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The Riots Shouldn't Be Stopped - They should continue on a larger scale.

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posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Are plasmas not the latest thing in tv's anymore or have we moved on to something else?

Bloomin technology. Bah Hate the stuff

If I was going to loot I'd be straight down the nearest off license and ciggie shop.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by tyson45

I'm a college graduate. I graduated salutatorian in my class. This is my first post on ATS in many months. I don't need to defend myself to you, but I thought I should just clarify a few things that you seem to have a misconception of.

reply to post by beezzer

As I stated in another reply, I have no connection to my material things in this world. Everything material can be replaced in a free society. People would accomplish much more if they did the same.

reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

I'm not new here. And I have made claims in the past that should put my "armchair" revolutionary status in question. On the contrary, I have said and will say again - that if the revolution does not start by 2013, then I will see to it that it does. You can hold be accountable for that if you would like.

As far as blaming these people for their own shortcomings... please. Are you saying the worlds economy and job market is in shambles thanks to the younger generations? Are you saying it is their fault that the past 3 generations have decided to spend beyond their means and usurp power from the hands of the people to use for their own greedy and power hungry needs?

I believe you to be smarter than that.

reply to post by bluemirage5

Yes of course. Ignorance to history. The past shows time and time again that all revolutions were won by non-violence. Your "demonstrators" you talk about are people who play within the rules to achieve a small change, only to have it thrown back in their face down the road. They have no power and their "strikes" do nothing in the long run.

As far as the looters targets - I am trying to make this perfectly clear- I DO NOT SUPPORT THE LOOTERS ATTACKING CIVILIANS AND STEALING FROM THEM.

I support someone directing the rioters towards the real target and that is the government and the corporate institutions.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

"That is why people need to not be idiots about it. First of all, there shouldn't be :"politicians" leading the governments, their should be "people". Common, everyday, people. Farmers, business owners, mothers, fathers, ect ect ect. It is sad to think that we have accepted a paradigm where we think these "politicians" are more qualified to lead than anybody else. Why? Because they are wealthier? Because they are bigger celebrities? Ridiculous. "

Its because of the same old problem that happens .

No government ..

Tribe A wants something from Tribe B

Whats to stop tribe a from taking somethign from tribe b ?

Tribe B has more resources and is happier then Tribe A

Tribe A only knows how to steal .

Tribe b wants to share but not as much as tribe A wants

Tribe A comes in and takes it leaving Tribe b to die....

They are not wiser but they are people who your local citizens elected to represent them ? Why not go educate those locals so they don't chose such a yuppie in power? Why not use the time not to drink but get educated and help spread the word?

to much work???

easier to smash your way to reasoning? gimme a break

We will always need a form of government no matter how small it is its still a government governing the peoples.

I am for limited government small package. Todays governments are big because of

problem reaction solution

These uk punks just helped make the government bigger with more security and camereas and more measures to deal with it ... its counter productive

and to steal from people who worked so hard disgusting my good man .

"There needs to be reform and a constant threat to governments saying that if we vote you in based on your principles, and you choose to not follow those principals - we WILL THROW YOU OUT like the last one. Do that a few more times and they will recognize they the people are serious"

The only threat to a government is an educated public not a violent one ...

"And as expected, the attacks on my character that disregard my post entirely shall begin. ATS has not changed much and people are showing their fine colors"

Its more of an attack on your irrational approach along with many other ATS members who see this as a positive trait of standing up the man if you will...its not positive its negative its counter productive and it makes the government bigger

worst part is tax payers are going to have to pay for this half a s s "revolution" or should we call it "de-evolution" lol

but this is nothing more then anarchy like saturn pointed out

Stealing and looting and violence oh my!

edit on 11-8-2011 by seedofchucky because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

Here in Australia we prefer our LCDs, no one is buying plasmas because of the high cost of electricity running them

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

"As I stated in another reply, I have no connection to my material things in this world. Everything material can be replaced in a free society"

But of course you could careless at the raping the earth takes when we steal more resources from her to rebuild right?

Its the earth who cares its for the taking....

Every single thing you see around has come from earth in one form or another. All this destruction just means more resources we are taking away from future generations to rebuild something we destroyed intentionally

i puke at your logic

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by seedofchucky
reply to post by gwydionblack

"That is why people need to not be idiots about it. First of all, there shouldn't be :"politicians" leading the governments, their should be "people". Common, everyday, people. Farmers, business owners, mothers, fathers, ect ect ect. It is sad to think that we have accepted a paradigm where we think these "politicians" are more qualified to lead than anybody else. Why? Because they are wealthier? Because they are bigger celebrities? Ridiculous. "

Its because of the same old problem that happens .

No government ..

