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Obessive Compulsive Disorder

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:44 PM
as a child I had OCD pretty bad and it caused significant embarrassment and loss of friends. I'd do things like turn around twice before sitting at my school desk! That one only happened twive before the embarassment made me force myself to not do it.... which leads me to what I did about OCD.

My family is reasonably OCD-ish with a fair amount of anxiety in general. So my "self cure" wasn't easy for them at al!
but here goes...

I FORCED myself to mess things up and NOT do them in the way that felt right. For example, I spent about a month hanging every towel I saw in a messed up manner: crooked, wrinkled, etc. (This was hell for my sister since we shared a bathroom

Actually after about a month of doing this forced "immersion therapy" I actually had a cathartic moment where I had this pain in my chest and started crying... suddenly I simply felt differently about how things "needed to be" (I was about 13 at the time). I reduced my OCDish symptoms to about 1/5th of what they were!

Years later I occassionally sense odd behaviors from myself (like moving the mouse back and forth when I'm nervous) but friends have no idea I had any sort of OCD.


One of many possible causes for this, in my opinion, is a deeper sensing of energy. I used to have to line everything up as a kid. Now I am a Reiki Master and can sense the energy of things and "see" when they're lined up in a manner that could create additional anxiety.

edit on 17-1-2012 by Thermo Klein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:44 PM
When I set the alarm clock at night,

I click it (check the time) about a hundred times.......I do'nt know why, I am affraid that I do not have it set right.....

The doors have to be locked.

I am always paranoid about dropping money.....Every time I pull my wallet out, I have to check to see if I dropped any money a few times.........

And a few other things......

Thats LJ01 for ya

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by slidingdoor

Oooooh, I can think of a ton of things I had no control over in my childhood that affected me emotionally.

I am a self professed recovering control freak/OCD person. I do not know if I will ever truly get it out of my system, but it has gotten much better since I had my children.

I never had the germ thing.....I was more like Meryl streeps character in the lemony snicketts movie....I thought everything in my house might potentially go haywire or kill me...the hair dryer in the bathtub, the lint in the laundry dryer, the fork in the toaster, the lit candle, the car left running in the garage, the bath mat slipping....but the one I fixated most on was when I did leave the house......what if the mother flippin coffee pot was left on? I had this fear I'd come back to my entire dorm on fire all because of the coffee pot. Why the coffee pot was so insidious, I never figured out.

Now I can leave without checking the coffee pot, but when I come back and notice I left the coffee pot on, it still unnerves me and I think "whew......that coulda been a close one" then I think " are being ridiculous again".

I think OCD at its core comes from primal loss. When a person experiences deep loss at a young age they try to make sense of it and they use a sort of magical thinking that is based on their childs limited understanding of the world.

eventually this magical thinking becomes ritualized and once it is ritualized it becomes a faith that the person finds comfort in. If I just do this, then X won't happen.....and I relax and the fear subsides. It is soothing in the begining, and it is not until we are older that we realize other people do not self soothe that way.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

I FORCED myself to mess things up and NOT do them in the way that felt right. For example, I spent about a month hanging every towel I saw in a messed up manner: crooked, wrinkled, etc. (This was hell for my sister since we shared a bathroom )

Actually after about a month of doing this forced "immersion therapy" I actually had a cathartic moment where I had this pain in my chest and started crying... suddenly I simply felt differently about how things "needed to be" (I was about 13 at the time). I reduced my OCDish symptoms to about 1/5th of what they were!



I hope you freely share your insights and progress with others in your social network. You might be surprised at how many quasi-closet OCDers there are out there.

Good on ya!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

It might help you to trust the alarm clock thing if you got 2 alarm clocks. At most 3.

Normally, I wouldn't indulge such 'excessive' insurance. However, given that getting up and to work on time is a pretty IMPORTANT thing to accomplish, even 3 alarm clocks is NOT OVERLY OBSESSIVE.

TWO could be just wisdom for normal people. The 3rd one might be a bit much but to help you STOP the repeated checking, it's a relatively small indulgence. And, helping to break the repeated checking is the priority.

Force yourself to set each one and carefully observe, monitor, check your setting each one ONLY ONCE.

