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KC bishop charged for not bringing porn to police

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by corsair00

StealthyKat has figured out the root cause of this child abuse phenomenon. Clearly, obviously - it's the celibate lifestyle they are forced to abide by.

ya think?

If the celibate lifestyle is responsible..why not have sex with women?

This problem is not about catholics and is about homosexuals..who have interest in little boys..

and it happens out of the priesthood as well...any body who thinks the root cause of child pedophilia is sadly mistaken, and not taking into account the many pedophiles who are married.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 07:08 PM
Yes, you're correct. It is often misunderstood, however, that priests are only getting it on with little boys. They abuse girls and have sex with nuns as well. In the media it is portrayed that they are all gay. It might happen more often, but that still begs the question why so many celibate priests turn gay. Are you familiar with the fact that a lot of homosexual activity happens in jail? Why do you think that is the case - could it be because no females are around and the men have to relieve themselves sexually? Yes. Yes, that is why. Homosexuality isn't necessarily a permanent born-with issue. Male sexuality can be quite flexible and adaptable. And overwhelmingly complicated.

Pedophile issues can start from a variety of different root causes. Often times it is probably from sexual molestation in their own early childhood. But not necessarily. There are more instances of heterosexual pedophilia than homosexual, as well. The lolita complex is more common.

However, I am homosexual myself, and I can assure you that years of repression and being in the closet can cause problems. This is particularly true for older generations. We have to remember that back in the old days it was illegal to be gay - let alone the fact that is considered a terrible sin, apparently, from certain passages in the bible. I don't want to start an argument about that - but I think we can all agree that this homosexual issue is big enough that we have to just accept that there are gay men, and gay boys - sexuality makes itself known as young as 11 - and if we can support it and not repress it and demonize it, we will not create the pedophilia monsters like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy - and the countless examples within the Catholic Church...
edit on 16-10-2011 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by gabby2011

Yes, that's true. But what I meant is that many may not be true pedophiles, but rather seek out the less risky of the alternatives. In otherwords, a man who is a priest, has taken a vow of celibacy. However, still having the same hormones as any male, he still has sexual urges. It would be easier to manipulate a child into being quiet. Yes, most of the are probably are true pedophiles....but I do think that in some cases, it's a sexually repressed male who comes upon an opportunity with someone he has absolute power over, and is not likely to "tell". I'm having trouble putting into words what I'm trying to say. I agree with you, I'm just saying that I think it's not natural the way they have to live, and for some, it can lead them to acts they might normally not commit. I hate it when I can't find the words to express what I mean

edit on 10/16/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

I get what you are saying SK... and you have a valid point. Repression can lead to acts they might not otherwise have done.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

Gabby, You asked why they wouldn't just go for an adult woman....(keeping in mind that we are talking about the ones who don't start as pedophiles). This is why I think they don't....... The priest takes the vow of celibacy, and finds cannot abide by it. To approach a woman, or even an adult gay male, would be very risky, because they could be reported. The environment he is in is one where the true pedophile priests are abusing children all the time and being PROTECTED by church officials. The priest in question knows this.... and perhaps if the situation presented itself to him, he may feel that it is not as dangerous as approaching an adult, as he sees these acts going unpunished. So he gives in to his sexual feelings and unfortunately, a child gets abused. He did not start out as a pedophile, he finds himself in a situation where there is opportunity, he gives in and commits an act he may never have committed otherwise. Had he been able to have a normal sex life with an adult , it might not have happened. That is why I believe they would abuse a child and not seek out sex with an adult . I also want to say that I think there are good priests who would NEVER harm a child or anyone else, and are sincere and dedicated. I am also in no way making excuses for anyone who would harm a child.....just a possible reason some do. It's a shame that a church protects these criminals. But I think if they were allowed to marry or even have relationships, it would decrease significantly.
edit on 10/16/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by colbe

I always sign off with Much Peace is something I always put effort into maintaining while I learn about my world. In particular all the lies I have been told and all the history that has been hidden from me - among all the war, hate, greed and suffering. It is to remind me it does exist and I sign off as a giving gesture so that others - no matter how angry they might be at my opinions - will know I am not evil .

