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Confederate Flag on Truck at La Crosse Campus Stirs Debate

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posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: eluryh22
a reply to: Dystopian7

The bulls balls on the back hitch...

Wait... they are BULLS balls? I never knew that. I can't say if that makes more sense or less.

I won't post the images for fear of "offending" someone, but yea, this is a popular thang....and not just in the South, for those of you waiting to pounce on that, with your narrow-minded ignorant remarks

***Proceed with caution, look at your own peril******
The Original BULLs BALLs® Truck Balls - Truck Nuts Company

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Thankfully, comforting counseling is available! 'Soft blankie' supplies are running low.

University Students Comforted with ‘Counseling’ after Seeing Confederate Flag on Laptop

University students in Massachusetts who were upset by an image of a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop were offered counseling services at Framingham State University.

The offer came after the university’s “chief diversity and inclusion officer,” Sean Huddleston, described the display of the small Confederate flag sticker as a “bias incident.”

According to Metrowest Daily News, students filed two “bias reports” within the past month as a result of a student displaying the flag in some way. The most recent bias incident – reported on November 19 – was a report of a student having seen a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop.


I called this in my first post.

I was joking! But, now I'm just scratching my damn head.....

Hearing this makes me feel fear and angst for our future.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom
I was driving down the road the other day and I saw a Dallas Cowboys sticker on a truck. I was hurt, offended, fearful, and feeling oppressed. I'm not sure if I should call the Mayor, the Governor, or my Congressman, but somebody needs to make that person remove that sticker. No one should have the right to oppress me by putting a sticker on a vehicle.

Once Dallas is mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, they can put the sticker back on the vehicle so I can point and laugh at them.

Frankly, I'm offended that they are not called Cowmen!

Actually, I'm offended that they are not called Cowgirls!

Heavens...lets not bring up the name of their rival NFL team.
edit on 30-11-2015 by MagesticEsoteric because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:52 PM
Destroy the symbols of history and maybe people will forget.
That's what they want - a population ignorant of their own convoluted and manipulated histories.
Simplify it all down to White Colonial Imperialism and therefore everything done thus far is bad, and must be replaced.
Welcome to socialism!

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Destroy the symbols of history and maybe people will forget.
That's what they want - a population ignorant of their own convoluted and manipulated histories.
Simplify it all down to White Colonial Imperialism and therefore everything done thus far is bad, and must be replaced.
Welcome to socialism!

As a socialist, I can say that is exactly what we do not want.

While I'm sure it means very little, I must say that I am disappointed in your response.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: MagesticEsoteric

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe
Think of the children!!!!!!

What did the children ever do with themselves when they saw the confederate flag before this year? Did we not love them and their feelings before then? Did their feelings not matter until now?

How did so many children not expire in their beds in South Carolina for the last few generations? They received no counseling either yet they continued to thrive and exist without the need for a safe spot to release all of their fear and angst.

All of these abused kids from generations ago somehow dealt with all of this fear and angst...

I'm not even being funny here. Somehow in the last year this flag is being treated like people have PTSD from the mere sight of it. None of those complaining about it were around when slavery existed yet all of the sudden there is extreme fear and angst.

A bigger load of Bravo Sierra than I have seen in quite a bit.

Boy oh' Boy did you just nail it in my opinion.

The Confederate flag wasn't even an issue discussed in mainstream ANYTHING as far as I recall...that is until about 5 months or so ago. After South Carolina didn't lower the flag to half staff after the church massacre.

No one was yelling fear and angst at the sight if a confederate flag prior to that as far as I can recall.

This is just another division tactic in my opinion.

That's also why I don't buy into the whole fear and angst over a dang's just too much for me.

Exactly, wile there's been the stigma attached to it-nothing like there is being shown since the summer-, as well as calls o remove to flag in S.C. prior to then. These cases however are going too far.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: eluryh22

So your saying your only complaining about someone behing offended, such a big difference.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

So like i said to the poster above you, complaining about someone behing offended, thats awesome.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
The vice chancellor immediately had the owner scrape it off... and then the VC made the rounds to campus student groups apologizing and saying "she would continue to defend free speech

That's just rich. Freedom of speech is not punishing someone for having a sticker on their car that you disagree with. That's the exact opposite. If I was in charge of that University, I'd make every one of those students write an essay about what freedom of speech means and then I'd expel them for being a bunch of anti-American nutjobs who clearly don't appreciate their rights.
This is just like those black student protesters yelling about ending segregation and racism while simultaneously demanding black-only college spaces where non-blacks are forbidden. Our universities have become infected with fear... Not a fear of terrorism, or school shootings, but a fear of not fitting in. God forbid someone doesn't pander to every whim and desire of the majority.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Destroy the symbols of history and maybe people will forget.
That's what they want - a population ignorant of their own convoluted and manipulated histories.
Simplify it all down to White Colonial Imperialism and therefore everything done thus far is bad, and must be replaced.
Welcome to socialism!
Never forget....

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

So like i said to the poster above you, complaining about someone behing offended, thats awesome.

Ironically so is people complaining about people complaining about other people complaining...

Welcome to the club.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: dreamingawake

It's crazy!

I get that the flag may make certain people uncomfortable...I truly do.

But, this non-sense has grown exponentially irrational since the church shooting this past spring/fall.

True story: Soon after the church shooting, I had a black family member ask me why there were so many trucks driving around town with the "southern flag"(her words) attached to the back.

She's not big on tv or news so, she had no idea what had happened.

She wasn't scared or offended...all she said was that they all looked like a bunch of fools pretending they were in their own parade. lol

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:28 PM
I'd give you a hundred stars for this post if I could.