You can do that very methodically and carefully IN SLOW MOTION to insure that it is registering consciously and to drag it out enough that it becomes a more unattractive, bothersome thing instead of an attractive obsession.

2-3 of them should provide you SUFFICIENT insurance to be able to let it go.

After setting each one, ANY thoughts about

"I need to check . . . one more time . . ." could be met with:

"No. There's enough insurance. I can sleep confidently that I'll be awakened at a fitting time. I can sleep soundly and peacefully." Then force yourself to think of something more interesting, calming and relaxing

I used to imagine drawing house floor plans . . . or landscaping an aquarium or garden . . . or designing a piece of furniture to build . . . or a piece of pottery to throw . . .

something complex enough to capture my interest and attention but not so exciting that my adrenaline would keep me awake.


edit on 17/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: an addition

edit on 17/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: ditto

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:12 AM
I only had minor "tics" and "thoughts" when i was a teenager, but i think i can relate to the OCD stories even if not currently affected by it. (In the past i also had other stuff like irrational panic/fears etc...but i all overcame those simply by facing the situations.)

As for OCD and those "forced thoughts" and rituals....yes it's a matter of CONTROL but even more importantly, i think it's how our psyche compensates for the FEAR OF BEING OUT OF CONTROL.

For example, stress in daily life, fears of losing a job, losing money and all kinds of stress make people think they have lost control over how their life goes - and the OCD is like a mechanism to constantly re-assure the mind that things are in control. (Even if the things are not rational or make no sense). And by repeating those rituals and "satisfying" the urge to fullfill the requirements of the rituals you find yourself in a constant high that "you have achieved control" - as compensation for an otherwise feeling that life is out of control.

This is just my personal opinion!

This would also mean that "curing" the OCDs and all those things would be best by attacking the underlying problems and the stress in life.

Note: As for "irrational fears" and the like...i think they are VERY related to OCDs. For example, years ago i had fears that i would be riding in a car with someone and then need to go to the bathroom - or if you are in a movie theater etc....or you are afraid you might want to faint/collapse etc. in social situations like in the supermarket etc.

The result is the same, because the OCD dictates your behaviour and the thoughts..and with the irrational panic/fear it's the same because something simple as going to a supermarket can become a problem because you think you become crazy standing in line at the register etc... and all those thoughts are irrational and we all know it...but it defines our every day lives nevertheless.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by flexy123

This would also mean that "curing" the OCDs and all those things would be best by attacking the underlying problems and the stress in life.


However, often, that requires adjusting priorities and one's practical and emotional responses to the priorities.

It may well require learning to LET GO !!!CONTROL!!! freaque mentalities and behaviors and rumminating thoughts.

Many significant stressors in our daily lives in this era are not so easy to impossible to remove. Particularly for say single mothers etc.

In such cases, one has to learn to RESPOND DIFFERENTLY--PARTICULARLY IN ONE'S MIND AND EMOTIONALLY to the chronic stressors.

And, usually, one HAS to carve out personal space and personal recharging time to regroup; reflect, calm down, maybe pray or meditate . . . exercise etc. . . . taking control in POSITIVE WAYS that help reduce the stressors and at least help reduce the responses of stress to unremovable stressors.

Good point.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Hello, firstly thanks for reading and replying to my post, Like the OP said It feels good that your not the only one that has gone through these things.

Regards to what I saw in October 2009, its related to this site and probably why most people come here to hopefully see videos of or pictures of it. I had a 'close encounter' as they say, and when I say that I'm not talking about witnessing flashing lights-hot air balloons - satellites and things that are used to explain such things. It's been over 2 years not a day goes by without thinking about that night.

Not really something that could help you guys because I myself will probably only ever see it once : (


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:07 AM
I think i have a slight form of OCD, Though i do try to fight against it, Sometimes people notice and always comment that i may have OCD,

The thing i do tend to be small but annoying,
I cant put plastic in the fridge it bothers me so much that it makes me have to get up no matter what time to remove it,

When pouring a glass of water i have to have half the stream of water going in to the glass, If it all goes in i have to re do it untill i get the whole glass filled right,

I sometimes also get the urge to do things 10X like if i put a pen down i get an overpowering feeling to do it x 10, This seems to happen with small objects. Again it can get really annoying and i annoy myself for having to do that,

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:31 AM
I was just wondering, anyone with OCD (even if its minor)good with numbers? Well i don't mean full blown math but i mean guessing a number right or guessing an order of things right, or finding an approximate percent value for a given problem fast.

i guess you could say enhanced guessing of somesort lol.


