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My Plan for 2012: Getting It Together For The Meltdown

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:50 PM
Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to come up with a cohesive plan based on what I know and what I think I know. No matter your beliefs and predictions for the coming year---and years---ahead, it's wise to have a plan to deal with skyrocketing food and gas costs, social unrest, cultural intrusions, loss of privacy and the lack of resources and employment. I think it's a general concensus here that things are going to get worse before they get better.

I'm trying to formulate a plan for dealing with the realities of life in 2012 and beyond. It's unwise to gather information, to participate here at ATS, to unveil the truths about the world and then not take action. You are in a much better position than a lot of people because you are presumably awake.

Here are some ideas that I've come up with for my family:

1) Predictions are that the collapse of both honeybee and bat populations will continue to decline as the world is poisoned with cell phone towers, chemical pesticides and GMOs. We're moving to a town surrounded by farmland, and where good, healthy and locally grown food is widely avaliable. It is a town with low crime, lots of farm stands and agricultural opportunities and a place where people often put family ahead of material goods, status and greed. The cost of living is lower. My goal is to peruse fresh, locally grown food and adopt a simpler way of life all the way around. There is a lake near our new house where we can entertain ourselves and find activities that are healthy--and best of all---free. Fishing, swimming and sailing come to mind.

2) Money. This has not been our strong point. Expect real unemployment in America to hit 25% or even higher. It's already at 22% if you count unemployment the old-fashioned way. Before my husband had to close his business last year, we just didn't take the whole financial subject as seriously as we should have. We saved--and did a good job--but we wasted a lot of money and resources, too. Thankfully, he has found work but I'm hoping to become a lot more thrifty by using coupons, not wasting food, actually eating our leftovers, and taking advantage of dollar stores and sales. There aren't dollar stores where we live (a resort area where they thrive on ripping everyone off), but I visited my first one in New York State last weekend and was amazed by what we could buy for a dollar: cleaning supplies, paper towels, tools, food storage bins and bags, spices, etc. We figure we bought $200 worth of goods for $40.00. Since we will soon be moving to a place that has a dollar store my motto will be, "Check the dollar store first.!" We also visited our first Aldi's--which is a no thrills grocery store owned by the brother of the guy who owns Trader Joes. Aldi's has butter for $1.99---versus $4.59 where we live. I know they are opening all over the country---so in your pursuit to save money, try to peruse these no frills grocery stores and save yourself a ton of money on groceries. There are a lot of other areas we are going to cut back on--such as gasoline, etc. My main goal is to use and enjoy what we have at home--including clothing and other items instead of buying new things. I'm going to start my own small business to supplement the family income.

3) Cutting back. I am cutting back on just about everything, including travel, TV, frivolous shopping trips, gas, and other non neccessities. Instead of watching cable, I'm going to learn a new language. I'm going to find ways to nuture my mind and spirit rather than watching the negative talking heads on the TV during my free time. I am not going to participate in the world in any way that furthers the agenda of TPTB and rather strengthen my mind and spirit. Music, food, family and quiet time are on the top of my list.

4) Protect ourselves. Even though my husband is a hunter, I'm still a little squeamish about guns. I'm seriously considering buying and learning to use one as home invasions, theft and other crimes become more rampant. I've seen predictions of record thefts for the coming year as unemployed, desperate men turn to stealing and looting to put food on the table. After having four cell phones stolen from my family this year, I am trying to devise ways to keep what belongs to us in our own pockets and teaching my kids how to protect themselves from theft. Sales of firearms were already sky-high in 2011, thanks to Obama's clever attacks on the Second Amendment (Operation Fast & Furious, pulled off by Eric Holder).

5) As major bank failures will continue to rock the world, I've switched my money to a stable, locally owned bank and diversified what's left of our savings. Expect bank run fears that cause the government to order bank holidays until the panic eases.

