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Thanks Wikileaks for getting my thinking straight

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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:20 PM
I hope you're not serious. Please consider that the cables are simply the American diplomatic view of what's going on in the world - this might, or actually might not be correct. I'm sure it's correct in some ways (ie. factual depictions of 'who said what'), yet it's equally likely to be incorrect in others (ie. analysis done by ambassadors).

There's no absolute 'truth' in the leaks but if you sit down and read a few of them carefully, you can start to understand the wider picture and see how America is operating in the world governments.

Not particularly well, apparently.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:20 PM

edit on 29-11-2010 by Baldur because: apologies for the double post

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:27 PM
Wikileaks is bad, mmmkay people.
You shouldn't leak when you wiki, because wikileaks is bad.
Wikileaks is bad because we shouldn't show our underwear, mmkay, unless the enemy show us theirs too.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
Can I be on your side in the Apocalypse, Boondock?

I have no idea why u would want
to be on my side.

I always root for the underdog
which normally means I'm on
the losing side.

call it a family tradition

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Wikileaks is bad, mmmkay people.
You shouldn't leak when you wiki, because wikileaks is bad.
Wikileaks is bad because we shouldn't show our underwear, mmkay, unless the enemy show us theirs too.

loved the promo
u got skills son

star 4 u

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
Interesting enough that I'm researching him--Kristinn Hrafnsson--now. Apparently he's been associated with Wikileaks at least a year. Icelandic and a journalist (mostly tv?)

well if he is with the agency
you will not find the evidence
of it on the internet ....

well that is unless u crack the CIA
Personnel Database which is probably
not even attached to the backbone.

Basically, I don't think u will find what
ur looking for cuz u r looking in the wrong
place for ur evidence.

The true evidence is in the video itself

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
Maybe, though, there has been penetration and/or Wikileaks/Assange has been compromised.

that would be my biggest concern
right there.

I think wiki may have started with good intention
but may have been coerced or taken over
at some point with an agenda.

I did notice the last 2-3 interviews
Assange did, there was a change
in his mannerisms. He appeared
anxious or jumpy, maybe even scared.
Don't know if that was from the pressure
he was under or if he knew something
he wasn't telling. Something was different
about him. Maybe he has been compromised.
Or maybe he is being used unknowingly.
Maybe the edge came from the criminal
allegations against him, who knows?
there is a mystique about Assange
that I haven't figured out yet. There is
something he is hiding but I can't
distinguish if it is wiki related or personal

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

that would be my biggest concern
right there.

I think wiki may have started with good intention
but may have been coerced or taken over
at some point with an agenda.

It definitely starts to give a context that could explain the anomalies that are cropping up. Like the fact that "Julian" felt initially genuine to alot of us, but now something seems different about Wikileaks.

As far as spooks go as you know: They come cloaked in many different flags...or even ideologies. Socialism or Mossad or an Occultic NWO just to name a few possibilities outside our own shores.

I hope my spidey-sense is misfiring and Wikileaks is all about truth. And, as has been maturely pointed out by many, it's early yet. It's just my instincts are hollering pretty loud and persistently.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
As far as spooks go as you know: They come cloaked in many different flags...or even ideologies. Socialism or Mossad or an Occultic NWO just to name a few possibilities outside our own shores.

yes ur correct.
the way he spoke led me to believe
he was very intelligent and educated

I bet this guy has a profile somewhere.
But I doubt we ever see it, lol

Just a brand new face popping up
other than Julian out of nowhere
is kinda weird. Normally, Julian
would be the facade in the spotlight.
However, this is different. And you may
be right. This may be a foreign intel op.

edit on 11/30/2010 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
As far as spooks go as you know: They come cloaked in many different flags...or even ideologies. Socialism or Mossad or an Occultic NWO just to name a few possibilities outside our own shores.

on another note,
I really don't think this is Mossad
as it doesn't fit their usual MO.
Plus the fact, if it was Mossad
they wouldn't beat up their prize
dog before the race, unless .......

the info leaked was used as blackmail
for US Foreign Policy. Leverage, if u will.
And when Obama didn't comply,
the leaks fly. But that is just hypothetical.
If I had to take a guess, I would say the
most highly probably candidate would
be NWO. Russia is a non-factor and has
too many pokes in the fire and China has
economic aspirations and too much invested
already in the US.

