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'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier.

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posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by gladtobehere

It's ok, they don't think of you as human either. We're descended from pigs and monkies to them.

And where did you get this little bit of info from? You confusing the Arabs with the Zionist again they are the ones that call Arabs subhuman. I see you chose to overlook the murder a person kill a race viewpoint the Qur'an has.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family.

I am amazed at the different ways that peoples minds are manipulated and can be made to think other that the truth.....whether on purpose or by accident.

My little story is that when I was 4 years old in 1943, during the Second World War, my mother told me that a DP was coming to our house and that I had to be quiet, on my best behaviour and sit still. I followed her instructions and wondered what could befall us.

The visitor was a British lady with artificially blond hair, very well styled. diamond (shiny) earrings, a fancy hat with a bit of net over the top front, and a mink (I now expect) jacket.

My mother had frightened me, and it took many years after that to understand that somebody with a foreign accent, was not a DP and not about to kill me. Years later, when a DP asked me to dance I would turn him down and I would wonder what trouble my friends would be in if they dated a DP.

What awful perceptions we can be given, whether from our parents or from the government.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:23 AM
This is 'normal' and actually applauded. Read some of what 'super sniper hero' Chris Kyle said about the people he was shooting from a distance. Of course, they ALL were supposedly trying to kill 'our guys' and he says that he saw his first victim, a woman holding a baby, pull out a grenade right before he blew her away. Documented kill. She wasn't human to him, none of the Iraqis were. No talk there of 'winning their hearts and minds' unless of course we're talking about putting bullets through organs.

And he comes back, writes a book about what a great shot he is, is told over and over he's a hero, lies through his teeth during a radio interview about slugging Jesse Ventura in a bar disagreement, starts a training company for mercenaries called the Craft, gets shot in the back of the head himself while supposedly taking a PTSD soldier to a rifle range for a little bit of good buddy-ness, and then a few months later, Kyle's 'Craft' paramilitary types are seen at the Boston bombing site. Before the bombs went off, right at the finish line.

Funny all the coincidences, isn't it?

Oh, and I didn't watch that video. Did the subhuman talk about how he and his friends talked for days about how they were going to rape that little girl? Wasn't alcohol, it was pure evil. All courtesy of your federal government training programs and a military that will take anybody they can get, even psychopaths.

Oh, and don't forget the alacrity with which George W. Bush, that traitor to humanity and Vietnam dodger, made sure that every dullwitted member of the public thought that every Iraqi was personally responsible for 9-11. Nuthin' like scapegoats to get a real good killing field going.

When are we going to exterminate the elites that are causing all this? When?
edit on 30-5-2013 by signalfire because: tired of being told what to do, sorry.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:56 AM
I realize this isn't really the bigger issue here, and I dunno if its been mentioned already, but, I guess I just have a thing for logical fallacies or whatever you wanna call it... So, anyway... Let me get this straight... He stuck his penis into a living being that, in his mind, was "not a human"? I mean, its obvious the guy has problems... But is he exaggerating it? Or is he just that twisted that he would have sex with a "non human"? I mean, she was human enough to have sex with... And, I don't know the whole psychology/physiology relationship here, but, don't you have to be attracted or aroused to maintain an erection or to even have the thought that "i wanna have intercourse with that person"?? I think he just hought he was unstoppable... Godlike perhaps. You know how some police get a power trip and take things too far? Well, I think its kinda the same except to a further extreme. You're hot as hell in the desert, pissed off, and thinking "i deserve a little something extra for having to go through this crap", even though police and military service is all voluntary... that's just the mindframe they have. But hey, war is crazy, war is hell... A lot of these soldiers are probably somewhat ideologically confused to a certain extent. If it happened to me, I can't say what I would do, I haven't been through everything that guy has been through. Maybe he was messed up a little before he went to war and that just made it worse.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:25 AM
Dehumanizing a group of people is often used by governments. Think long and hard about things the next time you hear someone called a criminal, or especially called a terrorist.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by MarionR

I was just wondering what a "DP" is? I've never heard that term before.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 08:19 AM
I think when a member of Western Civilization is engaged in "self preservation" against the Western worlds oldest enemy (islamics) who have been engaged in a 1400 year war against our beliefs and way of life, one might tend to view those comprising these political organizations (Islam is not a religion) as not worthy of last rites.

