic network also known as the SATANIC NEW WORLD ORDER.

freemasons speak not of the mass ritual sacrafices like the staged 911 etc and all similar through history.

As if to say, "Freemasons don't speak of it because they were a part of it."

Look you can dance around it all day, but the fact is you DID say that you think that the Freemasons are involved in the "Satanic New World Order" that you spoke of in your post there. Are you saying that's not what you are saying? Since you had a problem with me using the phrase "enlighten me" how about this: Can you provide some elucidation on what your point is and what "truth" you are talking about?

[edit on 2/26/05 by The Axeman]

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
the hard truth is freemasonry is owned and controlled by the global satanic network also known as the SATANIC NEW WORLD ORDER.

freemasons speak not of the mass ritual sacrafices like the staged 911 etc and all similar through history.

Yeah dude, you sure seem to know what the "hard truth" is. Please bro, you probably don't even remember off of which conspiracy site you got that from. Excuse me, I gotta go mass-kill some virgins now...

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 08:21 PM
if you dont know what the word truth means, learn
also why are you so desperate to make out i said something i didnt?.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
if you dont know what the word truth means, learn
also why are you so desperate to make out i said something i didnt?.

You clearly said that on page one of this thread. How could you deny it?

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
i already posted too much truth for you to handle, earlier in the thread.

The same case with myself ... that's why I really don't care if people attack me. I'm just posting truth, and as I said, they have the freedom of opinion, and can choose to elevate their ignorance.

Though it's interesting they chose to attack my credibility instead of other things which were attacked in the beginning, such as the cause of the French Revolution ... and I noticed after I posted a finely detailed explanation, the whole 'debate' just shifted to my 'references'. Interesting how the 'blogger' mind works.

Anyways, clearly, all discussion here has ended. It was a pleasure.

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Grey
The same case with myself ... that's why I really don't care if people attack me. I'm just posting truth, and as I said, they have the freedom of opinion, and can choose to elevate their ignorance.

Though it's interesting they chose to attack my credibility instead of other things which were attacked in the beginning, such as the cause of the French Revolution ... and I noticed after I posted a finely detailed explanation, the whole 'debate' just shifted to my 'references'. Interesting how the 'blogger' mind works.

Dude, how can you call it TRUTH if you present no conclusive evidence to base that TRUTH off of!?!?!? That's why you're being attacked-- you're comments and flat-out accusations wouldn't be dismissed as that if you just gave us a reason to believe what you say. Think about it...

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by sebatwerk

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
if you dont know what the word truth means, learn
also why are you so desperate to make out i said something i didnt?.

You clearly said that on page one of this thread. How could you deny it?

deny?, none of you have gone near what i mentioned on page 1

[edit on 27-2-2005 by MysticOfRadiance]

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