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Something VERY strange is going on

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:22 AM
In Oklahoma, we like to reminisce about the way the weather used to be. We used to have storybook seasons. Now, we get no spring. We get long hot summers instead. We don't get white winters. They're just bitter cold. We get flash freezing in February which wipes out electricity.

We've also been getting an incredible number of earthquakes. A fracking company has condescendingly assured us that it's not their fault.

edit on 11-8-2014 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:27 AM
Could these effects actually be caused by what the Sumerians called Nibiru? This is supposed to be a planet surrounded by at least 10 moons. Who are we to deny what the Sumerians clearly stated? There is a member of our solar system that comes close every 3,600 years. Ancient tales speak of this planet wreaking havoc every time it makes it's approach. It is said to have an extremely oval shaped orbit that is tilted 30 degrees below the elliptic plane. This should mean that the southern continents should see it first.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:40 AM
The weather has been changing for years, when I was a kid we used to have proper seasons here in the UK, now the weather does what it pleases when it pleases, and although I like the OP vid there's been various other vids posted that are similar for a few years now

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Rezlooper

by spouting off there is nothing to worry about, folks, these things have always happened

Learn to read and comprehend. I did not say that or anything remotely like that.
What I did say was "We have a long recorded history and it always repeats itself. If your going to look to the current you must include its past."
*I was suggesting that if one is going to bring up the current then one must include the past and this is done logically with compare and contrast (Past/Present) to arrive at what we can expect in the future. Furthermore, do the causalities not mean anything in this scenario? It's not often that you hear of 300,000 deaths from one event. Hopefully you will comprehend this without me having to write another paragraph...

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Rezlooper
Quite true.
The wildfires in California seem normal to me.
Lesson to self, do not live near millions of trees.

All this could signal the end times, famine, pestilence, red tides, floods and fires etc
I once read a good book on how TBTB faked the end times.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny

originally posted by: ~Lucidity
Seems to me weather patterns are sort of shifting. Places that used to get no hurricanes or tornadoes are now. Places that did aren't.

For sure. I remember a decent hurricane every 2-3 years as a kid, but it's been 9 years since South FL had a notable Hurricane. That's unheard of. Also the summer's have been unbearable hot the past 7 years and the winter has been much shorter than when I was younger. Summer seems to start in April now and run all the way until October

When someone from FL (of all places) starts saying it's too hot, then you know it's pretty damn hot. My friend lives in North Port and he too claims that it was ridonkulously hot last year, but this year is noticeably far hotter. He said that the oceans are very warm, like nothing he has seen before. He said that last week he went into the water at Englewood Beach and it was like warm bath water. He couldn't even get relief from the heat by going for a swim. Pretty scary stuff when the oceans become like bath water. I don't even want to think about how warm the usually much-cooler bottoms are becoming...which would mean that the frozen methane hydrates are surely thawing and pluming up to the atmosphere. Not good!

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: Staroth
a reply to: Rezlooper

by spouting off there is nothing to worry about, folks, these things have always happened

Learn to read and comprehend. I did not say that or anything remotely like that.
What I did say was "We have a long recorded history and it always repeats itself. If your going to look to the current you must include its past."
*I was suggesting that if one is going to bring up the current then one must include the past and this is done logically with compare and contrast (Past/Present) to arrive at what we can expect in the future. Furthermore, do the causalities not mean anything in this scenario? It's not often that you hear of 300,000 deaths from one event. Hopefully you will comprehend this without me having to write another paragraph...

What you attempted to do was show how these events (weather, floods, sinkholes, etc.) have always happened and it remains the same at this current time. You showed a few major events from the past in such years as 1881, 1925 and 1931, which shows my point that yes, they have happened throughout time, but not at the rate of frequency they are occurring now, in our time. Also, your sinkhole link proves my point even further. It shows the 25 worst sinkholes and most of them all occurred within the past 7 years. The remaining few are from ancient times, perhaps millions of years ago.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr
Assuming what you believe is true, which in my mind has just as good a chance as the lame theories we are spoon fed everyday. How is Aliens saving us considered being saved. You mean Aliens taking people off the planet, on their ship, or underground? Even if they do how is living another 30 years in a truly #ed up reality being saved? I just disagree with you on the meaning of saved.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:35 PM
Even if it is happening, what can we do ? Can we just accept it and move along ? I believe that people is power of world.. And that we are able to do much more.. Just see example of ants..

However, there are fractions that are not making history mankind should grab.. Politics leads to capitalism which frankly don't give a damn, au contraire, all they care is fractions.. Which are not meant to be.. God is not proud, and is probably doing hard reset.. Long live the queen !!

Just don't wipe ants..


posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:55 PM
There is always something strange going on. We know more about space than earth so i believe there are a lot of things hidden on earth and i believe the answer is under the oceans. Going back to the topic we will go extinct soon. We humans think we are hot sh*t but that won't be for long. We were lucky avoiding disasters for a long time but the time will come that will finish us off and i think that time is coming closer and closer.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

So the human race is a "virus" to you?... Some people take the movie the Matrix way too seriously. People are not a virus... Why is it that every time things like these happen some people always jump the gun and want to blame it all on "humanity"?

