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18 year old gets a year in prison for "baconizing" mosque

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posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 07:39 PM
pretty disgusting the amount of hate you all have towards muslims and Islam. Bacon is considered unclean to us, we do not eat it. Sorry if that bothers someone but a lot of religions cite foods as unclean and not suitable to eat, even Jewish people. I don't see you folks standing by and making jokes if people were to desecrate jewish synagogues with non kosher food?

bunch of scumbags in this thread to be blunt. you are brainwashed to dislike people based on their religion and can't stand the fact that other people are devout in their faith. Shame on you

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: Restricted
The kid should get a medal.
Yes, intolerance and bigotry is something to be celebrated.

The people on this site never fail to remind me what kind of scum still resides in this world...

Oh wow like Muslims have some really great moral high ground in that department. Have you noticed what the Shiites and Sunnis are doing to each other in Iraq?

You are blaming ALL for what SOME do.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Logarock

The Muslims move into an old establish culture and then play the game changer and victim in it all.

You must realize some of the "old established culture" are Muslims also, as many in what you would call Muslim nations are Christian and other religions.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: Char-Lee
Sometimes people fail to understand that another culture feels very strongly about something we do not.

I agree.

Imagine if someone smeared aborted fetus remains on a church door and threw some inside... Would those of you who disagree with this sentence feel so offended if they got a year in jail?

I think either crime is horrific and the perpetrators should be generously punished.

Aborted fetus? Really!?

Bacon is equivalent to aborted fetus now? Ok.

So what do you think they would have given these characters for a sentence if they had spray painted "666" on the side of a church? A year in prison?

I'm not advocating the desecration of any religions holy place, but a year in prison for bacon tossing? It's excessive. Let's face it, these people would have better learned their lessons by doing community service for a local muslim charity. This sentence was handed down to placate muslims out of fear of retaliatory terrorist acts. I have very little doubt about that.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: ThinkYouSpeak
pretty disgusting the amount of hate you all have towards muslims and Islam. Bacon is considered unclean to us, we do not eat it. Sorry if that bothers someone but a lot of religions cite foods as unclean and not suitable to eat, even Jewish people. I don't see you folks standing by and making jokes if people were to desecrate jewish synagogues with non kosher food?

bunch of scumbags in this thread to be blunt. you are brainwashed to dislike people based on their religion and can't stand the fact that other people are devout in their faith. Shame on you

Uhm... what?

This thread is about whether or not the sentence was proportionate to the crime. Nowhere did I say I hate muslims, and if someone went and threw loaves of unleavened bread or strips of bacon at a Jewish synagogue and got a year in prison for it I'd feel the same way.

I don't care how devout you are in your faith. Do you feel the same way about muslims who can't stand others because of their faith (or lack thereof)??

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 08:47 PM
I think almost everyone here has missed the point of this story.

These people WASTED perfectly good bacon.


Who the hell do they think they are?

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: Char-Lee
Sometimes people fail to understand that another culture feels very strongly about something we do not.

I agree.

Imagine if someone smeared aborted fetus remains on a church door and threw some inside... Would those of you who disagree with this sentence feel so offended if they got a year in jail?

I think either crime is horrific and the perpetrators should be generously punished.

Aborted fetus? Really!?

Bacon is equivalent to aborted fetus now? Ok.

So what do you think they would have given these characters for a sentence if they had spray painted "666" on the side of a church? A year in prison?

I'm not advocating the desecration of any religions holy place, but a year in prison for bacon tossing? It's excessive. Let's face it, these people would have better learned their lessons by doing community service for a local muslim charity. This sentence was handed down to placate muslims out of fear of retaliatory terrorist acts. I have very little doubt about that.

you are right. community service is appropriate. isn't a conviction and jail time on someones record over there, for all time?

bacon or burger tossing isn't the same as a swatztiker on a synagogue, unless bacon and burgers killed 6 million muslims and hindu's.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:10 PM
thats justs nutszz

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: ThinkYouSpeak
pretty disgusting the amount of hate you all have towards muslims and Islam. Bacon is considered unclean to us, we do not eat it. Sorry if that bothers someone but a lot of religions cite foods as unclean and not suitable to eat, even Jewish people. I don't see you folks standing by and making jokes if people were to desecrate jewish synagogues with non kosher food?

bunch of scumbags in this thread to be blunt. you are brainwashed to dislike people based on their religion and can't stand the fact that other people are devout in their faith. Shame on you

Honestly If it was a jewish temple people wouldnt be throwing a fit over it or going to jail for a year if it was.....

I dont have any hate for any religion ,but the special treatment towards Islam is getting to be over kill

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:16 PM
Its a HATE crime. I'm not sure why this is posted. They're hateful criminals and they're gonna do their time. Did someone say what's this world coming too? Wow. Its an offensive hate crime. What is the ATS community coming to...

edit on 20-6-2014 by algag1129 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

So what do you think they would have given these characters for a sentence if they had spray painted "666" on the side of a church? A year in prison?

The bacon was also inside the building I would have to say your argument does not hit it right either...maybe more like smearing human feces on the crucifix.

