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You Have Nothing To Fear (**read this thread it may change your life**)

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Colopatiron
Information for you, and for us...

You state the following:

We are also more succeptable to pathogens and diseases in meats than we are in plants, the diseases that effect plants don't effect us nearly as much.

It was pointed out to me you’re new member, so for that reason only I will take a moment of my time to point out: When you make a statement like the above here on ATS we would appreciate you backing up such claims with fact. As in posting the URL, the name of the book, or the name of the person and his/her credentials of where you gained such information.

Since you’ve already done the research (supposedly) you should have that information right at your fingertips.

I suggest in the future you add a *source* for your information so others can go to the source and research it themselves as it’s the responsibility of the OP (original poster) to include this information in their threads.


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by Colopatiron
Information for you, and for us...

You state the following:

We are also more succeptable to pathogens and diseases in meats than we are in plants, the diseases that effect plants don't effect us nearly as much.

It was pointed out to me you’re new member, so for that reason only I will take a moment of my time to point out: When you make a statement like the above here on ATS we would appreciate you backing up such claims with fact. As in posting the URL, the name of the book, or the name of the person and his/her credentials of where you gained such information.

Since you’ve already done the research (supposedly) you should have that information right at your fingertips.

I suggest in the future you add a *source* for your information so others can go to the source and research it themselves as it’s the responsibility of the OP (original poster) to include this information in their threads.


The source of this information was from a college Microbiology course. The explanation is that everything feeds on certain things because they are dependent on them to acquire what they need to survive, it's out of necessity in the host parasite relationship. The microorganisms are feeding on something (plants) with a different chemical makeup than ours. They have a different cell structure. Once in our system, many of these organisms don't get the same cell structure environment they need to survive or a different host parasite relationship. They are not use to swimming through blood for example! They swim through cytoplasm. Also plant cells have a different protective layer than blood cells. Plant viruses set out to break through protective layers of plant cells, blood cells are typically foreign to them!

Whereas a microorganism that feeds on red bloody meat, like say a tapeworm in pork or undercooked sushi (fish), can enter your body and can thrive just like it swims around on and through some bloody meat. It can swim through and live in your system, you provide it nourishment, you feed it. It can burry itself into your stomach lining, into your muscular tissue. There is no muscular tissue for it on a plant, it would die on a plant.

I tried to find you a link but I couldn't find you one, so you can just take it based on pure logic or research it further and draw your own conclusions. I'm not saying you cannot get sick from eating a plant that has a certain bacteria on it, I'm saying that the wide range of things that feast on plants are less harmful to your body than the wide range of things that feast on meats! Also it should be noted, most cases of plant related sicknesses on humans are from CONTAMINATION that came from meat, not from things that feed on plants.

"Probe can't pinpoint how E. coli got into spinach
But the report couldn't say exactly how the spinach became contaminated.
However, the report found several possible causes -- including tainted water, cow feces in a nearby field and wild pigs roaming the area."

This is prevalent in the fact of how many pounds and pounds of fruits and vegetables you eat raw in your lifetime without having to cook or freeze them to protect yourself versus meats.

The sheer reality that also humans are the ONLY creature on this planet to cook their food also speaks volumes about meat consumption. You will rarely if ever eat raw meat like a dog, bear or alligator thus proving you are not really a true meat eater. Again I am not saying don't eat meat! However we have to at some point face the reality that we weren't intended to eat meat. Just like chimps don't eat meat.

So try to eat what you are intended to eat, it's important to your longevity and ability to fight diseases.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:58 AM
Very nice write-up and very very uplifting. But consider Malthus' Essay on Populations.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:17 AM
Nice thread - very enjoyable, and accurate.

While I see some people wanting to argue semantics with you - I find it fairly disagreeable - it does not address the underlying message you are pointing out.

What many do not realize, is that their dependency on the current system is not an accident - they (whoever you want to call them) want you locked in, so they can threaten to turn off the switch to your life.

Big deal - let them throw that switch. Western civilization MUST come to and end - nothing can be more certain. It is based on a fallacy, that exponential growth is sustainable in the context of finite resources.

I advocate personal freedom - and that consists of independence from the systems - food distribution, utilities and finance (and more).

