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Thanks Wikileaks for getting my thinking straight

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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:47 PM
English is not my native language, so please forgive me in advance.

I have to thank wikileaks and the Media for working together(1) and more importantly to get my thinking strait, away from all this nonsense conspiracy crazytalk. I now know that the US has a clear and truthful agenda of who the bad guys are and why they see the world the way they do.

Now I know that the Iran is working together with North Korea to develop nuclear weapons(2) and that they have strong friends supportin them(3) to bring down this Hitler(4). I also know now that China might not be a problem as it won´t back up North Korea anymore.(5) Hell, even China would ultimately side with the United States over Iran. (5b)It´s best not to be in opposition of the US because nobody wants to be called "arrogant, vain nor critical"(6)

Additionally I know that the Us can be quite forgivable as long as you help them out.(7) The nuclear problem of Israel and how it might frighten their neighbours is not an issue.(8) But best of all is they appear so real and human if they say the truth without all the fancy diplomatic make-up.

I support Wikileaks and the media to clear my vision and getting the truth out by defending their website and stopping this anti-Islamist hacker. Even if his goal was heroic to save state secrets and the troops.(9)

last but not least they give me hopes to reform the unstable banking system once and for all in early 2011 (10)

Actually I knew all this before but now I have absolute certainty!

Cheers & "TANGO DOWN"

(1)"Media help" as said in the interview by Daniel Ellsberg, November 29, 2010
(2) Iran obtained 19 advanced North Korean missiles
(3)Documents show calls for attack on Iran
(4)WikiLeaks say Ahmadinejad dubbed 'Hitler'
(5)China weary of North Korea behaving like 'spoiled child'
(5b)Secret documents show Chinese role on Iran
(6)US diplomats called Putin 'alpha-dog'
(7)US says Saudi donors are chief financiers of al Qaeda
(8)Wikileaks vindicate, don’t damage, Israel
(9)'Hacktivist for good'
(10) WikiLeaks Will Unveil Major Bank Scandal

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by shr4n
I now know that the US has a clear and truthful agenda

You and I must not have read
the same documents.

R U sure u didn't read Green Eggs and Ham
instead ???

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:13 PM
I think you misunderstood what is going on.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Critical comments may be expressed in an ironic way, such as saying "don't work so hard" to a lazy guy. The use of irony introduces an element of humour which make the criticism seem more polite and less aggressive. Sarcasm can frequently be unnoticed in printed form. Even though, both interpretations may be correct. Honestly guys I feel like I´m being manipulated by the recent "leak".

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:35 PM
The documents, to me at least, we disappointing. I have always said "documents" in this day in age are slow, not very informative, and could be done a lot better. These are just plain sad.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:37 PM
if there is nothing bad about israel on those documents, its almost SURE that wikileaks is a disinfo campaign

I just cant believe that they wouldnt say a bad word about israel, since all they do is ask, all they do is challenge the world ...

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by shr4n

I agree. I also feel "manipulated" by this last leak. I don't feel right about it. not one bit. I feel like they're lies. Disinfo.

Was wikileaks tricked... or is wikileaks tricking us?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by shr4n

There are so many possible angles with this.

It's making my head spin.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:44 PM
I got you. The thinking of America changed overnight! We are proud again...and feel somewhat more secure. C'mon, true-belivers...dont'cha feel even the slightest bit manipulated?

I was pro-wikileaky until I felt my opinions being, I'm investigationally agnostic.

edit on 29-11-2010 by The GUT because: un-hyphenation

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:47 PM
I think wikileaks has done an immediate service by allaying fears that WW3 is about to break out with China's "automatic" involvement. I've been saying for some time now that it's in China's BEST INTEREST for North Korea to be obliterated if anything.

Simple research shows that China and Russia use North Korean slave labor for their projects.

Open the doors to labor trade with North Korea or manufacturing with them and China is a forgotten memory of cheap, but not cheap enough times. China, right now, is the lowest bidder ALWAYS. And this is assured due to there being hardcore sanctions against North Korea. Lift those sanctions (should NK submit and disarm) and China has * N O T H I N G *.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:52 PM
What you are getting is the reality of diplomacy. All of our nations behave just like this. The only difference is that the United has more political, economic and military firepower, thus asserts a more potent influence than others.

As for Israel being unscathed (as are a great many nations at this point), we have only seen a very small sliver of these documents thus far.

I would say that what has been selectively released up to this point would have the desired effect.

-Rogue nations with unstable leaders have been called out on their lies publicly.

-Major powers have been exposed and embarrassed, forcing them to focus more on talking out the issues and setting a field on which there are much fewer unknowns.

There is the potential for this generate a deeper cooperation on solving some obviously dangerous issues.

In the end, it's still up to the negotiations of the diplomats, which unfortunately, is the where the primary damage has really been done.

It's tough call as to the ultimate outcome of this event. I am not happy about the leaks, but i do see a potential positive outcome.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 07:53 PM
I was pretty shocked actually reading through the leaks.

but, I don't really feel like I am being manipulated...I will always question my government.

