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Virginia Was A Setup. Dems Wanted The Violence.

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posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

I must be misremembering my history.

Sure are.

Between the NFA,interment camps,rationing, social security election to 4 terms, and other bs.

FDR was authoritarian is it got.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Except that's not what I said. I said the most significant thing Anarchism has achieved was the eight hour work day. There's a difference between most negative and most significant. Name one thing that Anarchism has achieved that has had a greater impact on history? Hell, most people probably didn't even known Anarchists were responsible for the eight hour work day. Nazism on the other hand, pretty much everyone in the world knows what that toxic ideology wrought.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: Grambler

Where am I belittling anything? I'm simply explaining to you what the two sides are treated differently. Nazism has had a much darker and in your face impact on American history than Anarchism. The media is a business. They make money by getting a reaction from people. Putting the spotlight on Nazis is going to get a much more visceral response than Anarchists and thus the news outlets will make more money for their parent companies.

It sucks that's the way things work but that's Capitalism.

I'd say these antifa types are a bigger threat than neo-nazis at the moment. The nazi mob are just basement-dwellers who crawl out into the sunlight every now and then, jump up and down and make some noise, and then disappear again. But antifa, on the other hand, seem to be everywhere at once...and they appear to be given a free pass to do whatever they like.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Flatcoat

I'd say these antifa types are a bigger threat than neo-nazis at the moment.

I wonder how much it cost team left to bus them from the west coast to the east coast.

California to Virginia!

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:57 AM
The leader of this protest was an Obama supporter and
an Occupy activist. The FBI investigation will reveal this,
and show that much of this is manufactured.

The perpetrators will be found
edit on 14-8-2017 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: Grambler
Both sides suck, but for some reason, many in the media and politics only want to condemn one side.

I wonder why that is?

Because ONE side drove a car into the other killing 3 people (including two police officers). Last I checked vehicular manslaughter is illegal and wrong. The other side is still sporting a 0 kill count.

*sigh* Here we go. Kill count zero my ass. Both sides are full of unhinged people. Btw you just lied again by using the 2 police troopers who died in an unrelated helicopter crash.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: neo96

I never denied the fact that FDR was authoritarian. However, my initial post that you took issue with stated that Nazism nearly brought the world to its knees. How is that not a true statement?

With the exception of England and Russia the Nazis pretty much had all of Europe under their boot. The war they started crippled the economy and infrastructure of almost every country in the planet.

How does the admittedly authoritarian policies of FDR in any way compare to what was done in the name of Nazism?

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: Flatcoat

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: Grambler

Where am I belittling anything? I'm simply explaining to you what the two sides are treated differently. Nazism has had a much darker and in your face impact on American history than Anarchism. The media is a business. They make money by getting a reaction from people. Putting the spotlight on Nazis is going to get a much more visceral response than Anarchists and thus the news outlets will make more money for their parent companies.

It sucks that's the way things work but that's Capitalism.

I'd say these antifa types are a bigger threat than neo-nazis at the moment. The nazi mob are just basement-dwellers who crawl out into the sunlight every now and then, jump up and down and make some noise, and then disappear again. But antifa, on the other hand, seem to be everywhere at once...and they appear to be given a free pass to do whatever they like.

The neo nazis are a disgusting, cowardly group that deserve all of the animosity that comes their way.

The reason that groups like anitfa are a bigger threat is that groups like the KKK and neo nazis are just about universally condemned. They have almost no political or cultural power whatsoever.

BLM and antifa and other far left groups are praised by some main stream people, and the police seem to "stand down" alot when they are rioting because it would be anti PC to do their job.

Imagine if the neo nazis would have tore up Berkley like antifa did. The police would have used swift and brutal force to take down all of the violent offenders.

Its the fact that somehow extreme leftists hate groups are given some sort of legitimacy that makes them more of a threat.

But they aare all equal is the amount of disgust I have for them.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: neo96

Why wouldn't I ?

I'm sure you do agree with yourself, I just find the act of posting a comment and then agreeing with your own comment to be pretty comical behavior.

Virginia was a set up.

Says you. You're just as happy to "charge and sentence" when it suits your agenda to do so in your own kangaroo court, while in the same breath decrying everybody else's kangaroo court.

Same ol' shtick as usual: whatever you can do to get the attention back on the left and off your "side" is fair game.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

And I detest it as well.

Just as I detest trying to portray what happened in Charlottesville as just being "about a statue." I've said it before and I'll repeat myself: I'm more than happy to agree that it may have started out as being about a statue; but it sure as hell turned in to something else, and the folks running around saying "I didn't see anything Nazi" and trying to act as if it was just a simple demonstration about a statue and nothing more until Antifa showed up are no better than those who are trying to paint the entire right with the actions of a handful.

Arguing about the size of that "handful" of extremists is pretty moot.
edit on 14-8-2017 by Shamrock6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:02 PM

edit on 14-8-2017 by neo96 because: Sorry wrong post.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

I never denied the fact that FDR was authoritarian. However, my initial post that you took issue with stated that Nazism nearly brought the world to its knees. How is that not a true statement?

Using the correct definition of nazi.

Anti capitalist socialists. Then it didn't nearly.

It did.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:05 PM
oh look, more victim blaming! Stay classy nazi sympathizers!

