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Baddogma's Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

So one part of what I mean is that I forgive people while still leaving them out in the cold..
Unless they can prove something, and it only goes so far..

my last relationship hurt pretty bad, but I let her talk to me still.. plutonic.. that's as far as you get if you are that cold.
but I don't have the pain from it just the lessons learned, and damn did she accelerate my learning curve.. I've lived more in the last 2 years than I did the 6 years prior.

Look I just don't care about what humans do that much. It's like nothings a big deal to me, except my private spiritual side, and only certain people get to see that.

In general the universe sorts itself out, and I'm one strong pup.

Sounds like we have similar stories.

edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

at the end of the video you can see what he's really talking about in his eyes..

edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

The universe does sort itself... and it sorts much easier; when it isn't manipulated. Remember that business I spoke about where intent was involved? That mess builds the karma that will be a future cause to immediately start undoing what one contrived or manipulated to get... making things way way worse than letting go and letting the universe sort it on it's own when ripe to do so. Otherwise; you just end up screwing yourself two steps forward two steps back...

I've learned my lesson... I don't write any script I'm just there doing what I do as mood calls for it; total improv or zen to what arises in the moment it arises.

Lol not speaking of woo about four or five people just showed up in that out of body form... or maybe its just me manifesting elsewhere as this visual reality is steadily falling apart the less I grasp at sense consciousness. Already exist without thought; I just have a routine and respond to what is seen in it... total reaction to stimulous not really needed one day I suppose these manifestations; will solidify enough to have actual interaction as they seem more and more solid as time goes on.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

first 2 paragraphs..

that is my word: Forgiveness.


I learned the hard way of course. And then I did it again to test it and it didn't like getting tested on top of me forcing things.. And of course then I did it again.. And again.. Scorpio haha..
ha, oh younger me... Rebel forever, but a calmer version these days.. But I can afford a few smacks here and there.
It's all interesting to me. I'm not someone who wants to be comfortable all the time. kinda like the punishment sometimes LOL.

Well now I know what you meant intent... But maybe my intent is related to my "god mode" part.. So it's good..
like it flows well..

oh and the reason I keep putting "reality" in quotations, and calling it an illusion is because it is falling apart.. I'm noticing that. And I was avoiding that.. But my alarm clock just went off again. my psychic kicked in, and now I'm going somewhere else.

but my choice is always love. that one never goes wrong. and I mean love not between 2 people. the love you feel when you look at mountains and rivers. the kind of love that makes you grateful for all that is, even the "bad" things..
edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

Well, when the self collapses and there is just observation of experience because life still occurs despite the billions of different realities each person holds in relativity... letting go means bubbles of those realities supporting will eventually pop the same one's own has.

You know how reality of waking slips into dream and theres that gap between the two? That unconscious blank spot... how would you cope with a transition if that unconscious gap ceased... yet it was not from the supposed wake into dream or from dream into awake; but total transition between two realities as the one seen as wakeful slid off into the dream that was actually just as real and solid as the one that was deemed wakeful? Where the entire one taken as real difted away or was the dream?

How would you handle such a transition? Would it be a shock... to you? While there are some uncertainies to such a thing... for the record I'd embrace it; as interesting as an experience as that would be, nothing really to this current "reality" anyway so persistence of it? Not really important... as adaptation goes.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

that wouldnt' shock me at all..

I sometimes have consciousness of both at the same time.

one me laying down I feel my weight of my arm pressing on a pillow or hanging off the bed, and at the same time I am standing up right in a school hallway.. IT becomes to confusing, and the dream reality does something to put my body images in the same orientation.. (Generally I fall backwards) until my bodies link up... When that happens my "spirit" can then control my physical body again, but not before.. I have a whole different feeling on dreams than the classic model.. Sleep paralysis? your body and spirit thingie are not syncing right..

Some people don't believe in astral projection.. But they dream every night where they project their consciousness into a whole new world..

It's nuts!

but I am sometimes conscious of the transition. I used to train myself to be..
Nowadays I'm more aware coming from dream to here, but that part is not the interesting one..

mostly ends up with me moving the pillow on my bed to open the castle gates... LOL
edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

Attachment forms reality in perception; if those anchors of attachment fully dissapear from one and into the other... what would your next class be?

