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Something MAJOR will hit the world economy!

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posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 02:08 PM
After seeing the protests in Brazil and mind you there are many vacant jobs I started thinking what is actually going on and I remembered what David Icke had said about a major world wide awakening. Yes it's here my friends but somehow I feel something odd is going on on most stock markets and financially in most countries on earth right now. Then first Bernanke said there was going to be an end to QE than he said there won't be. For me he's clearly sending a coded message to NWO's front-men in ALL nations of the world. Stocks are up and down and now more down than up while QE is still taking place. Gold price is taking a dive and civil unrest is taking more and more force and this energy will spread throughout the globe which is great BUT the NWO knows that and they will try to counter this phenom. They also just had the annual cabal meeting which my 6th sense tells me they decided to crash the global economy THIS year like never happened before. Prepare for the worse my friends and may good prevail over evil! clearly the stage is being set and prepared for something major on the world economy they are sending the word out to their men.

Edit. just found this video which is exactly how I see things being played.

edit on 20-6-2013 by Zedux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Zedux

Ok, yes, you are right but....

I see people expressing dissatisfaction and not really accomplishing their goal.

Corruption is the problem, wide-scale, unbridled and more or less obvious. We are aware of scandals and crime and whatever revolting revelation with which we are presented.

I do not see the mechanism by which good will prevail. I see only the pitiful measures put forward by impotent parties that are meant to appease the population.

The general public are not even nearly aware of the extent of the problems nor the magnitude of the situation we as citizens are in. Coordinating a solution will not happen whilst the people in places of influence are only minded by self-interest.

I hope to see large scale revolution by those who have, renouncing the material gain of exploitation.
I hope to see celebrity become a platform for real views and voices of the disenfranchised.
I remain watchful, expectant because the status quo cannot be maintained, it leaves too many simply.....desolate.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 02:39 PM
The current condition of the world's economy is such that it will fall if the politicians keep on "mucking' with it.
We need to get politics set aside for a few months and let the people of the world set things right.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 02:40 PM
Something big always hits the global markets...because almost any macroeconomic /geopolitical event impacts it.

You do realize how fine a balance the global economy is right? That is why when the US economy sneezes the whole world has a heart attack or when a relatively insignificant event causes indigestion in American markets.

Globalization people, we are all in for same the ride to some extent

Edit to say: The most ironic thing of all is... Even reporting about how bad the economy is or will be impacts global markets... What a joke right?

edit on 20-6-2013 by BaneOfQuo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by BaneOfQuo

Correctamundo......I run a forex outfit, let me tell yas what happened last night....Bernanke saved the world for good few months longer....if he hadn't run the usd up.....specially for Japan......the world was ready to tank. I knew he couldn't let the game I went long on thr dollar and in 85 minutes......without trying or even watching the price action( like a manager should) was 2 am, for crying out 85 minutes did 28%. he he...7% more in the morning....

this world is following biblical prophecy to the letter, you know that , don't you? I'm wondering just how much longer.....aww topic

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Zedux

I think all this volatility in the markets is due to an early warning. About 4 weeks ago the Fed Chairman spoke about slowing QE and that spooked the markets. Then a couple weeks later in the early part of June there was a signal broadcast in the news on a certain day known to be a day of occult messaging. That was the Verizon wiretap story. Why? I think because there is going to be a July 4th attack either thwarted by American heroes using wiretapped information, or an attack that will actually happen and rock the economy even more. Either way, it will probably cause a military response somewhere in the world. I think America is ready to make another major military move and the markets are getting an early warning. We are seeing the results of chatter from the top of the pyramid. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear type of stuff.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 03:33 PM
I wonder when people wlll start realizing that money is just paper and is not required to live.

I wonder when people will realize that if they worked for the greater good, helped each other, that money would not be required nor needed, to live a happy fulfilled life.

When the system collapses.... not if.... it's not like all the resources will drop off the face of the planet. There will not be a shortage of anything at all. Instead, no one will run anything because they won't be getting paid. Which will lead to a free for all, and death and greed will plague the planet causing a global famine. All in the name of money.

I wonder when people will see that this monetary system is just an illusion, it's not real. All the debt, it's not even real money to begin with. All the interest, is created out of thin air, it's fake, and it can never be paid back.

So when the usa has to pay 1 trillion dollars a year in interest.... its fake money, created out of nothing, there isn't enough money in existence to pay off the debt, it's impossible.

So it's time for the people to wake up and say, what debt? There is no debt, there is no interest, there is no money.

It's time for the people to start giving to the world, instead of trying to make their bank accounts bigger. Give what you have to offer, give what you can, if everyone gives, then we have a new system. A system of giving, a system where everyone is rewarded, because everyone works for the greater good. The only reason we have lazy greedy people now, is because the system has conditioned us to be that way. Humans aren't lazy by nature, but they sure as hell are lazy when they have to get up every morning to make a million dollars. They sure as hell are lazy when they live in an instant gratification society to go to walmart 2 blocks away to get whatever we need. That is not giving, that is taking, and there is a huge difference.