The ability to remove those bonds from yourself is available to anyone who is able to first identify the bonds, and consider the alternatives.

Good food is vitally important - so is sunshine (!!! yes, its vitally important - especially MORNING sunshine!) - but the good food can sometimes be hard to obtain.

Power to you - keep up the good work.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Totolover1409
Very nice write-up and very very uplifting. But consider Malthus' Essay on Populations.

Thank you!

As far as Malthus on population increases being checked by famine and disease I think this has to be taken in the context of the proximity of the population increase. If you are talking about in certain specific cities where bacterial diseases pile up with all the waste in a tight area, than yes it is possible. If you are talking about everyone fighting for the same resources that aren't being replenished by the people or the government at a fast enough rate, than yes! In that tight proximity it could definitely happen and makes perfect logical sense. At which point people could leave, just like they relocate to find jobs when jobs also dwindle down based on supply and demand.

However I think we are smart enough to find ways to exceed food demands against population increases. Either at the individual level, at the corporate level with someone finding new ways to service self-sustaining technologies, or at the government level.

I've also researched diseases in depth and I marvel at the capabilities of the body to fight infection. 80 years old with no grey hair and all their teeth and no need for glasses. 100+ year olds walking around and still active.

Did you know that when you give a plant adequate nutrients it actually forms a strong waxy layer to protect itself. It becomes much more green with larger strong leaves that can actually provide shade for you, they are that BIG. No pesticides or plant drugs, just natural nutrients! Just think what the body is capable of.

If you go to 1:55 on the video you can see an example of some really healthy leaves on a plant...a DAVID WOLFE video, he's a fascinating and inspirational person, if you have a chance watch everything you can from him..

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:28 AM
On what land can I build this shelter? On what land would I grow this food? You still have to have land which still makes you a slave.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by mrwiffler
You air head. People already grow food. The point is you can't say that "we will never starve".

Let's say you lived in Ethiopia and said this just before millions starved..."hey everyone, food is free, all we have to do is plant some and we'll be ok."

Doesn't work like that. There are BILLIONS of us. The only reason you probably wont starve is because you probably live in the west.

You are very new to utopian idea's, I can tell. It is good to see someone being positive but me going and planting a bit of food AIN'T going to help if the world turns to sh#t and the west is forced into starvation.

Just found this fitting. Enjoy!!!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:40 AM
Can I just ask, who is this addressed to?
Are you suggesting that starving kids on TV are a figment of our imagination?
What about access to unpolluted water?
What about when there is a country wide drought and people, animals and plants die?
What about the possibility of a new ice age? Yes there are people who survive in Arctic conditions but generations of culture have given them the knowledge and the skills. Same for desert peoples.
Are you saying that if someones heart packs in or their appendix bursts, a few herbs growing round the corner will sort it?
It's nice to get an uplifting thread for a change, but really, this is all just so much la la land.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by unicorn1]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by calstorm
On what land can I build this shelter? On what land would I grow this food? You still have to have land which still makes you a slave.

You should go through and read the thread, it's been stated and addressed over and over again from various viewpoints. I never stated land was free. However land is not that expensive in certain parts of the world including in parts of the U.S. I am also not implying that you should actually go out and find some land to build a house and plant food on and live on. I'm saying at the core of your existence this is possible. It should always provide you with an internal peace knowing that the universe provides for you everything you need. Any barriers are then man made barriers. Your ostacle to land is not a universe obstacle, it's a manmade obstacle. The same problem the indians had, they felt nobody owned the land but should take according to need. This has long been the belief around the world, plenty to go around!

However there has been a shift. Governments have risen up and have taxed it. You also have to buy it or gain rights through governments. Again a small price in comparision to being a lifelong slave to a job and to a mortgage to know your biggest obstacle is in fact LAND.

It should still provide you peace of mind and hopefully some inspiration to incorporate a change in your life to maybe even growing things if you have land, if not indoors or close by.