I refer to Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps - it is well researched and referenced and an all inclusive historical account of the Catholic organisation. Be prepared it is confronting. Catholicism is the religion I know the most about. I was not prepared for what I learned.

Also I have recently learned that the Bible we know is a very much reduced version of what is really the Bible. A very apt description was supplied to me recently as - the complete Bible would reach from your foot to your knee. Many many chapters are missing - purposefully removed so that the populous would not have access to ALL of Gods words.

I encourage you to research if you have not already begun - there is soooooo much we have had hidden from us. I believe that removing chapters from the book of God is a terrible sin & not one I would want on my conscience. Just as Child abuse is evil and repugnant I believe anyone who abuses a Child - is abusing God.

Much Peace

Amanda, hi,

You didn't sound peaceful attacking the Church.

You never gave any answers to your sweeping negative broad statements about
Catholicism and you referenced one single author. Don't base your salvation
on the writings of one man.

How is St. Peter crucified upside down Satanic? Who are the millions, Catholics have murdered? And what Satanic rituals in Catholicism are you talking about? Speak up...please. If the author, Eric Phelps is anti-Catholic, maybe he is biased? Already sounds it. I can read of his background.

I'll get back to you.

And, if you have a question about the faith, I can try and help you. The fullness
of God's Truth and Grace...mean just that, there is so much, if you only knew...

You accept Catholic Tradition without realizing it and a big "yes" to the Bible.
The Church canonized Scripture. So, you are saying "yes" already to the true


p.s. The Canon of Scripture is the same today as Pope Damasus guided by God decided in 383 A.D.

Martin Luther removed 7 books from Scripture! He wanted to remove the Book of James, imagine!!, from the Gospel. Luther removed the Septuagint, the Old Testament Canon Jesus and the Apostles referred to most often.

Seeeee....heretics are not guided by God.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:22 PM
The priest scandal is homosexual not pedophilia.

Libs, the New York Times, non-believers are all for the "act" of sodomy so they can't call the scandal what it really is, that would make them hypocrites.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bill Donahue, President of the Catholic League:

..."As I have said many times, most gay priests are not molesters, but most of the molesters have been gay."

In applying this correlation to the sex abuse crisis within the Church, he reiterated the findings of Roderick MacLeish Jr., who examined the full archives of the Archdiocese of Boston during his lawsuit against the Church. MacLeish represented nearly 400 victims of abuse in court, 90 percent of whom were male, and three-quarters post-pubescent.

Donohue also cited the conclusions of Robert S. Bennett, head of the National Review Board which released its report on sexual abuse in the Church in 2004. "There are no doubt many outstanding priests of a homosexual orientation who live chaste, celibate lives," Bennett said at the time of the report's release, "but any evaluation of the causes and context of the current crisis must be cognizant of the fact that more than 80 percent of the abuse at issue was of a homosexual nature."

The Catholic League president additionally mentioned the psychologist Leslie Lothstein, who noted that in his work with abusive priests, "only a small minority were true pedophiles."

Donohue defended his view of the scandal as a "homosexual crisis" by citing the data of Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a psychiatrist who has worked with abusive clergy. Dr. Fitzgibbons says that his own clinical practice confirms the opinion of "many psychologists and psychiatrists" who have found "no link between celibacy and pedophilia."

Rather, the psychiatrist's findings showed a "relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia." "Every priest whom I treated who was involved with children sexually," Fitzgibbons said, "had previously been involved in adult homosexual relationships."

While taking pains to point out that "most gay priests are not molesters," and that "being a homosexual" does not "make one a molester," Donohue was adamant in stating that the Vatican was right to institute more rigorous procedures to screen out actively homosexual men from becoming priests.

