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Infinity Cannot Be Proven Using a Finite Set of Evidence

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posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 01:13 PM
This post can be viewed by any person of any faith or non-faith, but the target audience is Christians. I was raised a Christian for most of my life so this religion is where I relate the most and can offer the most information to. I am in no way picking on or bashing Christianity, I’m just pointing out a fundamental flaw in the way We the people received the message of Christ. I would ask that you do not post until I notify that I’m finished. For those that like healthy debate, I kindly ask that you do not derail this thread as it contains pertinent information to the salvation of humanity from this diabolically clever, mass reality shifting scheme.

For thousands of years religious leaders warned that human beings should not examine the nature of the infinite. Religious teachings often equated infinity with the concept of a Supreme Being. One of the last victims of the Spanish Inquisition, Giordano Bruno, was burned at the stake for his explorations into the characteristics of infinity. Many others joined him as martyrs who only wanted to find the Truth. This is because the Age of Pieces was set up by what some call fate and others call worldwide manipulation, to teach us inquiry. If we do not question, we do not progress.

Now the Age of Pieces, which began around the time of the Roman Catholic Church’s uprising, is ending and the Age of Aquarius is beginning. What does this mean? With intense advances in communication technologies, the knowledge that was withheld by priesthoods and passed on through time by various occult arts has become available for those who seek the Truth of Infinity. Spiritual practices have housed this information because most physical sciences refuse to recognize realms of influence beyond the scope of our limited senses. This is where faith is supposed to come into play; faith that we house a connection to infinity because we are infinity and part of infinity. The microcosm mirrors the macrocosm, as above so below, etc. Quantum theory has only begun to touch on the vast amount of infinity that is available to explore.

In fact, we have always known infinity even before our modern sciences and mathematics were “advanced” enough to partially explain it. Since infinity (or the Supreme Being) encompasses all, we can only express Infinity because we are part of the all; good and evil, yin and yang.
There are some forms of divine expression that reach into the aesthetic creation of Infinity, which we have always had in our music, art, and dance traditions, to name a few. These are the same things that Christianity has renounced in the name of heathenism and expression of the Devil. This is ironic because a supreme being would not only encompass our concept of God but also our concept of the Devil.

The definition of the word God has kept us confused and separated from the Truth. We have seen the characteristics of human beings in God instead of seeing the characteristics of God in us and in everything. In the past, anybody who even came close to this Truth was crucified. As a matter of fact, one of the martyrs of this message has become a universal symbol for those who are, for the most part, ignorant of its meaning: Jesus Christ. There is only one God but it encompasses an infinite amount of parts; unification and division at the same time. This is duality and believe it or not, this is what Jesus Christ preached.

This has caused some confusion amongst the masses because We as a people have a habit of separating subjects where at first there was no division. For example, what is Jesus Christ referred to as in multiple parts of the Bible? The Bright and Morning Star. What is Lucifer called in multiple parts of the same Holy text? The Bright and Morning Star. Yet even with an apparent contradiction staring us in the face, instead of realizing the meaning of the unification we divide the factors and continue to live without questioning this occurrence. People like to call this stubbornness faith, but curiosity is what causes us to advance. Faith is what causes us to remain blind to evidence. This is why Adam and Eve remained blind to God until they became curious from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (or duality) which was directly in the middle of the garden. They stayed in a bliss that caused them to remain intelligently stagnant.

Although Infinity cannot be proven with physical cases, it can be shown to correlate with an idea based on existence. When people say that we are God, they do not just claim that each individual is God. We are each a part of the divine expression of Infinity, or “God”, therefore we are both part and whole. The reason that this message was seen as blasphemy from the Roman Catholic Church is because in the first AD centuries, religion was being used as a tool in order to propel various agendas and keep our views restricted to the benefit of those in power. For more info on these agendas, visit Protoplasmic Traveler's legendary post, All Roads Lead to Rome.

Continued on next post

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 01:16 PM
While most people were either not allowed or not educated enough to read Scripture, those who did were rewarded with money and promise of spiritual favor with “God” if they became priests. The upper hierarchy of and behind this controlling priesthood (or The Powers That Be) edited and scrambled texts while it was in their control until the Printing Age of Communications in which the Reformation came about. Reading and writing rates increased indefinitely but our views had been shaped before this change was introduced.

Our time to question this time is coming to an end with the Age. We must find that although we have questions we also have the answers to these questions and more because we are part of Infinity. I urge you not to look towards established scientific evidence or any established physical evidence for that matter. The Bible is physical evidence that speaks Truth but if you don’t have the mind or the time to decipher its true meaning, I urge you not to go by this either. Physical support (or “objects of the world”) can and will crumble at the end of this Age so you must look beyond an absolute view in the only place that is absolutely with you: your soul. Your body is a temple which houses holy information. Don’t just use the left or right parts of the brain because the body is not absolute; use both to reach the middle ground where you find a realm beyond physical intelligence.

If Infinity expresses itself in everything, you must realize that the connection to Infinity comes from within, not from an external source. Do not become or continue to be a follower. Do not try to lead others. Lead yourself to salvation. Spreading the message of how to achieve it is helpful but every person retains their free will. Do not fear the opinions of the world, or their hatred and intolerance of Truth because even Christ knew that “Satan” (which is just the negative part of the human psyche) leads the world (ego) into hating God (Truth). [John 15:18]


posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 01:25 PM
I can use the finite resource, of 1 meter.