I talked to a friend of mine who lives with his parents and told him to start growing his own foods so he can eat healthier since he has a lot of health problems. He said he didn't think his parents would be ok with him planting things in the backyard. I told him, why are you even assuming the negative or even considering asking them, just plant it! More horrible things have been done! Since when is it even a bad thing to plant and grow food anywhere you can? If they don't like it, they'll just cut it down. If they do, it will grow and grow. What is wrong with people thinking that so many people out there are so adamantly objecting to fruit trees and food being planted in their close vacinity. If you get caught you could simply apologize and say I thought I'd plant an apple tree here like Johnny Appleseed!

If you are worried about it being mowed over as a small plant, you could always begin it's growth indoors in your house and then later take it outside and plant it somewhere in the middle of a wooded area. You could do this all over the place. It would be like stashing away cash or food. Just an idea for people who say they have no place to plant a tree or grow something! Imagine the positive impact something like that has.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:50 AM
Not to mention government agencies are so criss crossed that if you planted fruit trees all over the place on government land they probably would think it was some sort of city or neighborhood approved thing, or from another government agency.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:58 AM

Just found this fitting. Enjoy!!!

He brings up a good point, relocate! However if you watch the documentary FLOW, you'll see they ARE able to grow things in the desert. Also if you google Ethiopa, you'll see there are parts with green grass and vegetation. Things will grow there and if they don't, he's right, people should relocate.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by unicorn1
Can I just ask, who is this addressed to?
Are you suggesting that starving kids on TV are a figment of our imagination?
What about access to unpolluted water?
What about when there is a country wide drought and people, animals and plants die?
What about the possibility of a new ice age? Yes there are people who survive in Arctic conditions but generations of culture have given them the knowledge and the skills. Same for desert peoples.
Are you saying that if someones heart packs in or their appendix bursts, a few herbs growing round the corner will sort it?
It's nice to get an uplifting thread for a change, but really, this is all just so much la la land.
[edit on 30-10-2009 by unicorn1]

I never said it was a figment of your imagination, I said based on the laws of nature, when you plant food it grows. Hence food is free. I would like to point out to anyone reading this thread how much criticism I've gotten by even making this statement, basic logic, basic scientific principles! Why are they still starving, because for some reason they are not growing their food in abundance or are not relocating to where the food will grow! Maybe they don't know how, maybe their government is opressing them. Regardless don't get upset at me because I am stating a scientific fact! Get mad at all the world governments and world corporations that have the ability in the blink of an eye to send over everything they need to grow food, down to the water itself! Be mad and infuriated at the people in neighboring countries!

Obviously if your appendix bursted you'd go see a doctor, unpolluted water is rain water that's distilled in the clouds or captured and cleaned. Wide spread droughts have been handled throughout history by people, there are ways to guard against them including methods in food preservation and storage. Look in history and find past solutions there.

You would find misery at the end of a rainbow because it's what you are seeking.

Please stop for a moment and tell me something good in this world? When is the glass half full with you and what does it take for you to have a great day? I am just curious.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Colopatiron]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Colopatiron

I never said it was a figment of your imagination, I said based on the laws of nature, when you plant food it grows. Hence food is free. I would like to point out to anyone reading this thread how much criticism I've gotten by even making this statement, basic logic, basic scientific principles! Why are they still starving, because for some reason they are not growing their food in abundance or are not relocating to where the food will grow! Maybe they don't know how, maybe their government is opressing them. Regardless don't get upset at me because I am stating a scientific fact! Get mad at all the world governments and world corporations that have the ability in the blink of an eye to send over everything they need to grow food, down to the water itself! Be mad and infuriated at the people in neighboring countries!

No, what you said was that food was free for all and the universe provides free food for all. What you said was that the universe provides free shelter for all. What you said was that the universe provides great wealth for all who create. Where is the logic, proof or scientific principles there?
What do you mean 'maybe their government is oppressing them'. Of course the governments are oppressing them. Why would anyone need to get annoyed with the neighbouring countries of those oppressing them? And if you are stating and acknowledging that governments and corporations control everything including access to food and water, then your whole argument about the universe providing is null and void, superceded as it is by men with guns.
Therefore you will have to state;
'If you happen to live in a country that allows you to build huts, and the land is cheap enough for you to afford, and you have a friendly farmer who will allow you to chop down his trees...and feed you while you are doing this. If you then have the necessary skills, the physical strength, mobility and tools, then you can probably build a shelter, as long as there are no buidling regulations in place. Otherwise the universe cannot provide shelter for you.'

