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9-11 The blue & red pill of the Matrix { a comparison}

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posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

Nice try Page, although Hooper doesn't do FACTS.
Hooper: "Please don't reference links - I don't click on unknown links."
Just derailing, illogical rhetoric, ignoring tactics & social denigration.

He asks for proof, you provide it to him and and says it isn't proof and changes to the topic to something else that he also asks proof of while totally disregarding most arguments because he can't logically argue them.
Simulated hijackings orchestrated by NORAD, NRO & pentagon took place on that day Hooper.
You can ignore all the sources u want, it will not change that fact. Webster Tarpley has done some fantastic research on that topic (others to) and u can find other sourced info in the 9-11 timeline.
Accept it or live in the dreamworld.

This whole thread started as a thought experiment in which hooper never took part.

He was only here to defend his view of 9-11.
In doing so, he proved my Op-ED that on 9-11 everyone was given a subliminal choice (take it on faith) of which version of history to "believe".

Hooper has refused to even see the other side of things. I'm open to the possibility that i might be wrong although there are so many coincidences & inconsistencies as pointed out in all my posts in this thread.
When more facts are put together and people spend the time & effort to think in terms of the bigger pictures, things don't seem so black & white. Many shades of grey.

Did anyone here know that there were seemingly several attempts on bush's life on sept 10th and sept 11th.
Earlier i posted the FACT (sourced) that Bush was warned of imminent danger on Sept 11th around 4am in the morning.

9-11 was more a coup d'etat than anything else in my opinion by a faction trying to gain power & control for specific Geo strategic goals & ideology.

SPECULATION: I think the plan was to kill bush and have Cheney run the show.

Also how did warren buffet and some executives from the WTC rent out, 1 of the 2 military bases that control the nuclear arsenal where bush landed on that day, for a private charity event? Did they discuss with him their views of who should be attacked in retaliation? Perhaps they also held some sort of financial power (stock exchange was attacked) & Goldman Sachs executives where present that day.

An intellectual & informed guess could be that the NEO-CON view & Samuel huntington's straussian views (clash of civilizations) were dictated to bush by some advisers and his life was threatened. He capitulated and surrendered to the "shadowy forces" that might have had control of some elements within the secret service, some Mossad crews planting explosives & controlling NORAD's confusion throuh PTECH & PROMIS.
The DIA able danger cell watching the terrorists patsies, could have been blocked from intervening by a higher up GENERAL like the one described as being a spy for the ATC by siebel edmonds (actual fact). DOV zahkeim (pentagon) could have arranged for the planes to be equipped with his remote control technology that he was actually working on (767) for the pentagon in the military bases that the planes flew very close to that day.
And last but not least, the MOSSAD dancing israelis could have been laser painting the building for the remote control planes to slam into. The pentagon would have been hit by a disguised bunker buster missile (similarly to the war game exercise actually taking place AMALGRAM VIRGO) to kill the navy accountants tracking the misplaced 2.3 trillions.


Even though the above "scenario" is speculation (as this thread is a thought experiment) i threw in at least 3 facts in there. The truth will come out. JFK's death was proven to be a conspiracy involving many other shadowy individuals & organizations by the Congress's select committee on assassination. How many people today still think that Oswald was the killer?
edit on 18-4-2012 by pupetmaster because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2012 by pupetmaster because: formatting

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

So the question is still open - who do you think is paying me to publically disagree with you? C'mon, you have an opinion as to the status of my parents, my marital status and my parenthood, give me an opinion as to who you think is forking over good money just to disagree with you. Who do you think believes that your opinions are so dangerous that they pay people just to disagree with them?

Stick to the script -------

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by pupetmaster

Simulated hijackings orchestrated by NORAD, NRO & pentagon took place on that day Hooper.

If that day = 9/11/2001, well then, you have failed miserably in proving it.

Just as information - Google Search is not a fact filter. It only searches websites looking for the word strings you input.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by hooper

I have given you Congressional testimony (on the record) by the Joint chiefs of staff & secretary of defense.
What more do u want?

On the very morning of 9/11/01, five war games and terror drills were being conducted by several U.S. defense agencies, including one "live fly" exercise using REAL planes. Then-Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Myers, admitted to 4 of the war games in congressional testimony -- see transcript here or video here (6 minutes and 12 seconds into the video).

Ignore it all u want it will not go away.
Redirect to new topic by Hooper in 5-4-3-2..
edit on 18-4-2012 by pupetmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

The particle size of the cement is about 35 microns, for a particle to go from 35 microns to 5 to 12 microns, an explosion is needed to blast the particle apart.

Again - where are you getting this from? And please don't reference links - I don't click on unknown links. You want to give me something from maybe ACI? or ASCE?

By the way - look up silica fume concrete.

Looked it up......

Silica fume is a byproduct of producing silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys. One of the most beneficial uses for silica fume is in concrete. Because of its chemical and physical properties, it is a very reactive pozzolan. Concrete containing silica fume can have very high strength and can be very durable.

You proved yourself wrong Silica Fume is supposed to make concrete stronger and harder to pulverize into something less than 5 to 10 microns, and yet 5 to 10 sized concrete particles were found,
, basically saying the concrete would be harder to particularize from a gravity based fall, meaning explosives did it.
Good Stuff! You shills need a new script to work off of busted!!!

Love this line, "where are you getting this from? And please don't reference links - I don't click on unknown links"

Show me but when you do I won't look,
, you fail!!

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

It's true because you are a paid shill to come on ATS 9/11 forums....

