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Sexism, Misogyny and the rise and rise and rise of the internet asshole....

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posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: Grovit

i dont get how its even a tell him to get the F away if you dont want him all in your #......if he does not well, gasoline probably makes pretty good mace...

That it does! "Accidentally" splashing them with gas and then smiling meaningfully at them as you light a smoke with a flick of the bic does even better. They key is to have the lighter in hand BEFORE the gas hits home - that way, if they want to get all huffy about the gas, they'll be getting huffy from a properly respectful distance if they know what's good for them...

edit on 2014/11/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: undo

What needs to be taken into consideration also is the fact that these boys men guys have a tendency to find humor in attacking ladies.. from their point of view, it's humourous to mock put down and harass ladies generally.. they just seem to come from an entirely reverse thinking world where there are no rules.. morals and etiquette do not exist because they come from a place so impoverished, that they literally do not perceive acknowledge or understand the difference.. they are not able to contemplate any other behavior than the behavior they practice; To be rude, crass, ignorant, and offensive is a normal thing in their world- I personally believe it has quite a bit to do with one's economic station in life..moral impoverishment has quite a bit to do with one's educational impoverishment as well,.. I suppose some websites draw their seedy nature.. (I'll share some seedy stories I know about later!). Not say everyone from modest beginnings are necessarily socially repugnant, however, financial poverty attributes to educational poverty, attributes to social poverty.. . These type of people live in a sort of moral savagery and never having known anything other than that very savagery, they ultimately are unable to express, be, proper decent mild mannered and polite towards ladies.. they simply have no reference point.. There's a moment where their ignorance is really quite saddening..but a product of their misguidedness...a misguidedness that is quite frequently deliberately created by their own rebelliousness., They sort of know they have no way out.. Imagine if we compare these men to beasts and animals..

I also wanted to mention this interesting old adage amongst those types of slum boys: They seem to normally always claim the following: "Well, she's different though, you can put that one girl down, you can mock that one, because "She's different, she's not a Normal girl.. " To them, she's confrontational and strong.. she's intimidating, she looks like she can actually beat them in a rhetorical fight, a legal fight, or a physical fight if need be.. misogyny is probably actually about fear.. and about these mens' unfortunate relationships' with their mothers..

Otherwise girls represent peace, lovingkindness, and Namaste, which likewise is something a Beastial male again fears and Abhors..

If she looks like she knows how to protect herself.. how to hold a gun and use one, you can feel rest assured the slum boys are going to lack respect because she represents something they are unable to fathom: She represents their impotence, their incompetence, and their social failure..For god's sake, these types of boys cannot co-exist with ladies-- Fear, sexual stimulation, Envy, and Wrath all wrapped up in a the eyes of the beast mind and heart..

These type of men feel envy towards and against women: because she is able to co-exist with him. peacefully.

These types of men cannot co exist with her: they cannot even look at her; she creates their anger, hatred, envy, which is then later translated as a sexual issue in their minds..

edit on 15-11-2014 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: redhorse
A honkytonk with strippers and cocktail waitresses? Not where I come from, that's a new one on me. Maybe it's difference in geographic language or something. Where I come from honkytonk is referring to the bars that openly hardened criminal types hang out, like outlaw bikers. They don't employ women, and no fancy cocktail waitresses and strippers, just some bartenders and plenty of bouncers. A civilized person would be eaten alive and running for the door in no time, if they were allowed to just leave.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: neformore

I fully agree with your sentiments and think there's only one way you'll get half a chance to eliminate the internet a$$hole and that's bye bye internet anonymity.

Kind Regards

Sadly too many Keyboard Warriors make that apparent. For most normal people with lives, careers, families and friends the concept of being anything other than who we are versus some online 'persona' never occurred to us. These people who struggle with social interaction or dont know how to express their frustration with other people in person tend to get "brave" and aggressive when they slide on their online avatar.

Rather than use that anonymity to champion the better side of their nature, they get destructive. As will all things in life it is much easier to destroy than to build.

People with issues pertaining to gender, race or various forms of authority "butch up" and say the things they wish they had the courage to say in person. The reality of course is that when you are dealing with people directly, looking in their eye and watching their body language we develop empathy and understanding with most of those people. Many friendships are borne out of early conflict and how it is resolved. Differences persist of course. But human nature, when expressed person-to-person is an overwhelmingly positive nature.

That said, what CAN be done to reign in the Internet-Asshole? Because it is a growing and disheartening phenomenon. Do the decent people move on and leave the Net to the D-bags? How can you flush the internet toilet?
edit on 15-11-2014 by Leonidas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: neformore

Can't add much to that Nef, pal...

Very well said.

We just have to be vigilant, luckily I've only seen it rarely, & only once on ATS...
It was during the Bundy Ranch goings-on...


posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: redhorse

You don't talk to people that way even in "wild places". Good grief.

I've been to a few of those "wild places" myself, and some folks DO talk to people like that in them. You can always tell whose the blowhard, because he seems not to understand that there's always a price to be paid. He doesn't understand, for example, that at some point during the evening, he's gonna HAVE to take his attention off his surroundings, if only for an instant, to find those car keys...

