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DNA Proof that the Starchild skull is alien

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posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Yukitup

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull

That's a case of the same SPECIES interbreeding. Race is based on minor genetic differences that manifest in superficial differences of appearance. The idea that a human and an alien could interbreed naturally is absurd.

Very exciting! Would you PLEASE share your evidence of what genetically distinguishes aliens from different human species and the human race? (wouldn't it also be "naturally absurd" to claim that a human and an alien could not interbreed without evidence of alien genetics?)

Just thought I'd step in and make a comment....Basically imagining that Human and Alien DNA would be compatible would take some miracle of chance...It would be like winning the lottery a Billion Times in a row....To imagine an Alien Being that evolved on another planet might be able to interbreed would quite simply take the most amazing the history of anything......Consider two random species on say a Frog and a Bear cannot interbreed even though they come from the same Genetic stock, then how in the world could an Alien Interbreed with a Human?

Not even two Mammals like a Dog and a Cow can why in the world would two beings that evolved from completely separate ecosystems have the capability to simply makes no sense. The only animals that can breed on earth are ones that are CLOSELY RELATED TO ONE ANOTHER.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

'If' there is, as suspected, a progenitor race similar to Homo Sapiens (who either came from somewhere beyond, or evolved here millions of years ago then left, only to return) - then the tales that we as a race were 'created' by the 'gods' seems utterly reasonable. Such would also suggest that the differences between our respective DNA sets would be miniscule, and essentially irrelevant in terms of appearance, capacity for intellect and endeavour etc.

NB - regarding the reasons for 'creation' - who's to know, among the general public, so many thousands of years on??? It could have been for any of the infinite possible reasons that could be dreamed up.

Think Cargo Cult; a lot of misunderstanding in the face of advanced technology - misunderstandings that would filter down like Chinese Whispers through the various mythological constructs of the native population/ subservient race. Our current understanding is bound to be a mish-mash of fact, fiction and unknowables, even with the benefit of dedicated and scholarly research by a committed man, sadly almost universally hated by the mainstream (Zecharia Sitchin). He worked against the grain of acceptable opinion for years, and rightly earned a living from doing so. I for one would have no interest in the tales of Sumer (or Mesopotamia in general, Egypt, Pre-Incan South America etc) without the work of the late ZS..

Any truly alien/hybrid remains, such as the 'Starchild' skull (NB - the jury is out for me, I'm not sure what to think yet, not having reviewed the data and background context) would represent a 'closer-than-human' hybrid with the progenitor race (I see us as a 'watered-down' hybrid). 50-50 hybrids would be very noticeably alien, and this is why all this talk of alien hybridisation experiments is relatively believable if they are seeking to re-colonise - in order to subvert the established population the offspring would need to blend in... Imagine if they have the technology to clone/ breed humans (and to partially hybridise them in the process) and then to transfer or piggyback their own consciousness onto the consciousness of the newly created 'avatar'.

They could go into deep cover, replacing the people who had been used as experimental research subjects, and manipulate the current world system to allow for some epic takeover (or even a sneaky takeover) at some future point. That 'power' spoken of by Woodrow Wilson, may well have its roots in these sorts of ideas.

There are other possibilities in terms of the analysis of the starchild (or similar) remains... They could represent a hybrid born as the result of genetic experimentation (See the tales of Enki in the Abzu) - or, from parents of an entirely different race and a human, whose bred in limited fashion, with the resulting paleontological/ anthropological remains being minimally-dispersed globally (rare relationships between 'gods' and 'heroes'..???)

I'm thinking along the lines of 0.5% difference in total genome coding is representative of the difference between humanity and the progenitor race of 'gods'.

We are 2% different from a chimpanzee - the figure I gave above, of 0.5%, is a sensible estimate of the genetic difference if we are a 'genetically watered-down' hybrid offspring. Which we are.

*** *** *** *** *** *** x 3

Don't believe the DISINFO....

There is a subtle movement growing here on ATS, which aims to live by a precept of "ACCEPT THE REALITY, EXPLORE THE DETAILS & RAMIFICATIONS...." Instead of being continuously distracted by the disinfo agents, shills and trolls here on ATS, try "grabbing hold of a goldfish" and walk in sure awareness of the MASSIVE COVER-UP being spewed out and flogged to death by these operatives (and we can all recognise them..)

Most of the agents seem to operate in full knowledge of the essentially diabolical nature of what they do. Some though, appear genuinely well-intentioned, working hard on their remit - in order TO PREVENT MASS PANIC AND GLOBAL CHAOS... Try to figure out which agents have our interests at heart (even if in a very limited way overall). They occasionally drop hints, to give the sharp-eyed something to hang certain conclusions on....


