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Shadow people and sleep paralysis

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posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 11:53 PM
I want to say that I found this thread very interesting. Many of the threads on ATS get repetitious, to me. This was one topic that was of personal interest and I thought it was a very thought-provoking topic. But it seems like all it takes is someone (with good intentions) to come on and explain why (from their view) it is nonsense. Instead of continuing the discussion, people become distracted in response to the criticism. Also, this makes it makes self-conscious and they stop posting. No topic could work this way. It is fair and reasonable that someone comments on why they believe something is not what it seems (to everyone,) but I just hate how it throws everyone off the subject, ultimately.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 03:14 AM
I'm new to this site, but after reading this thread I felt the need to join. This happens to me once every 2 or 3 months. But not just at home in bed, or on the couch somewhere. It even happens at work if I doze off. And when it happens at home I do sense a figure behind me. But one thing I'm able to do is slightly rock my leg during these episodes, and by consciously doing this, I'm able to wake myself up, and come out these paralysis states.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: pittsburghguy

You have a demon, a wicked spirit, not only following you everywhere, but bullying you. It happens to almost everyone. And everyone does have a wicked spirit, and most of those are indeed bullies.

Why are so many wicked spirits, or demons bullies? They used to be angelic beings of love and happiness. Why did they turn to arrogant bastards who bully humankind?

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: LifeisGrand

What you say here has been my experience as well. I've experienced a great deal of misfortune, as well as negative supernatural occurrences. The misfortune has been both traumatic events and endless occurrences of bad luck (as if an extremely petty being is trying to annoy me.) To me, Evil/the devil is basically a petty child, only that it has absolutely no conscience or compassion whatsoever. My family has told me that when I lived or stayed at home there were various supernatural occurrences happening, but it all seems to stop like magic when I leave. People around me will react to me in bizarre ways. I could go into this in more detail but basically I am harshly judged and ridiculed like a celebrity, when in reality no one knows me. This always baffles people who do, who have no idea why so many people are so extremely petty in how they judge and treat me. Life has always been trying to kick the crap out of me and the only thing I can think to do is to pray, stay positive, stay strong, focus on healing and spend my time with as many good people as I can.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: CosmicSmack

I've had sleep paralysis before and seen shadow people...
It's not a joke! There really is a GOD being and it manifests such beings into existence as part of interacting with people.

Now the being jokes with me about shadow people by creating art in reality with nature like these REAL pics of shadows. Noticed they have pretty clear human faces as well as one evil snarling demonic face. I have many pictures of art work god has created for me using shadows, clouds and nature. I ain't totally crazy yet but there is definitely something that can change up reality and messes around with people

Now I've tried posting similar pics on the internet and people claimed they couldn't see what I was talking about but I'd show real people and they'd confirm what I was seeing. So don't lie and say you don't see the shadow people looking at me.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: Timeloops

With all do respect TimeLoops, you're either mocking the OP, or you're off your rocker. Those are normal pics. If you really think things are manifesting in those shadows, you should see a mental health doctor.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: Timeloops
a reply to: CosmicSmack

I've had sleep paralysis before and seen shadow people...
It's not a joke! There really is a GOD being and it manifests such beings into existence as part of interacting with people.

Now the being jokes with me about shadow people by creating art in reality with nature like these REAL pics of shadows. Noticed they have pretty clear human faces as well as one evil snarling demonic face. I have many pictures of art work god has created for me using shadows, clouds and nature. I ain't totally crazy yet but there is definitely something that can change up reality and messes around with people

Now I've tried posting similar pics on the internet and people claimed they couldn't see what I was talking about but I'd show real people and they'd confirm what I was seeing. So don't lie and say you don't see the shadow people looking at me.

Okay it is April fools day and I am a real person, but I just don't see anything other than shadows of trees... if you stare long enough at anything, you can start to see things.
Be well.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 11:07 AM
To me aliens arent just creatures from another planet, there are aliens who have natural ability or technology to jump over different dimension, and aliens who live in other dimension on earth.

posted on Jun, 2 2016 @ 11:32 AM
I was hoping to find this topic discussed here, thanks!