You see, it is pretty hard to view a rattlesnake in your back yard as something other than a rattlesnake, and most people will take appropriate action to deal with that threat. In this case, where an alleged non combatant and others were killed whose whole reason for living is to "kill the infidel", it is difficult to stand in this mans shoes.

If you enjoy watching movies of Daniel Pearl being decapitated and then having it broadcast by the Islamic world all over the Middle East, and having a British Soldier having his head chopped off with a meat cleaver, then your support of Islamic Militants is understandable.

But if you risk your life each day as these soldiers have done, watched how their fellow soldiers were brutalized and understand that it was Islamics that killed 3000 Americans in the twin towers, then you might understand that one would become hardened by war and view anyone in the theatre of operations that is not an American as the enemy. What any soldier does is formulated by events brought upon him in War. In WWII the decision was made to take no Japanese Prisoners and they were killed as they surrendered.

It is hard for me to judge someone who has their life at risk, and fighting an enemy whose sole goal in life is extermination of the beliefs of the Western world. I support what ever is necessary to protect the US, that is why, I support the drone programs, which allow our soldiers to sit in front of a monitor in Phoenix and kill our enemies in Afghanistan and anywhere else in the world.

I knew someday all those gamers would find their calling. It is hard for me to convict this guy, for ridding the world of rattlesnakes and their offspring who would harm citizens of the US. Adios Amigos. John

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:22 AM
For starters i have not read the full article or all of the posts following the OP but i feel i need to say something even if it is only for my benefit.

When we were doing our convoy training for deployment a master gunnery sergeant who was our lead instructor told us many things about the ways of war. He had served in three wars and knew a lot about to survive where the metal hits the meat. One of the biggest things he tried to get into our heads was that "though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil because I am the badest mother # in the valley". I know its an over used expression but it has a lot to do with the metality needed in combat. The way he put it is that you can not enter into a combat sittuation thinking about how the other people are, you have to convince yourself you are the best and you can survive and the other guy will die, If you go into combat thinking of your enemy as a human being you will hav compassion and not want to kill them.

This is one of the hardest things to do to yourself mentaly, trust me on that. I attribute this form of thinking in part to my mental breakdown and promblems after the fact. I never wanted to hate people or kill anyone, I have tried to spend my life helping people from the time i was a young boy and even more so after the fact. This way of teaching is a neccisary evil for combat I am affraid. The problem comes in some indivduals not being to seperate that way of thinking from any other and you become lost somewhere in a state that is unbelievably scary. Most are lucky that they can turn it on and off, others hate themselves for what they have let themselves do, and some lose touch with all of it and dissapear into a state they cannot control any longer. These problems are not new to war and have been plaguing individuals for thousands of years.

It is a terrible side effect of society i wish didnt exist. I wish i knew the way to fix it all but alas all i know to do is focus on what i can do to make myself better and help as many people as i can.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:20 AM
If an innocent Iraqi is killed....America pays the Iraqi family $2,000.

You could run over a dog in California and end up having to pay more.

It's a National Policy that Iraqi's aren't human. They are paying even LESS for innocent Afghan kids getting killed. Those Afghans are only getting a couple hundred bucks when one of their innocent people get killed.

Just a fact.....they have successfully removed humanity from society.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by dave_welch
reply to post by MarionR

I was just wondering what a "DP" is? I've never heard that term before.

It stands for Displaced Person, and was used as insultingly as derogatorily, as if one were called the sick nicknames of various countries.

All it took was an accent.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by majesticgent

Unfortunately that is a very real and not too uncommon mindset when you are engaged in active combat. Having been to Iraq and Afghan on several deployments I can see how he could possible begin to think that way, not that I approve of his actions in anyway what so ever.

After the first time you witness an IED take out a Humvee and you see 2 or 3 of your buddies blown apart or gravely injured you start to question a lot of things. This is made even worse by the fact that you are fighting insurgents that blend in perfectly with the civilian population and are many times indistinguishable from each other.