(NB - sorry for all the capitals; I'm trying to shout louder than the disinfo and ignorance displayed over the past few pages)

edit on 2-6-2011 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

You're not allowing for technological superiority on a scale unfathomable to us. They could interbreed through genetic manipulation/creation.


edit on 2-6-2011 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

If our DNA is at least in part based upon theirs, then your question is answered. The overall weight of textual records, cultural/ mythological/ religious considerations, archaeological/ paleontological and geological evidence seems to suggest that this is indeed fairly close to the truth of the matter. 'Aldebaran' as a search term.

And I don't give a hoot who comes in to refute what I just typed. Luckily (thank goodness), your well-honed shenanigans hold no sway over my mind any more..

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75

Just thought I'd step in and make a comment....Basically imagining that Human and Alien DNA would be compatible would take some miracle of chance...It would be like winning the lottery a Billion Times in a row....To imagine an Alien Being that evolved on another planet might be able to interbreed would quite simply take the most amazing the history of anything......Consider two random species on say a Frog and a Bear cannot interbreed even though they come from the same Genetic stock, then how in the world could an Alien Interbreed with a Human?

Not even two Mammals like a Dog and a Cow can why in the world would two beings that evolved from completely separate ecosystems have the capability to simply makes no sense. The only animals that can breed on earth are ones that are CLOSELY RELATED TO ONE ANOTHER.

I do not for a moment disagree with your logic, I only question the assumptions made. To accept your conclusion one must make assumptions regarding the nature of both "alien" dna and human evolution.

I have zero proof that aliens exist. I have zero proof that an omniscient Being created Adam and Eve a few thousand years ago. I have no proof that Zecharia Sitchin wasn't on to something. I have no proof that we weren't genetically engineered by extra-terrestrials.

However, while we have "decoded" human dna -- we still have no idea what the purpose of the majority of the dna "junk" is. We CAN implant genetic information from glowing green algae into pigs. We ARE currently modifying the dna of multiple species of plants and animals.

Based upon these facts, taken with the ASSUMPTION that aliens exist, it is not unreasonable to infer the possibility that we, too, have been genetically manipulated.

The question is genetic manipulation -- dna modification. Not inter-species intercourse.
edit on 2-6-2011 by Yukitup because: (no reason given)

Edit to thank Flyintheointment and Jaden for posting their responses. If we always operated under the assumptions that we've always made, the earth would still be flat. The truth is, our reality continues to grow exponentially -- and we simply don't have all of the answers nor do we fully understand our reality. Logic is a tool for examining potential evidence of a reality different from what we currently understand, and conclusions made based upon faulty premises or assumptions short circuit the process of logical examination.
edit on 2-6-2011 by Yukitup because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-6-2011 by Yukitup because: spelling...

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment

There is a subtle movement growing here on ATS, which aims to live by a precept of "ACCEPT THE REALITY, EXPLORE THE DETAILS & RAMIFICATIONS...." Instead of being continuously distracted by the disinfo agents, shills and trolls here on ATS, try "grabbing hold of a goldfish" and walk in sure awareness of the MASSIVE COVER-UP being spewed out and flogged to death by these operatives (and we can all recognise them..)

Most of the agents seem to operate in full knowledge of the essentially diabolical nature of what they do. Some though, appear genuinely well-intentioned, working hard on their remit - in order TO PREVENT MASS PANIC AND GLOBAL CHAOS... Try to figure out which agents have our interests at heart (even if in a very limited way overall). They occasionally drop hints, to give the sharp-eyed something to hang certain conclusions on....


(NB - sorry for all the capitals; I'm trying to shout louder than the disinfo and ignorance displayed over the past few pages)

edit on 2-6-2011 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

AH the paranoia is strong in this one we will have to give you extra attention

Disinfo is what they did when they extrpolated the results by the assumption of the base pair differences being 93 in every 10% THATS the real joke but then its promoting its self so they can sell all the books and videos etc!!
edit on 2-6-2011 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:33 PM
Long time lurker, occasional replier. Credentials; bio grad student who works with oxidative stress in marine bivalves, and most recently, mitochondrial signalling.

Mitochondria are basically bacteria, related most closely to the "free living" (quotes because its an intracellular species, which makes sense, if you think about it) rickettsia prowazekii. A long, long time ago, one bacteria ate another bacteria and they both decided that this was a good fit. So the one lived inside of the other for a very long time until its genome was coopted by the other genome. There is substantial evidence that mitochondria are related to free living bacteria (circular genome, sidedness of porins, double membrane (indicative of a secondary endosymbiosis event), and how they go about making more of themselves). The human genome has linear DNA. Mitochondria are present in nearly all eukaryotic cells. This entire argument would take several pages to fully flesh out, but suffice it to say, we have bacteria living in our cells. Most of the mitochondrial genome has been incorporated into the nuclear genome. The only junk left in the mitochondrial genome codes for amino acids and the most fundamental replication machinery. This makes us chimeras.