When I was young; I was told that if I ever heard a "disembodied voice" calling my name to never answer it. As an observer; I don't do such anyway... if it concerns me it is a direct contact.

But yeah, that was yesterday... could have been a billon years or aeons ago and it won't matter... unless held onto. Interestingly enough; I'm pretty sure I've met at least three of the people appearing in that video... hard to forget faces when everything else comes and goes.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: Reverbs

Attachment forms reality in perception; if those anchors of attachment fully dissapear from one and into the other... what would your next class be?


I'll sleep on that.


edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

Enjoy your castle

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
So you ate however you wanted too and then ended up that way? or took some advice and it became that way? it kinda got muddled... how were you eating before; and what advice prompted to you to eat a different way? Go back to eating the way you did before any advice... your body knows what it needs, thats what a craving is all about... want is a different story, if you feel ravenious for something healthy or not what is the most obscure vitamin or nutrient in it? It's likely the thing you are defcient in. Grab that as a suppliment to avoid the food if it is unhealthy to stop the craving of it.

I know, this is all what I am doing, I asked for advice on how to put on weight without adding any additional fat to my diet. That was all. I have received said advice and I am running with it. I am happy and good to go. The rest you're just preaching to the choir and I am trying to accept your concern with good humour but you're leaning heavily on the judgemental and that is entirely unwelcome.

To clarify (and repeat), I was misdiagnosed with anorexia nervosa as a child, because of that diagnosis it has been very difficult for not only friends, family, and myself, but also doctors to see past that. I have therefore spent my whole life being told my symptoms are psychological, psychosomatic and that I am simply not eating enough, and having fatty foods rammed into me. Amongst other things. It's complicated and ultimately long story short, I now know that because of genetic defect I under express a particular enzyme that is responsible for the break down of toxins and that that is the cause of my symptoms. On the flip side, I am significantly less likely to suffer from heart disease, therefore I'm seeing my mutation as giving me a super-power, which given heart disease runs in both sides of my family I consider the negatives to be a minor irritation, however they can be debilitating and therefore I want to do all that I can to generally improve the quality of my life, as well as what happens when the toxins back up because I cannot afford not to work.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: Mousygretchen
I'm going to keep saying this until people start listening... We should be eating more plants, like fruits, veggies, herbs, spices, nuts seeds...That's what Mother nature intended for us to be eating. And dark chocolate is great for you.

Dark chocolate is very good for you. I like Green and Blacks, either with ginger or just the 95% cocoa solids. It's not Cadbury's Dairy Milk but it has what I need in it, and you adjust to the bitterness. It becomes it's own pleasure.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: Anaana

My apologies I have been speaking on the subject as the issue itself; not you as the subject... but seeing how you live with it? I suppose that's synonymous speaking impersonal about something yet it being personal from that identification with it? Again my apologies; this is likely going to sound like some dumb excuse; but yeah I recognize the situation... I speak of a lot of crap; or the manure of experience... to me that's all it is; I don't own it and don't want too(no way I could)... it arises and it passes and keeps on arising and passing until whatever it is trying to teach me; clubbing me on the head that felt like hey imma baby seal are a baby seal oh no why me? im so innocent... until embraced yes im a wretched SOB Im always wrong and at fault; gimme lesson I deserve it Ill be better for it im strong enough to handle it deserve it or not is irrelevant. That's just life; fighting it with an ego just sets oneself at odds with the entire thing instead of really living...

I have been given label after label expectation after expectation; hell we all have been and we give them too... because we learn to be this are told to be that and of course we fit those roles or try too because thats what is expected; then enough is enough like you said: F their diagnosis it was wrong; made your life hell and still kinda PSD over all of that yeah?(sorry for the label meant as a descriptor for being put through some sh!t you weren't asking for) that is when it is gets to be enough is enough right? If anyone is going to label or judge me it's goiing to be me yeah? Personal responsibility says ima own this sh!t because it is what I am choosing not just given or taking it because it is expected...

So kudos for saying hey feeling judged not cool... and I agree; I've also gone a bit further with my expelling of labels and expectations; I don't give them to myself either any longer... a non identification with the entire mass; it has all become impersonal as it is just experience, it is variable and subject to change even if that change requires taking life with it... so in nongrasping poof; experience arises and passes arises and passes... and all I do is speak of what has passed and how it relates to all that has passed when a subject arises.

