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alex jones fan begs alex to come clean about caller from white house leaking pole shift

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:19 PM
one thing is for sure
we will get to the bottom
of these claims,someone
is bound to have the audio
if it is there, and when alex
responds, we will hopefully
obtain more info, and when the
op responds with the date we can
go from there.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Moonbeast1111
Wow, I just had a call from someone claiming to be an associate, actually offering to meet up. Apparently there is a copy of a copy of a copy of an official document showing results of some kind of investigation that will blow the whole lid wide off this thing. They said it was carried out by a team in the Antarctic and has been buried from scientific critique.
This is getting too heavy for me, and for that reason I am out.

Oh Jesus H. Christ. This reminds me of the thread that someone started about a comment Jared Loughner made on someone's MySpace page. Someone came on and said they found a blog that confirmed that NASA knew we were all going to die because of an object headed towards Earth.

I call BS regarding your post Moonbeast. Let me guess, SUVs are now parked outside of your house, your phone is tapped, you found a horses head under your blankets, and your cat is missing.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:29 PM
Let's just kidnap Alex Jones.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:30 PM
well if its from the show on jan. downloading the show right now via torrent..i think the guy records the shows while they are streaming live...ill let you guys know after i listen to it. wow gotta listen to 4 hours of alex's crap..might be a while lol...unless someone wants to take each hour of the show and have their would go faster..or someone could tell me the hour of the show this occurred. pm me if you wanna help..Cheers!
edit on 4-2-2011 by Donahue because: more info

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by pondereternity77
reply to post by JohnySeagull

These type of comments in this thread are getting very annoying. Either bring some evidence to the table about why what has been said here should be disregarded and ignored or don't bring anything at all. Don't sit here and tell people they are nutty for investigating something that you have no evidence to debunk.

JohnySeagull already answered you, but I would like to also point out that this entire thread is based on some random prank phone call to a show for gullible people where the world has been on the brink of disaster for years now. I realize that your comment is an attempt to deflect from the fact that there is zero evidence to support your belief - which is wholly based on a prank phone call that even the shyster Alex Jones hung up on, and I guess you all are having fun with your whole "sky is falling" paranoia, but the reality is that you are asking someone to debunk a prank phone, what again is the "evidence" that you have to which someone needs to prove wrong? A prank phone call on a prank radio show? And you are "annoyed" by someone who does not believe what some random guy says?

JohnySeagull was right - some of you need to shut off the computer, get off of mommy and daddy's couch, and go outside and get some air.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull

Originally posted by pondereternity77
reply to post by JohnySeagull

These type of comments in this thread are getting very annoying. Either bring some evidence to the table about why what has been said here should be disregarded and ignored or don't bring anything at all. Don't sit here and tell people they are nutty for investigating something that you have no evidence to debunk.

Hi there,

I only made those comments because this is causing unnecessary aniexty to very gulible people. Like I said this is fearmongering.

You ask for evidence.

None of the material on the table at the moment is from a credible source.

The OP of this thread created the exact same thread yesterday without the alexjones element. Why did he not just add this material to that thread????

The OP also created a thread regarding a couple of hours of a black out in Brazil. Four hours I think. He noticed people tweeting about power outages and thought he should create a thread on it.

I had a power outage for almost 24hours on Tuesday. I didn't think the world was ending. Shi1t happens. When did we live in a world were if there is a power outage it is a sign of something terrible about to happen. There has been power outages since electricity was invented.

People look back centuries and laugh at some of the myths people of those times used to believe. I tell ya, they haven't got a patch on the BS myths circulating these days.

I would be grateful if the OP would be kind enough to tell us what age he is?

You're right, there are a ton of gullible people out there and on this site.

This is nothing more than a MARKETING gimmick and it worked.

I can't believe how easily people allow their selves to be mislead to believing total nonsense.

I'm in the wrong business. I should start my own show and spread a load of crap for the gullible who don't have a clue.

All of you who buy into this CRAP, I have a one way ticket of this planet to a SECRET location so you don't have to live through this pole shift next month.

