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Police officer sees three aliens? in crop circle

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:55 PM

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Sorry i just had to include that amazing illustration from the investigators site

Here we go.

About two years ago (crop circle season 2009), there was a story making the headlines, and was covered briefly on here, about a police officer who was on patrol near silbury hill, where this mayan like crop circle had appeared a day previous

i have to be careful what i type now, as i dont want to cross the boundary of retyping what could be copyrighted, however it seems an officer saw three tall white blond beings in the field, who then took off at lightening speed and out of sight within seconds.
(this is the only part i will quote from there)


`` he saw three figures
in the formation there. At first he thought they were forensic officers as they
were dressed in white coveralls. He stopped his car and approached the
field. The figures were all over 6ft and had blond hair. They seemed to be
inspecting the crop. When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he
believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity. This crackling noise
seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently
close to where the noise was moving. He felt the hair on his arms and back
of his neck raise up. He shouted to the figures who at first ignored him, not
glancing at him. When he tried to enter the field they looked up and began
running. He said “They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no
slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I
looked back they were gone. I then got scared. The noise was still around,
but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car. For the rest of the day I
had a pounding headache I couldn’t shift”.``


this officer then experienced many paranormal after affects (read the full report), and was very shaken about the whole affair, its worth taking note too that he is still having experience, including seeing an orange `glowing thing` recently which is spoken about. none of these experiences occured before the experience at silbury hill
the wiltshire police force (who he works for) declined to comment and have given strict guidelines for the officer`s name and details to be kept shtum.

there is a full investigation there, it is worth noting too, the investigator who went to the policeman`s home didnt see a single sci fi or ufo book, so its unlikely this is something out of his imagination, this is also a respected police officer too!

this is a real event which happened, this isnt some `hear say` story from 50 years ago!

here is a link to the positions of where he was (a4) and where the beings were

and a very good artists illustration of what it must have looked like

second illustration is seconds later when they were way out of distance

oh and while we`re at it, look at this nice clip of a military chopper flying low over silbury hill --- nothing to see there huh?

id like to quote the Western Daily Press

POLICE have declined to comment on bizarre claims a serving police
sergeant saw three aliens run away from him in a field with a crop circle in
it near a famous ancient monument earlier this summer.

Wiltshire police said it was "a personal matter" for the officer who, it is
claimed, approached two renowned crop circle investigators following the
incident in July.

So there we have it, full credit and report at all images are copyrighted to him!

For the people who may have read this story 2 years ago when it was on here, thats all very good but before you blast me for creating a thread about it

a/ it was discussed once then in very brief detail, not as much as we know now

and b/ theres probably many many new members who have no idea at all that this happened

anyway, lets not let this topic die, its a shame the police wont release much information, but this case really cant no just be brushed under the table
edit on 26-3-2011 by littlezeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:11 PM
Ah thanks for the thread. I've read this story somewhere, but there were no illustrations.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:11 PM
Those look like nephilim. Six fingers, at least 15ft tall.
I would not approach these beings in fear of being eaten or some crap.
Great thread tho!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:14 PM
=O This is very creepy, but awesome. That's one chilling encounter.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:18 PM
A friend of mine who is a ufologist advised that Silbury Hill is constantly being visited by UFO's.

We were planning to go on a sky watch around the area about 12/13 years ago, but were stopped when we got near the area. There were lots of black landrovers and the like futher along the road and you could see lots of car lights in the distance. We could only assume it was M.O.D, but there was nothing in the press the next few days, so I can't say for certain what is was all about.

My friend was up for parking up and going through the fields to take a closer look, but to be fair, I bottled it. Now I am older, wiser and less caring of authority, I think I would certainly be up for it.

I have heard of this story, but thanks for the follow up. S&F.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:25 PM
Weren't all crop circles debunked? I don't associate them with aliens or UFOs. So now, I don't believe the pig lol.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by greyer
Weren't all crop circles debunked? I don't associate them with aliens or UFOs. So now, I don't believe the pig lol.

no, two very bored people with a lot of time, showed how they can make very poorly (i may add) crop circles, using planks, and were like `thats it --- now hundreds of years of crop circles are debunked) !

despite the fact that some of these crop circles are appearing within MINUTES in pitch black fields, some guarded by police patrols regularly (police take trespassing claims very seriously and are now on the alert during crop circle season - obviously they look at it from a `prankster point of view` .. and if so, theyd have caught them by now)

i really cant be bothered going into a whole big crop circle debate.. thats not for another couple of months really, but the fact is, yes some are just marketing campaigns, yes some are just hoaxes, but theres a large amount which are not hoaxes or man made

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by greyer

Not getting into the whole crop circle debate, but I think that those guys with the boards that made some shoddy circles and said "yea, this is how you do it" doesn't explain the ones that I have seen. In Alberta. That had the stalks of the crop fused and bent (not crushed). Anyone, especially on this site, that calls crop circles a definite hoax has not done enough research. I believe the cop in this story, what does he gain from lying anyway.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:39 PM
Did you notice that in the image with the military chopper, there is what appear to *BE* three white figures, near the top of the mound?!

Coincidence? Was this image snapped on the same day as the policeman had his encounter?