That does not get it either because feces are not a forbidden thing, human blood would maybe right as it is forbidden to Christians.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: algag1129
Its a HATE crime. I'm not sure why this is posted. They're hateful criminals and they're gonna do their time. Did someone say what's this world coming too? Wow. Its an offensive hate crime. What is the ATS community coming to...

Whats a hate crime? Isnt any crime committed against someone indicative of not liking them? its a crime yes, but I dont see people getting a year in jail for spray painting churches or synagogues

I dont see them getting a year in prison for egging them or anything else......

This sentence is because the judges dont dont want to be seen as insensitive to Islam

ITS Political correctness bullcrap run a muck...........

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: algag1129
Its a HATE crime. I'm not sure why this is posted. They're hateful criminals and they're gonna do their time. Did someone say what's this world coming too? Wow. Its an offensive hate crime. What is the ATS community coming to...

Whats a hate crime? Isnt any crime committed against someone indicative of not liking them? its a crime yes, but I dont see people getting a year in jail for spray painting churches or synagogues

I dont see them getting a year in prison for egging them or anything else......

This sentence is because the judges dont dont want to be seen as insensitive to Islam

ITS Political correctness bullcrap run a muck...........

"Hate crimes add an element of bias to traditional crimes—and the mixture is toxic to our communities."
"hate crime has a devastating impact on families and communities, but also because groups that preach hatred and intolerance plant the seeds of terrorism here in our country."

I don't get what you guys don't understand

edit on 20-6-2014 by algag1129 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 10:34 PM
What people must remember is that laws are no longer enforced "by the book", they are enforced based on emotional whims. These people should have really been charged with something like vandalism, disturbing the peace, etc. I highly doubt there is an actual law they broke which would warrant such a long prison sentence, if there is I'd like to know what it is.
edit on 20/6/2014 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: Char-Lee
a reply to: DeadSeraph

So what do you think they would have given these characters for a sentence if they had spray painted "666" on the side of a church? A year in prison?

The bacon was also inside the building I would have to say your argument does not hit it right either...maybe more like smearing human feces on the crucifix.

That does not get it either because feces are not a forbidden thing, human blood would maybe right as it is forbidden to Christians.

Smearing human feces on a crucifix or putting it in a jar of urine qualifies as fine art in America. Why would they put someone in jail for that? Some museum would pay that vandal a lot of money and call them "artist."

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 10:41 PM
ahhh bacon so tasty.....its funny that bacon can be so loved by some and so hated by others.....i think if i was president i would declare a national bacon day simpsons style

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: algag1129

I don't get what you don't understand. The crime itself is toxic enough without trying to make some assaults worse than others because of the intent some judge perceives to be behind it. When you start saying that all crimes are equal, but some are more equal than others in essence, you stop being a community that is ruled by the rule of law where all stand equal before the law and start being a place where some people are judged by different standards than others which means that not all are judged in the same way.

You no longer live in a place where the rules are the same for everyone. Someone can put bacon on a mosque and go to jail for a year, but the same person might be able to paint something hateful on a church and only receive community service. Both are the same crimes - fairly minor vandalism, and both are likely motivated by the same thing - a dislike to hatred of the religious group that worships there, but for some reason, one group is protected by sterner penalties than the other. So they are both protected by different standards because one is deemed a hate crime while the other is simple vandalism.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: Char-Lee

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: Restricted
The kid should get a medal.
Yes, intolerance and bigotry is something to be celebrated.

The people on this site never fail to remind me what kind of scum still resides in this world...

Oh wow like Muslims have some really great moral high ground in that department. Have you noticed what the Shiites and Sunnis are doing to each other in Iraq?

You are blaming ALL for what SOME do.

Muslims are discriminatory and spout off commentary on cultures they move into. Like what did they come to European nations for if they look down on them as a bunch of pig meat eaters and sex maniacs? A person has to ask. And their persecution of christians is 1000 fold in cultures where there has been a traditional christian presents for centuries. It would be unwise for western nations with relatively new populations of Muslims to expect a different situation in the long term.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: Logarock

Yep, my mom's hometown has played Christmas music on their main street forever. One family of Muslims moved into town and complains, and that was the end of that. That family has since moved on, but I'll bet no one plays music on main this year.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: ThinkYouSpeak
pretty disgusting the amount of hate you all have towards muslims and Islam. Bacon is considered unclean to us, we do not eat it. Sorry if that bothers someone but a lot of religions cite foods as unclean and not suitable to eat, even Jewish people. I don't see you folks standing by and making jokes if people were to desecrate jewish synagogues with non kosher food?

bunch of scumbags in this thread to be blunt. you are brainwashed to dislike people based on their religion and can't stand the fact that other people are devout in their faith. Shame on you

Oh their just not devout about pig meat, they are down right judgmental and rude. I have never had a jew say jack to me about my eating habits but cant say the same for Muslims. They should try to devoutly shut their hypocritical mouths about the non Muslims habits there as long as they are living off the fat of the land and stepping into culture and economies that got along fine without them for years.

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