By the way I cannot see where you have answered my argument that buiding a hut would not be allowed because of building regulations, other than in America where everyone is apparently desperate to help you.

Then you would have to state;
'If you live in a country where your every breath is not regulated and controlled by the government, and if you have sufficient space, tools, money and time to grow seeds inside or out, eventually you will probably have some food. Bearing in mind that only limited food can be grown indoors so this will not meet your nutritional requirements. If however you are so badly controlled and abused by your government that you are starving to death,then this will not be possible at all, ever, as you are at the end of a gun, and therefore the universe has no provisions for you and you will starve to death, as man's laws supercede any universal laws that I decree are true.'

As for the guff about wealth, I cannot even be bothered to go there. Reading between the lines I imagine you are very young and idealistic. However, nonsense is nonsense regardless of age and who states it.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Tomis_Nexis
reply to post by Colopatiron

Food is free? Shelter is always there?

Try telling the Palestinians that.

Brings to mind a line from a standup comedian, Sam Kinison......"Go where the food is, you live in a f#%king desert!" If that's your homeland, and you don't want to leave, that's fine....YOU LIVE IN A DESERT! Look all around you,see's sand. Two hundred years from now it will still be sand. Time to find a better set of digs.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Yummy Freelunch
OP, your post would make sense if we all lived 200 years ago...but as you've seen by others is not anymore! Nothing is free..not even air..i have to pay 50 cents just to put it in my tires.

It's so funny you said that! The other day this guy bummed 60 cents off me for air for his tires! I gave it to him of course. He was even saying how weird it was he had to do that.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:20 AM
How has higher consciousness taken the " Fear " from us ? Participation in a non-dual awareness allows the negative energy bands to loosen and fall away. Those tightly wrapped up in the illusions of false perceptions wriggle and choose to spend their live's working themselves out.This is a safe place to be they think , It really is what it is and the Truth does set us free !
From my perspective every second I am in this reality with this awareness I am eternally grateful !
So I am !
AND .... I know what fear is : An anxious anticipation of danger !
So, why do I need it " NOW " ?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:32 AM
Thank you for sharing this with us..the OP makes excellent points that many dont seem to look at.. some of the comments from members here however have me floored..

One does not have to be wealthy in order to have land on which to garden and grow ones own food.. for instance myself and my partner are by no means wealthy yet were able to grow enough potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, runner beans etc to eat fresh and store away with just one growing season.. but before we started planning it all i too thought our garden wasnt big enough or we didnt have enough money to sort it all out.. what we didnt have room for in the ground grew wonderfully in deep plant pots, including mints and herbs.. certain neighbors, friends and aquantices have done the same now for a number of years..they arent rich either!

Personally i feel very lucky in the way i grew up.. dirt poor financially mind you, but we never went hungry, and in fact ate like kings really.. my father hunted for meat (deer, rabbit, grouse, pheasent etc), he was a fisherman and wild crafter with amazing veggi gardens and natural cures for just about anything, his main concern was always on the immune system..he is 65 years old and looks exactly as he did 10 years ago.. no hair loss or badly graying hair, no health problems (other than a bad back since his days in the army) He doesnt eat processed or store made crap, and still lives off the land today even though they are by far wealthier than in my childhood..

For a previous member who stated how dangerous picking wild berries and mushrooms can be..please.. anyone stupid enough to go out on the search for edible natural food sources such as berries, nuts, medicinal plants and/or mushrooms, without proper research of what they are looking for before hand, gets what they diserve..its called natural selection. If one does the research and studies into what grows wild around them its the best way to eat. its how we are meant to be eating!. but common sense also has to be used (ie dont pick berries by the sides of major roads or electric power stations)..