The path is saying I shouldn't any longer; even in empathy and only the intent is to help; but the road to hell right? As it builds karma just the same... lays the paving for that future... that is bound by karmic law to come back the otherway being circular as the opposing energy selfish, greedy, hateful and egotistical? Will fight or push back in response and that is the very reason good intentions pave the way for it to swing back around.

Well, thanks for letting me know speaking of the topic in an impersonal manner is personal being subjected to it... or basically being cold, I can empathize i've had the same experience many times enough to recognize it and it is not nice when someone gets clinical as if you are not a living breathing person that matters and has validity(that hey I am right here feeling ya know?) and empathy is why I've kept paving that road... even after renouncing the Bodhisattva path lol old habits...

Of course my empathy getting cold and clinical and chiding people clinging to concepts as truth it's like drinking the Hemlock with Socrates(or at least wrestling him for the cup :p ). It's cleary a sign for a new direction; I've seen the cycle of intention very very clearly, how it builds karma positive and negative then flips it upside down to hide itself just to keep going round and round; watched the good intention road to hell several times or rounds already in action...

so if it matters to you; and I suggest it doesn't as you've your own problems to deal with; I'm going to give non-intention a go... which is basically leave people on their own. I already do that when non communicating(vow of silence) unless required out of politeness and or transaction...

I didn't make written word count in that vow. But it's time; well past due actually... it's all part of the journey; how could anything not be? I wish you and your son the best.

Time to disconnect... and focus on a new practice getting excited just thinking about it

Good luck everyone; thanks Baddogma for the invite to come rabble and ramble babble incessently about woo.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: Reverbs

Enjoy your castle

well my castyle ended up being blackmailed by a powerful witch.. I had a special symbolic wine vessel, and she wanted it if I gave it to her no one would get hurt. We ended up at this same bar I was going to hide this in where we would end up later after this event like new years or somehing.. But that plan was cut short, she had possessed yet another body but I could see her eyes and knew it was her..

So I start telling her how fat she is, dumb fat crazy lady look how fat you are!! You are so fat omg fat fat fat... This draws other's attention so she is found out. it doens't go as planned as that just accelerates her game... She asks again for what she wants, but if I willingly give it to her she will possess me and I will be trapped forever or not have a soul.. So I'm just holding out, and then one of the camera or production guys working on a football game is talking to me pointing at the screen.. She is threatening to kill their show and showing she can make changes to it..

So I pretend to give in to his fear and say I'll give it to her, but I am just stalling for time again..

then she mentally controls these four saw blades that the register had under it and sliced into this little wheel under there.. this womans voice comes on (can't remember lol) says something like security alert security alert.. And I look back like "wouldn't that be funny if it actuall..... " It was actually happening red flashing light and a freaking thick blast door slides from the roof.. ugh I'm trapped with a witch and 30 people who want me to give the witch my soul.. and the entire time she is getting skinnier which means she is controlling her new body better...

I woke up with the thought in my head gotta protect the wine bottle and I opened my eyes and the first thing I see is an empty wine bottle from last night.


posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

Your life is too weird...

I was talking to "cleverbot", the other day, but I was unimpressed. It's supposed to be an advanced bot.

But did she ever get the wine bottle?

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: Mousygretchen
a reply to: Reverbs

Your life is too weird...

I was talking to "cleverbot", the other day, but I was unimpressed. It's supposed to be an advanced bot.

But did she ever get the wine bottle?

then I woke up.. The dream is quite literal to my life however. The weird period that is about a year ago.

no she did not get it

I was not impressed with clever bot either.

edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

I loved those spiritual chants that you posted xD

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: Mousygretchen

yea that was a random find haha.


Divinia Luz/Divine Light

this is at least the third time it seemed like I found some hidden network of people talking in code only to end up on a free music site, and by free music I mean legit free can't find anywhere else music.

the last one was mostly electric music sort of amateur.. This one also amateur, but amateur soul music is perfect.

I feel super cute today so I'm more here:

edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

Here's one from me..
Her voice is one of the sweetest things ive heard in awhile...Sad they don't make music anymore.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Mousygretchen

I always liked that one. I forgot she sounded so different.. Sweet is a good way to say it.

Seems like everything was sweeter back then..

edit on 17-1-2017 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

This one's a bit different, but I'm in love with the vibe of those old songs.

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