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Trump - Impeach me and the market crashes

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posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: TrueBrit

They will defend him no matter what.
You will see.

Wait a bit

What is defendable?

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:08 PM
There needs to be a crime to defend against...
Russia has proven a dud
and he swears he did not had a sexual relationship with Stormy under the desk at the oval office...

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: Ash614
a reply to: introvert

It ended at 350 points because the news was corrected. If they had not retracted the story it would have crashed imo.

And aliens might have landed on the White house lawn, if they had not retracted the story.

You can play "what if" all day, but in the end the only thing we know for sure is that the market will be just fine.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

This is why I stopped posting on this site. Hyperbolic jumps into a rational question which way market will go with impeachment. Trump takes office and since that time market goes from 18000 to nearly 26000. The one time the market saw serious information (again false) the market reacted swiftly in negative direction. This is why I walked away from Democratic Party and will never return. I have had this argument with my liberal friends and it’s the same reaction. They know deep down inside if they get impeachment and the market pulls back to 2017 levels the Democrats will be blamed and Trump was right again.
edit on 23-8-2018 by Ash614 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:28 PM
The President should never have to incite fear to maintain power.

This feels like Trump sees the possibility of impeachment, and is using fear as a gamble to keep it from happening.

The President should be a person with the decency, dignity, and integrity to refrain from extortion tactics. Look at Presidents that were forced to resign or were impeached in the past.

They all did so, with as much grace and humility as possible. These are the traits of a President in peril.

What Trump is doing now, is far below what I expect from even a governor or senator. This should not fly for a President, at all.

Get this bozo out of there.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 12:50 PM
The markets will dive, and the economy will slow drastically 6 months later, but this time we have over 20 trillion over our head in debt and we have just run out of wiggle room, and spare change for a quick fix. Houston, we have a problem!

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Cassi3l

This is absolutely incredible.

Its one thing for him to think such a thing, which would be pretty pathetic in and of itself, but quite another to voice it. Who, exactly, does he think he is? Even the President of the United States, regardless of who it happens to be in a given year, cannot seriously expect to not be a laughing stock even amongst his supporters in the know, after such a statement.


I think the Donald understands that the Impeachment Process would wreck his Trade/Tariffs policy...the Uber Strong Dollar he has engineered already...along with the planned Military rehabilitation of obsolete arms & social engineering fiascos of the last decade before his administration...

And he likely understands a vote-for Removal-from-Office is a far Greater Slam by the Cabal; Progressive-Socialists which would translate into much more than just a Flash-Crash and quick rebound that the 'slap-on-the-wrist Impeachment' might produce

His thought on this is not solely about his impeachment but about the obvious Coup conducted by the leftists against the Constitutional framework of the USA laws/leadership/ media propaganda/Justice overreach---
in other words a Paradigm Shift by a small Cabal of Democrat sociopaths over the Nation


If the impeachment process does's a way you might be able to side-step the 40% crash...
the State of Nevada is just about to start Issuing/selling Gold backed Bonds to the people...

the scare of a potential Presidential impeachment/removal process might get Nevada to vote this week on the Gold Bonds proposal
edit on rd31153504937323362018 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: Archivalist
The President should never have to incite fear to maintain power.

Is he? Or is he issuing a warning based on the relevant data?
Kinda like how the National Weather Service is inciting fear in the state of Hawaii right now, only difference being Trump is right more often than they are.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: St Udio

Also it will not be overnight slide imo. If the impeachment process is a credible event, the market will pull back during the process so we will have fairly decent insight if impeachment goes full blown. Then a significant slide will occur if the Left gets their way. I think they never thought his approval rating would be over 40%, a GDP number over 4% and some stability with North Korea. So as the Democrats start winning the impeachment argument, the market will go opposite direction.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Ash614
This is why I stopped posting on this site. Hyperbolic jumps...

That's pretty comical considering you think the market will drop 10,000 points or roughly 10 times the largest point drop ever or roughly 40% which is more than double the largest percent drop.