I would like to know if anyone with OCD have(or think) any other side talents?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:11 AM
It took me a while to find out I had OCD, but I have what is known as "Purely Obsessional OCD" which was for a while very overwhelming. But once I realized it was a real condition, I was able to control it much more.

The nature and type of Purely Obsessional OCD varies greatly, but the central theme for all sufferers is the emergence of a disturbing intrusive thought or question, an unwanted/inappropriate mental image, or a frightening impulse that causes the person extreme anxiety because it is antithetical to closely held religious beliefs, morals, or societal mores.[3] While those without Purely Obsessional OCD might instinctively respond to bizarre intrusive thoughts or impulses as insignificant and part of a normal variance in the human mind, someone with Purely Obsessional OCD will respond with profound alarm followed by an intense attempt to neutralize the thought or avoid having the thought again. The person begins to ask themselves constantly "Am I really capable of something like that?" or "Could that really happen?" or "Is that really me?" (even though they usually realize that their fear is irrational, which causes them further distress)[4] and puts tremendous effort into escaping or resolving the unwanted thought. They then end up in a vicious cycle of mentally searching for reassurance and trying to get a definitive answer.

edit on 18-1-2012 by DJM8507 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms

Gotta love the fact that the subject matter is OCD and as I have said in my post that was removed, there have been studies that prove a lessening of symptoms with what was mentioned. The purpose wasn't to promote the taking of illegal substances but rather to spread information relevant to the subject matter at hand.

But in each of the nine patients in the study, psilocybin completely removed symptoms of the disorder for a period of about four to 24 hours, with some remaining symptom-free for days, Moreno said.

"What we saw acutely was a drastic decrease in symptoms," Moreno said. "The obsessions would really dissolve or reduce drastically for a period of time."

Again let me state I do not condone breaking the law, I just felt due to the good number of people showing signs of OCD as evidenced in this thread that they should be allowed at least the awareness of the study.

edit on 18-1-2012 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by lukeUK

Thanks for your kind reply.

Please post what you saw on a fitting thread or U2U me.

Would be happy to discuss it with you.

Congrats on facing the OCD stuff. It can become a huge monster without dealing with it decisively and emphatically.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by asala

I think i have a slight form of OCD, Though i do try to fight against it, Sometimes people notice and always comment that i may have OCD,

Sorry to burst a bubble . . . however . . .

What you describe is NOT

"a slight form of OCD,"

I don't know how long this sort of thing has been going on . . . I'd guesstimate that the odds are greater that such things will INCREASE more than that they will 'automatically' decrease.

"trying" to fignt against it CAN BE [not always] an exercise in futility.

That is . . . one 'tries' enough to convince one's self that 'one is trying.'

Yet nothing changes.

As Yoda said . . . there is no TRYING, ONLY DOING . . . or not doing.

There is NO GOOD REASON to be under the tyranny of that serious level of OCD another month, much less another year.

There are lots of good reasons to deal with it--perferably with therapy.

There are some good strategies upthread for beginning to get on top of it.

There's more available on the net.


I have NOT checked any of the following out . . .
they merely APPEAR to be WORTH CHECKING OUT:

When Seeing Is Not Believing: A Cognitive Therapeutic Differentiation Between Conceptualizing And Managing OCD
A Prelude To Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques For The Treatment Of OCD
by Steven Phillipson, Ph.D.

The following is a basic description of a traditional Behavioral approach toward the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The author will attempt to explain how cognitive mechanisms (i.e., style of thinking) and time tested behavioral techniques (i.e., exposure and response prevention), can augment treatment strategies available for OCD. The paper will address the importance of a healthy rapport between client and therapist. A historical perspective will then be presented to familiarize the reader with traditional cognitive-behavioral principles. The main thrust of this paper will be to delineate the differences between the person's conceptual understanding of OCD and specific cognitive management strategies. The person's conceptual understanding (CU) of OCD provides a rationale for specific treatment components. Cognitive management (CM), on the other hand, mitigates anxiety and reduces the frequency of disturbing mental prompts.