Humanity is not the reason why all these weather events are occurring just take a look at the facts that for example the Earth's magnetic field is weakening very rapidly. In the past 7 months the weakening of Earth's magnetic field has intensified.

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Fading

John Roach
for National Geographic News

September 9, 2004

Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say.

That was in 2004. We know that for the past 7 months the Earth magnetic field has been weakening even faster than before.

Earth's Magnetic Field Weakening More Quickly

Jul 9, 2014 06:22 PM ET // by Kelly Dickerson, LiveScience

Changes measured by the Swarm satellite over the past 6 months shows that Earth's magnetic field is changing. Shades of red show areas where it is strengthening, and shades of blue show areas that are weakening.

Earth's magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation, has been weakening over the past six months, according to data collected by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite array called Swarm.

The biggest weak spots in the magnetic field -- which extends 370,000 miles (600,000 kilometers) above the planet's surface -- have sprung up over the Western Hemisphere, while the field has strengthened over areas like the southern Indian Ocean, according to the magnetometers onboard the Swarm satellites -- three separate satellites floating in tandem.

The scientists who conducted the study are still unsure why the magnetic field is weakening, but one likely reason is that Earth's magnetic poles are getting ready to flip, said Rune Floberghagen, the ESA's Swarm mission manager. In fact, the data suggest magnetic north is moving toward Siberia.

Here is a graph showing how the weakening of Earth's magnetic field had been occurring.

The graph is showing the changes in Earth's magnetic field for the past 800,000 years.

The red area to the left shows the current era (but before the last 7 months in which Earth's magnetic field has been weakening faster)

Something is happening within the core of Earth causing this accelerated weakening as well as causing other changes on Earth, including the extreme weather phenomenon that seems to be on the rise.

There have also been reports that underwater volcanoes are more active to the point that they are warming the waters under the Antarctic among other areas.

Underwater volcanoes, not climate change, reason behind melting of West Antarctic Ice Sheet

By James Maynard, Tech Times | June 10, 10:43 PM

Melting of a major glacier system in western Antarctica may be caused by underwater volcanoes, and not by global climate change, according to new research.

Thwaites Glacier, a massive outlet for ice that empties into Pine Island Bay, is flowing at a rate of one-and-a-quarter miles per year. The bay opens up into the Amundsen Sea.

The Thwaites Glacier has been the subject of scrutiny by climatologists in the last few years, as new information about the severity of the melting becomes available. Traditional models had assumed heating from subterranean sources was fairly even around the region. New data provides details about areas where little was previously known.

University of Texas researchers studied how water moves underground in the region. They found liquid water was present in a greater number of sources than previously believed, and it is warmer than estimated in previous studies.

"It's the most complex thermal environment you might imagine. And then you plop the most critical, dynamically unstable ice sheet on planet Earth in the middle of this thing, and then you try to model it. It's virtually impossible," Don Blankenship, senior research scientist at the University of Texas, said.

Meanwhile some people, and groups, are trying to blame these changes that Earth is undergoing on "mankind and CO2" the real culprits are being ignored by many people.

If you think this is bad just wait, because I am telling you we will have more devastating earthquakes as well as more volcanic activity. There will be more devastating hurricanes and tornadoes, etc, etc. Yet none of this is happening "because of humanity". The Earth, and every planet in the Solar system is reacting to the new region of space that we are encountering. Within about 100 years the Solar System will be completely inside this new region and by then there will be an exponential increase of disasters that have nothing to do with mankind.

Below is an example of another major culprit behind climate changes as well as affecting seismic and volcanic activity.

SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H & E.
Vol.3. 2007/2008, SWB, Innsbruck, 2008 ISBN 978-9952-451-01-6 ISSN 2070-0334

*Khain V.E., **Khalilov E.N.
*Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov,
**International Academy of Science H&E (Austria, Innsbruck)

It has been determined that in the period of solar activity increase (11-year
cycles) there increase seismic and volcanic activities in the compression zone of
Earth and at the same time there decreases the activity in the tension zones of Earth.
On the basis of the discovered stable 11-year and 22-year cyclicalities in the seismic and volcanic activities and their high correlation with solar activity there has been made the long-term forecast until 2018. The next maximum of seismic and volcanic activity with very high amplitude for the compression zones of Earth is forecasted for the period 2012-2015.

BTW, if you want to know who Elchin Khalilov (Khalilov E.N.) is, here are a few facts that anyone can corroborate.

Dr.Prof. Elchin Khalilov (Azerbaijani: Elçin Xəlilov (born On April, 26th 1959, Baku, Azerbaijan) is a famous scientist in the sphere of geodynamics, seismology and tectonics.

edit on 11-8-2014 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Hellas

No crap lol.

It's been going on for about 4-5 years now mate. I can personally deduce that just from observing the weather in the UK, but all the other things going on simply confirms it.