Humanity must go through a revolution of consciousness that goes from taking all we can get, to giving all we can give. If we do this, we will fall back into balance with nature, we will use our resources in a proper manner and not in the name of profit. There is more than enough to go around for the world. Every single human being can be fed, sheltered, clothed, and given the opportunity to live to their full potential.

It's time to move from living in the head, from judging everything, from suffering, from greed, to living from the heart, living in love, caring, kindness, compassion, selflessness. A way of life free from ego.

The monetary system, is not the only way to live on this planet.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Zedux

I couldn't agree with you more that something major is going on.

The point you made about Bernanke coding the NWO though I don't go along with so much because they control his mouth and pull his chains - he's not independant. He is purely a tool.

I feel that the bankers or the Central bankers run the world and they do this very simply by bumping up assets the public want to buy. As a consequence of buying these houses, cars etc etc people take on huge amounts of debt to maintain their lifestyles conducive with those assets. When the personal debts accrue to be worthwhile, they pull the credit plug. The assets dissolve into negative equity, the bankers collect back the assets they created and as much cash as they can grag from the debtors, a very large proportion, especially of lower earners or the jobless go bankrupt and those in debt fight to maintain their lifestyles if they earn enough. Then eventually we have another new generation all ready for the bankers to feed upon hyet again.

As you get older you remember the property booms and busts and I have lived through three.

The same has happened with the price of gold that the world's head banker controls. It has had a run on it and been very highly priced. After lots and lots of it has been moved, borrowed and bought then the gold price fixer/banker takes the value down. That affects all those people who have paid service charges for purchasing, moving etc etc.
Nice huge earner for those who buy it at its lowest price given people have paid top dollar for it.

Apparently there might be a banking problem in China whereby it was suggested that the Chinese have copied the USA's financial antics and are on the verge of joining them as China is getting into a similar state as that which exists in the USA. Its achieved this all within a 5 year period. I wait with baited breath on this one because the repercussions will certainly send a tital wave across the financial markets.

The stock exchanges have been going up and up with no logical reason. However sooner or later its pigeons will come home to roost and we will see another load of eruptions there.

The trouble is that nowhere can we really recover financially because wages/salaries, except for bankers etc are not going up. If they don't rise, money doesn't circulate and there is no demand so stagnation and failure is the only result so with the level of debt in so many countries, we can't get over this crisis - so something else mujst happen.

Many of our politicians have no or very little experience in the real world of work. Most of the top people are from such wealthy backgrounds etc that they have no understanding of the stresses of ordinary life so aren't in a position to govern it in reality. They are text book jocks but without having been in the cut and thrust they have no comprehension of how to run a country.

I suspect that the main effort of the corporations, bankers and governments is simply to do away with cash and get us all stamped with a bar code. I think this will be their aim and if crashing the world's economies achieves it, they will have the world held to slavery.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 04:00 PM
Something else I forgot to say in the above is that although we think about the fact that we are all becoming 'aware' as though this is something communal, worldwide and (somewhat spiritual) for some, I wonder if it simply is a result of the internet and the fact that it is - or has been - difficult to hide the facts and goings-on from the public at large and so many of us are watching things happening in the world and how our governments, corporations and bankers deal with things.

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by BaneOfQuo
Globalization people, we are all in for same the ride to some extent

This is the main problem.

When government becomes too large, it collapses, the same with empires. The reach of an empire can only succeed so far before those in power can no longer manage the size of the population they control.

Globalization is the economic branch of this. We might not yet have a global government, but we do have a global economy. Because of this global economy without global governance, there is far too much opportunity for corruption. And corruption in a global market is enough to completely destroy the entire global economic system.

People have been saying here for about two or three years that a big collapse is coming, a collapse of the €, which could lead to a collapse of the $. But no one knew when it would happen because these damn governments just keep papering over the cracks with more money.

The bubble is just getting bigger and bigger, and when this one pops, it will be enough to completely destroy the global economy.

That is also why the government (wherever you are, in whatever country) is desperately trying to pass laws to stop you from organizing protest, stop you from communicating freely, stop you from congregating... if economists around the world know this is coming, don't you think the economists within government think tanks knew this long ago?

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 07:39 PM
My favorite Marc Faber comment was,
"Obama will do anything to get votes."
"that's what it's all about, the next election."

When did this dire fox news alert aire?

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by sealing
My favorite Marc Faber comment was,
"Obama will do anything to get votes."
"that's what it's all about, the next election."

When did this dire fox news alert aire?

Do you think he wants to be Vice President and put Hillary in as President? Was that the agreement?