Such screening, he implied, would have prevented the vast majority of priestly abuse from occurring in the first place. "I maintain it has been a homosexual crisis all along," he insisted. "The evidence is all on my side."...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by colbe

Getting one's point across in type via the internet means what a person writes can be open to interpretation when it comes to emotion - that is your interpretation. I am stating facts that are related to my opinions.

Just remember you are free to research for yourself. The last several years of my life I have learned much about the Catholic religion. I am peaceful perhaps you are not used to people who are straightforward.

You are assuming and that is always dangerous for the person doing the assuming. I quoted one resource and the author and you assume straight away that my opinions are based on one person! Now who is making the broad sweeping statements? I am not going to post my personal thesis and a litany of references and resources on a website thread.

Now where did I mention St Peter anywhere in my posts?

I mentioned an inverted cross on a throne upon which the Pope sits when he is in front of millions - it is a recognised symbol of black magic - that is why it is there - to see who is paying attention and who will know what it means.

I also mention the bent staff that the Pope carries - it is a crucifix and again the bent nature of the staff is a black magic symbol - research for yourself you don't have to believe me.

Where in my post did I say I accept Catholic tradition?
I stated Catholicism is the religion I know most about.

Please do your research on all the omissions from the Bible - there are many more than the ones you mention.

I know you mean well. Just remember that God does not look at the religion you belong to - God looks at your Soul and looks at how you lived your life. What's that beautiful parable about a camel passing through the eye of a needle...

I imagine a paedophile Priest who refused to change ways and refused help or protected another paedophile would find it difficult to get into heaven...however...the good kind person who lived a life where they helped others when they could, lived a peaceful life even if they did not attend church - would probably slip through into heaven.

All I know is that until paedophiles ask for help with their illness no one has the right to protect them. I will always stand infront of a Child to protect them - even if God asked me to step aside - I would have to check it was not the devil in disguise. I always remind myself that the devil can be beautiful.

Much Peace...

You don't know me and you

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

..."Now where did I mention St Peter anywhere in my posts?

I mentioned an inverted cross on a throne upon which the Pope sits when he is in front of millions - it is a recognised symbol of black magic - that is why it is there - to see who is paying attention and who will know what it means.

I also mention the bent staff that the Pope carries - it is a crucifix and again the bent nature of the staff is a black magic symbol - research for yourself you don't have to believe me.

Where in my post did I say I accept Catholic tradition?
I stated Catholicism is the religion I know most about."...

Kinda repeating yourself here on the inverted cross. Nothing much else to
bring to your accusations against the Church. I am calling you on your
anti-Catholic grand statements. Be specific sister.

I explained the inverted cross to you, speaking of Peter, it's origin Amanda. Of course you wouldn't mention St. Peter. You can only speak in general terms from the anti-Catholic writings you believe. They are not true. And the Pope doesn't sit on a throne, your prejudice. You gotta read Catholic writing to learn the

The author you referred to, Eric Jon Phelps hates the Catholic Church, I checked Internet comments on his book and besides, reference to his beliefs, they are New Age! And he is some kind of Diamond Merchant buying from Israel?

Try to understand, the reason the Holy Eucharist is desecrated by those who
belong to satanic groups and follow "black magic" is because of the nature of their
group. They follow Satan, they hate the Holy Mass and the Eucharist so they
will do anything to profane the Real Presence, Catholicism. What does that tell you?

Satan knows who the true faith is... Have you never heard of a Black Mass before? I've never heard of Satanists, mimicking, mocking a Protestant Church service, there is no need.

Waiting, haven't read your explaining who are the "millions" Catholics have murdered?

And your last line is telling, you've repeated it in your last post. I bet you are a fallen away Catholic. Come home, you can. Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist.

The Remnant is Roman Catholic.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:34 AM
I've done much research too. I started out mistrusting the Catholic Church, because I believe the false sayings about the church. But I've also researched what Catholics say about themselves. Many protestants falsely accuse the church and spread lies. So do others who buy into post-modern philosophies. Please do the research and see for yourself. When I read the bible for myself I saw what Catholics teach is well-supported.