Not to mention all the mass animal die-offs that have been apparently happening for the last couple of years.

I don't think it's simply due to 'global warming'. The changes have been too significant in the last few years in relation to the preceding years, and it doesn't correlate with the emission data in that sense. I'm not saying this isn't a factor, but as an alone factor it doesn't add up too well.

I suspect it's a combination of several of our acitivities on Earth. We're destroying the natural balances on multiple levels lol. It's become disproportionate to the rate our Earth replenishes itself. Something's bound to go wrong, right?

I'm not sure about the whole polar shift thing but my understanding is it happens over a long period of time and isn't detected by us as a single moment where everything switches. I may be wrong?

Or we could have an incredibly well cloaked foreign body headed for Earth which is slowly but surely disrupting the general equilibrium of our solar system? Are we in for another great 'deluge'? Heh.

Something's definitely going on though.
edit on 11-8-2014 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:06 PM
Yes, something is going on.

Its called the internet.

In days gone by (not so long ago actually - mid 90's) we might have been aware of local issues, and picked up on some stuff elsewhere from the TV maybe but these days, with the advent of real time communication that is written, audio and video we can see so much more of the world.

So what has actually been local phenomena in certain areas of the world for centuries that people may have been blissfully ignorant about suddenly becomes join-the-dots end of the world scenarios.

Is the world changing? Maybe.

Has our perception of it changed? Definitely.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: DazDaKing

The magnetic field of Earth doesn't have to flip suddenly to affect what happens on Earth. The fact is that right now the Earth's magnetic field is weaker than it has been in 800,000 years, or more.

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
December 2012, Volume 52, Issue 8, pp 959-976
Date: 30 Nov 2012

Impact of the geomagnetic field and solar radiation on climate change

V. A. Dergachev,
S. S. Vasiliev,
O. M. Raspopov,
H. Jungner


Recent studies have shown that, in addition to the role of solar variability, past climate changes may have been connected with variations in the Earth’s magnetic field elements at various timescales. An analysis of variations in geomagnetic field elements, such as field intensity, reversals, and excursions, allowed us to establish a link between climate changes at various timescales over the last millennia. Of particular interest are sharp changes in the geomagnetic field intensity and short reversals of the magnetic poles (excursions). The beginning and termination of the examined geomagnetic excursions can be attributed to periods of climate change. In this study, we analyzed the possible link between short-term geomagnetic variability (jerks) and climate change, as well as the accelerated drift of the north magnetic pole and surface temperature variations.

The results do not rule out the possibility that geomagnetic field variations which modulate the cosmic ray flux could have played a major role in climate change in addition to previously induced by solar radiation.

There have been many instances in Earth's geological past in which geomagnetic jerks occurred and caused many disastrous Climate Changes.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 06:28 PM
100 years ago you wouldn't have known about most of this stuff because the news would never have reached you. Now, it's 24/7/365 global news coverage and 'if it bleeds, it leads'; anything dramatic will be given plenty of airtime on multiple sources.

That said, we definitely have climate change, the Arctic methane is thawing, the fish kills can be attributed to either warmer water which holds very little oxygen, sewage runoff (ditto, plus toxins) or dissolved methane in the water which suffocates them.

And I left upstate NY 9 years ago because the storms both lightning and blizzard were getting increasingly scary. I knew what normal was having spent my whole life there, and things were NOT normal.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper


posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:35 PM
It's called the Greenhouse Gas Effect and people have been warning us for a long time about it. But it's denied and denied and denied.

Where I live it's the usually dry fire season. The humid hot would end by July. Twenty years ago there was no humid/tropical period of weather - it was hot and dry. Now our wettest season is also the hottest and we get no rain during winter.

It's Global Warming, it's Climate change and it's time to acknowledge it - regardless of what your saintly pundits say.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: Oannes
Could these effects actually be caused by what the Sumerians called Nibiru? This is supposed to be a planet surrounded by at least 10 moons. Who are we to deny what the Sumerians clearly stated? There is a member of our solar system that comes close every 3,600 years. Ancient tales speak of this planet wreaking havoc every time it makes it's approach. It is said to have an extremely oval shaped orbit that is tilted 30 degrees below the elliptic plane. This should mean that the southern continents should see it first.

No. It's more likely to have a much more nearby cause such as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation trend, anthropogenic climate forcing, or the lull in sunspot activity (a possible Maunder Minimum).

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: Staroth

At least you didn't write another paragraph.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Soulece
Well, if all of this is just nothing to be concerned about, tell me what it was like in the 1990's when this stuff was just as common, please.

Oh, oh it wasn't?

EXACTLY!!!! Things that used to happen once in a lifetime, and cause trauma and mourning around the world, are now DAILY occurrences!

There is so much going on all over all the time peoples heads are spinning.

I think half the population has PTSD, so they just aren't taking it in, they aren't "feeling" how intense it is, so they dismiss it as no biggy.

I had PTSD for years, and mostly still do, but being a parent now, my head won't let me dismiss such a drastic change in daily events!

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