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The United States should divide

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posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Those who can do. Those who can't teach.

I would not call most teachers deep intellectuals by any stretch.

Not to mention, there is a large gap between theory and practicality. Things that sound good in theory do not always work in practice. Look at socialism and communism.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Those who can do. Those who can't teach.

I would not call most teachers deep intellectuals by any stretch.

Not to mention, there is a large gap between theory and practicality. Things that sound good in theory do not always work in practice. Look at socialism and communism.

How unsurprising it is that you discredit American educators.

In terms of your argument, are you aware of such concepts as the mean and outliers?

Surely somewhere in your vast experience you must have encountered those concepts, eh?

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:03 PM
There are the pockets on the left coast and on the right coast that have the biggest baddest microphones. The loud mouths and weirdos tend to congregate near those pockets, especially the Big Corporate Media, and they love to make trouble among the regular folks.

Because they are loud and demanding and control the Big Media, they push things to the extreme.

The cultural American, sees them for what they are, and we have to shout loudly to try and drown them out and expose them for what they are, and try to maintain the balance.

Most Americans are Common Sense Middle of the Road people that don't like to be forced and pushed to the limit of what they will tolerate, and right now, they are being pushed by the loud mouths and weirdos. They gave an inch and, as usual, now the lmw want more and more control.

We are reaching the place where Common Sense Middle of the Road Cultural Americans are deciding enough is enough.

edit on 27-8-2017 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: tribal
a reply to: Gryphon66

i believe at least 1 million votes were fraudulent and perhaps many more. Are you not aware of the ease with which the voting machines can be tampered with?

You probably believe a lot of things that are irrational. It's the nature of belief.

Logic problem for you: if the voting machines can be tampered with, is it more reasonable to think they were pushed in the direction of the "surprise winner?"

Think it through.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:04 PM
The bodies we will pile high keep those who are running this marxist wave in the hopes that we as the Republic's enforcers prematurely trigger and do this very thing.
We,possessing strategic thinking (Wether we want to or NOT) default to our American values and of course follow WHOM ever the military follows.

WE will then decide for us ALL ,before we let anything balkanize the Republic,which was the the Cloward and Piven Strategy and an attempt at " health"single payer clumsily employed by Obama and his disciples as well as the DNC for their religion.
SAFETY is their next

OF course for it to work you'd have to REMOVE all the AR15s from the equation which would only HASTEN your demise,I guess you think your numbers are sufficient since you've gotten this
edit on 27-8-2017 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

why would it not be reasonable to believe that the candidate that had the most rallies and the best attendance of the two would win and that the least popular candidate with miserable rally attendance would need the fraud that she and her ilk are known for?

logic indeed.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

The "cultural American" ... how would you define that? Just a quick sentence or two.

Common sense and middle-of-the-road sounds moderate, which squares with the idea that most Americans identify as Independent, not Republican as many are trying to suggest here.

Also, you seem to think you speak for the common People ... are you completely unaware that you regularly promote one of the fringes?

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: tribal
a reply to: Gryphon66

why would it not be reasonable to believe that the candidate that had the most rallies and the best attendance of the two would win and that the least popular candidate with miserable rally attendance would need the fraud that she and her ilk are known for?

logic indeed.

You think rallies determine votes? Oh that's right, that's what your media sold you too.

I suggested that you think it through. One more time. If 2.8 million votes were faked, why wouldn't the 70K that won Trump the Electoral College have been faked as well?

Take a moment.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Of course, and I am also aware of how the education system is set up too.

Even the best educators are hamstrung by the system, but when you have places with a functional illiteracy rate approaching 50% in some of our urban centers, you have to wonder what happened to those outstanding educators?

If our best and brightest were teaching without exception, then what's going on?

And don't tell me we aren't spending enough because that myth has been debunked over and over too. We spend more per student than pretty much every other developed nation with worse results.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: 1337Kph

Well Brexit sure wont do wonders for the UK never mind the EU and that particular union is only 25 odd years old.

Good luck splitting up a nation that's been around for 240 odd years as i can only imagine the logistics of doing so never mind the financial and sociological issues they would also have to contend with.

Chances are if the US did ever split up into different factions war and possible invasion would be on the cards, and could spell the use of nukes.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

You'd almost think that someone, somewhere, was trying to influence this option ...

Igor Panarin

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: 1337Kph

Never happen....not in today's world....and not very easily.

The first civil war here in the US was easily divided among geopolitical borders of the states.

The divides you are talking about (and are very visible here in this thread after reading through it) is less of one of political borders and is more of political and social thought instead.

The other reason it won't happen: No mater how bad the Lame Stream Media tries to make things look, the truth is this:

Most Americans could give a rat's ass about what you see on the news.

Majority of people here in the US really only want a few things:

1) A job where they earn a paycheck.
2) Being able to pay their bills.
3) Being able to put food on the table.
4) Not have anyone mess with their kids.

Majority of the time when people DO get angry at the state is if the government tries to mess with or interferes with any of the above that I listed.

This goes for both urban and rural areas of the US. Majority of the John and Jane Does out there do not care at all about what someone's skin color is, what religion they are, who (or what) they are having sex with, and many other things.

They just want to go to work, get that paycheck, and get those bills paid.

I have a lot of friends and family in real life and do not even watch or pay attention to national news, only local, and most times just for the weather and to catch the latest sports scores. 75% of the time if I mention some of the stuff that so many of you scream and yell about here on ATS (acting like it's the end of the GD world), they look up at me with a confused look on their face and have NO IDEA what I'm talking about.