Perhaps they hang around the area a fair bit.

I'd hazard a guess though, that whoever the three figures are, they are almost certainly deaf or have limited frequency/pitch detection..probably from birth.

The copper shouted to them, but they ignored him, not even bothering to glance upward. Not bothering or didn't actually hear the shouting, because they're deaf?

If they're a species that are indeed naturally deaf, they would more than likely compensate somehow. Perhaps telepathy, natural or artificially augmented would be a method they'd use.

I'd also guess the 'static like' crackling 'field' at the edge of the field, that the copper said he only noticed upon entering the field, must have been a security device that would raise a silent alarm among the beings, maybe an implant sent electrical signals to their brains when the force field is tripped - in this case by the copper, walking into it's perimeter.

They certainly noticed him after he tripped the alarm didn't they!

Interesting report, cheers for posting.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by TheSparrowSings
reply to post by greyer

Not getting into the whole crop circle debate, but I think that those guys with the boards that made some shoddy circles and said "yea, this is how you do it" doesn't explain the ones that I have seen. In Alberta. That had the stalks of the crop fused and bent (not crushed). Anyone, especially on this site, that calls crop circles a definite hoax has not done enough research. I believe the cop in this story, what does he gain from lying anyway.

I believe the copper too.

As you say, he's a management position policeman, highly respected by his peers and stood to gain nothing from this except ridicule and whispers about him dropping off his rocker.
Promotion prospects would probably suffer too...what? Promote the UFO nut?!

As it happens, it looks to me he stood to lose quite a bit rather than gain very much.

Good luck to him, he's a brave bloke for telling what he saw.

+21 more 
posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by greyer
Weren't all crop circles debunked? I don't associate them with aliens or UFOs. So now, I don't believe the pig lol.

Yeah, reality has been debunked too.
I think I read once where the act of debunking has itself been debunked.

The Queen of England has been debunked.
YOU have been debunked.
The world has been debunked.
Oxygen has been debunked.
Life has been debunked.

All it takes to "debunk" something is to get on an internet forum and declare
WHATEVER topic you want as having been....DEBUNKED!!!

It's easy, you try it.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Screwed

Originally posted by greyer
Weren't all crop circles debunked? I don't associate them with aliens or UFOs. So now, I don't believe the pig lol.

Yeah, reality has been debunked too.
I think I read once where the act of debunking has itself been debunked.

The Queen of England has been debunked.
YOU have been debunked.
The world has been debunked.
Oxygen has been debunked.
Life has been debunked.

All it takes to "debunk" something is to get on an internet forum and declare
WHATEVER topic you want as having been....DEBUNKED!!!

It's easy, you try it.

Smooth...very smooth.

I'd like to borrow it from time to time if i may?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

All the crop circles some with apparent VERY complex mathematics' principles? One mother of a very well kept conspiracy. And frankly I don't think the guys with the boards could define Pi to save their life. No, something else here and I am VERY OPEN to more ideas then the "aliens did it". Glad I don't look like one, probably be blamed for pre-mature balding too. A good reason to blend in a crowd... But the police reports are very interesting. And please can we show some dignity and not "lol, pig, etc" Who ever said that please grow up.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by arbiture
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

All the crop circles some with apparent VERY complex mathematics' principles? One mother of a very well kept conspiracy. And frankly I don't think the guys with the boards could define Pi to save their life. No, something else here and I am VERY OPEN to more ideas then the "aliens did it". Glad I don't look like one, probably be blamed for pre-mature balding too. A good reason to blend in a crowd... But the police reports are very interesting. And please can we show some dignity and not "lol, pig, etc" Who ever said that please grow up.

the p i crop circle is the nail on the head

if you were a human who had the answer to that mathematical equation IN DRAWING FORMULA TOO.. you wouldnt anonymously put it in a crop circle in south west england

youd make a documentary about it, write books about it etc
or sell the formula to the highest bid

youd make a fortune out of it, not be some anonymous nerd in a crop circle...
edit on 26-3-2011 by littlezeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:05 PM
Was the officer allowed to return to active duty? Just a question because if I was a policeman and I would have seen something like that, I would have thought that people would think I'm crazy, not believe me, debunk me and then I'd lose my job. Just a thought.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by scottlpool2003
Was the officer allowed to return to active duty? Just a question because if I was a policeman and I would have seen something like that, I would have thought that people would think I'm crazy, not believe me, debunk me and then I'd lose my job. Just a thought.

his name has not been given out,
and the only people from the police force who have spoken about it, are the officer, and the sergant in a statement to the press about `keeping personal details quiet`

the police officer has met the investigator, showed him and several others the route he took, and a visit of his home

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:12 PM
If that picture is anything to go by then we're being invaded by crop damaging transvestite zombies from space!! For some strange reason I can't fathom, I think it would be pretty cool if it were true, but let's face it, it ain't.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:58 PM
This is neat

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Comet2
This is neat

here it is embeded as yours seems to have malfunctioned
edit on 26-3-2011 by littlezeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:18 PM
ed: not relevant due to the edit in above post

Now, to the topic. I've never heard this story and thought it pretty entertaining. Good show.
edit on 26-3-2011 by BnletB because: (no reason given)

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