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My question to Christians and everyone.

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posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 01:59 PM
This is a couple questions I want everyone to ask themselves. Take a step back from yourself and really look at these questions. They are intended to help me think and to help you think.

I remember looking on CNN a while back, and there was an opinion post about Obama being the Anti-Christ. I thought to myself, "That's ridiculous!" I mean, he's only human, hes trying to work with a split up country, and in the words of Ol' Honest Abe, "A house divided cannot stand".

Now with that being said, with all the divides seeded and weaved into our society, from little things like Coke or Pepsi, Cowboys or Dolphins, to huge events like Presidential Elections of Republican and Democrat, the 99% vs 1%, etc, etc. And all these people feeling something big is gonna happen, it makes you wonder how far the end of the rope is.

Baptists and Methodists, I know for a fact have the following views because I have attended both churches. That the christian God is the only God, and everyone else that chooses not to believe will go to Hell for ignorance. That leads me to believe that the Christians want to unite the world under one religion...Which is what the anti-christ in the bible does. Many terms have been used to describe or define antichrist(s) or the Antichrist.

One that comes to mind most often is the deceiver. Based on further study of Scripture, we can see that there will be an onslaught of false teaching that will cause many to form a new ecumenical one world religion, that incoporates all the world's religions into a single united religious body. This "One World Religion" or "One World Church", will be controlled by the Second Beast also known as "The False Prophet" Those drawn to this new theology will be deceived into believing Satan's lies, as taught by antichrists (those who teach against Christ) and the False Prophet who deceives those who listen to his lies.

It seems to me like some religions are intolerant of difference. Lets take a look back in time. Ever since man has become into existence, we have always, always, put the different down. Egypt in the time of the Bible had slaves. "Pharoah, Pharoah, oh,let my people go!" That song? I remember from Church. Fast forward, Crusades were to reclaim the Holy Land, but i'm pretty sure it was a little deeper than that.

The Crusades were a series of religious wars, blessed by the Pope and the Catholic Church with the main goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem. The Crusades were originally launched in response to a call from the leaders of the Byzantine Empire for help to fight Muslim Seljuk Turks expansion into Anatolia; these Turks had cut off access to Jerusalem. The crusaders comprised military units from all over western Europe, and were not under unified command. The main series of Crusades occurred between 1095 and 1291; historians have given them numbers, later unnumbered crusades were also taken up for a variety of reasons. The Crusades were fought by Roman Catholics primarily against Muslims. After some early successes, the later crusades failed and the crusaders were defeated and forced to return home.
^^^Straight from wiki

Notice, firstly, that it uses words like Main Goal, and Originally in the first couple sentences. But the bloodshed is what took over. The first 10 words contradict themselves! The Christians had bloodshed and killing in the name of their lord, when we are supposed to be peaceful?? They had a plan for piece, but had taught the wrong things. And what I see now is a world divided, not by religions, but by the barriers of intolerance. Laws against letting people be free. Truly Free.

America has fallen victim to the warning in front of you, but instead of saying hey no, thats wrong. We say "Support the troops", and "The land of the free and home of the Brave", and what's this? In the pledge we have to say "Under God, indivisible, with LIberty and Justice for all?" When Gays can't get legally married, being Gay is looked down upon thanks to Paul, the Human prophet who said the were abominations. Jesus said we are all creatures of God, and should love everyone. But you dont gain anything from loving everyone. Liberty is The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life. Boom. Contradicted.

Okay, we came to this country to escape the one world religion, to be free, and our forefathers did just that. But when did we get so mixed up? Was it when we killed thousands of Indians and forced them from their homes into little places we can keep an eye on, while we kill their food, take their land, women and water, and most importantly, their freedom?? Could it be, that the words of the lord being taught today about intolerance, but we turn around and are told to be compassionate, that we are dooming the people listening to it? Like a seed being planted underneath sidewalk, it takes a while to show, but when it does, it breaks through the cement.

Religion, in my whole hearted opinion, "Religion is the great weapon of the Devil, who twists it to divide and conquer humanity. We must not allow the differences concerning religion turn us away from spirituality. We have been given the innate sense of right and wrong and are born knowing what we should and shouldn't do. We are measured by our hearts and actions, not whether or not we believe any Bible word for word." I have no idea who said that, but i found it one day. Couldn't the Devil easily say "believe in me, or you will go to hell, and if you try to stray away, you go to hell" He provides us with no evidence, and expects us to believe blindly? And call it faith? I don't know about you, but thats some thiiiinn wire. Id rather be the best I can without a religion, that be held to the standards of what we call perfection.
edit on 29-11-2011 by Mythfury because: A beverage was wrong. Fixed thanks to abeverage. ;D

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:00 PM
So, How do you perceive it?

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:12 PM
Don't confuse the words and intent of Christ with the twisted interpretations of man and organized religion.

Christ only asked you to follow Him... He never said He would cut off your head if you didn't.

As for intolerance, that again is man... Christ said "Judge not lest ye be judged."

With regards to the anti-christ... he will be a dynamic individual that unifies the whole world in one ideology and belief... and those that do not follow it will be killed. As a Baptist, we don't kill people for not following Christ... we might for not liking fried chicken and deviled eggs and John Wayne... but not for not following Jesus.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Mythfury

Baptists and Methodists, I know for a fact have the following views because I have attended both churches. That the christian God is the only God, and everyone else that chooses not to believe will go to Hell for ignorance. That leads me to believe that the Christians want to unite the world under one religion...Which is what the anti-christ in the bible does. Many terms have been used to describe or define antichrist(s) or the Antichrist.