6) I'm not participating in the Global Revolution. I am going to fly less to avoid radiation from body scanners. I am going to focus on healthy, organic food and stay away from companies that I despise like Monsanto and Bank of America. I'm going to try to stay healthy to avoid having to fund the Big Pharma companies. I've already refused cholesterol drugs and am using my own natural program to lower my levels. I'm refusing flu shots, too and learning to be a perpetual hand washer and health nut.

7) Thinking positively. Yes, there is a lot of unrest and some big things slated to come down the path, but I can control my reaction to what is happening. I want to think positively about the world's future. I vow to enjoy my life despite the odds and despite the hardships that are upon us. I can pray, I can help bring awareness---I can be a positive force in the world......

What are YOU doing this year to make your lives better in this sea of turmoil?

What can you add to mine?
edit on 5-1-2012 by MRuss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:58 PM

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:01 PM
Nah. Not a drug user.

But I like your Bob Marley attitude!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:03 PM
All this "preparation" is so fourth world thinking. Why bother when the entire atmosphere is going to be stripped away when our Mother the Earth JUMPS INTO THE ORBIT OF VENUS and evolves into the Fifth World. We will have no further use for fourth world thinking or bodies. At that distance from the Sun we will have bodies that are predominantly FIRE not water and our atmosphere will be more like Venus (i.e. 900 degrees F, predominantly CO2 atmosphere, NO INNER CORE so no magentosphere etc). Everything you have planned will simply not be able to exist in such a world. DON'T BOTHER, PLACE YOU TRUST IN OUR MOTHER...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by MRuss

Growing as much of our produce as we can; learning how to dry, dehydrate, can, freeze and preserve it.

Living debt-free

Buying nothing that isn't useful or necessary.

Learning to be healthier by avoiding GMOs, HFCS, fluoride, pesticides, etc., as much as possible.

And de-stressing. Focusing on a peaceful, calm life.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by MRuss

Sorry 2012 means a reset of a calendar...nothing bad is going to happen any worse than what is going on today...and if it did hit the crapper...planning is only going to take you so far for x amount of day...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:23 PM
The most important thing now is to be at peace with yourself and others and draw closer to our Mother the Earth. She will teach you what you need to know. Ninety eight percent of humanity cannot even do this now. If you don't learn to live "the good life" and honour our Mother, your materialism will have you reincarnating back into the fourth world (which will be the planet we now call Mars as it gains a predominantly oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere after it moves into the Earth's current orbit). Moreover soon "time as direction" will be foisted upon the masses but that's is another decision all must face...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:33 PM
Nice thoughtful post OP.
And hey - even if full meltdown doesn't occur, things aren't looking good are they?
One can't prepare for everything of course - and speculation that we are all conveniently going to be transformed into some 4th dimension is just that - speculation.
So - I'm focusing on supplies that will see me through a rocky period - ie social unrest/nothing in the shops/hyperinflation.
Then there is longer term stuff - tools, heritage seeds, water filtration equipment, solar equipment, 'how to' manuals
Plus a few things for barter should it all go pear shaped.
And knowledge, I'm thinking of doing a first aid course, learning how to fish etc. I'm experimenting with haybox cooking, my own bread etc. I guess I am prepared for a few months disruption. But in case of something worse at least I have a 'starter pack'.
Oh and I am trying to wean myself off commercial cleaning stuff. Just invested in some bulk bicarb, vinegar etc.
Just a few sensible precautions that will stand me in good stead even if nothing happens.
We have house and car insurance don't we?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:33 PM
as stated above,start growing your own food and storing it and stock up on nonperishable goods...also,what i have been doing is buying silver just in case there is a major collapse(golds to expensive right now)for fiat currency may be worth water etc...actually,google survive economic collapse...lots of good advice

good luck

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:29 PM
Are you starting your own garden? I am surprised nobody mentioned becoming more self-sufficient. We used to have our own garden enough to provide, lettuce, corn, bean, peas, carrots, watermelon, cantaloupe, squash for a family of 3 on less than .20 of an acre.

Canning too would be a great, then you absolutely know where your food is from!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by aaronez

Ok so if she does plan this what is the harm? If that did happen nothing lost and she was kept busy...if however that did not happen or not in out lifetime than it was good to prepare...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
reply to post by aaronez

Ok so if she does plan this what is the harm? If that did happen nothing lost and she was kept busy...if however that did not happen or not in out lifetime than it was good to prepare...

