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Obama's Attorney General Nominee: Illegal Immigrants Have a Right to Work in The United States

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posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: links234

Oh so you have as many people as decide they want to just live in your house living there no matter what they do or don't contribute?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: yuppa

You need to continue reading because we are way beyond all that now...

How do you ignore a law that you don't know exists?

Are you claiming that all illegal immigrants know the rules prior to arriving?

Are you claiming that all illegal immigrants had the means with which to abide by those regulations before they arrived?

I think that's pretty presumptuous to believe so...
For a myriad of reasons.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: neo96

The truly slave to the state is the hard working tax payer, Neo no only we support the rich so they can get fat at our expenses but also we have to support the growing welfare state so they can feed from our hard labor, because let face it if you work and still depend on welfare or any Social service you are been supported by somebody else that do not depend on government assistance

That is what the so call tax deficit comes from, we all know what happen when you spend more than you make.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Allowing a pass for people who say "No I was not aware I was illegal" is wrong. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: crazyewok

Sorry for the late response crazy, I'm not ignoring you...

& you make a great point.

Of course infastructure is necessary to keep stable...

But realistically, that needs to be fixed anyways, immigration or not, because eventually reproduction will cause that infastructure to collapse anyways if it isn't maintained and improved and enlarged all round.

& if some of these "illegals" who are willing to work to help that along, then it all pays for itself anyways.


True but the rate of immigration needs to be at a reasonble rate.

In UK public services in some areas nearly grounded to a halt as they got swamped.

Infrastruture cant be buikt overnight. It needs to be planned ahead.

It will likely take years for some areas to recover from the shock of mass EU immigration. It just wasnt planned or budgeted for.

Fact is the US like tne UK has a debt problem, its not in a position to go spend crazy on emergancy crash infrastructure projects.

Therefor we are stuck for at least the next decade with slow expansion of infrastruture and as such immigration has to be regulatef acordingly.

We cant throw money at the probkem if there is no money to throw at it

edit on 28-1-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Really? So the border they sneak across is just some crazy game? They pay those coyotes to smuggle over the border for fun?

Or do you think they just accidentally wind up here and have no idea they are no longer in Mexico by way of whatever their country of origin was?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Ok, so now everyone else's problems have now become ours by default because if they want to bring their problems here they can and they can't fix their problems on their own? What a crock.


What a CROCK!

I didn't take the whole world to feed,cloth,educate, etc.

Did you?.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:42 PM
Here ya case it matters. Somehow. To someone.

Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch walked back one of her confirmation hearing answers on immigration Wednesday, saying she did not intend to say that everyone inside U.S. borders has the right and even the duty to work here.

"I believe that the right and the obligation to work is one that's shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here. And certainly, if someone is here, regardless of status, I would prefer that they would be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace," she said early in the hearing, under questioning by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)

However, later in the day, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) gave her the opportunity to clarify her statement and she said she didn't mean to suggest that it's legal for everyone in the U.S. to be employed.

"In my family as we grew up, we were all expected to try and find employment as part of becoming a responsible adult," Lynch said. "I was making a personal observation based on work ethics passed on by my family, not a legal observation." [Source]

edit on 1/28/2015 by ~Lucidity because: oops'd the source

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think

A stunning two-thirds of illegal immigrants pay Medicare, Social Security and personal income taxes.

In reality, the 1996 welfare reform bill disqualified illegal immigrants from nearly all means-tested government programs including food stamps, housing assistance, Medicaid and Medicare-funded hospitalization. The only services that illegals can still get are emergency medical care and K-12 education.

If there's a problem with the deficit related to illegal immigration, it's not the illegal immigrants fault.

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants Has Economic Benefits

Using economic projections from the Congressional Budget Office, Hinojosa-Ojeda calculates that a comprehensive immigration plan this year that includes a way for undocumented workers to gain legal status would increase tax revenue by $4.5 billion or more over three years, and increase gross domestic product by $1.5 trillion over 10 years. That includes $1.2 trillion in additional consumption and $256 billion in investment as immigrants buy houses and start businesses. Average wages of low-skill immigrant workers would increase by $4,405 a year for the first three years, he estimates. For skilled workers, wages would rise by more than $6,100 a year.

