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Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

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posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Yes, this look like a very well planned strategy to stop Trump from becoming president, I wonder what will happen next if the Russian "affair" doesn't work, assassination?

This is turning ugly, but now that the rat is been exposed if something happen to Trump before inauguration will leave all fingers pointed to crazy Hillary and her minions.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

Our national security agencies has been infiltrated by private entities, they no longer answer to the government of this nation but they seem to control what the government knows of what they are doing and most of the time the agencies work without explanation of what they do.

posted on Dec, 12 2016 @ 10:16 PM
From Marc Elias - Clinton campaign counsel

Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves, but now that a recount has been initiated in Wisconsin, we intend to participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides.


posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

This might shock you, but Hillary is more honest than trump. She's a better person.

The ordinary people on the left are good people too. We aren't generally bullies or hackers or liars or commies. We aren't the way 30 years of right-wing radio bull# have painted us.

So the fact that the right resorts to theft, hacking, lying, intimidation doesn't surprise me. If the left stooped that low, we would be seeing tax returns and emails from the right too. And yeah, they would make the corruption on the left look like child's play.

Both sides are corrupt, but the side you really need to watch out for is the side that runs its campaign like Hitler did.

I'm not shocked at all...that you said that. Hillary is the most corrupt politician in history in my opinion. Trump isn't and has never been a politician and therefore, isn't a corrupt politician. He has never been charged personally or through any business with corruption, conspiracy, etc. and he has paid restitution for everything he has done wrong. Clinton hasn't even admitted to her corruption and crimes. She sees the world as you do...the end justifies the means and therefore, any crime that benefits the left's agenda is a non-crime.

You can say whatever you want, but the facts and history prove that the left is far more corrupt and they are much bigger liars than the right could ever be. Yes...they are both bad but when your choices are between two "evils", the left are worse. Even YOUR current president has lied, has been proven to have lied to the American people and has never accepted responsibility. Harry Reid lied about Romney and thought that was a great thing.

America is sick and tired of the lefts BS and has shown this in this election. They chose the lessor of two evils and that was Trump. Even now the left continues to do whatever they can to steal the election...BS recounts...intimidation of electors...death threats...protests against VERIFIED RESULTS, etc. The left want America so they can "fundamentally change" America, which means into something it is not.

I love my country...I don't wish to change it. I think we are great, exceptional and with a President that loves America we will be great.

You failed...and you are a sore looser. What more is there to say?

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:06 AM
Hillary's been a public servant for over 30 years, with a chunk of those years being an actual sitting politician.

She's not any "dirtier" or "crooked" than anyone else who's spent the same amount of time doing the same. There are plenty of GOP/Republican politicians dirtier than her.

Hell, Cheney single-handedly has the blood of thousands and thousands of US soldiers on his hands for lying about WMD, against the actual evidence given to him by the intelligence community.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Loving America means you don't support or put up with a foreign power using psychological warfare and propaganda to sway your opinion and control the way you think.

Loving America means you don't stand by and let another country influence our elections by sneaking hacked documents to whistle blower sites.

Not acknowledging and being outraged at this digital Pearl Harbor is quite possibly the most un-American thing a proud American who loves the USA an wants to see it great again could do.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: Kettu
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Loving America means you don't support or put up with a foreign power using psychological warfare and propaganda to sway your opinion and control the way you think.

Loving America means you don't stand by and let another country influence our elections by sneaking hacked documents to whistle blower sites.

Not acknowledging and being outraged at this digital Pearl Harbor is quite possibly the most un-American thing a proud American who loves the USA an wants to see it great again could do.

I guess you don't get it...with "it" being my opinion. Here is how I see this whole thing, you tell me where I'm wrong. I will actually consider any view that isn't just partisan BS.

Lets say the Russian's and/or Russian government hacked the DNC and exposed emails, etc. First and foremost...we should be upset by that and the fact that our security isn't as tight as it should be. We would need to fix that.