I've has SP my whole life, hundreds of times, with "shadow people" and without. While I'm familiar with the scientific account, I'm doubtful that it is a complete explanation of what happens.

With much to say and little time, I'll just toss this out - the "skeptics" tell us that neurotransmitters are responsible for SP, that during REM sleep these chemicals induce muscle atonia so that we don't act out our dreams. SP occurs during REM sleep for everyone, but you'd never know it unless you became conscious/aware/awake while in this state.

In the first place, it is not consistent with science to assert that chemicals behave so as to avoid or prevent some hypothetical situation. Science does not explain such events by reference to goal-oriented behavior but rather by appeal to cause and effect. Water doesn't run downhill in order to be at sea level, it is caused to do so by gravity. Similarly, neurotransmitters do not paralyze us in order to achieve some end, something causes their release...

Second, the scientific explanation is not consistent with the experience of "normal" sleepers. Most people have had the experience of being in REM sleep when their alarm clock goes off. But, there's no problem moving to turn off the alarm, one is not paralyzed.

Lastly, if you have SP and there are "shadow people" there, you're basically a lab rat (IMO). More later?


posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 09:54 AM
I have had sleep paralysis since I was about 16, it started happening not long after I began using recreational drugs. For a few months it happened almost every night, a few times a night sometimes. I'm 26 now and it happens only once every few months now. I've never seen a shadow person but I don't remember ever opening my eyes. I always feel very scared though

posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: pittsburghguy
I'm new to this site, but after reading this thread I felt the need to join. This happens to me once every 2 or 3 months. But not just at home in bed, or on the couch somewhere. It even happens at work if I doze off. And when it happens at home I do sense a figure behind me. But one thing I'm able to do is slightly rock my leg during these episodes, and by consciously doing this, I'm able to wake myself up, and come out these paralysis states.

Hi pittsburghguy,
Research indicates there's a correlation between SP and narcolepsy (and other "sleep disorders"). This is not to say that narcolepsy causes SP, but if you're falling asleep at work it might be something to look in to. A sleep lab would be the place to go to rule that out.

posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: Ruiner1978

originally posted by: saadad
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Seeing the same entity or having the same feeling actually backs this theory. Because when our animal instinct kicks in, we are all the same.

Sane thing is with obe. I be very careful with inducing obe, because your brain is caught between wake mode and automatic|instinct mode. And having your brain lock too much at this modes can possibly harm your brain.

That why they say that some people get posesed with demon, I don't believe they get posesed by demon, I believe they mental health gets messed up with locking the brain between this two modes.

Well I suppose I can understand why you'd think that if you're actively trying to induce these states yourself, which you obviously are. However, I don't think it's applicable to most cases and the bigger picture.

And 2 months later I reply.
No I don't induce one. I tryed but failed, I had one spontaneous one and at that time I had a feeling of someone presence.

I explained what is this all about in previous replyes.

When we act on instincts we are same. We all gave fear, happiness, we all have emotions, every human us the same. That is the reason why brain shows the same shadow people, but they are not really 100% same, sometimes they have hat sometimes not, sometimes there is a dog with them and so on.

posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 12:53 PM
Can you people do test for me? So we close this shadow people topic once for good.

Hold a bucket of cold water beside your bed, when you have sleep paralysis don't panic, breath, after you calm down you be able to move, then grab the cold water and wash your face, if after that you see anything paranormal then go seek exorcist, or shrink.

posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 02:46 PM

I explained what is this all about in previous replyes.

When we act on instincts we are same. We all gave fear, happiness, we all have emotions, every human us the same. That is the reason why brain shows the same shadow people, but they are not really 100% same, sometimes they have hat sometimes not, sometimes there is a dog with them and so on.

The fact that so many people have such similar SP experiences cannot be explained by the other (biological) similarities you mention.

Your reasoning appears to proceed as follows:

We all have similar brains.
We all have similar instincts.
We all have similar neurological processes associated with SP.
Therefore, we should expect the same degree of similarity in our SP experiences (shadow people).