They'll make more, they'll pay more. We, as a nation, would benefit, overall.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: ~Lucidity
Are we working hard to turn this into a partisan issue? This is pretty much the same thing.

The centerpiece of Bush's immigration plan is a guest-worker program that would allow participants in the program to eventually become U.S. citizens. Bolick claims this program will "ease pressure on illegal immigration."

And if you believe the federal government is good at matching employers with employees, making sure those employees stay with those employers, and accurately estimating how many guest workers every industry in American will need, then sure, it sounds like a good program.

But, if you are a bit more skeptical of the federal government's ability to manage labor markets, then the program is destined to be a complete disaster. [Source]

It isn't a partisan issue.

You do know it is possible for both parties to be wrong?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:45 PM

We cant throw money at the probkem if there is no money to throw at it

And that is exactly what is been done here, like said you can not spend more than you are making.

Illegal immigration will indeed increase the tax deficit as more than half of those that will become legal will have immediately benefits into social services and welfare without never been adding any money to the pool

Anybody with a simple knowledge of math can do the adding and subtracting.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:47 PM

edit on 053131p://bWednesday2015 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Answer

Furthermore, since you do not live in the U.S. and have probably not spent much time here, you really don't have anything worthwhile to add to the discussion and are simply blathering on about ideals and principles without a full understanding of the situation.

Have you ever contemplated telling yourself that whenever you go "blathering" in threads across the board that have nothing to do with the U.S?

Which you have done many times...

Or are you just a hypocrite with a superiority complex?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Eunuchorn

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
Americans are losing jobs but it's okay to give people who don't belong here opportunities. Throw out your family and replace them with guests. Wonderful logic.

Most Americans would flat out refuse to work fast food / janitor / dish washer / target / plumbing / construction etc etc


I am a housekeeper, two of my daughters are waitresses, One of my sons was a dish washer, my husbands a carpenter.

Where do you live.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: marg6043

We cant throw money at the probkem if there is no money to throw at it

And that is exactly what is been done here, like said you can not spend more than you are making.

Illegal immigration will indeed increase the tax deficit as more than half of those that will become legal will have immediately benefits into social services and welfare without never been adding any money to the pool

Anybody with a simple knowledge of math can do the adding and subtracting.

Thats the problem

Both our countrys still have large deficits

We dont havethe money for large scale immigration.

Deficit spending is not a good thing to do if you can avoid it.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: Answer

Furthermore, since you do not live in the U.S. and have probably not spent much time here, you really don't have anything worthwhile to add to the discussion and are simply blathering on about ideals and principles without a full understanding of the situation.

Have you ever contemplated telling yourself that whenever you go "blathering" in threads across the board that have nothing to do with the U.S?

Which you have done many times...

Or are you just a hypocrite with a superiority complex?

I have nothing at all against you having an opinion on any issue you wish. My problem is you are always on the wrong side!

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Thomas Jefferson = slave owner.

George Washington = slave owner. And fought against the native Americans.

So which principles should I be following of theirs?

Well... actually...

Jefferson and Slave Ownership

In his writings on American grievances justifying the Revolution, he attacked the British for sponsoring the slave trade to the colonies. In 1778 with Jefferson's leadership Virginia banned importing slaves into Virginia. It was one of the first jurisdictions in the world to ban the slave trade. Jefferson was a lifelong advocate of ending the trade and as President led the effort to criminalize the international slave trade that passed Congress and he signed on March 2, 1807; it took effect in 1808. Britain independently made the same move on March 25, 1807.

