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50 to 60 Teens Swarm, Takeover, Train, Rob and Assault Weekend Riders

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posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

I think it's a multi-generational situation. When young woman, in some cases girls, give birth and raise the baby on welfare with no father in the home, and this happens generation after generation, there's very little hope for the individual kid. It has nothing intrinsically to do with race, but certainly affects the African-American community more because of the history of that race.

Prior to emancipation, the African Americans had virtually no family structure because the families were torn apart by the evil institution of slavery. In post-Civil War America, black men found it virtually impossible to find work other than in the music/entertainment fields, bar rooms, and the like. Black women were much more successful in finding work as domestic servants, cooks, etc.. This lead to strife and division in the family unit.. Spin that forward a few generations with the increase in the "social safety net" spending and the encoded need for a man not to be in the house, and we see where it leads. It's a business model and the only one many African Americans in poor communities know. When no one in your house has and education or a job or a father, where do we, as a society think it is going to go?

The people involved in this incident certainly acted like animals and deserve to be punished, though I think it likely that the large majority will avoid ever being prosecuted. However, in my experience, people who act like animals have been treated like animals. To simply say "lock them up" will make us feel good in the short term, but it will not do anything to lessen the steadfast decline in the moral values of large portions of our country.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Unlimited welfare is the road to hell we are on.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Isn't the solution obvious?

Don't take the train!

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: flyingdutchman2112
Before reading let's play guess the ETHNICITY! Well actually I cheated a bit a glimpsed something about oakland in the comment above, but I'm gonna go ahead and guess not white.

There FIXED it for you to be more Factually accurate

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

Well, shoot!

Let's bring on the UBI! Then we can have unfettered train mobs for everyone!

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: IAMTAT

Isn't the solution obvious?

Don't take the train!

Got one better. Individual boxes you sit in that are bullet proof and have a call button incase of emergency on the train. And arm it with mini turrets to clear off un friendly riders if need be.(Monitored by security staff not commutters..Sheesh that be a horror show)

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Then you're denying the good little socialists the opportunity to redistribute your wealth.


(post by EternalShadow removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

I'd wager that it becomes a fad. Remember a few years back when large groups of teens would mob into a store and steal everything that wasn't nailed down? Once the story hit the media it started happening in larger cities everywhere and didn't stop until police started cracking down and prosecuting the little buggers.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

sn't the solution obvious?

I thought the obvious solution was train marshals like airplanes have.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: EternalShadow

I'd wager that it becomes a fad. Remember a few years back when large groups of teens would mob into a store and steal everything that wasn't nailed down? Once the story hit the media it started happening in larger cities everywhere and didn't stop until police started cracking down and prosecuting the little buggers.

Fad my butt! You think 50-60 assailants is shocking, how about 500+ taking over an entire mall!!??? Yeah, that's what's happening and the police merely show up disperse the crowd and arrest a couple of them. Just the odds alone in getting caught is enough for this to continue and get worse. That's the strategy... overwhelm your target with assailants so while maybe one or two are detained and arrested the rest get away with murder, literally and figuratively. The more people the better chance of success. The scale needs to be swung the other way where more are arrested and less get away. Then those that are arrested, their parents should be charged for all the damage and theft, not to mention the time their kids spend in jail too.

Maybe that might kick start the responsibility the parents lack for their kids.
edit on E30America/ChicagoMon, 24 Apr 2017 17:52:09 -05004pmMondayth05pm by EternalShadow because: a correction

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:55 PM
Can't wait for the 2017 FBI crime stats.. Might need one of those quantum computers to calculate it.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

Juvenile jails and adult jails in PC are just gladiator schools. Jail doesnt work.. they run game in there too and make deeper ties to the criminal elements for when they get out. I can give examples if you like

White folks need to stay out of it. Been a good 60 yrs.. back off. Let the blacks police their own. If they cant... move them to a new kind of rez... called a fema camp.. and train them, educate them how they need to be, get them rolling on things in life. See, the money isnt on Wall street ... its in the ghetto. MILLIONS moved every day in goods. Crap like the war on drugs and other "initiatives" in the poor communities keeps them right where they are.. a thriving and ultimately lawless grey and black market. Butt out. Let it run its course and dont give choices..force them behave when they are incapable as Ive suggested. No one likes the scary solutions though.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: Advantage

Jail needs to be made useful again. Direct military service is a good alternative. but not a ordinary unit. One where civil rights are waived in exchange for early release. Of course they wont harm th eprisoners but are authorized to shoot dead any and all deserters or routine trouble makers who disrupt the rehabilitation.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: Mikehawk
a reply to: IAMTAT

Geographically, Oakland (where this event took place) is smack dab in that Leftist 'sweet spot' between Berkeley and SF.

You can't blame the crime problems in Oakland on the Lefties.

Don't go full retard bro.

Are you triggered?

Sure can. All these crazy kids are products of poor parenting and the broken family model the left created and pushes.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl

originally posted by: Mikehawk
a reply to: IAMTAT

Geographically, Oakland (where this event took place) is smack dab in that Leftist 'sweet spot' between Berkeley and SF.

You can't blame the crime problems in Oakland on the Lefties.

Don't go full retard bro.

Are you triggered?

Sure can. All these crazy kids are products of poor parenting and the broken family model the left created and pushes.

Maybe w eneed a culling of teenagers and youths who have did crimes as well as their parents for not raising them right.say once every generation.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Bleeding hearts and money grabbers wont let jail function... so thats not happening.
I dont want that sort in the mil... no one could count on them, much less trust them. Theyd likely wind up shooting each other before completing basic.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Advantage
a reply to: yuppa

Bleeding hearts and money grabbers wont let jail function... so thats not happening.
I dont want that sort in the mil... no one could count on them, much less trust them. Theyd likely wind up shooting each other before completing basic.

Ahh now you see my plan. And thats why they would all been fitted with shock collars that go to lethal if they try to kill another.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Advantage
a reply to: yuppa

Bleeding hearts and money grabbers wont let jail function... so thats not happening.
I dont want that sort in the mil... no one could count on them, much less trust them. Theyd likely wind up shooting each other before completing basic.

Ahh now you see my plan. And thats why they would all been fitted with shock collars that go to lethal if they try to kill another.

Nah... thats zombies... and it never works.
Watch the movie Fido

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

I agree with that. Here they've passed ordinances where those under legal adult age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at the malls (not just their of age friends). Police have substations at the malls and are on patrol at all times. Parents are held responsible. It was the same way where I lived last, and that was even before the flashmob shoplifting became a thing. Parents absolutely SHOULD be held responsible. Heck, when my kids were in school if they skipped class the parents got hauled into court and had to pay hefty fines and that was years ago. Amazing how skipping classes came to a halt when parents were held responsible. Until they are of adult age parents should be held responsible for any crime committed by their children.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:34 PM
the thing i want to understand is why are all the most dangerous parts of this country run by democrats? is it overpopulation that's the problem or is it politics?

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