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Someone wants you to know something important about 9/23-24 2015

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posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Phage

Your Avatar is appropriate for this thread. Isn't that John Lithgow from Third Rock From The Sun? As mentioned in an earlier post of one of the episodes he says "Blissfully unaware of the vaporizing meteor to hit in 2015" and that the professor's door number at the university class is none other than 239. That is so ironic. Also in your avatar is that something crashing into the planet in the upper left corner?

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: TamtammyMacx

John Lithgow yes, but not from "Third Rock..." -

- It's a pic of his character (Dr. Emilio Laszlow?") in the movie, "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension".

And no, nothing crashing into the planet - something (a galaxy maybe) just partially visible from behind the planet..

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 05:31 PM
Weird orbs and information about the Chinese military- exactly what is going on? Are Russian and Chinese military forces massing for an attack off our shores? Why does a Chinese military propaganda film include a constellation of mysterious glowing orbs, the same ones we a have seen circulating all over the Internet with increasing frequency?

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 10:29 PM
So now we know that this stupid blue star viral ad is just the Super Like feature for Tinder. No asteroid or comet. All we get is a blue haired, scrawny woman "super hero" called to action by the super like button. Yawn. Super Yawn!

posted on Sep, 9 2015 @ 11:25 PM
Today's close was -239.11. 239 + 911 exactly two weeks before our watch date of 9/23.

edit on 9-9-2015 by Hardboiled20150923 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: Hardboiled20150923
Today's close was -239.11. 239 + 911 exactly two weeks before our watch date of 9/23.

Now that's actually just freaky 👍🏼

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Hardboiled20150923

Weird aye, I'm finding my interest being piqued about this September thing the last few days, though I still think nothing will happen. The fed up person in me kind of hopes that something would, I feel bad for saying that

Thanks for the video, love that womans voice!

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 02:55 PM
Yeah, she has a voice that kind of draws you in-- a kind of spooky, FM narrator voice. She gives her basic credentials in another video...apparently, she is a college professor.

Anyway, I'm with you. I'm looking forward to that week coming and going without incident. I can finally stop spending every waking moment thinking and worrying about it ;-)

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 03:37 PM
239 makes it first appearance at 2:50 into this one...

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: shasta9600
239 makes it first appearance at 2:50 into this one...

This video is very interesting and as a TV series buff especially of this nature I'm shocked I'd never heard of "Rewind" before!! However having said that, as much as I'd love to believe something like that is possible (The LHC being an HDR, not the Nuclear attack in Manhattan) I do think it's being taken ever so slightly too far.

Again however, having said that... Rewind had an awesome synopsis and unlike a lot of scenarios occurring on shows now to be pulled or delayed (Mr. Robot most recently) there's nothing to suggest any reason this show was never given a run. It's definitely not "Rubbish". So WHY was it pulled?

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Hardboiled20150923
Check out this video of a Chipotle's paper bag. The Chipotle bag "Cultivating Thought Series" contains messages about September 22nd 23rd and 24th in pain sight. Also, we see the cryptic quote:

"I miss them, Miami. All those words I had to leave behind. Also, words that in English don't carry the same feeling". What could it mean?

Maybe I should contact the author and see what she has to say about that.

I remembered that you mentioned this and went back and found the post. Here's more on the subject...

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 11:15 PM

I remembered that you mentioned this and went back and found the post. Here's more on the subject...

Yes, its further back in this thread. There are at least three cups and a bag with some intriguing clues. I saw a new one in that clip. I'll look further into this and post more later. Thanks for the heads up!

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: TheBatch
Again however, having said that... Rewind had an awesome synopsis and unlike a lot of scenarios occurring on shows now to be pulled or delayed (Mr. Robot most recently) there's nothing to suggest any reason this show was never given a run. It's definitely not "Rubbish". So WHY was it pulled?

Thanks for the link to the video. I have already seen many parts of that, but not the entire compilation together.

It is interesting that this points to either a nuclear attack in NY or Chicago. As I discussed before, 9/11 was obviously man caused and there were many predictive programming (PP) clues. By any account, there have been a ton more PP clues for 9/23. A reasonable inference is that a 9/23 cataclysm would caused by man too, as opposed to a meteor or comet. On the other hand, the balance of the information, visions, and prophecies new and old point to a natural disaster- a comet, tsunami, and earthquakes in particular.