So what this is telling me is the following; aliens have mitochondria. Think about this logically for just one second. This either means that this alien is from earth, or every living thing on earth evolved elsewhere and was put on earth at some point, or... this is a human with a gross phenotypic showing of a mutation. If I had to put money on this one, I would go with the mutation.

While I do believe that there is nearly a 100% chance that there is intelligent life out there somewhere else in our nearly infinite universe, I do not think in the slightest that this is a skull of one.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by darrman

[atsimg][/atsimg]I remind you that humans are only a tiny minority in this galaxy.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:04 PM
I have been following this "head in a box" and find it fascinating. I am not agreeing it is an Alien, or stating I feel it is not an Alien. These days DNA is whatever you can pay people to say it is, or is not.
So far, no one has hypothecated on its physical construction, if it were found to be as represented.
Assuming "Arguendo" (assume that it is as represented for the sake of argument) on its individual construction and physiology;
If were an Alien Hybrid, what can we deduce from its (Possible, if not likely) natural planet?:
(1). It has teeth, so it eats.
(2). Its teeth are worn, so during its time on Earth, it ate food here and survived.(Meaning they can eat our food, and, (or) us!).
(3). Its eyes are different(different light levels on its planet?, different spectrum?, different Sun composition or age?, further from its Sun?)
(4). Its connection to the neck bones are very weak for the head size(Less gravity on its possible planet?, -smaller planet?, in perpetual zero-G space transit with no home planet?)
(5). The Ears don't seem very developed or are non existent (Non-speaking, less dense atmosphere? -you can't speak very well in a vacume).
(6). The imbedded Skull fibers are an interesting peculiar anomaly. They have Metallic Properties(Are they Radio Transmission/Receiver related for interpersonal communications? (Since no ears) -If so, can we deduce those Frequency wavelengths from the length of the fibers?.
(7). The Brain is larger (33%), and the Skull wall is extremely thick and strong. (Is its survival more predicated on a 100% intact life-accumulated intellect, as opposed to Human Brains which are more predicated to survival and reproductive propagation even with severally reduced function due to impact damages?)(see Florida).

I'm just asking the questions people. Lately, since the questions on Obama's origins have surfaced, this site is less about questions and more about conclusory statements and circular reasoning, followed by personal attacks and flame wars by policticos. I guess the paid "Sockpuppets" have to do something on their slow news days.


posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75

Originally posted by Yukitup

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull

That's a case of the same SPECIES interbreeding. Race is based on minor genetic differences that manifest in superficial differences of appearance. The idea that a human and an alien could interbreed naturally is absurd.

Very exciting! Would you PLEASE share your evidence of what genetically distinguishes aliens from different human species and the human race? (wouldn't it also be "naturally absurd" to claim that a human and an alien could not interbreed without evidence of alien genetics?)

Just thought I'd step in and make a comment....Basically imagining that Human and Alien DNA would be compatible would take some miracle of chance...It would be like winning the lottery a Billion Times in a row....To imagine an Alien Being that evolved on another planet might be able to interbreed would quite simply take the most amazing the history of anything......Consider two random species on say a Frog and a Bear cannot interbreed even though they come from the same Genetic stock, then how in the world could an Alien Interbreed with a Human?

Not even two Mammals like a Dog and a Cow can why in the world would two beings that evolved from completely separate ecosystems have the capability to simply makes no sense. The only animals that can breed on earth are ones that are CLOSELY RELATED TO ONE ANOTHER.

holy cows... no Really..

Cows have nothing to do with Spiders,,or goats,, yet OUR science has blended the DNA of spiders in to Cows and goats.. so the MILK from these mammals produces Spider-silk solids, to be used in manufacturing..
still in expermantial phase--yet REAL,, and WORKING... heres a link--

i dont know..?? do you?

man couldn't fly..... untill two brothers made it happen..

goats didn't make spider silk,,, untill researchers, made it happen..!!

keep an open mind..

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

you have to remember we are talking about aliens, an advanced species

right now, we can gm fish to make them glow, we can combine many different things

we can grow human ears on mice

theres really no limit to what we can "clone" and "breed" etc except for legal issues

so to think an alien couldnt find a way to breed or mix its dna with a human, is very shortsighted

no offense, just realism

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by EHowardHuntClub

(1). It has teeth, so it eats.
(2). Its teeth are worn, so during its time on Earth, it ate food here and survived.(Meaning they can eat our food, and, (or) us!).
(3). Its eyes are different(different light levels on its planet?, different spectrum?, different Sun composition or age?, further from its Sun?)
(4). Its connection to the neck bones are very weak for the head size(Less gravity on its possible planet?, -smaller planet?, in perpetual zero-G space transit with no home planet?)
(5). The Ears don't seem very developed or are non existent (Non-speaking, less dense atmosphere? -you can't speak very well in a vacume).
(6). The imbedded Skull fibers are an interesting peculiar anomaly. They have Metallic Properties(Are they Radio Transmission/Receiver related for interpersonal communications? (Since no ears) -If so, can we deduce those Frequency wavelengths from the length of the fibers?.
(7). The Brain is larger (33%), and the Skull wall is extremely thick and strong. (Is its survival more predicated on a 100% intact life-accumulated intellect, as opposed to Human Brains which are more predicated to survival and reproductive propagation even with severally reduced function due to impact damages?)(see Florida).

