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alex jones fan begs alex to come clean about caller from white house leaking pole shift

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:18 PM
The Earth's magnetic field is connected to the sun by a thread called the Birkeland current. I offer this thought experiment to show that even a magnetic pole shift may cause rapid destabilization. Think of a heavy ball hanging from a very long thread. Some way up position a magnet. Spin the ball. The magnetic field will try to continue pointing north but two forces combine to cause it to be ever so slowly accelerated away from north, in the direction of the spin. This happens only up to a certain point beyond which the strain of the twisting thread becomes too great. The magnet then spins rapidly until the strain in the thread equalizes and again it points north. Meanwhile the spinning ball seems unaffected by this drama taking place overhead. The Earth's current is nothing like this ball experiment, but even so, just because magnetic north is now racing away from true north at 40 miles a year, that does not mean it will continue to do so.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:18 PM
does anyone know somebody on Ats that is a
rocksolid alex fan? message that person and ask them if they recorded
his show on the 28th.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:20 PM
I dont know how to post videos on here but this is similar and this guy seems legit. I have no proof of his background so I cant say he is or not. It's up to you to decide but he has some good info and Im taking his advice..

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:21 PM
These are some of the things we need to be watching for:

Sudden large rogue waves in new places
Sudden Hurricanes in unusual places
Sudden tornadoes out of season
Extremes in drought, heavy rains, out of season snows, flooding, severe storms
Mysterious Booms, methane flashes, odd underground whomping sounds
Disrupted cell phone, television and radio signals
Unusual animal behavior, disrupted species migration patterns
Unusual increases in violent behavior in human beings
Increasingly severe earthquakes
Rising Sea Levels
Storm surge on coastlines with no storm apparent
Increases in Freak Storms, Out of Season Weather

Obviously a few of these are taking placecurrently.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Jophiel

Alright Jophiel, I went through the entire episode for Jan. 28, skipping through it quickly, he didn't have open lines that day. He talked to a couple of people and explained some news. So if you're talking about a day he had open lines it wasn't last Friday. Maybe you aren't hearing it because you have the wrong date. I would start by ascertaining what day this actually took place. That would help a great deal.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:23 PM
Since when can someone predict an exact date of a pole shift? Unless of course there a time travelers in the midst.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Calender

ok i am going to email that guy again and ask him the exact day of the show.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by IamAbeliever

Sorry don't mean to be off topic, and I totally agree those are things to watch for. I noticed your signature "Religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those of us who have been there." Very Cool, Thanks for that. Peace
edit on 4-2-2011 by mileslong54 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Alex Jones is the Rush Limbaugh of Conspiracy Theorists. He's a sensationalist and a fraud. How anyone remains to be a fan of his is beyond comprehension. But.....mindless entertainment is a hip thing, I guess.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by occuluinunc
Since when can someone predict an exact date of a pole shift? Unless of course there a time travelers in the midst.

Honestly, nobody has any clue whether a pole shift could actually be predicted or happen in a single day or not since the human race has never been through one.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by innervision0730
I dont know how to post videos on here but this is similar and this guy seems legit. I have no proof of his background so I cant say he is or not. It's up to you to decide but he has some good info and Im taking his advice..

we have seen that video already, but thanks, there sure are alot of
people making his video viral.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by mileslong54

You're welcome. I believe it to be very true.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by occuluinunc

I don't think the date is right at all. What people are getting confused is that scientists are predicting that the suns poles will reverse. The suns poles reversed in 2001. It lasts 11 years and is a normal part of the cycle. So, the next one will be in 2012..They happen at the peak of solar maximum.The earth poles reversed about 750,000 years ago so it is impossible to predict since it's not regular but it WILL happen again, it's just a matter of when..

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:45 PM

this was made 2 weeks ago talks about 2011 march date

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Is the boogieman behind it? Or the Annunaki? The problem I have with this post is that first of all, a pole shift date couldn't be nailed down ahead of time to the month, much less the day. Even if it was sudden like the 2012 movie. Even if you could communicate with yourself from the future, you'd be changing it by spreading info now (thought goes a lot further than you think).

Secondly, the "source" doesn't even say what kind of pole shift. Magnetic reversal is noticeable, crust displacement is a civilization killer. Should we just assume they'll both happen for maximum scariness? Like many of you, I also sense time speeding up as we enter the 9th underworld cycle. Mother Nature's either on her period or about to give birth... frankly I hope it's the latter because I've had enough of this duality crap. If this sounds to new-agey, so be it, but until the magnetic field or crust moves under my feet shaking the entire planet, all I'm going to hear is "BRAAAAACK!!! ARMAGEDDON!!!" (Human parrots.)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:47 PM
Didnt your goverment call on all your overseas ambassadors to a meeting the other day. Maybe they where being updated then about a coming event. Are those ambassadors still in america.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:48 PM
this is a weird related video check this out

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:50 PM
10/11, I believe that February 10, is a date that is related to an event that is going to isolate people from trade routes and cause a kind of crashed economy, whether from cme's pole shift, meteors, or from wars, economics, banks, HAARP, or any combo therein. Ultimately I do believe a pole reversal and more is going to happen, which could occur from now to 2017.

Feb. 10 is a date that is on my mind however. Whether its a swift change or whether its something that unfolds from events I don't know. Look for repeats in numbers, ie. 02 10 2011, things like that.

I think being ready for spiritually progressing, ascension, the universe going up a plane like two friends who have had nde's have shared, or whether we have to be ready to re-create a world that is nothing but abuse, corruption equality by pulling together and creating new systems, sharing, no need for money, on the physical level, it doesnt matter. I just think we should be ready to help the community, in case something happens, to pull together and share.

Ie. because of these dates, I've spent the morning collecting magnetic energy system videos, because solar/wind and what is called free energy, basically its just based on magnets and wheels, ie. Planet Earth itself, and sprang out of observing planetary bodies. So what is called violation of physics is basic physics, and everyone has been snowed with this, with so many Sorcha Faal type disinfo campaigns and slur jobs out on such basic stuff. So, every community needs to keep their doctors, dentists, electricians, trasesmen, mechanics, welders, teenage boys busy, basically, if an emergency hits. Pool together. Share farms and seeds, and gather some foods, share.

Find ways to build the energy devices and use time that would be spent being miserable and hungry, tightening the belt to organize groups into inventing, creating, building, and gettting generators and clean energy factories going, really upgrades. ie. we can the venus project if we get it together.

I hope none of it happens. No sense in not prepared however.

By the way, the same thing it takes for communities to pull together and share civilized survival as a whole in a disaster, is the very same thing it takes, pastt getting food and aid to third world poor, to get them self sufficient. So I don't think if we all started doing the work we came to do when we, as a more wide awake segnment of the population, incarnated, in our communities, would be wasted if no disaster occurred. Hell no, it could create pockets of independent people, showing the way, teamed up with natives even, in partnership, and exporting the model to Africa, Indonesia, India, South America and all over wherever needed.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:54 PM
here is a video response to the youtube op video lol

edit on 4-2-2011 by Jophiel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by CrimescenePhotographer

I am a telecoms engineer, my job is to transmit television to satellites, I use a magnetic compass to start the positioning of the antenna, once the satellite is found a service is open to check the if its the correct one. Satellites have very specific characteristics making them easy to identify.

what ptb are you talking about?

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