And I'm the hyperbolic one. Learn some history bro.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 02:48 PM
The stock market can't collapse isn't anybody following the news?
There are these things called offshore banks and private tiered accounts only available for fat roMans with over $750,000 to invest. The concierge handles everything and you don't have to pay taxes until you repatriate the money through a US institution. So maybe the plunge protection team is operated by these offshore banks with trillions of capital?
Wouldn't it make more sense that they would just let the market stagnate this time while offering higher fixed rate returns?
Donald and Co have worked really hard implementing the MAGA theme and it would be really disappointing to see all that hard work get flushed.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Simple math. Dow retreats back to 2017 and correction is based on that level. Ergo, 10000 points. Then markets start looking at factors they have ignored. Flat yield curve in bond market, heating housing bubble, stock buybacks reversed, euro crisis and retreat to Cold War 2.0 with the neo libs neo con, Global debt game over all because the president is a troll. For a Roman I do remember history. Rome wasn’t built in a day neither will be 10000 points.
edit on 23-8-2018 by Ash614 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Isn't that amazing, buy low sell high, but people just refuse to think that way. They always sell low and buy high.
I've seen it so many times. Right now it is happening with housing. Some of the prices people are willing to pay is absolutely ridiculous. We all know some of these houses aren't worth half what people are paying. I've been in a couple of incredible positions to buy houses really cheap because nobody else was buying at the time.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: Ash614
Simple math. Dow retreats back to 2017 and correction is based on that level. Ergo, 10000 points. Then markets start looking at factors they have ignored. Flat yield curve in bond market, heating housing bubble, stock buybacks reversed, euro crisis and retreat to Cold War 2.0 with the neo libs neo con, Global debt game over all because the president is a troll. For a Roman I do remember history. Rome wasn’t built in a day neither will be 10000 points.

You left out the zombies I mentioned earlier. The Dow has never had a point or percentage drop like that in it's history and we've had far worse things happen in that time frame than Cheetolini possibly getting impeached.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Isn't that amazing, buy low sell high, but people just refuse to think that way. They always sell low and buy high.

That's why some people end up broke, they invest using their emotions instead of common sense.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

The market was baked in for Clinton victory. Nobody 18 months ago would thought a) Trump would win and b) actually follow through on trade and foreign policy and c) go from 18000 to 26000 during this short term. Democratic policy returns which now openly favors socialism. Bye-bye Stock Market.

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:57 PM
Trump is not concerned with hubris about himself... his aim is for his group of neocons to come out-on-top verses the Radical-Revolutionary- Left (Demofascists) that has been controlled by the (bankster-petro) Globalists from Bush W thru Clinton & Obama to now...

I am sure that the GDP economy/ Stock Markets/ Debt Balloon will take a severe hit whether Trump gets Impeached or not... the economic reset is in the cards already

If Trump gets removed from office the Fed & Central Bankers will have to rescue the USA from total anarchy & collapse... they will install (with Congress approval) -> Wage & Price Controls... so that money is rationed out to the masses and costs-of-living can be controlled instead of the Trump way of using the Tax system to act as the governor of the economy...

the leftists will get their envisioned communist/socialist state with the masses getting enough largesse' to Sustain Themselves for the next 10 years...but no limit on the Democrat Party Elites, Czars abilities to accumulate wealth which the huddled masses have suddenly lost. Of greater concern will be the victory over the Trump Cabal will lead back to Wars-For-Profit as a means to an "no-end-in-sight" conflict paradigm---- Whereas the Trump policy was to negotiate instead

negotiate the Russia pipeline of nat gas Germany... the Syrian nat gas exporting infrastructure to EU...
the development of the Israeli Trillions of cubic feet of gas energy which lies somewhat under Gaza & the Golan Heights and under the Med. almost to Cyprus (.but stingy hands do not want to share any bounty)

our future may be better under a Trump led NWO instead of the present banker-energy Globalist NWO that has screwed things up since JFK's end

had to gloss over stuff to keep the post under a 2 minute read

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 04:59 PM
oh god you guys read into this to much

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Isn't that amazing, buy low sell high, but people just refuse to think that way. They always sell low and buy high.

That's why some people end up broke, they invest using their emotions instead of common sense.

True! Other people go broke, because the game is rigged to punish "common sense". Wacky reality we live in, eh?

posted on Aug, 23 2018 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Ash614
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

The market was baked in for Clinton victory. Nobody 18 months ago would thought a) Trump would win and b) actually follow through on trade and foreign policy and c) go from 18000 to 26000 during this short term. Democratic policy returns which now openly favors socialism. Bye-bye Stock Market.

Yeah. I lost out on a lot of run-up, waiting for a correction that never happened. On the fun money side, I made a few thousand betting on Trump and Brexxit.


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