In 1779, as a practical solution to end slavery Jefferson supported gradual emancipation, training, and colonization of African-American slaves rather than unconditional manumission, believing that releasing unprepared slaves with no place to go and no means to support themselves would only bring them misfortune. In 1784 Jefferson proposed federal legislation banning slavery in the New Territories of the North and South after 1800, which failed to pass Congress by one vote.

While he did inherit many slaves and the size of his plantations made their ownership necessary at that time, he certainly wasn't an evil slave-whipping hater of blacks.

As for George Washington:

George Washington, the first President of the United States, was a slave owner for practically all of his life. Washington was the only major slave holder among the seven Founding Fathers to emancipate his slaves. His will provided for freeing his slaves upon the death of his widow Martha Washington, but she emancipated them about 12 months after his death. At various times in his life, Washington privately expressed strong support for the gradual abolition of slavery.

It's easy to demonize all slave-owners on the surface but the truth goes much deeper. At that point in time, most slaves were inherited and due to the size of the plantations owned by the wealthy colonists and lack of mechanization, there was no other source of labor. The British government was largely responsible for the African slave trade and whether the slave-owner agreed with the trade or not, they often had no other choice.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Answer
To your first point, do you have any evidence to validate your "$100,000/year" assertion?

Immigrants find legal paths to U.S. long, difficult

It definitely favors people who have the financial means, skills and education

The high cost of being a legal immigrant in the US: $465

Maybe not $100,000.

To the second, if you want to help people, by all means go ahead.. That still doesn't give you the right to dictate how the rest of the country should respond to the same scenario.

And what right does the rest of the country have to dictate how we can't help people?
edit on 28-1-2015 by links234 because: Bad coding.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: links234

That article is a very nice littler article that is base in opinions not fact.

Is not benefits as today but a tax deficit to the nation, remember we are in 2015 and the tax payer has been hit with the 2008 market crash and Obama care plus

Today since 2006 The burden of millions of illegals that had flooded the nation is incredible and they are not all skillful workers with degrees in sciences and math, they are the poorest and no so healthy of all.

Friday, 10 January 2014
Welfare Hits Record Levels After 50 Years of War on Poverty

Fifty years ago this week, President Lyndon Johnson announced the “War on Poverty” during his first State of the Union speech. Under the Obama administration, however — five decades, countless unconstitutional federal welfare programs, and more than $20 trillion later — poverty levels remain largely unchanged even based on official numbers, and dependence on government has reached unprecedented new heights.

In reality, Americans’ economic fate is far worse than even bogus government statistics would suggest. Even more troubling is that analysts say the trends look set to accelerate as Washington, D.C., intensifies its failed efforts to supposedly achieve “victory” in the “war” while the Federal Reserve conjures ever greater quantities of currency into existence.

Since Obama took office, 13 million more Americans have become dependent on food stamps, with the numbers now hitting a record 47 million — about a third more than when he was sworn in. In 2007, there were 26 million recipients. Spending on the scheme has more than doubled just since 2008. The explosion of the program, along with other welfare schemes, has resulted in countless commentators and critics labeling Obama “the Food Stamp President.”

America economically have changed a lot since 2006 my friend and not for the better.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:54 PM

There is no such thing as an immigrant....people are so lost in their self delusion to actually believe there are borders....the only thing that is illegal are borders....lines on a map...that delusional people actually think means something.....I suppose all people in this thread think Israel should have borders and immigration control....

Just by reading this thread I would like to say thank for allowing the elite to continue to perpetrate their evil upon this planet...once people stop saying "not in my backyard" then maybe...possibly we can work together as humans and secure a decent future for the many instead of just the few.

It is sad reading this just shows how successful TPB are in dividing the people and securing their continued existence ...people are human first..we are all of this mother earth....and the only reason we are still fighting each other is because it suits the elite to keeps divided....shame how it shows through sooooooo much by the words in this thread.

Once again ignorance runs rife on much for denying it.....hateful selfish people whom actually think they are anymore entitled to a safe place on this planet over another.
edit on 053131p://f56Wednesday by plube because: (no reason given)

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