Unfortunately we all are trapped and enslaved within the system we know today..just to varying degrees..if everything were to collapse tomorrow i am content in the knowledge that my family and i would be able to live quite comfortably without stores, malls, ebay and so on..its the people who 'need' microwaves and mcdonalds to live who are going to have issues.. but again, natural selection.. Hell, i am looking forward to it all falling down in order to escape entirely from this system to live life in tune to nature and the world around us..which so very many people have lost complete touch with these days... if it doesnt come in a tesco or walmart bag it cant possibly be edible or any good!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:04 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

reply to post by gazerstar

Stacks of old tires are wonderful for growing potatoes, but did you know the same thing works for tomatoes? Both plants will, if partially buried, create new roots from the old section of stem. Just be sure you leave enough leaves exposed so the plant does not die.

Personal story: some years back, I grew a tomato plant in three stacked tires. I used dirt from the forested mountain behind my house as filler (super-rich soil). I also used a high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer called Ra-Pid-Gro (that I have since been unable to find anymore) on a daily basis.

The tomato plant grew to a height of over 9 feet. I couldn't reach all the tomatoes without using a ladder! The trunk was so thick that I had to cut it down with an axe.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:36 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

reply to post by silo13

And you think life is hard now? Try life living off the land. LOL. Then you’ll know what hard really is.

Yeah, it's hard. You're absolutely correct.

But there is a huge difference between 'hard' and 'impossible'.

The difference of opinion between yourself and the OP is based off of your differing perceptions of life. You are both correct, based on your own perceptions of what life is to be like. I can see things from both perspectives, since I have been a businessman and yet was raised to be self-sufficient.

Both lives are hard, but in different ways. As a member of modern society, one receives many rewards: entertainment, extended social interaction, comforts, and free time. But in return for these rewards, one must fight the daily rat race of economics and business. Money becomes the primary goal in life, for it is now money which allows one to survive in their environment. With the race for money comes mental stress; with mental stress comes anxiety, worry, and a tendency for someone to be self-centered. Even worse, IMHO, is the tendency for everything in life to have a price tag associated with it... even another human life.

Rural life is a bit different. Money is no longer a necessity to survive, but survival without it is harder physically. You awake at sunup to do the things that must be done in order to have the things you need for survival. Your day doesn't end when the clock strikes 5:00; it ends when the sun sets in the west and there is not enough light to see in order to work. Some of that work is physically strenuous; some of it is tedious and boring; some of it is just plain dirty.

We all have a choice to make: which life will we choose? You apparently chose the former, and that is a fine decision. I am choosing the latter, also a fine decision. Unlike a math class, there is no wrong answer here. The only wrong answer is denial that the alternative doesn't exist.

As to the old, the infirm, the weak... we in this alternate life have our own solution to this. It's called caring and compassion, and it is also the reason I chose this life. I have a cousin who is mentally retarded; his mind is that of a six-year-old, although he is well into his 60s now. He lives with his mother, who cares for him like any mother would care for a six-year-old. When I go by, he is always happy.

He works alongside his mother to take care of the house and garden. He does everything he can do to help out, and no one ever expects him to do more.

Now one day his mother will pass on, but he still won't be homeless or uncared for. His brother will take him in. Should something happen to his brother, his niece will take him in. There will always be someone willing to care for this man. Even I, should there be no one else, would take him in.

In the city, he would be a ward of the State. He would have the things that make others comfortable, but how many times would he be scorned for being a 'dummy'? Would he get the satisfaction of feeling that he really belongs somewhere? Would he understand that he is a valuable part of the community, regardless of any shortcomings he may have? I would hope so, but I think not.

The same goes for the infirm and the elderly. They still tend to do what they can, but others from family and community always seem to show up and take care of the rest. My mother is in ailing health right now, yet she still lives in her house. Should the day come when she can no longer take care of herself, will we ship her off to a nursing home? That would seem to be the thing to do in the city. Instead, I have already declared my intentions to care for her, for as long as it takes, to keep her dignity in those last days.

The gloom you ascribe to this simpler way of life is not as you imagine it. When removed from the self-centered hustle and bustle of urban or even suburban life, people tend to form even tighter communities and take care of their fellow humans to a much greater extent.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:01 AM
Another thing that springs to mind, is that the Universe WASTES nothing, you, your breath, the ground, the stars EVERYTHING gets recycled, your soul however is a different matter, make yourself comfortable and make yourself honest, after all you can take that with you when you cross over .

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