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: Verse
oh look, more victim blaming! Stay classy nazi sympathizers!

Victim ?

For the last eight months everyone especially political hacktivsts have been fully aware that American politics has become a full contact sport.

People that stay classy are the ones that exercise common sense and stay the hell away from those types of events.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Dfairlite

Those scumbags deserve all that they got, I am glad the police made them march through the counter protesters. Show up in 21st century America wearing KKK hoods and marching nazi flags through the streets = a well deserved ass kicking. I get it free speech. I also support repercussions for said 'speech.' If you can't handle the blow back then keep it in the trailer park.

Frankly - I only wish some members here like you and all those defending a terrorist (per those same members' muslim terrorist definitions) murderer were made to walk through those same crowds by the police. Maybe it would knock some sense into you. But lord knows even the loudest neo-nazi apologists here are too chicken# to ever actually show their faces at something like this.

You can blame Soros all you want but it is still those racists who chose to show up and then those other unknowing idiots who chose to stick around after seeing the white supremacists and nazi flags amongst the group.

What is most funny is how at the end you try to tie it down to we should condemn both sides equally, divide and conquer, yada yada and yet your title says 'Dems wanted the violence!' # yeah the 'dems' (anyone decent really) got pissed seeing these scumbags dressed for war parading their nazi regalia through their town and reacted. On top of that is a very liberal town ffs.

Oh yeah, and again I laugh my ass off at your title. Was it the Dems or the nazi scumbags who showed up wearing helmets and face masks while carrying riot shields and batons? Those buffoons had their matching gear all ready to go on a moments notice for some good ole fashion racism.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
yet people on this site are scrambling to make excuses for the literal Nazis that killed a person.
Bold is mine.

I think you mean Nazi, if that's what he is, one individual is responsible for killing that person. You make it sound like an angry mob in unison committed murder. It was one crazy guy.

The city issued a permit to Unite the Right to hold a protest. They could've denied the request if LE resources were unavailable or limited. This event failed so miserably because LE lost or never had control of the crowd.

Protesters shouldn't have been allowed to wander into roadways. Sometimes people need protection from themselves. It's the job of LE and city planners to keep events safe for participants or don't permit them. This mess is the city's failure, especially if they gave LE the order to stand down. That's BS suspicious imo and we deserve to know why they'd do such a thing.

Crowd control is the job of city officials/LE, instead they purposely stood back, allowed a bunch of hot headed, emotional participants to run amok and have a free for all. When does that ever happen?

I'm from the Chicago area, mounted police controlled large crowds at concerts/events and it worked. Not to mention LE would bust the head of anyone who got out of line so we tended to follow rules. Blocking traffic isn't a protest that's an out of control mob and downright dangerous. There are rules of conduct/safety that apply to large groups even when assembled to exercise rights.

I don't know if that's an indication that Nazi sympathizers have been lurking among us; or that politics have become so toxic that people will scramble to defend anyone on their side of the spectrum regardless of those people are Nazis. Either way it's certainly not good.

Is it possible you're confusing support for the right to speak freely no matter how unpalatable that speech might be and support for what is actually spoken?

ETA: I support a lot of things I find rather unpalatable. My support for women's access to safe legal abortion is a good example. On a personal level it's a toughie for me but then the country isn't solely about me. When I have a hard choice, I opt for safety first, emotions second. People need to follow rules whether it's the constitution of the US or local ordinances and cops need permission to knock heads when they don't.
edit on 8-14-2017 by Morningglory because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: lightedhype

Your stance on this is bascially advocating more violence and blood shed. Yeah what could get possibly wrong. How about we pit Trump supporters and Anti-Trump supporters against each other. Hell let's build a colosseum where they can duke it out and make it pay per view and blast it all around the world. Is this what the world has become? Diplomacy be damned and violence is now apparently the only answer to all our problems? Well lets bring it on then. The ultimate fight between good vs evil but you better hope of not getting caught in the crossfire.

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: lightedhype
Starred Hear,hear Bro..

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:44 PM
Let's say I buy your "setup" conspiracy...which I don't....does that make the violent actions from the alt-right justifiable?

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Morningglory

Bold is mine.

I think you mean Nazi, if that's what he is, one individual is responsible for killing that person. You make it sound like an angry mob in unison committed murder. It was one crazy guy.

As I mentioned in another thread, for the most part, neo-Nazis do not exist in a vacuum. And one does not choose to run down a group of people in a car without some provocation. Fields may have been the one behind the wheel but his compatriots that indoctrinated him into this ideology, cheered him on when he was committing his heinous act, and then tried to help with escape after all share some of the blame. So yes, Nazis. Plural.

The city issued a permit to Unite the Right to hold a protest. They could've denied the request if LE resources were unavailable or limited. This event failed so miserably because LE lost or never had control of the crowd.

I can't remember if it was this protest or the one that happened in Charlottesville a few months back but they tried to deny the permit. The ACLU sued them as a result.

Is it possible you're confusing support for the right to speak freely no matter how unpalatable that speech might be and support for what is actually spoken?

Considering people are trying the place the blame for this situation entirely on the Left, including Heyer's death, despite numerous sources claiming that the Nazis were the aggressors, yes I'm sure I'm not confused.

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