However there are Chaplains and mental health therapists on base and each and every soldier is encouraged to seek help anytime they feel that they are experiencing difficulties managing the experience they are faced with. Why this soldier didn't speak out about the issues he was having is something we will probably never know.

The thing that I don't understand is why he wasn't found to be mentally incompetent to stand trial seeing as he is obviously suffering from some sort of psychological disorders that stem from his combat experience. I was active duty for 15 years and during my service I only witnessed one incident of a soldier cracking under pressure and the members of my boat team went straight to our MC and reported it and he was removed from our team, received treatment and was discharged from the Navy.

I am quite sure there is more to this than we know.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

A handful of soldiers out of literally hundreds of thousands of service members....over react much?

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 01:08 AM
In the soldier's defense, the army basically trains people to think in that way. Before you can become an efficient killing machine, yu need to become desensitized to killing - you have to see the enemy as subhuman.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Ayjay47

Not really.I saw Iraqis as enemy combatants,soldiers like me, following orders from their government ,like me repelling invaders(being me ) from their homes.
I was just a better trained and FAR more aggressive opponent.
When I captured them they were fellow soldiers who were accorded the standard military professionalism I believed they deserved.
Defining a few as the whole never works.What a stupid mindset to view or define others.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by signalfire "When are we going to exterminate the elites that are causing all this? When?"

sooner than they could imagine.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:11 PM
Brainwashing of the soldiers and civilians is standard and usually required in creating and performing any military action. Watch these films from the US produced back in 45 after WWII. Then while they’re talking about the evil that the “Japs” and “Nazi’s” did, think about some of the stories and crimes that you’ve heard about the US troops. Also look at the approach on how to deal with both races. Trust and reeducate one, don’t trust or turn your back on the other. And don’t miss the line that tells you to “let them create their own government, as long…”

WWII US Army Training Film: "Your Job In Germany"

WWII US Army Training Film: "Our Job In Japan"

When you're constantly trained to see people as targets or threats, can you blame them for losing touch with humanity? And it gets worse when the targets no longer wear distinctive uniforms. At that point they all become targets and are no longer human in the eyes of a soldier. Granted, some go over the deep end and take things too far, but basically, all out men, women, (military and civilian) and children are taught to look upon these people as targets and a threat to our "way of life".

Just in case I didn’t embed the videos correctly, here are the links:
WWII US Army Training Film: "Your Job In Germany"
WWII US Army Training Film: "Our Job In Japan"

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Nucleardiver
reply to post by majesticgent

...However there are Chaplains and mental health therapists on base and each and every soldier is encouraged to seek help anytime they feel that they are experiencing difficulties managing the experience they are faced with. Why this soldier didn't speak out about the issues he was having is something we will probably never know...

I retired in 94 but I don't imagine things have changed much. In my day, if you went to a Chaplain or Mental Health therapist, you were branded a pansy, coward, or a crybaby. Worse, no one wanted you in their unit for fear you'd chicken out or get them killed. It was the same with the Police department I worked at. A Shift Sgt was required to advise newbies that help in this form was available, then he followed it up with, "if you have problems, keep them to yourselves, I don't want to hear that kind of crap from anyone."

Peer pressure works on all levels and that's one reason an otherwise normal person gets caught up in a situation where a Mob Rule mentality has taken over. Join in or become the target. I've seen it happen time and time again and actually became the victim in an incident in High School where I was standing and watching and one of the instigators didn't think I was doing my fair share to back up my supposed team.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

What is the problem here?

In order for many people to shoot another, regardless if US military or any other, you have to view the enemy as a thing, and not as a person.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:50 PM
No,They are human beings, every one.I refused to let ANY group change that to me or around me.I was responsable for fighting a war in which I volunteered to die. When you point a weapon at me now you get to play but they are all people.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 04:07 PM
I was a radio operator that provided ground to air liaison for infantry companies I was attached to.. Search and Destroy in the mountains of Vietnam involved making contact with the enemy by walking around until you were getting shot at and firing back at the general vicinity the fire was coming from.... Hopefully we could suppress their fire long enough to get a spotter plane overhead and direct them over the bad guys and bring on some fast movers with snake&nape.... I hated having to do battle damage assessment and witnessing up close the mangled, burnt bodies that the observers and pilots only saw from a distance...

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