Just curious - who do you think is paying me? CIA? NSA? FBI? And why do you think it is not possible that just some average citizen disagrees with this stuff and would like to just express his/her own opinion?

I hope it is not good old davy look what you did to her on my signature!

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

You proved yourself wrong Silica Fume is supposed to make concrete stronger and harder to pulverize into something less than 5 to 10 microns, and yet 5 to 10 sized concrete particles were found, , basically saying the concrete would be harder to particularize from a gravity based fall, meaning explosives did it. Good Stuff! You shills need a new script to work off of busted!!!

Uh, you realize that there is a difference between stronger and impervious to physical action, right? So, since its harder to break than that means the only way to break it is with explosives? Wow. Thats quite a reach. And for the record, there was no silica fume concrete in the WTC towers, thought I would get that out of the way now. Face it, you got nothing but uneducated suppositions and thats why 11 years later no one is listening.

Love this line, "where are you getting this from? And please don't reference links - I don't click on unknown links"

Show me but when you do I won't look, , you fail!!

Yep, not going to click on links to unknown websites. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the security of my computer. Also, you want to make reference to technical material give me a link to something like the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) or ACI (American Concrete Institute).

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

You proved yourself wrong Silica Fume is supposed to make concrete stronger and harder to pulverize into something less than 5 to 10 microns, and yet 5 to 10 sized concrete particles were found, , basically saying the concrete would be harder to particularize from a gravity based fall, meaning explosives did it. Good Stuff! You shills need a new script to work off of busted!!!

Uh, you realize that there is a difference between stronger and impervious to physical action, right? So, since its harder to break than that means the only way to break it is with explosives? Wow. Thats quite a reach. And for the record, there was no silica fume concrete in the WTC towers, thought I would get that out of the way now. Face it, you got nothing but uneducated suppositions and thats why 11 years later no one is listening.

Love this line, "where are you getting this from? And please don't reference links - I don't click on unknown links"

Show me but when you do I won't look, , you fail!!

Yep, not going to click on links to unknown websites. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the security of my computer. Also, you want to make reference to technical material give me a link to something like the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) or ACI (American Concrete Institute).

Why would you put silica fume concrete as a link, backtracking a little
cya - you have provide nothing in 800+ posts in 9/11 forums expect making fun of people, you're statements have no credibility, you have no sources in your claims and when provided a source your reply is "Yep, not going to click on links to unknown websites" - you either have no life of do this as a job - to post in 9/11 forums all day and everyone that comes up - bro there's better things to do unless of course the money is good.

ASCE, ACI - Tell your boss that the employees there need a new script of facts

Here I'll do your response for you.....

"Who do you think, I'm employed by" - same bs no facts, sources, won't look into what people say

Honor does not apply to you, I hope your family realizes what you do for a living and if they do realize I'm sure they're not proud of it.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by longjohnbritches

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

It's true because you are a paid shill to come on ATS 9/11 forums....

Just curious - who do you think is paying me? CIA? NSA? FBI? And why do you think it is not possible that just some average citizen disagrees with this stuff and would like to just express his/her own opinion?

I hope it is not good old davy look what you did to her on my signature!

BTW - You spelled the name wrong

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

Why would you put silica fume concrete as a link, backtracking a little cya

I didn't post any links. Read a little closer.

- you have provide nothing in 800+ posts in 9/11 forums expect making fun of people, you're statements have no credibility, you have no sources in your claims and when provided a source your reply is "Yep, not going to click on links to unknown websites" - you either have no life of do this as a job - to post in 9/11 forums all day and everyone that comes up - bro there's better things to do unless of course the money is good.

So, again, who do you think wants to spend money to publically disagree with you? C'mon, you must have some thoughts.

ASCE, ACI - Tell your boss that the employees there need a new script of facts

Huh? Is there not an ASCE or ACI?

Here I'll do your response for you.....
"Who do you think, I'm employed by" - same bs no facts, sources, won't look into what people say

So? Got an answer? What are you so afraid of?

Honor does not apply to you, I hope your family realizes what you do for a living and if they do realize I'm sure they're not proud of it.

How do you know I have a family?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

Why would you put silica fume concrete as a link, backtracking a little cya

I didn't post any links. Read a little closer.

- you have provide nothing in 800+ posts in 9/11 forums expect making fun of people, you're statements have no credibility, you have no sources in your claims and when provided a source your reply is "Yep, not going to click on links to unknown websites" - you either have no life of do this as a job - to post in 9/11 forums all day and everyone that comes up - bro there's better things to do unless of course the money is good.

So, again, who do you think wants to spend money to publically disagree with you? C'mon, you must have some thoughts.

ASCE, ACI - Tell your boss that the employees there need a new script of facts

Huh? Is there not an ASCE or ACI?

Here I'll do your response for you.....
"Who do you think, I'm employed by" - same bs no facts, sources, won't look into what people say

So? Got an answer? What are you so afraid of?

Honor does not apply to you, I hope your family realizes what you do for a living and if they do realize I'm sure they're not proud of it.

How do you know I have a family?

just like your other post in another 9/11, "How do you know I wasn't there" and yea you didn't link you told me to look it up, and it made you look stupid, so your backtracking now, go figure.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

just like your other post in another 9/11, "How do you know I wasn't there" and yea you didn't link you told me to look it up, and it made you look stupid, so your backtracking now, go figure.

Huh? What was stupid? And you still haven't told me who you think is paying me to disagree with you. You have theories on all the other nonsense, why not a little theory about that? Also, please show how you came to the conclusion that particles of a certain micron range can only be created by explosion.

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