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Threegirls

June 6, 2013 = 666 in numerology. I posted and said, I thought it would be a big day and something big would happen because the numbers seemed right. I was mocked and put down. I was told 666 is GOOD... and nothing would come of it. Well, something DID come of it on that day, didn't it?

Monday, is another 666 day. 6-24-2013 = 666 again. Now, all the information that came out on June 6, 2013 with regard to the American public being spied on, I can't help but wonder, what Monday will hold. With gold tanking like a rock... I really wonder what the next 666 day will equal. Maybe nothing... BUT.......

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Threegirls
reply to post by Zedux

Ok, yes, you are right but....

I see people expressing dissatisfaction and not really accomplishing their goal.

Corruption is the problem, wide-scale, unbridled and more or less obvious. We are aware of scandals and crime and whatever revolting revelation with which we are presented.

I do not see the mechanism by which good will prevail. I see only the pitiful measures put forward by impotent parties that are meant to appease the population.

The general public are not even nearly aware of the extent of the problems nor the magnitude of the situation we as citizens are in. Coordinating a solution will not happen whilst the people in places of influence are only minded by self-interest.

I hope to see large scale revolution by those who have, renouncing the material gain of exploitation.
I hope to see celebrity become a platform for real views and voices of the disenfranchised.
I remain watchful, expectant because the status quo cannot be maintained, it leaves too many simply.....desolate.

Voters will turn a blind eye to corruption so long as they can maintain a decent quality of life; they get to work a fair number of hours for a fair salary; enough to keep their family fed and clothed, and a roof over their heads, some entertainment. Once you have politicians mucking about with the simplest of things; selling off state infrastructures to their cronies and international investors, only to have prices constantly skyrocket, then you will have riots.

This is happening in the UK with electricity and gas prices, along with rail fares and congestion surcharges. Every time rail fares rise, everyone gets back on the roads, only to have congestion charges rise accordingly.
Food prices have been constantly rising over the decades. For a single person, a weeks shopping of the basics would be £25/week in 1995, now it is around £60/week.

The same thing happened with bus-fares. Before privatization, it used to be 50p for a 7 mile journey, rising up to 75p, £1, £1.25, £1.50, eventually reaching £2.50, So a weeks travel went from £5 (10 x 50p) to £25 week, or £1300/year. That's no much fun when the average salary for someone working part-time was £6K. Many employers were forced to pay for taxi in order to find employees willing to work late-nights.

Now we've got the situation where middle-classes in India and China want the same diet as Westerners (beef and milk), both of which require cattle, which in turn requires grain and water, and fundamentally land.

When we have declining harvests in the UK due to bad weather, I too have a bad feeling about this.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

I wonder when people wlll start realizing that money is just paper and is not required to live.

As soon as everything is free…..

I wonder when people will realize that if they worked for the greater good, helped each other, that money would not be required nor needed, to live a happy fulfilled life.

How do you know this? When has this ever happened?

It's time to move from living in the head, from judging everything, from suffering, from greed, to living from the heart, living in love, caring, kindness, compassion, selflessness. A way of life free from ego.

The monetary system, is not the only way to live on this planet.

Spoken like a true, broke nonconformist.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

I wonder when people wlll start realizing that money is just paper and is not required to live.

As soon as everything is free…..

I wonder when people will realize that if they worked for the greater good, helped each other, that money would not be required nor needed, to live a happy fulfilled life.

How do you know this? When has this ever happened?

It's time to move from living in the head, from judging everything, from suffering, from greed, to living from the heart, living in love, caring, kindness, compassion, selflessness. A way of life free from ego.

The monetary system, is not the only way to live on this planet.

Spoken like a true, broke nonconformist.

Welcome to the concept of people living happy and fulfilling lives in functioning societies without money...

Previously undiscovered tribe found

You seem to think our way of life is the only possible option, you are clearly wrong.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:56 PM
So with all this turmoil, where do we get kicked first, up the gas. Jumping up when they forecasted a downward trend. Thanks a lot.

Oh and shopping for food, one of my least favourite things to do, it is insane.
edit on 22-6-2013 by whatnext21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Rocker2013

You seem to think our way of life is the only possible option, you are clearly wrong.

You seem to think there is a system that is infallible.

Many systems work well if everyone plays nice...but that never happens, does it?

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:06 PM
link has been talking about a bond crash for months now,.
I am sure we are in for an adjustment,. it has to. No worries

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by Rocker2013

You seem to think our way of life is the only possible option, you are clearly wrong.

You seem to think there is a system that is infallible.

Many systems work well if everyone plays nice...but that never happens, does it?

No one said anything about any system of social construct being infallible. That's not the issue being debated here. You dismissed the notion of people living happy and fulfilling lives in a society without an economic base. You were clearly wrong.

That social group exists, and it exists outside of our economic construct. Therefore, it's clear that society can exist without our current monetary notions. They haven't imploded, they haven't starved, they haven't murdered each other.

That's what was being debated.
edit on 22-6-2013 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

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