... sometimes, they get a whole new level of education in those random moments. If they get educated enough, they learn how to talk to folks in "the wild places".

Otherwise, they tend to stop showing up there at all, for one reason or another.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: Leonidas
That said, what CAN be done to reign in the Internet-Asshole? Because it is a growing and disheartening phenomenon. Do the decent people move on and leave the Net to the D-bags? How can you flush the internet toilet?

On most forums & in MMOs, it's called the Ignore Feature and/or Report Button, and it's use is encouraged against trollery. On social sites, the onus is on the user to moderate their friends' list themselves, and block people accordingly. For example,when I was on Fakebook, I had several toxic people perma-blocked, and never saw their interactions with a mutual friend on comments. Easy enough there.

When it comes to things like comment sections on sites, there isn't much a user can do. Comment moderation is up to the site/blog/whatever. Though it's always a win when people band together & rebuke a dillhole en masse.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: undo

yeah i knew a guy that happened to. he was accused by his step daughter of touching her inappropriately, even though he didn't.

What did a lie detector test tell you he didn't? because it is difficult to accuse someone and go through that process and the ones who are offenders are usually completely unknown to be so by wives, boyfriends or close friends.

Many times, as someone I know, the person will not believe the daughter. The person I know didn't get any help and so has lived depressed and alone her whole life thanks to her Mother believing the guy.
edit on 15-11-2014 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: jheated5

"Femenazi"? Really?

With all due respect, that is exactly the kind of crap many of us here are talking about. Your negative experiences with women do not define a gender. And you don't represent decent men who have no problem with "women". An individual woman here or there, perhaps.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia are all the same thing. A fear based in ignorance. An ignorance that is easier to maintain from behind a computer screen, but much harder to keep up in person.

edit on 15-11-2014 by Leonidas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: redhorse
A honkytonk with strippers and cocktail waitresses? Not where I come from, that's a new one on me. Maybe it's difference in geographic language or something. Where I come from honkytonk is referring to the bars that openly hardened criminal types hang out, like outlaw bikers. They don't employ women, and no fancy cocktail waitresses and strippers, just some bartenders and plenty of bouncers. A civilized person would be eaten alive and running for the door in no time, if they were allowed to just leave.

Um no. I've worked at a strip club in Texas and bars and what we would call a Honkytonk in Montana. While there was a criminal element evident to varying degrees in most of those places I must admit that I have never walked into a biker bar. So while there is apparently some confusion based on geography (although a honkytonk does not have strippers here), comparing 4chan to a hangout for hardened criminals is more than a little ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I agree with you on that. When ATS was smaller for example, it was much easier to discuss the most controversial topics with decency for the most part. Bad eggs got cut off in a hurry before they could hijack a discussion. Often now it is too late and may result in threads just being closed.

It is still really good, but the as it grows it is harder and harder to manage it seems. Ignoring the occasional user can work, but if large groups join and seek to drag the community one direction or another with intolerant attitudes towards one group or another it makes it less relevant to some. Just some.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: neformore

I haven't had a chance to read all the responses yet so my apologies if this has been mentioned (in any case it deserves to be mentioned again).

In societies, hierarchial societies, where dominance over others is the measure of status, low status individuals (male or female) will abuse those who are of even lower status. (See the work of Riane Eisler).

If you are abused (exploited) by a 'higher up' the only safe way to 'take out' your frustrations is on someone lower in the perceived pecking order. Hence bullies. This behavoir is perpetuated in the family by the 'man' being 'king' of his castle and so children learn that this is the way to behave in society.

Add to that the anonymity of the internet wherein the 'passive-agressive' can be openly agressive with consequence, we get the sad state of affairs we see today towards all 'lower caste' citizens of planet earth.

And the behavoirs have carried over into public discourse as well.

As a side note, I first used the internet in the mid-eighties, with a 300 baud modem on a Commodore 64 computer. It was a kick; however, it was an expensive habit at $6.00 an hour at off times and $12.00 an hour during business hours (Comcast) and we had to give it up. I miss those early days though when there was a (showing my own predjudices and dominance issues here) a certain level of education and understanding to maneuver the internet.

Very nice topic to bring up and I look forward to reading all the posts.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
a reply to: OpinionatedB

It's very offensive of you to tell me not to talk about other religions, and the society I live in. I live in a Asian area Muslim women and their culture is my reality and part of my children's reality as the school they attend is majority Muslim. if you don't mix with non Muslim people then fine they are not part of your reality. I live in a mixed area, they are part of my reality.

Just so you'll know, before you step into it any deeper, OpinionatedB IS a Muslim woman. She's not just "around it". Now she lives in an area where she is surrounded by 70 miles of hillbillies in any direction you can point, so your "point" about "not mixing with non-muslims" rings a wee bit hollow.

You have no idea of her "reality".

Never mind that as a women I feel the lives and welfare of all women is part of my reality. You want to isolate yourself, fine just don't expect others to.