It is actually really nice to garden and grow food. We love it.
And it makes good sense to have a small pantry where you keep non-perishables handy that you buy when they are on sale.
Why not? Being self-sufficient and no so dependent on food distribution networks, and not eating poison sprayed food also seems sensible. Doesn't it?

Having a seed stock of tried and true seeds makes sense.
Learning how to take care of basic needs does too, because if there is a disruption, it is good to be able to fill the gap.

Being prepared is less about hoarding food and getting guns than it is about learning how to be independent of the system as much as is practical.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:08 PM
I think you have a pretty good hold on what you should do OP. I have been doing the same but you should focus on money because it's not going to be worth the paper it's printed on. Also as far as banks I heard it best said on Alex Jones radio. A guy came on his show talking about trying to get his money out of a bank and having troubles. He said " You don't own your money unless it's in your hand."

Banks that have your money own it till you get it in your hands you don't own anything. I would stock up on water, food, guns, bullets. Also seeds would be a great thing to stock up on. People think gold and silver will be the only currency when everything goes down. You will be able to trade bullets and guns for food or whatever you need. Heck if someone needs toilet paper that would even be something you could even trade for something. Remember I think everything is going to collapse because of a economic situation. When that happens stores will stop stocking stuff in their stores. Just my 2 cents,

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:44 PM
The plans we are making have a let less to do about worrying about the Mayans and 2012 and end times and all of that stuff.....

I'm talking about simply surviving. Surviving through unemployment, high food and gas prices, elevated crime...and all of the recpercussions of living in this screwed up world.

I'm talking about learning how to be happy with less. With vowing to live more simply. About putting happiness above "stuff."

That's what this post was about....not about surving Armeggedon....

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:12 PM
Growing your own food is the move. Aquaponics for the win!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by MRuss
The plans we are making have a let less to do about worrying about the Mayans and 2012 and end times and all of that stuff.....

I'm talking about simply surviving. Surviving through unemployment, high food and gas prices, elevated crime...and all of the recpercussions of living in this screwed up world.

I'm talking about learning how to be happy with less. With vowing to live more simply. About putting happiness above "stuff."

That's what this post was about....not about surving Armeggedon....

I think it comes down to opting out - slowly backing away - from things that make you too dependent on outside structures for survival. I remember hearing about victory gardens during WWII. There is so much good land here that is just uncultivated and it could be put into use. And people could get good food at minimal cost.

If you identify your vulnerabilities and then think of how you could make it good yourself, you're half way there.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:05 PM
Spanish could be a handy language to learn.
Any time spent developing basic survival skills: fire, water shelter is to the good.
Get dental work done now and minor surgeries if you will need them done in the next few years.

Good thoughts, stay weLL!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:23 PM
MRuss, thanks for starting this thread! Some advice for you, research research research. And good luck to you.

Just to give you a similar point of view, here is what I have done to adjust my lifestyle to match my means.
3 years ago I was living in a metropolitan. I made a life changing decision and moved back to my hometown to help caretake of my then 98 yr old grandmother. I had 15 months with her before she passed. In common we had a love of piecing quilts. I inherited her entire fabric and crafting notions. I learned home canning, and a small bit of gardening as well from her while growing up.

