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Who Knew? - All Crop Glyphs are Human-Made

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posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:19 AM


This has to be the most blatant attempt to spin away the legitamacy of non-human made crop glyphs ever, laughable.

In the immortal words of Bill Hicks, "I'm glad to see you went to so much effort..."

Do you think maybe someone is threatened by the notion that there are extra-dimensional sentient beings trying to communicate with us?

I have a very personal relationship with one particular glyph:

I have seen a mythbuster-type program where they tried to not only recreate a glyph but the blown nodes, metal beads and anomalous EM effects in one night in the dark, they couldn't do it.

I have one reply to those who support the ALL HUMAN MADE stance:

Yeah, ropes and planks, line-of-sight...


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:22 AM
Hilarious. I saw the link for it on yahoo mail but refused to click it because I was sure it was stupid. Amazing how 2 guys come forward, and it explains all of them. wow.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Kalki11

I'm no expert but I don't think even a large group of people could go into a field in the dark and create a complex design and not leave any trace.

Sure some of the simple circles were done by people.

If you want me to believe that all of them were done by people show me people doing them in one day and not leave a trace.

Until then I will stick to my own theory thank you.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:38 AM
Some are made by humans, but you can see it quite clearly when it is and when it isnt.

Man made:

Something weird witnessed:

[edit on 20/7/2010 by Nupster]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Nupster

Which makes this vid so laughable - who is the audience here? It's like 2012, or South Park - nobody is on the fence.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Nupster

Excellent vid, IMO that is proof that some are not man made.

How can you debunk that?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:54 AM
The disinformation super highway strikes again.


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:55 AM
So aliens were inspired by these guys who started this hoaxes and started to make more complex things by themselfs?? I dont think so...

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Zmurfix
So aliens were inspired by these guys who started this hoaxes and started to make more complex things by themselfs?? I dont think so...

Who said these guys started this?

Is it not possible that these guys were inspired by the "aliens"?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Not of this Earth

Originally posted by Zmurfix
So aliens were inspired by these guys who started this hoaxes and started to make more complex things by themselfs?? I dont think so...

Who said these guys started this?

Is it not possible that these guys were inspired by the "aliens"?

And were there any complex or non-complex crop circles before these guys?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:06 AM

A site with some nice intricate circles.

I watched a documentary called Star Dreams and it showed some circles which looked like the straw was braided. That can't be done fast. I just can't find any close up pics online that show the braiding.

Too many anomalies for all to be hand made, some for sure, but no way all of them. Also the math involved in some of them is very complicated. Who knows what kind of intelligence is involved in the making of the intricate circles, it could be something as yet unknown, but not human.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:18 AM
And were there any complex or non-complex crop circles before these guys?

IMO the complexity of the crop circles as increased as our scientific knowledge has grown over the years.

I'm not saying I know for sure that these are the work of "aliens" but just wishful belief. I have been wrong before.

I do fear were may be arguing something that has been argued on this site at nausem.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Not of this Earth

Yeah, nobody on the fence...we should discuss/investigate who felt the need to produce this video in the first place.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 10:43 AM
All crop shapes are human made, despite the links in the opening post, if you can really ''prove'' otherwise then you'd really make me happy and although I couldn't personally 'prove' they are not alien made you only have to look to common sense/logic. It's stupid to think aliens would travel all this way and only leave shapes in the crops as a means of communication, it's a ridiculous notion and anyone who believes these are made by aliens is extremely gullible. There is a big difference between being gullible and being open minded by the way.

Why don't we see the shapes in mud or sand? It's because we'd see the foot prints isn't it? Why else?

Before anyone plays the ''closed-minded'' card don't bother, it's a cop-out of an arguement. I'm open minded enough to believe aliens exist (although I don't believe they've visited earth, although I'm prepared to believe in the possibility) which is why the subject has interested me for years.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Hawkwind.

I agree that there needs to be more proof, on both sides of the argument.

The video in the above post shows a crop circle being created and an expert saying that the video is not a fake. Thats pretty good evidence.

I also believe in aliens but am not sure if they have visited us. I never said aliens created crop circles I just said they do not appearer to be man made.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 11:21 AM
The Oliver's Castle video of the orbs making a crop circle is a known hoax. There's no doubt other threads on here about it.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Here is the post I posted in the other thread about this video -

Crop circles did not "originate" in 1976, David Wilcock would get pissed off if he watched this video lol(in one of his presentations he talked about the history of crop circles and it goes back way farther than the 70s). Whether you believe all crop circles are fake or not, they still are pushing misinformation.

And then half way through the video, they try to explain the origins of the word "logos" and they do just as bad as a job. They just tell you it was the greek word for "word", most people would just be like "OK sure" and never read more about the word "logos" which is unfortunate because its origins are far more interesting than the video makes it out to be -

IMO, who ever made the video has a strong hate for new age beliefs.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Hawkwind.

Hawkwind - you are speaking to a religion who's followers are indoctrinated with their faith in alien visitation and how the magical aliens are going to solve all of our problems. To them, there is nothing at all illogical about the notion of super dooper advanced aliens conquering interstellar travel just to tag our wheatfields and poke holes in our cattle. Sometimes these hyper brilliant aliens "forget" to turn off their earthlike navigation lights - boy, do they get in trouble with the interglactic federation council for allowing us puny humans to film them. We are just stoopid, closed minded fools for not having the faith. Either that or we are government debunkers trying to hide the alien agenda.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit

I watched a documentary called Star Dreams and it showed some circles which looked like the straw was braided. That can't be done fast. I just can't find any close up pics online that show the braiding.

Do you mean this circle? I think it was one of last years, in the UK.

There were a couple more last year, which had a simular feature. Pretty cool whoever made it.

Do i think crop circles are man made? Not all of them, no. I think the orbs of light, which have been filmed once or twice, and reported many more, have a little something to do with some of them. Even crop circle makers (human ones
) have reported strange orbs of light floating about. Umong other anomolies.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Not of this Earth

The problem being, there is no evidence that Extraterrestrials, have created one crop circle period. Why? There has been no actual proof of extraterrestrials. On the other hand there has been proof, and for that matter, documentaries of humans creating these. Yes I can see after LOTS of practice these people getting far better at what they do. If you want to take this seriously, and back it 100%, do the actual leg work. Spend the money, set up motion activated cameras all over every area where this is common to take place. Especially in the UK. It might even become a fun hobby, you can get a seriously decent MD camera for about $200. Go out every three days and see what you have captured on film. If this is a real phenomenon vs. very artistic humans, this should solve the mystery in short order. If you do capture E.T.'s creating these, you will be famous, so well worth it.

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