These points needed emphasis -- thanks HuntClub.

I recommend re-reading that entire post, it deserves more stars.

I suspect w/ regard to (7) you meant "life-acclimated" intellect and "severely" reduced function?

Some have attributed the peculiarities of the star child's skull to genetic anomalies/diseases. Are there genetic anomalies/diseases that address these points?

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Can't say I didn't see this com'in.
The last video backs up my whole premise for testing and futher study on the rest of the oblong elongated.
That's where this should lead. And the expense should be a non factor IMO.

edit on 2-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Yukitup

wouldn't it also be "naturally absurd" to claim that a human and an alien could not interbreed without evidence of alien genetics?

No. That's like saying it's absurd to assume that cows and bats cannot reproduce, actually its even worse than that because not only are we dealing with a different species we're dealing with an organism that evolved on a separate PLANET. There's no guarantee that sexual reproduction would even exist or work anything like the way it works with humans.

I wonder how many scientists with truly conclusive proof have committed career suicide by going against the accepted paradigm...

Oh I don't know, Einstein, Copernicus, Galileo. But then their ideas had to be accepted because they had the math/proof to back them up. See how that works, science follows the evidence.

Once a scientist's reputation is called into question (you know, silly little things like going against the accepted paradigm...), getting published in a reputable source becomes essentially unattainable.

Depends on whether you have conclusive evidence. Obviously the process is not flawless and sometimes those who support established ideas have a very vested interest in them. It doesn't matter how well-established an idea is however, if you have conclusive evidence to overturn it than science must accept it, this might take time but in the end science must follow the evidence.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Yukitup

No, I mean accumulated, as in every learned experience is valuable to the continued successful survival of its species.
The "severally" part was a typo due to bad correcting software and bad vision-I gots to get a bigger screen! I meant "severely" (Sorry, I usually proof-read my posts like they are as important as my resume, but that one got by me).

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:53 PM
So, nobody is going to bother to address that this has no published data and is from someone who has no scientific credentials and a senior-year-of-high-school understanding of genetics?

I'm sorry, but until there's a published document here that has its data-sets, methodology, etc provided, then why the hell are we bothering to acknowledge it, let alone take it seriously?

Oh, wait, some people really just want to believe and will use any excuse they can find to do so.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:53 PM
Indeed i saw a documentary a few months back with the man who is in possession of the skull and the tests showed it was human, he seemed a bit disappointed to say the least

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:54 PM
I listened a fellow (can't remember his name) talk about this
at length on Coast to Coast AM the other day and found him
to be quite sincere in his belief that the remains are quite alien
in nature.

Will be interesting to see how this unfolds!

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by Yukitup

wouldn't it also be "naturally absurd" to claim that a human and an alien could not interbreed without evidence of alien genetics?

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
No. That's like saying it's absurd to assume that cows and bats cannot reproduce, actually its even worse than that because not only are we dealing with a different species we're dealing with an organism that evolved on a separate PLANET. There's no guarantee that sexual reproduction would even exist or work anything like the way it works with humans.

I see that you've missed the point. Again, absent evidence of actual alien dna, ANY speculation over "their" ability to genetically mix with "us" is just that -- PURE SPECULATION.

I understand that you BELIEVE that "their" genetic makeup is incompatible with ours for various reasons that are based upon YOUR presumptions. However, proclaiming that it is "naturally absurd" for anyone else to believe differently based upon their presumptions or beliefs is, well, rather absurd.

For your recollection, here is the original quotes:

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
That's a case of the same SPECIES interbreeding. Race is based on minor genetic differences that manifest in superficial differences of appearance. The idea that a human and an alien could interbreed naturally is absurd.

Originally posted by Yukitup
Very exciting! Would you PLEASE share your evidence of what genetically distinguishes aliens from different human species and the human race? (wouldn't it also be "naturally absurd" to claim that a human and an alien could not interbreed without evidence of alien genetics?)

I ask again, PLEASE share your evidence of what genetically distinguishes aliens from different human species and the human race. (evidence, not beliefs.)

edit on 2-6-2011 by Yukitup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

If it was only so simple.

Pye's had his begging bowl out for 20 years and every cent that's come his way has been through deception...even self-delusion.

20 years of false promises would ruin most relationships, politicians and religious prophets...Pye gets a free pass.

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