To include dressing them the way YOU want, as if they were some kind of Barbie Doll? That kind of "welfare of all women"? How is that different from the most knuckle-dragging of troglodytes? I'm not seeing the difference in YOU thinking you have the right to think and make decisions for them and some "Muslim man" doing the same. In both cases, neither of you is allowing HER to be herself, and make her OWN decisions as to what she finds comfortable.

The fact remains that "Asian" ("Asian" means something wholly different over here - we call Arabs" Arabs, and "Asians" is reserved for Oriental folk - another of those "cultural differences" I suppose) culture is not YOURS, no matter how "around it" you are, and you are unqualified to make decisions FOR it, or any of it's members. if you think you are, then you are just imposing YOUR will on aliens by force. Sure, when in Rome, one follows the Roman Law, but unless that law dictates that all women must wear suits, then there is leeway for personal and cultural expression to be determined by the individual, NOT to be determined by someone who is merely "around it".

I fail to see the "progress" in forcing ANY woman to dress in a way she finds uncomfortable - whether it's forcing her OUT of her niqab or forcing her INTO a mini skirt and fishnets. Either case is treating her as a sub-human, without a mind of her own.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: neformore

I thought this should be more of a 'rant' than a Social issue but I guess it could be both and yes I do agree with the issue at hand.

I read a report on Skynews just yesterday of threats made to 'Jessica Ennis' of 'rape' when she voiced her opinion on a footballer who had 'raped' someone and who was being taken on by Sheffield United' , his former club before he was convicted. Her twitter account was hit with messages like 'you should get raped' or 'we should rape you', stuff like that.

The perps above i'm sure will be caught out.

I have a question for you. What do you say about 'Cam Sites' and 'Porn'?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:46 AM
People will be what you make of them.
better be nice.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: neformore
Yes, if they can't handle it, they should go elsewhere that is better moderated. Or start their own blog where they can moderate everything themselves. All of these places are profiting off your visits, why would you support a place like that? Women aren't the only one that get trashed for having an opinion. Internet threats are impotent as hell. If you run a public page anywhere, it is on you to moderate it, including facebook. How anyone likes that stupid twitter crap is beyond me. Their character limit makes it impossible to have any sort of meaningful discussion. I have been "cyberstalked" and harassed and threatened by SJW freaks before, and by rightwing nutjobs before as well. Boohoo, it's the internet.

Why should they be the ones to leave?

Why not the aggressive Dbags? To say that internet threats are "impotent as hell" is either naive or disingenuous. Many young lives have been ruined by internet bullying. There is a generation today that does a tremendous amount of socializing online. To tell someone with a problem there to "go start their own blog" is akin to telling them to them should leave their school and "start their own".

Taking away their social media is to deprive many of them their social connectivity. So much of what happens "in the real world" is an extension of the online world.

Phones arent phones anymore, they are handheld computers that connect entire social communities.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Leonidas

I said pretty much the same thing he did. It's not exclusive to women online. I do agree with Jheated in that it's a "Femenazi" movement perception to get everyone to believe it's only, or largely, a female-only target phenomena online. The use of femenazi as terminology isn't disturbing in the slightest, I'll readily admit some of the most aggressive "Focus Only On Women" stances when there are clearly male victims (like online harassment/bullying) are more than deserving of that terminology.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson

I responded to a comment you made about the fact that if you arent a Muslim woman, you can't talk about Muslim women, which is just a really ignorant line of thinking.

What a progressive way of thinking! I kinda like that! I'm not a stripper, but I sure don't mind discussing them as if they weren't even in the room, either - so I see your point! Muslim women ARE fair game - as long as we can keep them objectified and not personalize them!

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: undo

actually, that's not what happens in the real world ( trademark, copyright. ) in the real world, where most everybody else lives, if your daughter smashes the face of a local sports hero into his steering wheel, the whole team finds her later and beats the hell out of her, gang rapes her and then brags about it to their friends till they graduate. they don't come to your house and apologize for your daughter smashing his nose.

that don't happen. where do you live?

That incident happened in MO. I was only out there for around a year or a bit over, and was not there for that incident, so I can't say if that's the normal course of events, or if it was an exception for the area.

Where we live now, if the football team were to react in such a manner as what you suggest to an ass-beating from a lone girl, I assure you that they would disappear, one by one, and never be heard from again. Ever. Anywhere. They would simply vanish from the face of the Earth. There is a whole series of cultural reasons for that around here, but it would turn into an off-topic mega-post if I tried to explain it.

Just another of those things that is what it is, I guess.

edit on 2014/11/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: redhorse
No, it really isn't. 4chan is a place on the internet, notorious for the douchebaggery that goes on there, just like Honkytonks or biker bars or whatever you want to call them, are places notorious for crazy tough guys hanging out there. Neither place is going to soften up to accommodate someone that enters their domain. In fact, most times they will get worse if "civilized people" try to hang there. The same way "civilized people" will turn up their nose and get really snooty, if I entered one of their fancy cocktail lounges wearing full riding gear instead of an armani suit.

What happens when internet douchebags come here and spew their garbage? Do we accommodate them, or do we delete their out of line posts, and ban them if they keep it up? ATS surely isn't going to change to please them, why do we expect them to change to please us?

edit on Sat, 15 Nov 2014 12:07:07 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

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