The NWO has been under a lot of conflict
lately with White Dragons. That $134B
stopped at the Italian border with 2 Asian Men
enroute to SW may have been payoff between
NWO and White Dragons or a trade. Bonds
are usually used by the underworld when big sums
do not need to be seen in the banks. Plus
a physical bond transfer does not allow for auditors
to find account numbers of the NWO.
edit on 11/30/2010 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by shr4n
I now know that the US has a clear and truthful agenda

You and I must not have read
the same documents.

R U sure u didn't read Green Eggs and Ham
instead ???

Synagogue of Satan; behind it all. Above nearly all conspiracies. Assange is a tool, like Obama; a mouth-piece. If he was wanted to be "Suicided", just look to 11/22/1963, Dallas. THAT is what happens to people who oppose them or their plans. It was all foretold. Even this site; read the New Testament, just a LITTLE, and you'll find it was ALL foretold. How crazy is that?
edit on 30-11-2010 by AdmiralX because: Wrong use of "Peace", thanks for demanding a reason Mr. TSA agent.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:19 AM
Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts. Please allow me to share my view of what comes out of all this. If you are interested in international politics (and other more professional people seems to agree) there is nothing really new in all this. Basically a massive mass media hype with all it´s glamour.

I told my family in advance that maybe something big will be announced and that we might need to get ready for a nasty oil price increase. Well usually I don't tell them about what I read here and in other boards. But the day after the first media coverage I felt ashamed for telling them but my mother said to me well this was "kindergarten" it must be fake. (well she literally said "fake" not exactly a word in her daily vocabulary.

In the end it will damage freedom of information and free media(1)

I don´t need wikileaks to bring my the next political soap-opera I expected something quite different and so far I have to agree to the authorities that this leak is irresponsible and in my opinion useless.

I hope that the remaining documents will make up for the damage done so far.

(1)Homeland Security blocks Web sites with 'controversial opinions'

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

on another note,
I really don't think this is Mossad
as it doesn't fit their usual MO.
Plus the fact, if it was Mossad
they wouldn't beat up their prize
dog before the race, unless .......

the info leaked was used as blackmail
for US Foreign Policy. Leverage, if u will.
And when Obama didn't comply,
the leaks fly.

I think that's very possible at this point in theory, because that exact scenario could be argued against the anomalies as well. The leakies--or maybe "slow drips"--of information could, of course, be for the innocent reasons stated by Wikileaks, but it would also give an intelligence operation time to readjust what's leaked to not only mold public opinion, but to sway cooperation from key players.

Speaking of that 134B at the Italian border: Hmmm, now you've given me food for thought, where the ice box o' my brain was previously empty.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:54 PM
As you are reading my thread I would like to conclude it with today's Democracy Now!1h Video (Tuesday, November 30, 2010) please start at 30min into the show.

how Clinton confirms how the Leak and the US interrests against Iran are carring the same message! The fact that the Iran is posing a serious threat to neighbours, ...

the show continues with what I wanted to highlight. Please check out the comments regarding the Arab leaders

if someone knows how to link to the video directly I would appreciate it.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
...lately with White Dragons. That $134B
stopped at the Italian border with 2 Asian Men
enroute to SW

wow I almost forgot, some info about what happend? thanks!

Originally posted by The GUT
I think that's very possible at this point in theory, because that exact scenario could be argued against the anomalies as well. The leakies--or maybe "slow drips"--of information could, of course, be for the innocent reasons stated by Wikileaks, but it would also give an intelligence operation time to readjust what's leaked to not only mold public opinion, but to sway cooperation from key players.

not bad, I don't know if i understand you perfectly here sorry about that but it made me thinking and maybe it is what you meant in your comment. What if the leak is real and someone orchestrating the release to reduce the damage to paint a picture of events for us starting with some useless info only informative to a "housewife" only to gain time and overwhelm the public until they get bored and after some facts and stuff the real "world changing" info will be revealed (or not). If that is so, there is still hope. But I guess mainly it is my wishful thinking again. Especially if you think about the security level of the documents and so far they only damaged the Internet and censorship.

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