Consistent findings from studies testing the effectiveness of different therapies strongly suggest that the working alliance (the bond between therapist and client), is paramount in predicting therapeutic success. The following interpersonal aspects of treatment play a significant role in fostering an atmosphere of collaboration: 1) level of comfort; 2) confidence in the therapist; and 3) a commitment to the treatment process by the client and therapist. The therapeutic relationship is a partnership in the fullest sense of the word. To be successful both parties need to bring their fullest devotion to the explicit and implicit contract of therapy, such that, at the end of each session, both parties come to an agreement as to the upcoming week's challenges and goals. All too often clients say, "You made me touch the door knob," as they review their previous weeks assignment. A cognitive therapist may immediately respond by saying, "The way I remember it, we had an agreement that you would do it." It is essential that the client accept the responsibility to participate willingly in his or her own therapy. Through a joint effort, clients can choose to share the challenges of this difficult therapy with an experienced partner.

Cognitive principles focus on fostering a sense of therapeutic independence on the part of the client. Cognitive therapists teach strategies and perspectives for responding to the challenges that life has to offer so that individuals can gain a greater sense of self-efficacy (i.e. developing faith in their abilities to achieve specified goals). . . .


The below has a fee . . . 'discounted' to $159. Title:

Cognitive Therapy OCD

Overcome Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
in 8 Weeks
Now Only $159.20 ($199.00 ) Offer Expires: Today.

Cognitive Therapy OCD is an online program specifically developed to help you overcome obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is top-quality personalized online therapy, including access to a personal online therapist who will give you daily feedback throughout the entire program. Take the test to see if we can help you.



posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by asala


i.e. were I not a psychologist and looking for help with OCD, these are the links

that I'd check out first, imho:


Treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Aug. 4, 2009

When clients come to a cognitive behavioral therapist with an anxiety disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, the focus of the therapy is an intervention called "exposure and response prevention," or ERP. It means just what it sounds like -- a person repeatedly approaches or is "exposed to" the very thing that makes him or her anxious or uncomfortable, and then attempts to stop themselves from engaging in behaviors that are designed to lower that anxiety.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), in contrast to traditional "talk" therapy, is shorter in duration and focuses not so much on early life experiences or unconscious processes, but rather on "here and now" problems, and on the education and coaching of clients as they learn new ways to think and behave in order to solve those problems.



Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

■Cognitive Behavior Therapy, also called CBT, is an effective treatment for OCD.

■About 7 out of 10 people with OCD will benefit from either CBT or medicine. For the people who benefit from CBT, they usually see their OCD symptoms reduced by 60-80%.

■For CBT to work, a patient must actively participate in the treatment. Unfortunately, about 1 in 4 OCD patients refuse to do CBT.

■There are different kinds of CBT, but the one that works best for OCD is a kind called Exposure and Response Prevention, or ERP.

How is CBT different from traditional talk therapy (psychotherapy)?

Traditional talk therapy(or psychotherapy)tries to improve a psychological condition by helping the patient gain “insight” into their problems.Although this approach may be of benefit at some point in a OCD patient's recovery, it is important that people with OCD try Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) first, as this is the type of treatment that has been shown to be the most effective.

What is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)?

CBT is made up of many different kinds of therapies. The most important therapy in CBT for OCD is called "Exposure and Response Prevention" (ERP).

The "Exposure"in ERP refers to confronting the thoughts, images, objects and situations that make a person with OCD anxious.

The"Response Prevention"in ERP refers to making a choice not to do a compulsive behavior after coming into contact with the things that make a person with OCD anxious.

This strategy may not sound right to most people. Those with OCD have probably confronted their obsessions many times and tried to stop themselves from doing their compulsive behavior, only to see their anxiety skyrocket. With ERP, a person has to make the commitment to not give in and do the compulsive behavior until they notice a drop in their anxiety. In fact, it is best if the person stays committed to not doing the compulsive behavior at all.The natural drop in anxiety that happens when you stay "exposed" and "prevent" the "response" is called habituation.

