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Donald Trump is the best chance this country has to change Washington

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posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: neoholographic

You could get Mother Teresa in the White House as President and the system still would contain her. You fail to see that the system is beholden not to our freedoms and our Republic, but to monied interests.

Donald Trump would be no different. The powerful would corral him quite quickly into the same stall of control as the previous presidents. Flush all the turds out of Washington and you're still left with the toilet bowl, ready for new converts to the turd system.

We need a new system accountable to the people and not just the powerful.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: thepixelpusher
a reply to: neoholographic

You could get Mother Teresa in the White House as President and the system still would contain her. You fail to see that the system is beholden not to our freedoms and our Republic, but to monied interests.

Donald Trump would be no different. The powerful would corral him quite quickly into the same stall of control as the previous presidents. Flush all the turds out of Washington and you're still left with the toilet bowl, ready for new converts to the turd system.

We need a new system accountable to the people and not just the powerful.

Our system has worked for over 200 years, the longest standing constitution in current history. It's a great system, just filled with corrupt politicians and corporate greed. What we need to do for the toilet bowl is get rid of the diarrhea and the bowl might stay clean!

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 01:32 PM
Trump would not be a U.S. Citizen today had his immigration ideas been in place decades ago. Neither would half the other GOP candidates!

Face palm! Ha ha!

He's just the fox who wants to run the henhouse and it's amazing so many hens will vote for him.

I gotta laugh.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: thepixelpusher
a reply to: neoholographic

You could get Mother Teresa in the White House as President and the system still would contain her. You fail to see that the system is beholden not to our freedoms and our Republic, but to monied interests.

Reminded me of a Mother Theresa story. The Pope invited her to Rome for a meeting. Mother Theresa showed up in her usual dusty old gown and the assistant to the Pope was shocked and told her she could not meet with "his holiness" dressed like a beggar. She responded "These clothes are good enough for God." and she left.

The Pope, embarrassed by the incident, and as an apology sent her a Luxury car and driver to Calcutta so that she would not need to walk everywhere she went. She immediately sold the car for money for the orphanage and put the driver to work in maintenance and upkeep.

Her possessions at the time of her death consisted of a Bible, a wooden bowl, a wooden spoon and a couple of old dusty gowns. Her legacy?...Priceless is too small a word.

She was one hell of a woman
The world misses her.

Someone like Trump is not fit to even speak her name.

edit on 20-8-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: thepixelpusher
You could get Mother Teresa in the White House as President and the system still would contain her. You fail to see that the system is beholden not to our freedoms and our Republic, but to monied interests.

The left would oppose Mother Teresa as a religious fanatic while the right would oppose her for taking from the rich to give to the poor.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 02:23 PM
Voting any type of extreme is scary. You assume all that you said is true where i suggest half truths. Regardless, for the sake of argument many believe giving a billionaire the keys to the hen house will do as expected. He will make things easier for HIM. There is not one, again, not one billionaire, that got that way without a lot of corruption. In fact, all the promises of Ronald Reagan who said greed was good and necessary to expand the quality of life with trickle down economics proved otherwise. Their insistence that doing so will create jobs and opportunities NEVER materialized. Free trade policies done more damage than a enemy invasion yet whether you like it or not trade talks today are still behind closed doors. But you say give it a chance huh?....hummmmm?...interesting.

Now, on the other hand, we have the opposite. Bernie boy. A socialist. He claims socialists need to seize the opportunity to fix the damage done the past 35 years. That it created the 1%. That it allowed industry and jobs to vacate, bla...blaa...bla... And to some degree is possibly right. Regardless of where you sit in the divided room, corruption and treason is the real problem in America today. You suggest we should let past efforts to continue for you think what else can we do? Thats interesting. However, allowing each extreme to hold power is frightening. At one time America was successful when there were intelligent management and more transparency.

In my opinion, we need to bring back rational governing. Allow the govt. the power to make a level playing ground and nullify all detrimental laws and polices that created this vast division. AND...punish ALL who stands in the way. Recently China executed billionaire(s) who threatened their economy. And did so knowing America does the opposite and often aides and abet with bailouts, etc,. You America today, corporate interests require assistance from the collective, the tax payers, to succeed ( socialism ) and then hold their profits private. To do so requires govt. assistance that is as illegal as treason to make it possible.

As a result, America is now a "Socialists Fascist Police State." With that in mind, I really hope you think hard of what you are suggesting. And never allow professional political wannabe's do your thinking for you. We already know what that invites.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 02:36 PM
Interesting point. It makes me wary to pronounce her name. Has she been Saintified? If not she needs to be. I could not live as she did. However, i have a lot of respect for someone who makes a major point and dose so with no vanity and material needs and wants. Obviously she knew her existence would inspire those who wish to help people with true altruism. What a lady! a reply to: Indigo5

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan
The left would oppose Mother Teresa as a religious fanatic while the right would oppose her for taking from the rich to give to the poor.