Tribe A wants something from Tribe B

Whats to stop tribe a from taking somethign from tribe b ?

Tribe B has more resources and is happier then Tribe A

Tribe A only knows how to steal .

Tribe b wants to share but not as much as tribe A wants

Tribe A comes in and takes it leaving Tribe b to die....

They are not wiser but they are people who your local citizens elected to represent them ? Why not go educate those locals so they don't chose such a yuppie in power? Why not use the time not to drink but get educated and help spread the word?

to much work???

easier to smash your way to reasoning? gimme a break

We will always need a form of government no matter how small it is its still a government governing the peoples.

I am for limited government small package. Todays governments are big because of

problem reaction solution

These uk punks just helped make the government bigger with more security and camereas and more measures to deal with it ... its counter productive

and to steal from people who worked so hard disgusting my good man .

"There needs to be reform and a constant threat to governments saying that if we vote you in based on your principles, and you choose to not follow those principals - we WILL THROW YOU OUT like the last one. Do that a few more times and they will recognize they the people are serious"

The only threat to a government is an educated public not a violent one ...

"And as expected, the attacks on my character that disregard my post entirely shall begin. ATS has not changed much and people are showing their fine colors"

Its more of an attack on your irrational approach along with many other ATS members who see this as a positive trait of standing up the man if you will...its not positive its negative its counter productive and it makes the government bigger

worst part is tax payers are going to have to pay for this half a s s "revolution" or should we call it "de-evolution" lol

but this is nothing more then anarchy like saturn pointed out

Stealing and looting and violence oh my!

edit on 11-8-2011 by seedofchucky because: (no reason given)

we only need local, state, county, and city governments. washington only need to focus on foreign affairs and the military. not overtaking and dominating the people which pays it

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

That's the one I meant
LCD's though for some reason I was thinking '___'.

I can't be bothered with all these new fangled techno things.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

I have opted out of the system. Period. That is what I have done, and in the meantime I have prepared for the inevitable that is coming - revolution. Every possible thing that I could have done that does not put me into jail, I have done. Regardless of how much I hate the system, I would be pretty useless sitting in a cell.

In response to the whole plasma tv thing, I don't even owe it my response. And as far as some people assuming my stance on the riots to be praising the actual attacks on civilians and looting, please read again. Thank you.

reply to post by seedofchucky

You are right! It is nothing more than anarchy.

But I am starting to sound like a parrot here repeating the same thing over and over again. But here goes.

Yes - these riots provided a FINE excuse for government to increase its security member, BUT if there would have been someone on the front lines, motivating these people and directing their anger towards the people it should be directed at - THE GOVERNMENT - then they could have saved the whole negative looting things and just ousted the government in one fell swoop.

And yes my friend, I agree with you. There is some form of government needed to sustain people from breaking down into absolute chaos. The riots were a prime example. No leadership led to random acts of chaos and violence. If someone could have rallied those people behind a cause and led them to Parliament and demanded something bigger than a "new television" they would have been the most powerful group in the UK. The government would have had no choice but to forcefully go against them, and the more they did, the more people would have joined the ranks in opposition.

Revolution and change is not pretty. People need to recognize this. If you want change, you are going to have to sacrifice some of the niceties that you have become accustomed to, and perhaps turn the other cheek to some of the acts that take place.

But when such a fine opportunity as this presents itself, and no one even tried to step forward and make an attempt to direct this angst, there is no reason that every self proclaimed freedom fighter shouldn't be kicking themselves in the arse right about now because a grand opportunity was missed.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by seedofchucky

The Earth is a big boy/girl, it can take care of itself.

When we over step our bounds on this Earth, it is going to do the same thing is has done for eternity - it is going to wipe us all out and start over again.

Typical human thinking to believe that we are more powerful than the planet, but that is another topic for another time.
edit on 11-8-2011 by gwydionblack because: spelling

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:43 AM
I don't see how steeling from businesses helps to bring about societal change.

All it does is rip off people who are trying to make a living by being merchants.

I don't think that these riots have anything to do with social change. I think they are the result of too many single parents, uninvolved fathers, welfare, people who believe they are entitled to a great life without lifting a finger, and the downturn in the economy.

People hear there is rioting on their social media and just go and join in to try and steel some stuff for themselves.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I have opted out of the system. Period. That is what I have done, and in the meantime I have prepared for the inevitable that is coming - revolution. Every possible thing that I could have done that does not put me into jail, I have done. Regardless of how much I hate the system, I would be pretty useless sitting in a cell. In response to the whole plasma tv thing, I don't even owe it my response. And as far as some people assuming my stance on the riots to be praising the actual attacks on civilians and looting, please read again. Thank you

You are praising them with the title "The Riots Shouldn't Be Stopped - They should continue on a larger scale"

No, they should be stopped and a movement should be organised.