And I can cut this meter in half, and repeat over and over.

Basically I can cut this meter infinite times, had I tools sophisticated enough.

So yes, I can prove infinity with a finite resource.

Sorry to not reply to your stuff about religion, but you weren't aiming it at me in the first place.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I can use the finite resource, of 1 meter.

And I can cut this meter in half, and repeat over and over.

Basically I can cut this meter infinite times, had I tools sophisticated enough.

So yes, I can prove infinity with a finite resource.

Sorry to not reply to your stuff about religion, but you weren't aiming it at me in the first place.

To take it to the extreme that hypothetical reasoning can be shared with something as small as an atom. Blows your brain doesn't it?

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 02:26 PM
I really do believe this reality is infinite. What else could it be. Don't start about religion, these guys are just being stupid.

Just this week this guy who goes to church every sunday says to me: Son, who do you think created you? I was like WTF. Nobody created me, i was already there. Our consciousness is infinite, what else could it be. Why start, if you would sometime just cease to exist, that is totally not logical. Nobody 'created' us, we were all, already there, from the very beginning, if there ever was a beginning. Consciousness is a mystery still unsolved, and will stay unsolved.

Time and space are infinite. This moment we experience as the 'now', will always be there. If not, i am very disappointed lol.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I just close my eyes and breath with my whole body. At that time i look into the darkness of my mind and see the universe. While i breath i breath with every cell in my body, as i do this i see the universe before my eyes breathing as i do.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Well, that is until you reach the part where there is less than 1% matter. Then that meter wouldn't be very infinite at all. Only the concept of it.

cyberjedi, I've learned that people don't like using logic when it comes to religion, but the combination of science/church, logic/faith, etc. is how one would reach "God".

onequestion, you've connected with your higher self, nice job! meditation is awesome.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by NOTHING 4 NO ONE

and yes, it does.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by prepared4truth
If Infinity expresses itself in everything, you must realize that the connection to Infinity comes from within, not from an external source.

Brilliant. Great post, but I felt this summed up everything you wrote. couldn't agree more.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Thanks for the feedback!

You're right that sums it up. The rest of it is really meant to lead people to this assumption by giving them the logic I used to come up with that statement. Most people are stubborn and need "evidence".

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Well, that is until you reach the part where there is less than 1% matter.

What would the other 99% be then?

And how do you define matter? Molecule? Atom? Proton? Quark? Boson? Superstring?

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Kaiju

Well my friend, that other 99% would be empty space!

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Just because it is space does not mean it is empty.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I'll clarify: empty according to our instruments. Of course I'm not counting what the space may contain in other realms/dimensions upon better inspection.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

I understand ... but we ourselves are but 'empty' space yet our consciousness exceeds the sum of the .xxx substance.

The reason I mention this is that you referred to Christianity in your opening post. It should be noted that all the ancient teachings upon which conceptual religious institutions were built upon, including the teachings of Christ, address this. Of course institutionalized faith has no use for esoterics for it depends on externalities to sustain their 'carrot at the end of the stick' foundations.

Anyhoot, interesting topic.

[edit on 31 Aug 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 09:09 PM
This all brings to mind the Heisenberg uncertainty principle:

Oddly (or not considering my major) I learned of this in philosophy classes before physics classes.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 09:14 PM

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Hmm... that is a bit odd but it makes sense. The uncertainty of descriptive accuracy would make great philosophical lecture material.

Of course institutionalized faith has no use for esoterics for it depends on externalities to sustain their 'carrot at the end of the stick' foundations.


[edit on 31-8-2010 by prepared4truth]

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 11:23 PM
I like science. math, and I believe that Christ died for our sins so we could have life.

People always say, "It can't be that simple!" I say, "Why not?" If God is real and He wants to make it easy for people to reach Him, so people don't convince themselves that they need good deeds to atone for their mistakes in the past and know they're already forgiven, then there is no reason why He couldn't do that. It's God reaching to man, not man reaching to God.

People always say, "They corrupted the teachings of Christ" but what if His teachings are actually simple and people just want to complicate it because they think they have to do many good deeds to please God and get to heaven?

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by 547000
People always say, "It can't be that simple!" I say, "Why not?" If God is real and He wants to make it easy for people to reach Him, so people don't convince themselves that they need good deeds to atone for their mistakes in the past and know they're already forgiven, then there is no reason why He couldn't do that. It's God reaching to man, not man reaching to God.

People always say, "They corrupted the teachings of Christ" but what if His teachings are actually simple and people just want to complicate it because they think they have to do many good deeds to please God and get to heaven?

Personally, I think that its not about good or bad deeds at all. We as humans have applied human characteristics to God and regard it as a "being" who needs to be pleased. Who is to say what pleases a God that we cannot understand?

I also feel that the teachings of Christ are not as simple as people are led to believe. Many of his teachings have meaning behind the literal meaning, which is to be expected of a teacher who has reached "enlightenment". His teachings are "corrupted" in the sense that they have been broken up, edited, and some crucial elements purposefully left out.

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