. . .



Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
Cognitive behavior therapists use an approach called Exposure with Response Prevention, or “ERP”, to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Studies of ERP show that over 70% of OCD patients who complete treatment are significantly helped. The effectiveness of ERP is so well documented that the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) recommends exposure as the psychotherapy of choice for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The television series “Obsessed” (A&E) and the Oprah Winfrey Show’s episode titled “Dr. Oz Goes to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Camp” reveal striking demonstration of cognitive-behavior therapy in action. Viewing these shows may be useful for the prospective CBT patient.

A Scientific View of OCD
Cognitive Behavioral research suggests that intense, repetitive thoughts of danger or impropriety trigger, and are in turn reinforced by painful feelings such as fear, anxiety, guilt, disgust. Obsessive compulsive rituals in the form of “protective”, “neutralizing” thoughts and actions are used to “ward off” anticipated negative consequences and associated emotional pain. In the short run, these rituals may appear effective, as they can briefly reduce emotional distress, sometimes even producing feelings of satisfaction. Yet, the long term consequences of untreated OCD are starkly negative.



posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

You are providing lots of information, Im grateful for that. I looked thru some, seems very helpful. Hopefully those techniques and information can help some people cope with it better.

Its kinda of interesting to think i'm fighting everyday with my thoughts, in order to "defeat" it and show who is the boss.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by asala




How To Treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

By Sylvia Dickens

How to treat obsessive compulsive disorder depends on the depth of the problem. The longer the condition has existed, the more difficult and more ingrained it will be. The first step, however, is to identify whether you actually have obsessive compulsive disorder.

. . .

What's The Difference Between Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) And Just Plain Rituals? The way to differentiate obsessive compulsive disorder from a simple ritual is easy. People with OCD tend to repeatedly do the same thing over and over, well beyond necessity. For instance, they'll wash their hands once, then do it repeatedly to convince themselves they have cleaned off the dangerous germs.

The obsessive part of OCD is caused by things like fear of germs and dirt, fear of illness or injury, imagining being harmed, fear of losing control, fear of having aggressive urges, fear of immoral thoughts, etc.

Compulsions are attempts to rid themselves of those obsessive thoughts. The resulting obsessions usually can include repeated hand washing, counting, checking and touching.

Article Source:


A Prelude to Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques For the Treatment of OCD
By Steven Phillipson, Ph.D.

Following is a basic description of Cognitive-Behavioral principles for the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This article will present an explanation of how attending to cognitions (styles of thinking), in addition to time tested behavioral methodology, might augment the existing successful treatment strategies available for OCD. As a prelude, I thought I'd take this opportunity to discuss my personalized approach to treating this condition.
Consistent findings from studies, testing the effectiveness of different therapies, strongly suggest that it is the working alliance (bond between therapist and client) which is paramount to therapeutic success. The following interpersonal aspects of treatment make a great deal of difference in fostering an atmosphere of collaboration: 1)comfort, 2)confidence and 3)a true commitment from both client and therapist. I look at the therapeutic relationship as a partnership in the fullest sense of the word. To be successful both parties need to bring their fullest devotion to the explicit and implicit contract of therapy. This means that at the end of each session both parties come to an agreement as to the upcoming week's challenges. All too often I hear clients say, "you made me touch the door knob". To which I immediately respond "The way I remember it, is that we had an agreement that you would do it". The client must accept the responsibility to willingly participate in his or her own therapy. I feel that through a joint effort, clients can choose to share the challenges of this most difficult therapy with an experienced partner. Cognitive principles focus on fostering a sense of therapeutic independence on the part of the client. We teach strategies and perspectives for responding to the challenges that life has to offer so that persons can gain a greater sense of self-efficacy (i.e. the faith in one's own ability to achieve specified goals)


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Success Stories:
Graduate O.C.D. Sufferers Speak Out
Table of Contents



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Home » Latest Clinical Trials » Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive...


