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Disillusioned and Angry – Where do I go from here?

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posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:29 PM
Throughout the years I’ve come to realizations that have changed the way I view the world; today is one of those moments…

I’ll probably get flamed and bombarded with “I told you so”, especially after all the RP bashing I’m guilty of, but I must say that today’s announcement of Paul Ryan as Romney’s VP is extremely disappointing and I’m beginning to look elsewhere. I haven’t had a chance to read any opinions around the blogosphere on today’s pick but I’m really bummed. I feel smaller today than at any point in my life and my fear level about the survival of America is rising. I’d like to believe all the garbage coming out of Mitt’s mouth but I just can’t after this Paul Ryan pick….

It all sounded great but here are the facts - Paul Ryan voted for TAARP, the auto bailout AND NDAA!!! He did vote against SOPA but who really cares after the other bad votes?? I’m starting to see the point many of you have made about the Tea Party (or at least the Tea Party associated with Dick Armey’s Freedomworks) being controlled by neocons. I held out for the longest time because the local tea party I’m affiliated with is in no way a neocon tool….we actually stand for the ideals espoused by the tea party and have no hidden agenda. The fact that Dick Armey’s group immediately came out this morning in support of the Ryan pick made me ill. I’m beginning to see that many of you were right (Let the “I told you so” begin!)

Here’s the way I see it!

Romney = lower taxes, a slightly revitalized economy, more war and less freedom.

Obama = higher taxes, a continued weak economy, more war and less freedom.

Either way we will have more war, less freedom, and the constitution will continue to be shat upon as our nation continues to move backwards.

I think I’m ready now; I’m ready to jump on the Gary Johnson bandwagon. Here is the problem I think we face. Although most democrats are disappointed in Obama and most republicans (especially conservatives) are underwhelmed with Romney I don’t see another candidate gaining any traction. I think the ONLY chance we have of saying HELL NO to both of these clowns is a Johnson/Paul ticket or a Paul/Johnson ticket. I just don’t see enough steam from either of them alone to bring down the two-party candidates nor have I heard any call for this.

Do any of you see it that way? If so, how do we make that happen??

I haven’t followed RP or Johnson so I really don’t know what the new buzz is in either of their campaigns. What are the chances we’ll see these two join forces?

If that doesn't happen I think we're in for a bumpy ride and the destination isn't a place I want to end up.

edit on 11-8-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:35 PM
its ok bro...

We Ron Paul people will take you in... no questions asked...

welcome to the light-side...

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:35 PM
The final act, is a President, having the Authority to Veto this crap, regardless if Congress, wants it, or those pushing agendas.

We need a strong President. Is Romney that guy?

Thats the real question, because its isnt Obama..........

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Another Republican finally sees the light.

TEA Party has been ruled by the far right neo cons ever since Sarah Palin was announced as a VP candidate and started doing speaking tours.

Mitt simply could never be trusted, it's just very difficult to see this from within.

I wish other GOP voters could see the light as you have, hope you find your way.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

its ok bro...

We Ron Paul people will take you in... no questions asked...

welcome to the light-side...

I never doubted you would!

So where do we go from here?

I’m thinking Johnson and Paul are vying for the same anti-Obama/Romney vote and that will lose.

edit on 11-8-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by seabag

Dear seabag,

I think I’m ready now; I’m ready to jump on the Gary Johnson bandwagon. Here is the problem I think we face. Although most democrats are disappointed in Obama and most republicans (especially conservatives) are underwhelmed with Romney I don’t see another candidate gaining any traction. I think the ONLY chance we have of saying HELL NO to both of these clowns is a Johnson/Paul ticket or a Paul/Johnson ticket. I just don’t see enough steam from either of them alone to bring down the two-party candidates nor have I heard any call for this.

Expect more of the same. Neither Obama, Romney or Paul will change anything. The game is rigged. Representative democracy was the best game in town; but, the rules were changed so that the politicians only represent some of us and it happens to be the ones who benefit them the most. That is the truth and you can see it around you. The Democrats don't like Obama as their choice and the Republicans don't like Romney as their choice; but, those are the choices they have been given because the process has been hijacked.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:52 PM
You now feel the way I felt some time ago. The Republican party sold out to the fascists and the Democrats are just spineless "go along to get along" weasels.

I like RP, but we have to come to the realization that RP will not even get the chance unless an act of god intervenes.

So what choice do we have?

Stay home...hug your kids and spouse and play a game of Super Mario Bros.

You never had a choice and unless there is another revolution, you never will.

Good luck to you friend.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:53 PM

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by seabag

Haven't we all learned already we lose each election?

If we can only find enough people to vote for the losers to make them winners... maybe... just maybe we could pull this off...

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by seabag

Please watch this vid. Seabag, and feel better. He is a brilliant man with a sound economic plan. He knows how to turn this countries economy around. Watch him tell Obama why Obamacare is not going to work....