Regardless of timing, I believe these natural disasters will happen first, followed by the rise of the NWO and the Antichrist, followed a few short years later by global thermonuclear war, a.k.a, the Great Chastisement. Christ will then return to cast out the Antichrist, defeat his enemies, establish his kingdom, fix Donald Trump's hair, and set the stage for 1000+ years of peace. Well, that's my working theory, anyway.

I'm also forced to consider the role CERN will play, if any, in this unfolding story. If CERN is capable of causing controlled time displacements, almost anything is possible. The could, for example, cause a temporal displacement associated with an astronomical body that was known to cross Earth's orbit at a particular time. The could change the timeline of the meteor to make cross Earth's path in this timeline and put it on a collision. For example, 101955 Bennu crossed Earth's exactly location back in April, but Earth had already moved on. If Bennu's time line can be changed, it could be made to collide with Earth in just the right place (Imagine the calculations going into that little trick). A fantastical fanciful theory, I know ;-) However, IF the flow of time can be manipulated, there are any number of possibilities for what they could pull off.

13 days and counting...

posted on Sep, 10 2015 @ 11:59 PM
Here is a nice montage and tribute to Renee's channel:

I thank her for all her work on this, no matter what happens.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:17 AM
It's the Daily, but still!

Graham Hancock - Cosmic Explosion

Around the world, from Alaska to Indonesia, more than 200 ancient myths tell of a human civilization brought to an end by flood and fire. Compelling scientific evidence, which began to emerge only in 2007, indicates that these stories, such as the tale of Noah and his Ark, are based on hard fact.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: OllyOllyOxen

Fascinating article...I have never seen that much info about the times > 6,000 ago in one place. I would look to see how solid some of these claims are, but they do seem plausible.

edit on 11-9-2015 by Hardboiled20150923 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 03:19 PM
87 dead after crane collapses at world’s holiest mosque in Mecca

Look at those lightening strikes! On 9/11 no less...and then this:

Sandstorm plaguing Israel is worst in country’s history

Not saying there is any connection with 9/11 or what is to come, but it is interesting timing...

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 04:02 PM
i'll bite. if oil prices drop $20 per barrel, world currencies drop 20%, multiple nations default loans, war between Russia/US, mass deaths in a revered holy place in the world, mass panicked peoples' groups charging into other countries... oh wait, that's already happened. depending on what religious background you have, apocalyptic happenings are varied. if we are to take the Christian one to signify some veracity, the rapture seems to be a good event to focus in on. know any really strong and faithful Christians? the day they start disappearing...
ok, aside from all this, I am intrigued by the vocal disagreements within the catholic church, most notably between the pope and the more conservative cardinals in rome; and if Israel can look the other way when its strongest ally does what it does. if you look at the 7-9 nations which have nuclear arms, and you ask yourself what specific condition(s) are necessary for just one of them to want to push the button; it really doesn't seem so far fetched that an apocalyptic event (I daresay an atomic explosion is such an event) is due shortly. the next few months, or weeks, are pregnant with the kind of monstrous possibilities we forget we have orchestrated in the last 100 yrs.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: Hardboiled20150923

Considering that I believe it is the Federal Reserve (?) ... one of the big financial agencies made plans and put in place measures to move operations on a dime to their place of operations in Chicago from New York ... I'd say that perhaps if this is the plan, New York has more to worry about.

There are some speculations that while the US could potentially be Mystery Babylon, New York is her flagship as it were.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: shasta9600

originally posted by: Hardboiled20150923
Check out this video of a Chipotle's paper bag. The Chipotle bag "Cultivating Thought Series" contains messages about September 22nd 23rd and 24th in pain sight. Also, we see the cryptic quote:

"I miss them, Miami. All those words I had to leave behind. Also, words that in English don't carry the same feeling". What could it mean?

Maybe I should contact the author and see what she has to say about that.

I remembered that you mentioned this and went back and found the post. Here's more on the subject...

The video mentioned that there were repeated mentions of 2 - 2 - 3 which he could not understand.

Here are two things about 2 - 2 - 3...

1. 322 is the number associated with the Skull And Crossbones Society that George Bush and Kerry were members of.

2. Accoridng to scripture, after the gateway to the bottomless pit is opened, a plague of demons will emerge who will loot the earth like locusts for 5 months before people give up the denial and realise what they have done. 23rd September plus 5 months is 23rd February 2017... that's 23/2 or 2/23 (depending on how you write ir) of 2017.

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