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Police officer sees three aliens? in crop circle

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posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:04 AM
Who is their right mind believes anything colin andrews says the man's an idiot and of course all photo's and evidence are copyrighted by him. Colin Andrews has been proved more than once that he is a fraud and only in the game of ufo's to make money. Like all the other idiots which we all know about.
If what i have written here calls for me to be banned then so be it, truth hurts doesn't it so much for freedom of speech.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:04 AM
Who is their right mind believes anything colin andrews says the man's an idiot and of course all photo's and evidence are copyrighted by him. Colin Andrews has been proved more than once that he is a fraud and only in the game of ufo's to make money. Like all the other idiots which we all know about.
If what i have written here calls for me to be banned then so be it, truth hurts doesn't it so much for freedom of speech.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by annella
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

I sure dont have any answers, but in discussing this particular case the officer observed some apparent aliens, inspecting a crop circle.

ETA: Anyway, I think my point may have been missed! I chuckle because most everyone wants to avoid talking about what I just did above.

edit on 27-3-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

Can anyone prove he saw aliens?
Just because Colin Andrews says they are aliens?, he's hardly a reputable guy himself.
The guy in question more than likely stumbled across a group of circlemakers and they ran when they saw him and laid down in the wheat, this is a common tactic they use when they are interupted..

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:36 AM
The crop circles are not man made, there are some man made ones and those are easily noticeable, but the real hardcore ones are from aliens, some designed to send us messages but the geometric patterns are mostly made to heal the Earth, aliens see our Earth as a living being and she's dying, but these shapes help her to heal, thus we are not seeing much destruction now

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Wh00pS

Nobody lay down in this particular field of wheat in front of this particular member of the constabulary. He stated that they ran at high speed, and disappeared.
Unless they were members of the USA Olympic 100 mt team of the time.....then its a little odd no?

ETA: And probably need to read the whole thread so far. Its easy to just jump in and make statements without knowing all the facts. I have been guilty of this myself in the past!

edit on 27-3-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by ruffagii
The crop circles are not man made, there are some man made ones and those are easily noticeable, but the real hardcore ones are from aliens, some designed to send us messages but the geometric patterns are mostly made to heal the Earth, aliens see our Earth as a living being and she's dying, but these shapes help her to heal, thus we are not seeing much destruction now

I dont know if you are right...but the sentiments are beautiful.

2nd line with another smile

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by annella
reply to post by Wh00pS

ETA: And probably need to read the whole thread so far. Its easy to just jump in and make statements without knowing all the facts. I have been guilty of this myself in the past!

edit on 27-3-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

I've been reading the thread since it was first posted and also posted on previous pages, and i'm very familiar with this so called "case" having participated in the original threads a while back.
It honestly amazes me how people can believe in the whole crop circle being made by ET's claims when there is no evidence for it but absolutely loads for them being man made.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by Wh00pS

Originally posted by annella
reply to post by Wh00pS

ETA: And probably need to read the whole thread so far. Its easy to just jump in and make statements without knowing all the facts. I have been guilty of this myself in the past!

edit on 27-3-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

I've been reading the thread since it was first posted and also posted on previous pages, and i'm very familiar with this so called "case" having participated in the original threads a while back.
It honestly amazes me how people can believe in the whole crop circle being made by ET's claims when there is no evidence for it but absolutely loads for them being man made.

Then all is as it should be. You dont believe, and I am open to all kinds of scenarios involving ETs.
What makes the world go 'round!!

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by ruffagii

In my earlier post on this thread I cracked a joke about the ridiculous picture at the start, but I fully agree with everything you just said in your post. Absolutely beautiful words. I only live about half hour from Wiltshire where many of these things are reported. You can always tell the man-made ones 'cos they look a little, well, crap actually. There are also a lot of ancient megalithic circles and burial mounds in Wiltshire. Do you think this sort of ties in with the crop circles?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:49 AM
Dont think anything of the Military Helicopter, that area of the world is riddled with Military Training establishments and whilst I am not of the opinion that just because its a Police Officer that they tell the truth (I have witnessed many scumbags in uniform) same as the recent Coke Judge caught with his own supply of white powder, it certainly seems a tall tail to get early retirement, you just have to say stress, not Aliens.

So crop circles, that is a piece of art the one on the OP, i cannot imagine how a human could do that although, one termite can put up a piece of mud, 1 million termites put up a piece of mud each which creates an intricate structure, who could imagin that and that part of the UK attracts a lot of bead wearing, artistic, herbal loving VW drivers. I'll take the artists word though, I cant imagine how anything on eye level could create a masterpiece like the OP picture.

I actually thought crop circles had been debunked but reading this thread Im going to look into them more cos they are very artistic.