Send me a private message and I'll tell you what time and where to meet me.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:32 PM
I call hoax on this one. I don't believe anyone can predict for certain a pole shift is going to occur on a specific day let alone a specific month. There are just too many variables to accurately predict an exact day a pole shift was to occur. This reminds me of the frantic area 51empolyee who called Art Bell on coast to coast claiming of an alien attack in the works. He later called a month later and admitted it was a hoax.

There is no correlation between climate and pole shifts. Scientists are still out on what causes them so predicting them would be next to impossible. According to Einstein, he stated that the weight of polar ice would be insufficient to cause a polar shift. Some scientists believe pole shifts occurs below the earth's crust. Yet others believe pole shifts can only be caused by the earth being struck by an asteroid or comet. The pole does wonder but only at an insignificant angle of 1 degree over thousands of years.

So it seems to me if most scientists don't really know what exactly causes a pole shift, how could they even predict it to the exact day it would happen? A lot of people get cruel kicks out of causing people to be scared. If this person actually new this was to happen, why disguise your voice? If this is going to be such a catastrophic event, what does she have to lose? Most hoaxers always leave you with a bone to chew on. This one is no different. As for the poor guy in the video, he may be sincere but also gullible. If I had $10.00 for every time I heard the sky was falling, I probably would have enough to take a nice vacation in the Bahamas.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Donahue
well if its from the show on jan. downloading the show right now via torrent..i think the guy records the shows while they are streaming live...ill let you guys know after i listen to it. wow gotta listen to 4 hours of alex's crap..might be a while lol...unless someone wants to take each hour of the show and have their would go faster..or someone could tell me the hour of the show this occurred. pm me if you wanna help..Cheers!
edit on 4-2-2011 by Donahue because: more info

good luck ive been trying to get it to down load since this am

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:33 PM
Before anyone starts panicking, do you have ANY evidence that the earth has EVER had a "geographic" pole shift. Not a theory, I'm talking hardcore evidence? There is plenty evidence for a magnetic pole shift and they have been shown to happen throughout earths history. What makes anyone think a geographic pole shift is even possible?

First you have to answer that question before we can say "pole shift, crust displacement"

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Jophiel
one thing is for sure
we will get to the bottom
of these claims,someone
is bound to have the audio
if it is there, and when alex
responds, we will hopefully
obtain more info, and when the
op responds with the date we can
go from there.

I'm sure Alex is just finishing off his response to you. I 'm sure every thing will become clear then. There is no doubt that he will divulge everything he is aware of to you. He is a good skin like that.

We will get to the bottom of this , that is for sure.

Those nasty PTB will just be thinking to themselves 'If it wasn't for those meddlin' kids'

Scooby dooby dooooo , eh shaggy?

What age are you Jophiel? Please tell us?

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Jophiel
one thing is for sure
we will get to the bottom
of these claims,someone
is bound to have the audio
if it is there, and when alex
responds, we will hopefully
obtain more info, and when the
op responds with the date we can
go from there.

Its FAKE man.

Its called MARKETING to get you people sucked in and boy did It work!!

Now sense there is a bunch of hype surrounding this from the AJ followers, AJ can create a new series or show for you guys to tune in for. I would bet he will create a new pay per view just for you people to pay for.

I have never believed a word that has come out of AJ's mouth, that guy makes my skin crawl like and old used car salesman.

I got the answer, I have a secret place for us to go and escape to avoid the pole shift. PM me...hahahahaha!!!

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by runawayslave

listening now

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

He's probably not old enough to even get the Scooby Doo reference, I would bet.

This has been a nice Friday laugh. Thanks people - it's been a somewhat stressful day.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by topdog30

Thats gold man.

You cracked me right up.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:41 PM
It might as well been a publicity stunt, wether it was on a small or large scale? Who cares, as longs as it got the buzz going, the objective of the stunt has been achieved.