My point is there is no movement behind these riots.

edit on 11-8-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:47 AM

As I stated in another reply, I have no connection to my material things in this world. Everything material can be replaced in a free society. People would accomplish much more if they did the same.


Bully for you, scooter!
Maybe others might have a small connection to their homes or possessions. But we should live by your rules for an angry short-lived society.
I call foul. You are obviously a small little troll who just wanted to stir the pot at ATS.
I'm done feeding your frail ego.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

If you feel that way then perhaps my title is misleading. You assume I mean they should continue exactly as they had been going, but I don't mean that at all.

And you are right, there is no movement behind these riots, but there was plenty of opportunity to turn it into a movement.

Unless of course your definition of "movement" is gathering in the square and holding up signs, because I am going to have to disagree on the effectiveness of such strategies.

reply to post by beezzer

Are you honestly calling me a troll because I am promoting anti-materialism?

Because I am stating that people would live better, more productive lives if they chose not to worship the objects they possess?

If that is your definition of a troll, then by all means I am the biggest on of all in that regard.

But when it comes to the topic of taken advantage of the UK riots to effect better change, then no, I am absolutely serious.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by anumohi

Morons who think stealing is ok and who would rather laze about than study for something to help them get a job, theres plenty of other poor people who live their life correctly.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:51 AM
I don't "horde" anything. I work hard for what I have and if any pimple face teenager that doesn't understand the value of hard work and success comes in my yard to loot my belongings Ive worked hard for, I will give them a lesson on economics and a trickle down ass whipping.

I'm so sick of the entitlement generation who think that everything should be handed to them. What the heck makes you think your better than the working man that EARNED what he has? Keep believing what the media tells you. Keep believing that success is bad and when you grow up and realize your were probably a little too high to understand life you will regret how you acted.

What about if someone burns down the store your family had worked their whole life in? Imagine working day and night as a shop owner just to make ends meet so you can have something to pass down to your children so they don't have to work for someone else. Now imagine a flash mob kicking in the window and burning it down in minutes. Does that seem fair?

Oh that's right. Its not yours so what do you care.

I wish they had a smiley that SCREAMS!
edit on 11-8-2011 by Digital_Reality because: Blah

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 12:00 PM
woah this thread showed some of the true colours of ATS.
i understand what what Gwyd is saying, and i agree with him.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Oh leadership ?? Kinda like the g20 summits around the world where there are organized demonstrators ?

You mean the many differnt protestors that come from many differnt organizations ?

but yet still amongest them you have these cowards in g20 knowsn as black bloc ... come into the peaceful protests and have there merry little way anyway?

do you understand these people are simple hooligans stealing ? and have nothing to do with change ? Regardless if they had a leader or not there would still be looting ?

just like in the g20 where they mix and mingle with the crowd to get away with it?

only differnce here is all the black bloc types seem to have come out to loot away without the positive protestors g20 had....

they are just more blatant now with full disregard for the law or other peoples property

violence is not the answer for violence

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

And you are right, there is no movement behind these riots, but there was plenty of opportunity to turn it into a movement.

If there is a riot it should come after a movement of some sorts. Riots that spring up out of nowhere based on something that has just happened is just lashing out without knowing the facts. Rumours start and before you know it, your actions based on those rumours are not valid as it probably isn't near to the truth.

Unless of course your definition of "movement" is gathering in the square and holding up signs, because I am going to have to disagree on the effectiveness of such strategies.

By a movement I mean clear goals. Then people can clearly join that movement if they accept what's being pushed for.

edit on 11-8-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
reply to post by seedofchucky

The Earth is a big boy/girl, it can take care of itself.

When we over step our bounds on this Earth, it is going to do the same thing is has done for eternity - it is going to wipe us all out and start over again.

Typical human thinking to believe that we are more powerful than the planet, but that is another topic for another time.
edit on 11-8-2011 by gwydionblack because: spelling

Yea wipe the other species out .. tell me how long has the atomic bomb been around ? What about nuclear plants? and coal plants? did the egyptions have this tech? or were they to busy playing with the sand?

how many other nations did it wipe out who were messing with nukes? could you elaborate?

If we wanted to we could destroy the earth its just a matter of time before we can and destroy the planet . Were doing hell of a job already with cfcs and the ozone.

Which period in time has man kind been the most threat to earth then now ? and only getting stronger and more powerful?


earth is fragile its our only home we have no where else to go if you hadn't noticed.

you mean its another iirational topic like this one for another time which i agree

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Facemelter
woah this thread showed some of the true colours of ATS.
i understand what what Gwyd is saying, and i agree with him.

You are very quick to judge, without even questioning those things you don't agree with.

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