Then they released this hacked, stolen information to WikiLeaks (supposedly) who in turn released it to the world. But this information isn't in dispute. It is real and it is factual. The DNC did a bunch of corrupt and bad things...said a lot of bad things, etc. Lets be clear...these are undisputed facts that this information is real, credible and THAT isn't being debated.

So Russia via WikiLeaks released to the PUBLIC the facts behind corruption, conspiracy and colusion by the DNC. The hacking may be an issue but telling the American people the truth about corruption within our government is NOT a bad thing...for the American people. It is only a bad thing to the corrupt this case...Clinton and the DNC.

So what did Russia actual do? The wording from the left is they "influenced" the election. But what they actually did was expose corruption and THE CORRUPTION INFLUENCED THE ELECTION! They didn't make something up...they didn't lie...they didn't DO anything but expose the TRUTH.

So in my opinion, with the exception of hacking us (but we all hack each other...that is also a fact) they did little more to influence the election than Putin standing up and saying "We have proof that your DNC is corrupt and we don't think Hillary Clinton will be a good President due to these they are. Now go a vote as you wish".

So where is the problem? The hacking that we do to them and everyone else also? The exposing of a corrupt portion of our government to the people? Exposing Clinton's actions related to this corruption so we can actually consider such actions when deciding who to elect? None of that bothers me one bit. I think we might owe them thanks!

Now...and I'm adding this as a personal opinion. You and/or anyone who is pissed off about this is pissed off (apparently) that corruption within our government was presented to the people. THINK ABOUT THAT! You are upset that corruption was exposed. was exposed on your side of the spectrum, but exposing corruption...regardless who does so...regardless how they obtained the information...regardless of what these FACTS influence is a GOOD thing.

What if you someone was lying to you personally, costing you money, messing with your family and home. Would you be pissed off at a 3rd party showing you the emails they hacked and showed you where this person said "Hey...I've got another sucker I'm going to screw over"?

PS: You call it "psychological warfare and propaganda". How about using the actual, factual reality instead. It wasn't "psychological warfare and propaganda". It was real, hacked emails written, sent and received within the DNC. What you call "propaganda" happens to be facts.
edit on 12/13/2016 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:48 AM
Well...I guess I could have said that much simpler. Russia helped the American people by exposing undisputed corruption within one political party.

How's that

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: Kettu

Loving America means you do an investigation properly and completely and not use it as an excuse to deny the Presidency to the person who won.

Yes Clinton has been in public life for 30 years - lawyer to the Nixon investigation, first cousin in Arkansas, first cousin in DC, Senator and Secretary of state.

Name one of her accomplishments please.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: Kettu

Hillary in her madness has become an anarchist and she have no regards for Americas constitutional laws in order to create dissent because she didn't won the election.

And to believe that people wanted a crazy woman in the white house.

The thirst for power have mad Hillary lose her mind.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Snarl
In short order ... WaPo referenced material needs to be Hoax Binned.

The WaPo and NY Times ... just glance back through their pages and re-read ALL their lies. OMFG!!

Can we start a petition to make this happen?

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Kettu

digital Pearl Harbor

Yes. This is the 21st century, this is cyber warfare.

There is a Russian saying, "Probe with bayonets. If you encounter steel, withdraw. If you encounter mush, continue."

What the Russians did in cyber space is what has been done throughout history, search out and use an opponent's weakness against them. During the Cold War, the USSR would probe for US hardware defense weaknesses and also weaknesses in individual American's character. In the 21st century, they did the same in cyber space.

Putin knew the 21st cen American character weakness, the mush of our own irrational thinking, the post truth world we have come to live in. A world of false equivalence, bifurcated thinking, and where, as even Republican leader Newt Gingrich espouses, facts don't matter, where emotional response is equated with facts. Putin knew exactly what needed to be done.

The Russians found our weakness and attacked, every bit as the Japanese military used our weakness that Sunday morning in Pearl Harbor.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 02:24 PM
FBI disputes CIA's "Fuzzy And Ambiguous" Claims That Russia Sought To Influence Presidential Election.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 05:37 PM
Can anyone explain to me why this this has never, ever, seen the daylight :
/donald-trump-foreign-business-deals-national-secur itny

[url=]trump-foreign-business-deals-national-security[/url ]

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Damiel
Can anyone explain to me why this this has never, ever, seen the daylight :
/donald-trump-foreign-business-deals-national-secur itny

[url=]trump-foreign-business-deals-national-security[/url ]

Because contrary to what the left likes to say the President is not required to sever all business ties. Once in office they are required to place everything into a blind trust.