But why draw pictures in wheat, would you travel the galaxies to make art in a farmers field, is it galactic tagging? Or is it....

A few years ago, Zorg was holding council in the hollowed out planet of Neveron..

Zorg: "Whats the best way to send a message to earth, to tell them they are killing their mother (nature)"

Obi Wan: "Radio Waves, they have hundreds of radio satellites listening for us, perhaps they would get a message?"

Zorg, "Dont be stupid Obi Wan, if you have nothing sensible to say leave"

Spock: "We just land and tell them?"

Zorg: "Ridiculous you pointy eared freak, they would just freak out and it would make it worse"

Cronos, "How about we mess around on the dark side of the moon for a while, just give them glimpses, you know, untel thiy get used to us and then we can tell them"

Zorg, "Well its a start, despatch a few ship Cronos, make a few grainy appearances in their cameras but dont get caught, remember Roswell, you dont want to end up like Mork, remember that video Cronos, especially when the 2 'doctors' started shining a torch in his eyes and mopping his flowing mouth juices"

Mindy "Zorg, if Cronos is hanging around the moon, would you mind awfully if I just buzzed a few sites, Jerusalem, South America, New York, Russia, the soon to be destroyed Japanese reactors and that new Airport in China, ive got some new cloaking devices, 100 yellow balloons, swamp gas, the chinese laterns. Please Zorg, I just want to see them"

Zorg "OK mindy but mind what I said to Cronos, unless you want to be kept in a tank of fermahide and have 'scientists' probe you".

Buck "what if I started showing up late in remote places, talking to some of the salt of the earth, you know, those booze hounds on the way home from a few, the old farmers in the mid west, various hobos and undesirables, just tell them stuff but without talking, I could take them for a spin in the ship and give them a gentle probing, just enough to send a message to their brains, if i pick the right ones, it wont cause uproar but slowly the word will spread, I mean, people listen to these guys but debunk them if they fear the truth, whaddya say Zorg, it will work with Cronos,pincer attack like"

Zorg "OK Buck but no fancy stuff, if you pick up a lawyer, a doctor or a President call this number immediately, it belongs to the Men in Black, they will sort out your mess but be carefull, too many calls and they will experimant on you and you wont be welcome back here. Small town Cops are fine though, really, fill you boots on them buck."

Alf: "Ive got an idea"

Zorg "Not again alf"

Alf: "Well, what if we go there and draw pretty pictures in their food supply, you know, we could make a picture that our greatest minds make up, a mathematical equasion in drawings, of course, we couldnt do this in the desert, or in the arctic or in the sea, but we could do it in South West England and North America"

Zorg: "Hmmm, for once Alf you could be onto something, there is no chance they would be freaked out cos these are beautiful drawings, they are so smart they would work it out immediately just like they understand burning fossil fuels is leading to their demise and there is no way they could debunk it cos well, well how could they, Alf I take it back, you are a genious"

Zorg "Sent the Triffids and the Tripods to Earth to create Scientific Formula Pictures in the food supply, have the Tripods report to the base in Hi Brasil, they can move from there, Triffids, you get youselves a camoflage, I suggest the Tall Blonde outfit and guys, there shall be no spitting poisonus blinding stuff at the humans or using your giant red lasers to wipe out the earth. Dismissed"


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:52 AM
Those three look stupid. I feel the urge to fight them when I see them. General Shepherd style!

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Jepic
Those three look stupid.

Hair cut, make up, contact lenses and t!t job, then lets hope they are stupid cos im going with them.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Wh00pS

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
I think that cop may have just foiled the return of ABBA

All jokes aside, a very interesting story.
I was a crop circle skeptic for a long time but what finally convinced me is that as an artist, I understand how difficult it can be to not only create but to execute complex geometric designs.
Some of these designs seem almost beyond human creation in their beauty.
Certainly the level of complexity is not the work of 2 drunk blokes out on a lark.
I have studied art history extensively and frankly many crop circle designs cannot be attributed to any style and some elements seem completely original.
If these CC's are of human origin we certainly have one of humanity's greatest artists at work on them.

Think you'll find it's not just a couple of drunk blokes.
They are a group of accomplished artists from london who have worked for some of the largest companies in the world.