I keep thinking how in the world are these little, whiny snowflakes ever going to make it in the real world. I know if my college kid went to this college and was learning this kind of crap, I wouldn't continue to contribute a dime toward his/her education. If my kid wanted to grow up to be an idiot, they would have to figure out a way to continue on thru their college indoctrination without my help.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:32 PM
another false flag to help us forget...

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
a reply to: eluryh22

So your saying your only complaining about someone behing offended, such a big difference.

You don't see the difference between me thinking someone's actions makes them an inconsequential idiot versus me being "offended?"

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 09:50 PM
I don't usually participate in these debates but..

Inanimate objects are incapable of hate.

The only hate in this instance is the rote mental association with that said symbol in the minds of those offended. Symbols are funny things like that, they can stand for a multitude of meanings and just because one is more widely accepted than others in certain groups or demographics, it does not stand to reason that it remains a universal use and application of a metaphorical image.

Is it sickening that certain symbols are so ingrained into our collective consciousnesses that we cannot keep from jumping to rote conclusions about the character and nature of the individual bearing such an image? Yes. Of course. It's rampant everywhere. And sadly, there doesn't seem to be much progress in helping persons who have such a hypersensitivity to a visual object and always immediately associate imagery with negative bias.

Are these new educational paradigms just studying the effects of mundane inanimate objectification on the minds of the youth? Because I understand being compassionate and kid-gloves with certain people, but for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone in a College or University setting could not be absolutely mystified about an entire generation full of students who are so easily traumatized by minutia.

I suppose I'm more interested in why this manifests as opposed to how this manifests. Collective consciousness or collective ancestral traumas? Is this negative association learned as a child or does it stem from some other originator? Is it born from direct physical trauma with said imagery manifest or is the mere literature of a torrid past enough to spin the collective imaginations of the youth into complete mental collapse and panic?

Is it part of the brain formation of the child in the womb due to nutritional overload or lack thereof? Are synthetic additions to foods failing to have a positive impact at this point in the development of the overall collective human genome? Is this pre-natal or post-natal?

What the heck is going on out there?

It was very nice of the workman to acquiesce on behalf of empathy for others feeling, I'll give it that much.

I was verbally accosted once by someone who found an esoteric image on my shirt offensive, and the way he laid into my personal character based on his own transliteration of that particular symbolism was quite frightening and terrifying.....but it's not like I could just take off the offending item in broad daylight and in public. Sad thing was, he never once asked my associations with the symbol, he was too busy ferociously fighting his own personal demons to give two wits about my associations with the design....and eventually it got so verbally aggressive I had to walk away before he attacked me.

I know how it feels to be both on the sending and receiving end of this battle...I just wish I understood what it is about human beings in the year 2015 after all these years of evolution that is producing such large primitive centers of the brain and giving the younger generations all manner of instinctive dissociative and fight or flight reflexology.

Too much information overload?
Too much luxury?

A world where there aren't enough viable threats to keep the human brain properly stimulated as to actual viable threats so a hyperactive imagination runs wild with fear and speculation over everything in order to compensate the psyche?

Desensitization to the point of over hypersensitivities?
Too much media violence?

I mean, there has to be a deeper root to this problem than we are exploring over these argumentative back and forth ideological tirades that keep going around and around every other day or so.


There has to be more to this story than just the surface level "offense-sitivity issue".

Bueller? Bueller?
Anyone? Anyone?

edit on 11/30/15 by GENERAL EYES because: formatting edit

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Great of that I come across from time to time that makes me wish we had some way of acknowledging our agreement with more than one measly star.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 10:40 PM
Apparently, according to the vice chancellor....the "fear and angst" these students have experienced, is of the far more virulent and insidious 'lingering' variety.

Knudson went on to say:

While the image has now been taken down, I know that the fear and angst lingers. We have to do better. I will be working with the Diversity Organization Council to consider further steps that we can take to help make UW-L a safer and more inclusive environment. I know that our leadership team joins me in expressing our apologies for this image and pledge to work with all of you to continue to fight for inclusivity. Hate is indeed not a UW-L value.”

Although the flag is tasteless, not once did Knudson explain how “fear and angst” could “linger” after it was removed.

It seems this vice chancellor is the real activist, here.
edit on 30-11-2015 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 10:54 PM
Jesus, are you kidding me with this??

WTAF has happened to our country? The First Amendment is nonexistent, unless you are a butt-hurt cupcake, and offended.

If that was my truck? NO WAY would I have scraped it off! They weren't employed by the University, but a subcontractor. And, last time I checked having a sticker on your vehicle is within the limits of the law...Since it is YOUR vehicle, after all.

It's a freaking flag and it actually may be important to those who live in the south and who identify with that culture. Where's all the cry bag whiners at complaining about the complaint?? Oh, that's right! They don't say s4!t but just comply with requests to remove their stickers, flags, tee shirts, etc.

Maybe if they complained that the complaining is causing them angst, anxiety and fear, things will go back to normal?? Whatever that is.

Papers, please.


Oh, BTW, just because I find this OP completely outrageous doesn't make me a racist and I won't take the bait. It's about freedom of speech and expression, so yeah.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: MagesticEsoteric

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Thankfully, comforting counseling is available! 'Soft blankie' supplies are running low.

University Students Comforted with ‘Counseling’ after Seeing Confederate Flag on Laptop

University students in Massachusetts who were upset by an image of a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop were offered counseling services at Framingham State University.

The offer came after the university’s “chief diversity and inclusion officer,” Sean Huddleston, described the display of the small Confederate flag sticker as a “bias incident.”

According to Metrowest Daily News, students filed two “bias reports” within the past month as a result of a student displaying the flag in some way. The most recent bias incident – reported on November 19 – was a report of a student having seen a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop.


I called this in my first post.

I was joking! But, now I'm just scratching my damn head.....

Hearing this makes me feel fear and angst for our future.

no way

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