But it is easy to show that these biological similarities do not provide a sufficient basis for producing similar experiences.
Apply the same reasoning prior to the onset of SP, and the inadequacy becomes explicit.

We all have similar brains.
We all have similar instincts.
We all have similar neurological processes associated with dreaming.
Therefore, we should expect the same degree of similarity in our dream experiences.
[but, of course, our dream experiences vary quite widely]

It may be true (as sleep research suggests) that the brain chemistry associated with SP has the additional affect of triggering the same instinctual response of fear in most people who experience it. But, there are infinitely many things that people might be afraid of; shadow people, spiders, yogurt, bees, clowns, etc. (just like there are infinitely many things people might dream about). So why do we all see the same thing? Were this all a matter of brain chemistry producing "hallucinations," one would expect that the hallucinations would vary as much as ordinary scary dreams do. But it doesn't happen this way.

This, I think, represents one of the most important observations about SP. Prior to waking up paralyzed, each person is experiencing their own unique "dream." But, once awake and unable to move, people's experiences (for hundreds of years now) become strikingly similar. What could account for such a change from a private dream to a shared experience? At the very least, this indicates that what we see or hear during SP is not produced in the same way as our dreams. Something else must be going on.

posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 08:10 PM
I don't think this is sleep paralysis but...sometimes i would find myself in a realm completely comprised of flesh. Faces of 'canon' characters to cartoons familiar to me spoke saying in a distorted voice 'Join us, you know you want to' This was a repeating dream I had for a while. The third time i had a new dream. This time i had strengthened my 3rd eye. and I think i saw the first part of the dream. In this dream i was standing amongst a distorting realm of flesh. Inhuman creatures walked to and fro in this place. A couple looked at me too. But i was treated very casually. after this That familiar dream piece started again. The faces that came from the flesh looked just like the one from the other two dreams. Including the odd flesh realm I was in.

Later however it was early in the morning.[this was months later] I had just woke up and it was just dawn. However I wasn't ready to get up. I went back to sleep, however when I 'woke up' I noticed I was dreaming but in my room. Capable of movement however on my bed. It looked just like my room right down to the lighting. But what stood in my window was a woman. A woman that almost remebled a 'mockery' of a human form. Despite it was well lit this entity was all black, and had the most inhumanly widened eyes I had ever seen. She just stared at me. I almost felt a twinge of interest in this woman's odd eyes as she stared at me. She seemed to be in regular human clothes. Tanktop, jeans, however bent forward in my window that was RIGHT next to my bed.

Given I have trouble speaking in dreams I eventually choked out to this woman 'Can you help me?' I don't know what I was asking for help with but for some strange reason I felt 'yes' as she suddenly dashed right in front of my face. I know I saw her move mind refuses to remember it. after this she eventually dashed out the open window. About a year later a guy i know told me what I saw was a 'shade' a terrifying entity from a very primal deep astral plane. An incredibly dangerous area from what he told me.

Shades often take on the form of black smoglike shadow darker then the surrounding shadow. However this seems to just be a facade to weak perceptioned humans. Their true form can be everything from humanoid to incomprehensible nightmare monsters. From what he said the stronger ones cannot be scared off by deities names and ordinary human things. Generally however the ones humans see are pretty weak. However sometimes very strong ones take interest in mortals. their motives vary and are often completely indistinguishable. Some simply watch mortals, others will take to tormenting and attacking them unless actions are taken.

As for the realm i described. He said that place is a very dangerous realm attached to the shades. And that the astral realms are a deep web of interconnected areas that go deeper and deeper. Each more dangerous then the last. Generally ill fit for the typical mortal. As for how I got there...I have no idea. Why did that woman appear to me? I guess she wanted me to 'Join her' However I hadn't seen her once ever si-...wait. Yeah I have..a week or so ago.

But this post is getting pretty long...if anyone wants to know what happened in the second dream[the one from the weird lucid dream in my room] do ask. I truthfully just figured out who it was just as I finished up this post.

edit on 3-6-2016 by Brokenmirrorpng because: added a bit at the end

edit on 3-6-2016 by Brokenmirrorpng because: removed stuff

posted on Jun, 4 2016 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Brokenmirrorpng

"Shades often take on the form of black smoglike shadow darker then the surrounding shadow... the stronger ones cannot be scared off by deities names and ordinary human things."