There are thousands of crop circles and not just in the UK, Australia the US, Canada, South Africa...and places both remote and diverse from each other, more or less. This is all co-ordinated by some Brits? Big corporations, governments and those acting on their behalf do sometime's engage in complex often mis-directed ( a survey on politics when in reality someones wants to really know about personal income, example is completely hypothetical known in investigative survey methods as "bait and switch". It is thought in some analytic surveys that stating the truth behind, the true nature of and data desired of the survey may not KNOWINGLY elicit truthful answers. People are known for example to sometimes answer a question in a way they "think will provide the answer the questioner wants to actually hear". This may be to make someone "feel better" or "just get over it" or like a question a manager may ask to evaluate an employee the person asking the question wants to hear how the employee is really performing but say the customer who answer the questions really likes the employee on a personal level, but the worker sucks at his job. The person answering will lie unless there is no way to identify the true nature and motivations behind the survey. A classic "off-sett, directly not connected, non-specific use of questions" is a personality or psychological test. The MMPI, Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory is a template, archetype of such a test. People often take it when being assessed for substance abuse/addiction, mental illness, pre-employment, or "would I buy a car from this guy test" post-event like theft, and courts competency and pre-sentence evaluation's sometimes. Needless to say people very often want to give a certain impression. The MMPI goes back to the 1940's and to give you an example of question "flavoring" keep in mind in the 1940's homosexuality was still considered a mental illness. You were more likely" in that camp" based on how a man for example answered many questions, one of my favorite being "I would like to be a florist" I'm gay, and I would make a terrible florist... But that question would single out anyone as "tilting in that direction" this with many other questions however. The test has been brought up to date in many respects by the way.

This does have certain markers of a complex false flag test, but for many reasons I don't entirely think so. I have no idea if there is any relationship but I am aware that there are those in authority-driving positions and it's also my view that the whole UFO/alien and other such event's ARE a REAL phenomamana, but that does not mean their here, just that somethings going on. with governments very worried . This is not and i'm serious mean it's THEM, but this phenomena (UFO and other This is NOT a 20th, and 21st century fad, but activity going back many centuries. They including independent people and companies, plus such organizations as the US Department of Agriculture and a number of University based researcher's, hired by pissed off farmers who not just had crops vandalized, but often have non-growth in the affected area FOR YEARS. Some analysis has indicated severe desiccation, or removal of moisture. This can happen by very high power microwaves, but we need huge power levels here far more then the most powerful radar, and any way thats not the same frequency, pattern, and other factors needed as the best to "remove all moisture"

My comment about "mathematics" as represented commented on based on my using PI as an example. But the stuff that interests me is so far more complex, were talking incredibly abstract concepts here, and stuff where decryption experts, linguists, and experts in symbolic logic, glyph's abstract art, quite an interesting collection of fields.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Wh00pS

Originally posted by annella
reply to post by Wh00pS

ETA: And probably need to read the whole thread so far. Its easy to just jump in and make statements without knowing all the facts. I have been guilty of this myself in the past!

edit on 27-3-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

I've been reading the thread since it was first posted and also posted on previous pages, and i'm very familiar with this so called "case" having participated in the original threads a while back.
It honestly amazes me how people can believe in the whole crop circle being made by ET's claims when there is no evidence for it but absolutely loads for them being man made.

Oh there are tons of evidence of them not being man made. As I said earlier, dis info mixed in with truth and the dis info wins.

Im not disagreeing with you, I admit some are man made, but there are also facts that cannot be over looked that point towards "some" being unexplainable.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by ruffagii
The crop circles are not man made, there are some man made ones and those are easily noticeable, but the real hardcore ones are from aliens, some designed to send us messages but the geometric patterns are mostly made to heal the Earth, aliens see our Earth as a living being and she's dying, but these shapes help her to heal, thus we are not seeing much destruction now

Interesting theory. I also believe there are aliens visiting us, and have been visiting this planet for millions, if not, billions of yeras. Why this planet? Are we to conclude that there are not very many Earth class planets out there in the galaxy and universe. This little planet of ours seems to get quite a bit of attention from other worldly beings...why?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by littlezeta

oh, so they're humans with facepaint.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by AOA2012
Those look like nephilim. Six fingers, at least 15ft tall.
I would not approach these beings in fear of being eaten or some crap.
Great thread tho!

Whoa... is this the real McCoy???


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by AOA2012
Those look like nephilim. Six fingers, at least 15ft tall.
I would not approach these beings in fear of being eaten or some crap.
Great thread tho!

Ya, they look like Queens...

I would not approach them in fear of being knocked over the head by one of their peckers

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:04 PM
What exactly are nephilum ? I'm new to this site and that cops account was rather chilling. . .
I used to be a non-believer but last night I had a messed up encounter and I'll be looking for help with it when I'm able to post threads. Thanks for this thread though very interesting! so many types

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Joaquin

Nephilim are aliens in the Bible. They chilled on Earth before the flood, then left Earth when it happened, but came back later.

This is just logical assumption, seeing as they were not human, and they were not on the ark, but they certainly were not angels, and their names mean the dead ones.

In addition to this, these guys are not nephilim. nephilim do not look human. Aliens, in fact, would not look human.

edit on 27-3-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

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