Besides, if he's the supposed talker of truths, why shouldn't he make the interview public? Because he wants to protect you from the awful truth? Sounds like hypocrisy to me.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:45 PM
Oh this thread totally reminds me of the one about Loughner. If anyone wants my prediction as to how this whole thread ends just U2U me and I will tell you how the whole thread is going to turn out. I can smell this hoax all the way from here.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:47 PM
I laugh at all of those people that claim pole shifts happen gradually over time. Really, based on what? The corrupt scientists? The corrupt shows like Discovery and National Geographic? Folks, if you haven't learned this yet, after all these years of supposedly "waking up" and chasing the rabbit down the conspiracy hole, there is only one reliable, 100% accurate, provable, loving source of information coming to us in this time of tribulation.

People channeling aliens.

Take that to the bank. Alternatively, you can find out what is going to happen by talking to your animal spirit guide.
To assist you in this process, I am attaching this wonderful video. The video will stop and buffer on the animal guide that is meant for you. If it doesn't automatically stop on your animal, your spirit animal may be man, which is really a bad sign.

edit on 4-2-2011 by alyoshablue because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:50 PM
Bottom line is this, regardless of whether the world is going to end or not it IS ABSOLUTELY 100% logical and rational to prepare for situations where you might not be getting your "needs" from your "providers"...

Stocking up on food? Good idea regardless of how stable the world is economically or geologically.

I don't give to rats ass whether this "guy" is fear mongering or not it effects my approach to the world situation NONE.

We ALL know the dollar is going south...period.
I would love to see ANYONE come on here in these forums and post any evidence that isn't based purely on fairy tale fantasy, blind faith, and hope that the worlds economies are going to "turn around" and the dollar is going to gain strength.

The system was flawed from the get go and was all an illusion to hold power and STILL Is. people cannot refute this without ignoring the fundamentals of how the Fed prints money that is worth less than is owed back to it. That fundamental flaw is all the proof that is needed for everyone to realize it was a game and its about to be over. But still some refuse and whatever that's their prerogative.

So again regardless of what this guy says about pole shifts and how he is fear mongering its smart to stock up on food and living necessities and to argue otherwise is ridiculous.

The dollar is not going to gain buying power and the world isn't suddenly going to have A TON MORE FOOD...these obvious inevitable factors will lead to more expensive food in the future PERIOD...So buying now makes sense as you will get more for your dollar now than tomorrow or the next day etc...

its a double whammy. As food prices rise because of scarcity and because the cost of producing goes up as the dollar declines the balance in food cost that we are used to will run away from each other in opposite directions until its no longer sustainable.

Traditionally in the past this was corrected in the market with "cost of living raises" that were usually issued by employers and government employed agencies.

If you are unemployed you are not getting a cost of living raise, they don't toss you an extra 5% for the rising food prices in your unemployment check so as unemployment goes up less money there is in the common market to make up for the inflation.

I would love to hear from anyone here that has recieved a cost of living raise recently? THAT does NOT work for business that received "bail-out" money...

I work for the State of Colorado and we haven't received a cost of living raise for almost 3 years now and the governor announced we won't be getting one for 2 more years. Due to "budget crisis" we have been having hiring freeze after hiring freeze and promotions went from 10% raises to 5% raises no exceptions. 5 years with no increase in pay wouldn't be an issue if the products and goods we rely on for living applied by the same rules and didn't raise prices, but alas this is not the case.

this is just common sense easily observable stuff here...there is no conspiracy to this...

Break the bank and spend your savings on food? NO...

Consider preparing yourself for a situation where the power company can't get you power, the water company cant get you water, and the stores can't get you food.

Lets not be so eager to label everything "fear mongering" otherwise we risk plunging our heads into the sand.

Don't be afraid, be prepared...

edit on 4-2-2011 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:51 PM
well i see the thread haters have arrived!
trytng t persuade the crowd, until we find the
audio or new information comes out, please
do not be negative, at least we are investigating
this, and not saying for sure either way, whats wrong with that
here is the audi from the c2c show is this the same caller?
that was on the aj show? she gives a link t the
info but it comes out 404

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:52 PM
here is the link that she tried t give to alex tm

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