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Why is the press going on Bill Cosby + What fell out of the headlines?

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posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 07:09 AM
Those with a strong emotional connection to the issue at hand should be cautious when deciding whether to take part in an objective discussion on the topic. This is a public internet forum and all sides of the topic should be examined, even those which are considered politically incorrect.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 08:00 AM
As with Dark Ghost, i would also urge caution from members on this type of topic - everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

What i would say is that, as with Jimmy Saville over here in the UK, the alleged victims all seem to have similar tales. Whilst the Cosby cases are totally different in that they are all adult women as opposed to children, this does tend to lead me to believe there is something in these claims.

The sad part to me as a non US citizen is that under Californian law, these cases won't be investigated as the time scales have been exceeded. I fully concede however that my grasp of US laws could be (and is) woefully inadequate.

Surely an investigation is the correct way forward? If guilty, he deserves to face justice. If innocent, his accusers deserve to face justice.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

I failed then, and still do, to see how THAT comment pertains to Bill Cosby, Bill Cosby's accusers, or how Bill Cosby was able to allegedly do what he is said to have done.

Well, this thread wasn't even about any of that - so, it's now a free for all


Funny how these things go

As long as we're here - you have your own skills when it comes to language Shamrock6. I would think you'd be more about keeping our standards higher here at ATS rather than trying to dumb it down for people. There's been enough of that coming from certain segments of society lately. Intelligence is not the enemy

Just so we do stay on topic, the reason I was even reading this thread in the first place is because I had read a very interesting article outside of ATS about how these accusations had been floating around out there for years - and all it took was for one person not related to any of it to to turn it into something people take seriously

The most interesting part of all that is - it took a man to get people's attention

Yeah - I think that is very interesting
edit on 11/24/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 10:23 AM
Looks like Cosby did have some help, as was suggested might be the case.

Bill Cosby: 'fixer' claims he paid off women amid multiple allegations of sexual assault

I wonder if charges will be filed against accomplices, or if they are going to trade testimony for immunity, as often happens. Might be all over for Cosby.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: AgentShillington
Looks like Cosby did have some help, as was suggested might be the case.

Bill Cosby: 'fixer' claims he paid off women amid multiple allegations of sexual assault

I wonder if charges will be filed against accomplices, or if they are going to trade testimony for immunity, as often happens. Might be all over for Cosby.

The powerful always have help perpetrating and covering up their crimes. People in the industry were familiar with the rumors at least as early as the late 70s/early 80s. Financial and social power of the type Cosby has buys protection and even assistance in committing crimes. Perhaps most importantly, it makes it near impossible for victims to effectively fight back. All the elements have to fall in place for victims to be heard. In this case, it's obvious that those elements have fallen in place: the right time, the number coming forward at the same time, media coverage, etc.. For those who claim that the women should have gone to the police, at least one did and I'll bet more did and were dismissed or threatened by Cosby's fixers. We will probably never know who most of those women were. For those who claim that the women who accepted settlements were only in it for the money, talk to a lawyer. S/he will tell you that lawyers probably advised those women to take the settlements because there was next to zero chance that Cosby would be charged with a crime, be tried and convicted and they, the accusers, would be put through hell by the so-called justice system. The hurdles were simply too high. Do you remember when the Kennedy cousin was charged with rape? The person in this scenario who really sold out is Cosby's wife. At this point, she couldn't possibly believe he's innocent. Does anyone really believe she'd still be with him if he weren't rich and powerful? I don't.
edit on 24-11-2014 by Tangerine because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2014 by Tangerine because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: thinline

Being that his character isn't quite what many thought it was, it must have been WELL known for along time that these activities were occurring. *if accurate??....yet, Why now? Suddenly?

IMO it was to undermine, belittle and counteract the black community just in time for the Ferguson trial end (result).

Haven't 15/16 of his accusers been white women??

What havoc this can cause to the generation of African Americans who (thought) they could look up to him as a role model.

It isn't what is missing in the news that is the question, it is more that these accusations are staged at/for THIS opportune moment, no??

Dunno, just a guess.

edit on 24-11-2014 by dianashay because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: dianashay
a reply to: thinline

Being that his character isn't quite what many thought it was, it must have been WELL known for along time that these activities were occurring. *if accurate??....yet, Why now? Suddenly?

IMO it was to undermine, belittle and counteract the black community just in time for the Ferguson trial end (result).

Haven't 15/16 of his accusers been white women??

What havoc this can cause to the generation of African Americans who (thought) they could look up to him as a role model.

It isn't what is missing in the news that is the question, it is more that these accusations are staged at/for THIS opportune moment, no??

Dunno, just a guess.

Utter rubbish.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: Tangerine

Yep, it likely is. It was just a guess, a bad one at that. lol

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 08:36 PM
What a great post. I initially liked your complex wording but after I re read it a few times was drawn in by the clear and drawn out reasoning in your your words.

On a true note...

a reply to: Tangerine

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