Try this site.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:11 PM
You can say anything but you gotta back up your claims. Trying to help, don't read anti-Catholic writings.
They are biased. Read Catholic writing, a Catholic Bible, the Catechism, read the lives of the saints. There
are libraries full of true Catholic teaching. Ask a Catholic. Look at your source on the Internet. Type in first Catholic apologetics before you search a subject.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I don't know if this was the intentional symbolism of the artist who created the crucifix in question, but I always thought of it as bending under the weight of our sin.

As for declaring it satanic, I have noticed one thing that all the people who do that have in common - that while they can point to the papal crucifix and call it satanic, they can never, no matter how many times you ask, produce a satanic crucifix that is similarly bent.

Likewise, with the upside down cross on the pope's chair (upside down because that is the way Peter was crucified), they can show you a picture of that chair and they can call it satanic, but they can never produce a satanist using an upside down cross to demean Christianity. An upside down crucifix? Of course, but not a plain cross. If you ever find yourself talking to a satanist, ask about it - they'll laugh at the idea that an upside down cross means anything to them."

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:17 PM


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by colbe

That is very interesting research in the article...second time I have starred it.

I have been reading some of your other posts as well, and find them interesting .

The links to the visionaries , and the words of Jesus... have me thinking, as well as praying.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by colbe

That is very interesting research in the article...second time I have starred it.

I have been reading some of your other posts as well, and find them interesting .

The links to the visionaries , and the words of Jesus... have me thinking, as well as praying.


Your reply means so much, I can't put into words, thank you. Hugs to you...

And Amanda5, from my heart, don't be upset with me. The loss of faith in the last fifty years, people no longer acknowledge sin, bad catechesis, people do not know what the Church teaches, they don't know the priceless beauty of the faith. If they did, they would run to her and never leave. Judas heard God's words from His mouth and fell away. There will always be sinners because of our nature and our pride to say I'll figure out my own salvation and the same, a person's personal interpretation of God's revelation.

I can provide links again to daily Catholic messages from Heaven and the non-Catholic Christian too. They are saying the same thing, the Catholic are more detailed for a reason. Trust, the prophetic makes explicit God's revelation. Prophecy is a warning and a help for people in a certain period of time. No one talks like that here, they are divine in origin. The messages from Heaven also strengthen your faith, they give you hope.

Two links I can share right off hand... for the daily Catholic messages: A direct one, and important one for the daily messages, join Yahoo Groups, Seers 2.

A link to the non-Catholic Christian messages from Heaven

Three things to remember and a help now and when the Great Warning happens.

1. Jesus said in Mathew 16:18, I will not leave My Church. So her teachings are true.

2. The Bible is a Catholic book. If you profess the Bible is inerrant, the source and that source's interpretation of the Bible is true. God guided the Apostles and their succesors so we can know His plan. The Church, she has the most important thing, the fullness of Truth on how to gain Heaven. Don't settle believing only a couple of her teachings.

3. Read the prophesy in Daniel and in the current messages from Heaven. The anti-Christ is going to abolish, take away the Holy Eucharist, the 'abomination unto desolation.' This one fact, this one sentence shows you Roman Catholicism is the true faith.

Daniel 12:11
And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days,

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by colbe

Why on Earth would I be upset with you?
You have your opinions and belief system and I have mine.

I have had a death experience and I know what my God thinks of me.
All I can say is I have been embraced by our Creator and our Creator is perfect.

Two words sum up my death experience - beautiful & peaceful.
God showed me that faith has nothing to do with a church.

Much Peace...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by BohemianBrim

every pedo priest they expose to the public tears them and their whole church down farther from its pedestal.

not that that excuses them, but it does help you understand them.

What? Outing the pedophiles would tear down their religion? That is not what it would do to them . It would show that this is a religion that cares about people and protects the weak and innocent.

But they don't do that. They allow abuse to continue and protect perverts.