When I moved back, my income was slashed considerably. So no cable tv. Haven't watched it in almost 3 yrs. Now there is occasionally a show I'd like to see, and find em online. News online, then verified here on ATS. Only go to the movies if I get a gift certificate. Make new friends in environments you like! Me, we have a really unique quilt shop in my area. And have gotten advice and warm welcome from those folks. I borrowed a dehydrator and posted I had dried foraged apple and made an apple stack cake on my fb logon, and low and behold a friend's mom had one, gave me hers, can return the borrowed one, but both will be running a bushel of apples tomorrow. They were $20 at a local produce market. Some of that bushel will go into apple butter. Some I will be tossing with ingredients for pie and freezing in quantities to match each shell. I foraged pears from a neighbor who was letting the whole tree go to waste. Canned 17 pints of spiced pears and gave 8 away as Christmas gifts. Found homemade laundry detergent, was really cheap to make and cleans better. No longer get foo foo cleaners, but Lysol brown bottle works wonderfully, and cheaper. I probably use one roll of papertowels a month, primarily use white bar towel and white terry cleaning cloths, from the car wash/ automotive section. Got a part time job helping a caterer on the weekend, have been doing this for 12 yrs now. Loved it so much, got a full time job in a bakery. I save food buckets for container gardening, my best option right now. Looked up indoor window gardening and vertical gardening. Neat stuff. I can buy wholesale through my employer for fresh produce when the distributors are moving local product. The mate and I have Get Home Bags as well as I carry my "cater bag", my kitchen knives, meat thermometer. I save all leftover side veggies in the freezer after every meal. If its canned it get mixed with other canned for soups, if fresh I freeze separately with like, for another side dish. Made big batch of casserole goo, a cheedar gravy of sorts, beef mushroom gravy, and a tomato sauce base. Freeze each in quart bags, pull out thaw, boil any pasta of choice, brown thoroughly any protein, heat all through in saucepan, fill casserole, crumb top and bake 45 min +.

The power goes out here regularly, so saved oil buckets from the restaurant next door to the bakery. I have filled several of them, will be using for flushing the loo cause local water supply goes out in about 6 hrs after the power does. I am not sure if i can cook with it? Have washed the containers like 3 times, seems clean. Opening large enough to get my hand in, not greasy feeling at all. Just not sure if I should or not.

Changing our influences can be a real eye opener. One of the things I discovered was the games I loved as a kid, I still love now. Cards and backgammon are real go to's. For now, while we have the internet and ATS, there is more than enough for me to learn and develop my domestic skills.

Sorry I rambled, and its all jammed up above, but I think its cool, you are looking for ideas.
edit on 5-1-2012 by SunflowerStar because: from

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

U are right about aquaponics, you can grow a lot of food on a small place. This could potentially save a lot of people indeed! I would add something else (engineer here lol) :

a) Find ways to use less energy. Invest in better insulation , find ways of capturing energy from the sun to warm up your house. Actually, in Europe we have quite some experience with so-called "Passive Houses" , designed to warm up your house with 10-20% of the typical energy.

b) Find cheaper ways to produce energy : DIY solar panels are several times cheaper than buying off the shelp panels. Wind turbines just got very cheap since recession. Id you have no money for batteries and stuff like that , get a 500 $ wind turbine (1.5 kw!) and connect it directly with an oil heater. Wind out=heat in the house
. Also , solar heaters are very low cost and very efficient , look for "DIY Solar Heaters" .

c) Find ways of going around cheaper ! Convert a very light car into electric , or even a bike! When petrol goes up madly you can still go around

edit on 5-1-2012 by Romanian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by SunflowerStar

Man, do we ever think alike!

We haven't had cable TV or even watched it for several years. I haven't missed it a bit.
We do similar things and find joy in them. Rule one around here is no wasted food. We eat pretty well, bt leftovers are used when we have them!

And we use things like broccoli leaves (as well as the flowers) to cook into soups and casseroles. They are delicious and just as nutritious, but usually just discarded.

We started a winter garden this year and even today there is still kale out there. I planted spinach and built a makeshift coldframe over it on January 1. We'll see. We're hoping for fresh veggies for a lot of the winter. And an early start in spring.

Drying, canning and preserving are fun, easy, and good things to know. Besides, store-bought canned tomatoes are acid and leach the BPAs from the can liner into the juice. Can your own in glass.

The 5 gallon buckets you spoke of make brilliant planters for things even as big as tomatoes. Pop a drainage hole in the side about 3 or 4 inches up, and you won't need to water as often.

If you live on a big property, you're set. If you live in a town or city on a smaller property, it takes more doing to get things going, but it can be done with an amazingly tiny area.

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