We could open that can of worms somewhere, but it would certainly be a contentious thread. I'd encourage anyone interested to do some digging into Mother Teresa and see if you can get beneath the veneer of what's been portrayed.

You might be surprised.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Because Trump belongs to the most wealthiest people of the US I wonder if he has ever been invited to the bohemian grove.. or maybe member of a secret society? Because if he has been visiting or is a member people should think again before voting on him.


posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 03:39 PM
Trump's a clown who represents all of the worst aspects of this country. he'd be an embarrassment to us all on the world stage, you know, like he now on the national stage. There's no way in hell this joke gets elected. The only reason he's getting any publicity now, (which is all he really wants, anyway), is because we're so far away from the real election. 5 years from now we'll all be laughing when we remember Trump's campaign.

a reply to: neoholographic

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: WCmutant
This topic is extremely laughable. No offense, but if you can't see what's going we are seriously doomed.

Take a step back in time to 1992.
Ross Perot was a billionaire tycoon that made tons of money off government contracts, much like Trump's family money came from gov't subsidized public housing.

Trump is Ross Perot 2.0, he is only in the game to ensure victory for one person - Hillary Clinton. In 1992 Bill Clinton wouldn't have won had Ross Perot not run. Perot sucked enough votes from the GOP to ensure Clinton's victory.

Now, before all you GOP blowhards get riled up... guess what? ...that was the plan the whole time. Yep. Elections are rigged and you will watch this next cycle as a very similar thing happens.

I believe you are right, but this plan only works if the GOP establishment leaders disrespect Trump and alter the game in anyway, then Trump, as he has said, will run as an independent. Good for him. Don't take no crap from the GOP moderates and that's Trump's attitude. He said he will only run if they don't treat him fairly, which I bet they will now, and then he if he is defeated fairly in the GOP race, I doubt he'll run an independent campaign. So, no, there's no plan to help HIllary. Besides, Hillary's ship is sinking and fast, leaving either Biden or Bernie to take on Trump.

The problem is people keep talking in GOP vs. Democrats. There hasn't been a left vs. right paradigm in 50 years, it no longer exists. I will be posting the various ways the 2016 election are going to play out, a prediction if you will. But make no mistake the 2016 race may be the nail in the coffin of our current political system.

originally posted by: Ancient Champion
I'm voting for the Trump. I'm tired of seeing spineless people getting elected and being afraid of doing what's needed to save this country.

If you vote for any of the buffoons you are perpetuating the rigged system. No offense there Ancient Champion, but Donald Trump isn't the real deal. He's never been the real deal. He will be a 3rd party candidate and will split the vote to ensure a Clinton (or another female) the win.
edit on 20-8-2015 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: nwtrucker

Your whole reply revolves around the myth that the USSR was in any way, shape or form the agressor in the Cold War, which it was not. You have to get back to 1945 and get your facts right, I won't do it for you.
Reagan's rethoric escalated the Cold War, he himself realised it, and changed it. The consequence was that in his second term he came close to reach an historic agreement with Gorbachov: getting rid of all nuclear weapons. He ultimately didn't because he was surrounded by too many right wing hawks. What you call appeasement I call diplomacy, what you consider weakness I consider strenght.
Saying that the US could have ultimately lost the Cold War if Reagan hadn't played the tough guy is ludicrous. The USSR was basically bankrupt in the 80s. It had diverted too many resources to the military (as did the US, of course).
Trump and his tough guy antics would certainly bring about disaster.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: Rezlooper
a reply to: neoholographic

Just wanted to chime in and say "great thread." You summed it up perfectly and Trump trounces the rest of the field in what America really more politicians! He's more a real folk than any of them and that's why he is gaining momentum every day and will be unstoppable. The MSM and the corrupt political machine and corporate America are terrified because this may be a freight train of "real change" they may not be able to stop!

S&F and thanks for some good information you bring to light in your OP.

Umm, what makes Trump "not a politician"? He's publicly flirted with running for President of the USA in 1988, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and now for 2016. Is he "not a politician" because he couldn't get enough support to get party nominations? Or because he says he may run, then pulls out when he loses the initial bump in popularity from flirting w/running?

I think him pretending to run for president is just a part of his way of doing business. Just as utility companies plan for a surge in demand every winter, Trump plans for a boost in status/credibility every presidential election cycle. It's almost like people forget he's also in the show business.

You claim he couldn't get his party's nomination, but how can that be if he only "flirted" with running for president. This is actually his first time. He may have played around in the past but he is obviously serious this time around and he won't be stopping until he is either defeated, or in the White House.