Also it has been discussed but only by those who want something to complain about with regards to Trump.
edit on 13-12-2016 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

Our national security agencies has been infiltrated by private entities, they no longer answer to the government of this nation but they seem to control what the government knows of what they are doing and most of the time the agencies work without explanation of what they do.

They have? With who Russians? Germans? Aliens? Where are you getting this? What's your evidence? Do you believe the CIA is lying to you BECAUSE the news tells you something is true? The idea that someone would think 16 intelligence agencies are all simultaneously lying to the United States populace to protect a single political party -- nay not even a particular party, but a particular candidate who already conceded -- is so absolutely laughable, it doesn't even deserve to be addressed as anything other than lunatic ravings.

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

None of the hacked emails came from the Clinton server.

You mean none of the hacked emails thus far published by WIkileaks. I'll get back to this in a minute.

My point is that if it weren't for HRC illegally setting up a private server, the FBI would not have gotten involved in the first place, issuing subpoenas and beginning an investigation. Then when Weiner was found to have a boatload of emails, some also from the illegal HRC server, Comey and the FBI sent the letter about re-opening the investigation. In other words, I don't believe you're saying that it's somehow the FBI's fault that HRC broke the law and about a million Gov't regulations which probably contributed to her loss of the election, are you?

It was, is and shall forever remain HRC's fault. Anyone blaming Comey for her loss is laughable...actually it's pathetic.

Now back to my first few sentences. In the course of their investigation of whether or not HRC sent classified email thru a non-secure server they also determined that the HRC server was hacked by at least *5* foreign governments or government agencies. 5...not one or 2, 5.

So 5 separate foreign governments hacked into some of our most sensitive state dept information because HRC decided it would be better to ignore the law and all of the security protocols put in place for JUST THAT REASON because, well, who the hell knows what she was thinking.

On a final note - Wikileaks has another 15,000 emails yet to release. Who knows where they came from? For all we know they could have come from the HRC server, but who cares? It's moot, as it seems any talented 13 year old with a computer and an internet connection could break into her and the DNC's servers while they munched on a few devil dogs or something. It's beyond truly is.

That's my point Ante. I know you see're way too smart not to. But I also know the outcome of this election was very tough for you to take. And I understand that, but at some point you have to take the larger view here and stop beating this dead horse my friend.

Maybe this will make you smile.

edit on 12/15/2016 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: Kettu

All that communator inormation!

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 04:03 PM
Well, this is a site for discussing conspiracies, so here I go. I am coming back to someone somewhere being compromised.

The timing of the Comey FBI email October Surprise.

Here is something I have only heard discussed one time elsewhere. Now, I am not saying Comey was compromised. I will remain in the camp who says he is an upright person just doing his job. But, who gave the evidence for the Comey FBI search warrant?

Attorney E. Randol Schoenberg announced on his Facebook page on Wednesday that he has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice that seeks the “immediate disclosure of the FBI search warrant for the e-mails of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

bold mine

“I think we need to see what ‘probable cause’ was shown for obtaining the search warrant, because whoever thought there was going to be evidence of a crime was obviously mistaken. And that mistake probably changed the outcome of the election.

Lawsuit Seeks to Find Evidence Trump Influenced Comey in Email Investigation

Was there someone in or close to the Trump campaign who gave perhaps (to me likely) false evidence with impeccable timing?

Was Comey set up as the unwitting tool by a Russian turned operative?
edit on 16-12-2016 by desert because: )

posted on Dec, 16 2016 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: desert

The NYPD seized Weiners laptop as part of the investigation into him sending pics to a 15 year old girl. When they searched the laptop they came across the emails and notified the FBI. The FBI got a warrant to review the emails since the original warrant for the NYPD didn't cover that information.

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