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Watch him squirm

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posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 08:37 AM
I know this is a little old, but this whole financial debacle basically got its start here.

We all know that there are HUGE conflict of interest issues within the Federal Reserve banks and the treasury, but it is nice when they are drilled on it a little.

So, enjoy watching him squirm, although, as rep. Stearns points out, he will be going back to his tax exempt $200 million reality as soon as he steps out of the door.

edit on 8-2-2011 by Billmeister because: grammar

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 09:00 AM


posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Billmeister
I know this is a little old, but this whole financial debacle basically got its start here.

We all know that there is HUGE conflict of interest issues within the Federal Reserve banks and the treasury, but it is nice when they are drilled on it a little.

So, enjoy watching him squirm, although, as rep. Stearns points out, he will be going back to his tax exempt $200 million reality as soon as he steps out of the door.

This hits me right at home. I am one of those people who was forced to foreclose on my home. Even after cutting a verbal deal with the mortgage company, they changed their mind at the last minute, then stuck me with a $70K co-mortgage that ended up not being tied into the original foreclosure. So now I rent, and still have a 70K mortgage hanging over my head with nothing to show for it.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 09:26 AM
$200 million tax free. **insert lots and lots of bad words here** I don't understand how little old me has to give up near half (I'm self-employed) of my very hard earned measly crumbs of money in taxes and struggle to live month-to-month yet this is allowed to happen? Hell, even if he gave up half of that for taxes, he'd still have 100 mil to go party with. WTF?

Every time I watch one of these scumbags, no matter how old or new the news is, it just makes my blood temp go up about 10 degrees.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 09:50 AM
This makes me want to throw up.

Clear evidence of the Bankster robbery of America. To line their own pockets.

"Lets get the bail our bills so we can sell our shares and not pay taxes on the profit" WTF?

No conflict of interest here....see I got a waiver of that from the Ethics Committee... WTF?

They make their own rules.
They change the game as they will.

We have no hope....

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Julie Washington
No conflict of interest here....see I got a waiver of that from the Ethics Committee... WTF?

That, to me was the funniest part... well not "ha, ha" funny but...

It seems that in Washington, you can ask for an "ethics waiver" slip.

So, if you get caught in, (what should be) a criminal conflict of interest, you do not have to stop what you are doing, simply ask that any "ethics" not be applied to you.

Now we know how the politicians get away with their despicable behavior... they have a special "ethics and morality do not apply to me" permit.

Pathetic. Sad, but pathetic.

the Billmeister

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:24 AM
I can't even stand to look at their faces as they attempt to weasel their way around all this. How on earth are they getting away with it? Who grants them such protection? I guess we do? Some things will simply never be comprehensible. Sigh....

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:40 AM
I always find it funny when the SEC goes after Hedge Funds for insider trading etc. Not that it should be legal..

But when congress is allowed not only to be privy to this information, but ALLOWED to actually trade on the information it just makes me laugh.

Take a guess when they will vote to remove that stipulation on themselves? Must be nice to have the number for every high economic impact statistic that comes out in the market the day before. I would have to guess it is akin to the movie Back To The Future with Biff and his sports almanac.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Billmeister

It's that game.....Monopoly! Only in that, they call it a * get out of jail free* card.

An *ethics waiver*, must be the real world name for it.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Billmeister
It seems that in Washington, you can ask for an "ethics waiver" slip.

So, if you get caught in, (what should be) a criminal conflict of interest, you do not have to stop what you are doing, simply ask that any "ethics" not be applied to you.

How about the immunity from prosecution clause that Paulson insisted be included in the $700BB TARP Bill

Anyone else noticed how Hank dropped completely off the radar after his resignation went into effect ?

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