Shades can be scared off by lights (not "ordinary human" lights)

posted on Jun, 4 2016 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: birdxofxprey

In general special light i take it, i don't know everything about shades. Only what this guy told me. And stronger shades are kinda rare from what i have witnessed. Most of what we witness are weaker ones.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: birdxofxprey
So why do we all see the same thing?

Well... We *are* pretty similar in terms of biochemistry. It's probably the same reason people keep seeing mermaids and whatnot on Mars rather than a plain simple rock.

But let's take an experience I had last night. I was dreaming something (I have no idea what now, dreams are fleeting) when suddenly it was like a sheet was pulled over me I remember taking my hand up to my face to remove it, when another hand grabbed it and held it. Not really forcefully, just gently but firm. Then I fell down to my side and began too... err... let's just say that it felt like something was grinding rather intently in the lower region. And yes, I did grab dat ass and went for it. I still couldnt see crap so it was just the feeling and boy did it feel real. Well until a hand took a chokehold instead and I abruptly woke up and proceeded to scare the living bejesus out of myself because the first thing I saw was what looked like a woman with dark hair and tilted head in a long white dress standing at the foot of my bed, japanese anime horror style.

Well, except it wasnt that horrible. It was my closet cabinet with a bunch of boxes on top. No, literally, it was. At that time of night with that kind of lighting from the window the green/white wallpaper on it turned into a dress and the boxes was ordered so that it looked like black hair and a slightly tilted head. After I realized what it was I was looking at I had to look real hard again, just in case, lol. I think I will rearrange those boxes :/

The human brain is a funny thing.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 11:42 AM
Well you guys want another dream from the archives?[I get these to most people horrifying lucid realistic nightmares sometimes every other week] In the dream I woke up, i began to wander my house when suddenly something started appearing everywhere. It looked to be easily twelve feet tall. With black sticklike limbs My house looked EXACTLY as it did in real life. The creature never did anything or harmed me. Eventually after three or four apearences near the end of the dream i finally had the courage to look up at it. It was in the corner where my microwave usually was. It had black sunken in eyes and i felt an oppressive force looking upon it. After that dream? Never seen it ever again. That was last year or late 2014. It had a similar air to the woman i saw[the stained black woman with wide eyes] from the last page. However this was before my 3rd eye seemed to [fully]open up so the creature was much scarier to me back then.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 11:46 AM
merka -- "Well... We *are* pretty similar in terms of biochemistry. It's probably the same reason people keep seeing mermaids and whatnot on Mars rather than a plain simple rock...
...the green/white wallpaper on it turned into a dress and the boxes was ordered so that it looked like black hair and a slightly tilted head."

I accept this as a fact about human perceptual psychology. When the content of perception is vague or ambiguous, the brain tries to "make sense" out of things and "interprets" those vague perceptions so as to make the content more recognizable or meaningful. Interpreting EVP recordings is a good example of this... Your example is a good one too - we all see the same (ambiguous) object on Mars. Once someone makes a claim about what it is, others often "see" the same thing and a kind of pseudo-consensus emerges that it really does look like a mermaid (or whatever).

When multiple people perceive the same ambiguous object, they tend to resolve the ambiguity similarly.
[if others had seen your closet and boxes, they may have had a similar experience]

So, when people look at the same thing, we expect they'll draw similar conclusions about what they see.
Conversely, when people can't possibly be looking at the same things (since they're in distinct environments), we expect they'll draw a greater variety of conclusions about what they see.

Now, what if 100 people saw 100 different ambiguous objects on 100 different planets and all claimed (independently from one another) to have seen a mermaid? That would be quite unexpected an inexplicable by reference to the perceptual mechanics noted above. SP is just such a situation; despite being in enormously varying environments, time periods, cultures, etc., people see quite similar things during SP.


edit on 5-6-2016 by birdxofxprey because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-6-2016 by birdxofxprey because: typos

edit on 5-6-2016 by birdxofxprey because: more typos

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