You do realize the first actual Republican primary is February 1st, 2016 in Iowa, right? That means that everything that goes on until Jan 31st of 2016 is just "flirting" with it. None of these debates have any impact on the nomination itself. So Trump can keep doing all of this until mid-January of next year, drop out, and it will once again fall into the "flirted with" category. And that's what I'm expecting him to do, like he always does.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

You do realize the first actual Republican primary is February 1st, 2016 in Iowa, right? That means that everything that goes on until Jan 31st of 2016 is just "flirting" with it. None of these debates have any impact on the nomination itself. So Trump can keep doing all of this until mid-January of next year, drop out, and it will once again fall into the "flirted with" category. And that's what I'm expecting him to do, like he always does.

I actually think he's doing something else, I think Ben Carson is doing the same because of how he announced. They're both running with the intention of gathering a large amount of influence for Iowa and New Hampshire, then they want to drop out of the race and support another candidate. Obviously they won't be doing this freely, but in a campaign where billions are being spent to elect someone they're looking to pocket a few million personally for that endorsement. And their campaigns to get to the point where they can endorse someone are completely funded by donors.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 06:43 PM
Trump as president to change washington is like shooting yourself in the head to cure a headache

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 08:59 PM
I've said this before but I'll say it again, Trump lacks a morale compass... and he doesn't hide it either. You want that kind of man president? How are people even comparing this man to Reagan? Other than being rich and on TV they're nothing alike!

Trump is the least charitable billionaire in America donating only 3.5 million dollars to his charity over a span of 20 years. The WWE have donated more money to his charity than he has. Trump has openly admitted to ripping people off and clearly takes pleasure in that. He has bought plenty of politicians. Donating money this year to Hillary in fact. He was born silver spoon in hand and has bankrupt the companies he built.

You think this man should be president just because he says America is screwed up? Give me a break. Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders have said similar things much more eloquently and they actually appear to be you know, decent human beings.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

If that's what it has come to, then I think suicide is our best option. I'd rather die than live in a world where Donald Trump is 'The Answer'.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: Virgil91

Really? Tell that to the Czechs, to Tito and the Yugoslavs, the USSR wasn't the aggressor? From the Yalta summit that gave the eastern half of Europe to Stalin, to the splitting of Vietnam and Korea in halves when previously they had been one nation?

Right, pacifists one and all. I know my history quite well, thank you very much.

Trump will bring about disaster...for an unchecked Putin it might, for an expanding China, it on.

The irony is the same rhetoric was used against Reagan..."he will cause WWII". It didn't happen did it.

By the way, I'm not a Trump supporter for president. I do enjoy the reactions he engenders...

But, we digress. The thread was referring to an area that none of the candidates address in their campaigning. One that I see as fundamental to the success...even survival of the U.S. of A..

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: thepixelpusher
a reply to: neoholographic

You could get Mother Teresa in the White House as President and the system still would contain her. You fail to see that the system is beholden not to our freedoms and our Republic, but to monied interests.

Donald Trump would be no different. The powerful would corral him quite quickly into the same stall of control as the previous presidents. Flush all the turds out of Washington and you're still left with the toilet bowl, ready for new converts to the turd system.

We need a new system accountable to the people and not just the powerful.

Our system has worked for over 200 years, the longest standing constitution in current history. It's a great system, just filled with corrupt politicians and corporate greed. What we need to do for the toilet bowl is get rid of the diarrhea and the bowl might stay clean!

I agree the underlying Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. is a great foundation that initially made this country great. What many people fail to see is that the additions or revoked rights that has taken place since then has eroded our system and turned this into a toilet bowl in whole and not in part.

If we returned to the original intent of the founders, I agree we could continue our greatness. A great many post Constitution laws and things would need to be unraveled. What has been built over the masterpiece structure crafted by our founding fathers is an outhouse full of corruption and greed.

If you think good people can overcome the system in place now you are not being realistic. The money and power now lies outside of our government ever since the government gave our USA monetary control over to private international banks. Those outside powers influence the use of our military and can even drum up trouble to wield like a hammer against any government official, or President, that dares to end their gravy train of earnings.
edit on 20-8-2015 by thepixelpusher because: text

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
a reply to: neoholographic

Look, Trump isn't perfect but it's not about perfect it's about a corrupt system that's getting worse.

So you think a person that is corrupt like Trump will fix the corruption? He has admitted to using lobbyist to get what he wanted so he is part of the problem.

Well let us at least face the fact the condemnation of lobbyist is a thing based purely on politics to begin with. We wont hear anyone complaining about the Girl Scout Cookie lobby, farmers, minorities ect but watch them go nuttso when General Dynamics lobbies for the purchase of a new jet fighter.

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