It's the few that scream the loudest.......we see it here on ATS all the time. Think about it:

How many come here and make thread after thread, after thread after thread after thread on all of this? Threads that try to start crap, start fights, start the general mayhem on here......many under the guise of "just trying to inform people", when what they really are doing is "trying to get a rise out of people".

Stop feeding the trolls we have on here by ignoring them instead.

The small amount of people in the US that are at each other's throats and think the rest of us should also be that way are just like any brat that throws a fit and a tantrum.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

no one said rallies determine votes, its actually the other way around. Rally attendance is a reflection of the base support a candidate has and making that connection is far more reasonable and logical than the bizarro world reasoning you seem to be using.

but its ok, i know i wont convince you nor you me.

just out of curiosity though, since you obviously dont believe rally attendance to be an important indicator of anything i would be interested in knowing exactly what metric you DO think would be indicative of a candidates chances at the ballot box. I mean, since its pretty obvious the MSM totally whiffed it you must have some secret method for divining the TRUE numbers when all the "experts" got it wrong. Hey, you might have missed your calling!

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Gryphon66

Of course, and I am also aware of how the education system is set up too.

Even the best educators are hamstrung by the system, but when you have places with a functional illiteracy rate approaching 50% in some of our urban centers, you have to wonder what happened to those outstanding educators?

If our best and brightest were teaching without exception, then what's going on?

And don't tell me we aren't spending enough because that myth has been debunked over and over too. We spend more per student than pretty much every other developed nation with worse results.

I'm not sure you do understand the concept of means and outliers, Ketz.

The last thing I would do is try to convince you that your media-driven beliefs aren't factual ... but you didn't make any distinctions between rural and urban in your previous diatribe against educators, and now, you're regurgitating the standard cant about inner-city issues.

Now, back to your argument ... you claimed that because you and your family are "well-educated" that all rural Americans are. Care to back that up?

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: TinfoilTP

For example ... some of the words associated with your picture ...

Shifts in partisan preference do not necessarily mean the county swapped its overall support from one party to the other.

Your "map" shows shifts in ONE ELECTION.

It basically means Hillary Clinton was a doggy doo doo candidate, and after the loss those that backed her are stirring up trouble where there is none.

With a good strong candidate that isn't some radical left wing loon or an over the top in the bag lying dirtbag politician, the Left is back in the running. Unfortunately for the Left that means getting rid of all the assclowns pulling the strings right now that are allowing rhetoric about leaving the Country to destroy their Party further. If they left like they promised when Hilldog lost, the Dem Party could heal and so could the Country. Maybe they will have all faded away into obscurity after Trump's second term, that is the Dem's only hope.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: queenofswords

The "cultural American" ... how would you define that? Just a quick sentence or two.

Common sense and middle-of-the-road sounds moderate, which squares with the idea that most Americans identify as Independent, not Republican as many are trying to suggest here.

Also, you seem to think you speak for the common People ... are you completely unaware that you regularly promote one of the fringes?

One that is a cultural American, doesn't need to ask the question.

Yes, moderation in all things. Give a little, take a little. Common sense should prevail. I would agree that America is headed toward Independent. Republican establishment politicians have let us down and Democrat establishment politicians are just plain nuts! So, yes, we as a culture are becoming more Independent.

Donald Trump is not a mainstream Republican, and he is definitely not a mainstream Democrat.

I support his policies. I call him a Common Sense politician. He understands when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em and when to stay and when to walk away.

He is fighting The Swamp, The SJW Crazies, the RINOs, The Loud and Lyin' Media that have Mass Pschygenic Illness.

If he could put into place the things he needs to, our country would be off-the-charts and soaring to Great Heights.
edit on 27-8-2017 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: tribal
a reply to: Gryphon66

no one said rallies determine votes, its actually the other way around. Rally attendance is a reflection of the base support a candidate has and making that connection is far more reasonable and logical than the bizarro world reasoning you seem to be using.

but its ok, i know i wont convince you nor you me.

just out of curiosity though, since you obviously dont believe rally attendance to be an important indicator of anything i would be interested in knowing exactly what metric you DO think would be indicative of a candidates chances at the ballot box. I mean, since its pretty obvious the MSM totally whiffed it you must have some secret method for divining the TRUE numbers when all the "experts" got it wrong. Hey, you might have missed your calling!

Come on ... follow your logic if one side faked 2.8 million votes ... why didn't they fake enough to win?

Also, care to provide some backup besides media driven horsecrap for any of these contentions? Have fake votes been proven?

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Believe this or not, I don't care. I know a lot of people. And, yes. I live in a red state, but, nevertheless, I do not know one single person, nor anyone that I have met in the past year, that voted for Hillary Clinton. I know three people that voted for Bernie, however.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

I don't think you even have the variables for that...

For example.. a race war.. you got way to many mixed people for that to ever happen.. that ship has sailed

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: growler


There is no huge gap between parties; they are both exactly the same, aside from a few social wedge issues inserted to help the divide and conquer paradigm.

BLM and Antifa are literally .0001-.001% of the population. People imagine they are something huge because the cable entertainment talk networks like to justify their $20 million/year salaries by making mountains out of molehills. This goes double for the KKK and white nationalists, who are literally .00001% of the population on a good day (and most of them are trolling you).

Blue collar guys in the heartland imagine city dwellers are troglodytes and hobgoblins, having sex with domesticated animals and tearing babies apart to power their drugs in broad daylight.

Working stiffs in the cities imagine the blue collar guys in the heartland are all unemployed meth and oxy addicts who sleep with their sisters and cousins.

Both groups of morons think the other is degenerate. Both groups imagine they are holy and pure.

It would make a terrific joke if it weren't so damn pathetic.

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