Don't jump ship yet.....Pax

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

Nobody is Perfect. NO Presidential Candidate, will ever have everyone's interests taken into account.

Thats how it goes, Im afraid.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:57 PM
And then take look at this response on another thread in which I show how Ryan's own healthcare plan is nothing more than a government welfare plan that does nothing but change language to differentiate itself from Obamacare.


Trust your instincts Seabag. Don't fall for the propaganda and think for yourself. Hell, don't even listen to me....the truth is out there.
edit on 11-8-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

Another Republican finally sees the light.

I’m a conservative….I don’t consider myself a republican.

TEA Party has been ruled by the far right neo cons ever since Sarah Palin was announced as a VP candidate and started doing speaking tours.

Neocons are NOT the "far right" nor do they represent the true Tea Party that I associate with; this is a misconception.

Neoconservatism (or new conservatives) is rooted in a group of former liberals, who in the late 1960s, began to oppose many of the policies and principles associated with President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs. The term "neoconservative" (sometimes shortened to "neocon") was initially used in the 1930s to describe American liberals who criticized other liberals who followed a path closer to Soviet communism.

Neocons are guys like BUSH, Romney, McCain, etc. They are social liberals with a more totalitarian mindset. They are not the “right wing” by any stretch (more of a hybrid liberal and not much different than Obama).

Mitt simply could never be trusted, it's just very difficult to see this from within.

I wish other GOP voters could see the light as you have, hope you find your way.

Most tea partiers are as disillusioned by Romney as they were about McCain. We’re sick of the two-party BS because we know its two sides of the same coin.

I think this is going to lead to a second Obama term because conservatives don’t want Romney and Paul Ryan voted for a lot of things that true grass roots tea partiers (like myself) are against.

We’re screwed if we get Romney or Obama IMO!

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:59 PM
Since G.W Bush was elected for a second term I lost absolute faith in the US's electorial process. Ron Paul would have won if the people actually had a say anymore, we don't. Watching this election coverage is paramount to watching Jershey Shore imho, scripting reality tv to keep the sheeple from paying attention to the bigger picture.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:01 PM
Here is Paul Ryan on his economic views. This thread is an excellent overview of how Ryan can and will turn this economy around. Please read this thread which was created by a member whom previously voted for Obama but now, will definitely vote for Romney because Ryan is on his team.

Thanks kindly,

above top

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

You now feel the way I felt some time ago. The Republican party sold out to the fascists and the Democrats are just spineless "go along to get along" weasels.

I like RP, but we have to come to the realization that RP will not even get the chance unless an act of god intervenes.

So what choice do we have?

Stay home...hug your kids and spouse and play a game of Super Mario Bros.

You never had a choice and unless there is another revolution, you never will.

Good luck to you friend.

Thanks bud!

I’m more of a “glass half full” kind of guy! I think divine intervention is a longshot but a guy can hope!!!

I’m voting for SOMEONE and I surely WILL NOT be sitting it out regardless how pointless many feel voting is these days.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by babybunnies

We’re screwed if we get Romney or Obama IMO!

Well when you said you saw the light... or came to your senses... you weren't kidding around!


rarely have I ever seen someone on ATS admit to their mistakes or misconceptions and openly admit they were wrong to some degree.

you gained points with me seabag... we may not agree with most things... but what I can agree with is someone who can admit when they slipped up... takes a man (or woman) with courage and selflessness to make that move.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by paxnatus

Don't jump ship yet.....Pax

Thanks Pax….I’m having a hard time with this decision this morning as you have read!

I have a hard time voting for anybody who voted for NDAA and the bailouts. I think we’re going to get more of the same from Romney/Ryan with the exception of a slightly better economy. The government will continue to grow and nothing will be done to stop the cronyism in DC. Until we elect someone that will address the corruption issues and force limited government we will continue down the same path IMO.

Do you think these two will do that?

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by seabag

I gave you a star and flag for using the word Neocon in the proper context.

The way it gets tossed around by politically uneducated people as some sort of derogatory slur towards the right in general should be funny but its not.

I agree with your sentiment on Romney's pick for VP although I don't like the idea of throwing my vote away to an unelectable 3rd party in protest.

The GOP is going off the rails.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

Well when you said you saw the light... or came to your senses... you weren't kidding around!


rarely have I ever seen someone on ATS admit to their mistakes or misconceptions and openly admit they were wrong to some degree.

you gained points with me seabag... we may not agree with most things... but what I can agree with is someone who can admit when they slipped up... takes a man (or woman) with courage and selflessness to make that move.

Well thanks for the kind words but I’ve known for a long time that my beliefs didn’t align with either party; it’s always been a ‘lessor of two evils’ vote for me. I’ve NEVER had a presidential candidate that I was in lockstep with on the issues and I still don’t. There are things about RP and Johnson that I don’t like but I think we need drastic measures…we need to take a BIG step in the right direction rather than small steps (which is what Romney represents to me – small steps) and we need it NOW before things get even worse (maybe to a point of no return).

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