It isn't just Baptists and Methodists, "Christians" believe in one God because that's what the bible says. And you don't go to hell for ignorance. Ignorance would mean that you don't know any better. The bible says that you won't be punished for ignorance. However, if you have the chance to know Jesus and deny him then you will go to hell.

There is corruption in churches, but not all of them. To compare the Christian churches to the "Antichrist" is wrong.
The Antichrist wants to take everyone to hell. Churches want to do the opposite.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by GmoS719

Sorry, I said Baptists and Methodists because I dont know every form of christianity.
Isn't it wrong to kill people and take their land? Isn't it wrong to lie to the people following you? Hey, if my medicine is my poison then so be it. But if you don't like it, dont take it.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Mythfury

Romans 10:3, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."

Hm. They dont??

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:23 PM
About that, in the Bible I read, I think in Revelations but not sure, it said something along the lines of "There being anti Christs (plural) and the spirit of anti Christ." I'll try to dig that up along with the version of the Bible I find that in.

Ok, that wasn't in the Bible. It was an inference from the book of John in which it states that those that deny Christ is an anti Christ. (lots of people deny Him and there for have a spirit of anti Christ)
edit on 29-11-2011 by calnorak because: update

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Christianity should not be mixed with politics. This is where atrocities start taking place. It is not a "worldly" institution like politics and government, but rather something not of this world. I believe all of the scenarios you mentioned (hating gays, starting wars, imposing your will on someone else, etc.) have caused a decline and/or hatred of Christianity due to the fact that people today continue to intertwine religion with politics.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I'm not. I love the idea of Jesus. Promoting Peace through Truth. I think he's a real person. I just dont like how the religion itself has been corrupted. Thats how bad its gotten. and yet, we do nothing besides talk about it on a forum. :/

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Mythfury
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I'm not. I love the idea of Jesus. Promoting Peace through Truth. I think he's a real person. I just dont like how the religion itself has been corrupted. Thats how bad its gotten. and yet, we do nothing besides talk about it on a forum. :/

The way to do something about it is for Christians to stop acting like hypocrites and live by Jesus' teachings. He didn't bash nonbelievers for their beliefs or actions, but instead showed them love to attempt to bring them to self realization that they needed to change their ways. He promoted turning the other cheek, not seeking revenge on someone because they did you wrong. He did not instigate or support wars, which unfortunately a lot of Republican Christians seem to do. Unfortunately, it is very hard for most of us to live by such a code 24 hours a day, in light of all of the sin in the world.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:34 PM
Of course religions are intolerant. They have the truth. Somebody else saying something else is wrong. Where's the leeway there? The only things from keeping a very religious person from killing somebody who disagrees with them is maybe they were told by their god/leader not to do it, and maybe there's a chance that if you talk to this other person and explain how you're right, they'll come around to your way of thinking.

Otherwise, a religion is all about saying: "THIS IS THE TRUTH."

They don't add: "IMHO."

edit on 29-11-2011 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:35 PM
place holder so I can come back later. I just got called away from the computer.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Thats the only thing? I dunno bout you, I don't wanna kill someone because that would be taking away their life, and their feelings and thoughts.

It's the truth, eh? Why? How do you KNOW, like 100% without a doubt. Like I know that the cup beside me is blue, I know that you cant look into the sun without hurting your eyes, but I dont know that a book is real. It very well could be. Thats why I keep an Open mind. Did I say " THIS IS IT, THE ANSWER TO RELIGION" No.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:41 PM
And it is Coke vs. Pepsi not Dr. Pepper...hehe

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Haha ohmahgosh! Ill go change that for you.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by calnorak

SO. More or less, if you dont accept him, you are his opposite and doomed to hell. Cool.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Mythfury

people in general don't get it! There is NO GROUP RATE in Heaven!!!!! your actions are going to be judged. If you follow any crowd, be careful, the whole group might be hell bound!

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Mythfury
It's the truth, eh? Why? How do you KNOW, like 100% without a doubt.

Most people generally go by a feeling. They FEEL it's right. It's a combination of a lot of training when they were infants and reinforcement as they get older. Religious rituals are usually designed to create heightened sensations and awareness that back up that feeling. There's no objective measure of it, but then again, what is there of anything important?

Is it worth killing somebody over? Some people seem to think so. It feels right. Like killing somebody to defend your family, or freedom, liberty, and democracy. If you're some kind of freaky social misfit who doesn't think it's true that family, freedom, liberty and democracy are worth defending, then you're probably not going to kill anybody for it.

William Blake said, "Beauty is Truth, Truth, Beauty." That was his opinion. I don't think he ever killed anybody over it, though.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by TylerDurden2U

See! Good thought.
The bad deeds dont outweigh the good. so how can we trust it?

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:59 PM
why would you trust something just because someone told you to. There is nothing to back up the bible nor the things in it. As far as any of us are concerned they're just stories. Whether you believe in it or not, it's just a story. None of us were there. Even if the stories are true or not doesn't matter. Believing can never be knowing.

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