This study will examine the way cognitive behavioral therapy changes the structure of the
brain in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and will thereby determine what makes
cognitive behavioral therapy an effective treatment.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:24 AM
I was diagnosed with OCD when I was about 16, but I remember having it since I was about 6. I remember when I started first grade, I was afraid that if I didn't separate syllables correctly (when you ran out of space at the end of the sentence and had to start another line, you know) then the ground was going to open up and all the letters were to going to fall down without companions. That's just bizarre, isn't it?

My things are symmetry, even numbers, classifying things by color, subject, etc., repeating certain words out loud and many more things.

I've tried CBT combined with medication and it helped. Two years ago I decided to stop treatment to see if I could do it on my own and I must say I've learned to keep my OCD somewhat under control.

I've stopped doing most of my rituals, but the intrusive thoughts are still there and they get really bad some days. But I'm trying and I'm not planning on letting OCD win. It's MY mind, if it doesn't like MY rules it can very well (insert swearing here).

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Hey, yes would like to share with you and anyone else on what I saw, Full details are on the link below- Its not my thread just one I commented on giving my description of what I along with my twin brother saw.

Page 3 - Quarter way down

Thanks Again

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by asala


Are you Ready for Therapy for OCD?

Therapy for OCD is a Process, Not a Destination

By Owen Kelly, Ph.D., Guide

Updated August 24, 2010 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

Long-lasting Change from Therapy for OCD Requires Readiness for Change

Whether it is quitting smoking, starting a new diet or beginning a new workout routine, almost everyone has struggled at some point with making positive changes that should become permanent.

Engaging in cognitive-behavior therapy for OCD is no different. It requires hard work and dedication to maintain the gains you’ve made during therapy. For many, just beginning therapy for OCD is half the battle as it often requires facing your worst fears.

Psychological therapy for OCD appears to work best for those individuals who are ready for change and understand how change works. It is important to realize that the change that takes place in therapy for OCD is a process, not a destination. Once you’ve arrived at your goal, the hardest work is often yet to come.

The Five Stages of Change

. . .



Cognitive–behavioural therapy for obsessive–compulsive disorder

David Veale

. . .

Delivering cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) for obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) requires a detailed understanding of the phenomenology and the mechanism by which specific cognitive processes and behaviours maintain the symptoms of the disorder. A textbook definition of an obsession is an unwanted intrusive thought, doubt, image or urge that repeatedly enters a person’s mind. . . . . A minority are regarded as overvalued ideas (Veale, 2002) and, rarely, delusions. The most common obsessions concern:

the prevention of harm to the self or others resulting from contamination (e.g. dirt, germs, bodily fluids or faeces, dangerous chemicals)

the prevention of harm resulting from making a mistake (e.g. a door not being locked)

intrusive religious or blasphemous thoughts

intrusive sexual thoughts (e.g. of being a paedophile)

intrusive thoughts of violence or aggression (e.g. of stabbing one’s baby)

the need for order or symmetry.

. . .



Beating OCD: When Your Medication Isn't Doing Enough

Augmentation Strategies for People taking SRIs

OCD is a Serious Illness

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be a severe and disabling illness. According to a World Health Organization study, OCD is the tenth leading cause of disability worldwide, with a total cost in the US estimated at more than $8 billion annually. People with OCD usually spend years suffering before beginning effective treatment.

My personal opinion NOTE: Even some MD's and many psychologists and others are beginning to believe that medications may well have too many significant side effects to be worth the bother or risk with most OCD cases. Others find them essential. I'd suggest researching that issue seriously before beginning a course of treatment with such meds. Some have been found to be hazardous with regard to depression and suicide--particularly with teens and particularly when increasing or decreasing dosage or when going off the meds. imho, great care should be taken in terms of the issue.



Cognitive Therapy is a cutting edge psychotherapy, so it’s no surprise that cognitive therapists and researchers are always exploring new ways to help their patients overcome their problems. Dr. Robert L. Leahy and the staff of The American Institute for Cognitive Therapy have developed this podcast to bring news about advances in Cognitive Therapy directly to you, in a simple and “user-friendly” way. Please feel free to subscribe to this podcast here, or through the itunes music store, to discover our regular updates about the ever-evolving world of Cognitive Therapy.


That should be enough to help folks begin to explore the options and treatments . . .

May all so afflicted become FREE AND TRULY IN CHARGE OF THEIR LIVES.

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