I do feel however I was being deprogrammed in some areas...reading through it, I was expecting to see some absolutely evil stuff from the US incredibly horrible we in the west are...all but mafia style diplomacy...then reading through it and seeing not alot of that, I realized that most of those theories of mine came from frakken conspiracy websites that have source unknown and general bitter resentment...

so, I am and always will be neutral about what my country does in my name of course, and to an extent, how the west acts towards the east in general...but I think more critical, I need to stop listening to angry conspiracy theorists that mouthpiece words of the world tyrants moreso than democratic societies. Good to know both sides of an argument, but with that comes the need to have a bit of perspective.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
if there is nothing bad about israel on those documents, its almost SURE that wikileaks is a disinfo campaign

I just cant believe that they wouldnt say a bad word about israel, since all they do is ask, all they do is challenge the world ...

There maybe some dirt on Israel after all, indirectly
of course

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
I was pro-wikileaky until I felt my opinions being, I'm investigationally agnostic.

oh kewl
2 new phrases I never heard before
in the same sentence.

investigationally agnostic

I'm impressed
star 4 u

but somehow I don't feel like wikileaks
has an agenda except for the truth.

If it is a big disinfo campaign by a gov entity,
then they have used more resources, more
money and more time than 9/11 ever did.
There would be no match for it in history
unless u count hiding UFO's.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 08:30 PM
the wikileaks releases are a prime example
of why most people should not be investigators.

Investigations are built around one small
chunk at a time. And that chunk is connected
to another chunk. And eventually a foundation
is laid for a theory. Most people do not have the
patience to be investigators. They want all the
evidence laid out for them like watching a TV
Crime Drama. In real life investigations, this
is never the case. There are real pieces of evidence
that most would overlook or connect the
dots to. Once you see that data in it's raw
form like the wikileaks releases, it means very
little. But once you start formulating the bigger
picture from the individual pieces, it becomes
quite bone chilling. There is evidence of
illegal activities from several governments
in those releases. But presenting those
pieces any other way than the way they were
would be detrimental to the outcome.
The reason why most folks think there is nothing
there is because they haven't connected
the dots yet. When they do, it will be an eye
opening experience.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
the wikileaks releases are a prime example
of why most people should not be investigators.

Investigations are built around one small
chunk at a time. And that chunk is connected
to another chunk. And eventually a foundation
is laid for a theory. Most people do not have the
patience to be investigators. They want all the
evidence laid out for them like watching a TV
Crime Drama. In real life investigations, this
is never the case. There are real pieces of evidence
that most would overlook or connect the
dots to. Once you see that data in it's raw
form like the wikileaks releases, it means very
little. But once you start formulating the bigger
picture from the individual pieces, it becomes
quite bone chilling. There is evidence of
illegal activities from several governments
in those releases. But presenting those
pieces any other way than the way they were
would be detrimental to the outcome.
The reason why most folks think there is nothing
there is because they haven't connected
the dots yet. When they do, it will be an eye
opening experience.

Thank you boondock for that refreshing common sense. I'm actually more shocked this time by ATS'ters responses than the released documents, in as much that people seem to be unable to shed their Hollywood conditioning that some dramatic situation was going to arise on the release of these. The world just doesn't function like an episode of 24 - and people find that disappointing.

I agree totally with what you say, that there is a wealth of information on illegal activities in what has been released so far, and it's only a small part of the total. There wll be people who properly understand this who are pouring over these right now, joining up the dots.

I'm sorry that so many people can't appreciate the value of what is being given to the world here, and that people are literally risking their lives to make this happen.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

oh kewl
2 new phrases I never heard before
in the same sentence.

investigationally agnostic

I'm impressed
star 4 u

Ha, I had to dig deep to try and express that which lies tantalizingly just beneath the surface.

but somehow I don't feel like wikileaks
has an agenda except for the truth.

I struggle too, because there are some obvious game-changers and public benefit that will result from these "leakies." Maybe, though, there has been penetration and/or Wikileaks/Assange has been compromised. There is some manipulation here, but I haven't a sure suspect yet.

I see you're being somewhat investigationally agnostic as well, "Boondog"
in your remark about the spook-like demeanor of the wikileaks spokesman in the CNN vid. That was somewhat creepy, eh?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by gandhi

You do realize that not even a fraction of a percent of the documents have been released so far?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
I see you're being somewhat investigationally agnostic as well, "Boondog"
in your remark about the spook-like demeanor of the wikileaks spokesman in the CNN vid. That was somewhat creepy, eh?

well to me, he did look like a spook

And I mean that in all sincerity.
He looked well versed in the ways
of the agency. He appeared to have
the demeanor of a deep cover operative
which means he's experienced and confident.
He was physically fit evident from his jawline
and his physique. He stared into
the camera like he was looking
through it. Very lil emotion at all.
There is a very big difference
between a PR guy like the WH
Press Sec. and a professional spy
in their presentation skills.
He avoided the left brain / right brain
when asked questions by the interviewer.
He focused straight on the camera.
He canceled his body movements during
the interview. The average normal
person does not know the incintricites
of interview and interrogation. And he did !!!
and he pulled it off rather well. Though some
can tell what he was doing

I don't know what happened to Assange
but I feel a lot more comfortable hearing
these type interviews coming from him.

Assange did not show these signs at all
when he was interviewed.
edit on 11/29/2010 by boondock-saint because: clarifying

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Being that I recognize the rare, stract soldier, such as yourself, I viewed that video knowing what you basically meant. I wasn't expecting it to be that strong an impression. Not that it's definitive, but your observational skills do raise some interesting points.

Interesting enough that I'm researching him--Kristinn Hrafnsson--now. Apparently he's been associated with Wikileaks at least a year. Icelandic and a journalist (mostly tv?)

Can I be on your side in the Apocalypse, Boondock?

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