THAT is tearing down the church.... Protecting children would help them, not hinder them.

edit on 18-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by colbe
The priest scandal is homosexual not pedophilia.

Libs, the New York Times, non-believers are all for the "act" of sodomy so they can't call the scandal what it really is, that would make them hypocrites.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bill Donahue, President of the Catholic League:

..."As I have said many times, most gay priests are not molesters, but most of the molesters have been gay."

In applying this correlation to the sex abuse crisis within the Church, he reiterated the findings of Roderick MacLeish Jr., who examined the full archives of the Archdiocese of Boston during his lawsuit against the Church. MacLeish represented nearly 400 victims of abuse in court, 90 percent of whom were male, and three-quarters post-pubescent.

Donohue also cited the conclusions of Robert S. Bennett, head of the National Review Board which released its report on sexual abuse in the Church in 2004. "There are no doubt many outstanding priests of a homosexual orientation who live chaste, celibate lives," Bennett said at the time of the report's release, "but any evaluation of the causes and context of the current crisis must be cognizant of the fact that more than 80 percent of the abuse at issue was of a homosexual nature."

The Catholic League president additionally mentioned the psychologist Leslie Lothstein, who noted that in his work with abusive priests, "only a small minority were true pedophiles."

Donohue defended his view of the scandal as a "homosexual crisis" by citing the data of Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a psychiatrist who has worked with abusive clergy. Dr. Fitzgibbons says that his own clinical practice confirms the opinion of "many psychologists and psychiatrists" who have found "no link between celibacy and pedophilia."

Rather, the psychiatrist's findings showed a "relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia." "Every priest whom I treated who was involved with children sexually," Fitzgibbons said, "had previously been involved in adult homosexual relationships."

While taking pains to point out that "most gay priests are not molesters," and that "being a homosexual" does not "make one a molester," Donohue was adamant in stating that the Vatican was right to institute more rigorous procedures to screen out actively homosexual men from becoming priests.

Such screening, he implied, would have prevented the vast majority of priestly abuse from occurring in the first place. "I maintain it has been a homosexual crisis all along," he insisted. "The evidence is all on my side."...

Sharing the above again so folks understand the scandal. It's a homosexual scandal not pedophile. can't defend, approve of the "act" and be righteous about the scandal in the priesthood.

1.5% are accused. How many of that number are guilty?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:26 PM

KC bishop charged for not bringing porn to police

They'd have probably shot him dead if he had forgotten to bring them doughnuts.


Sorry, first thing that came to mind when I read the headline.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by colbe

Why on Earth would I be upset with you?
You have your opinions and belief system and I have mine.

I have had a death experience and I know what my God thinks of me.
All I can say is I have been embraced by our Creator and our Creator is perfect.

Two words sum up my death experience - beautiful & peaceful.
God showed me that faith has nothing to do with a church.

Much Peace...

Amanda, hi

If "a Church" has nothing to do with faith, why did you attack the true faith in your negative posts? You can come back to the faith. Go and make a good Confession and then, return to Holy Mass and the Eucharist every Sunday.

There are multiple belief systems, so what? There is one Truth. The reason Jesus established one Church.
God wants everyone to become Roman Catholic. Amanda, you have been given the pearl.

Soon, the Great Warning. Jesus' prayer to the Father will be answered.

Ephesians 4:5
One Lord, one faith, one baptism.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Catholicism should be banned. It seems that almost EVER SINGLE PRIEST lusts for children. This is getting out of control. What is it with these people?

I went to catholic primary & seconday schools, served as an altar boy and was never mollested!!

I'm going to sue the bastards for discrimination!!

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:29 PM
But dont you understand people its catholicism!!! aslong as this vile beast dips his head and joins his hands in prayer and apologises it seems as if this kind of disgusting behaviour is acceptable,when are the authorities going to demand an investigation into these abuse claims! Although from a religion that beleives god created everyone equal but still thinks gays born the way they are are wrong?,whose appointed leader the pope was an ex nazi what can you expect,the whole religion is just hypocritical and self contradicting

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