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100% Failure Rate

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+54 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 02:42 PM
My Wife forwarded this email to me this morning. She does not know where it came from but I thought I'd post it here as I found it interesting.

We need to look at this every day and burn it into our brains.
Come 2010, every member of congress who voted for the
stimulus package needs to find other work.
They are spending our money.
Capitol switchboard...202-224-3121

Riddle me this: For those who need a picture,

To the Congress:


The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 -you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.


Social Security was established in 1935 -you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.


Fannie Mae was established in 1938 -you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke.


The "War on Poverty" started in 1964 -you have had 45 years to get it right;$1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked and our entire country is broke.


Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 -you've had 44 years to get it right; they are broke.


Freddie Mac was established in 1970 -you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke.


Trillions of dollars were spent in the massive political payoffs called TARP, the "Stimulus", the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009... none show any signs of working, although ACORN appears to have found a new source: the American taxpayer.

And finally, to set a new record:


"Cash for Clunkers" was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took cars (that were the best some people could afford) and replaced them with high-priced and less-affordable cars, mostly Japanese. A good percentage of the profits went out of the country. And the American taxpayers take the hit for Congress' generosity in burning three billion more of our dollars on failed experiments.


So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that "services" you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system?

20% of our entire economy?

With all due respect,

Are you crazy?

PS: If you really think about it, “We the People” have been electing these failures for all those years they have been failing…so not only do the politicians need to wake up, so do the voters!

I'd add to this that behind closed doors as you all know, in total secrecy they have just rewritten the Health Care Bill which represents 16% (soon to be up to 20%) of our economy.

-What were we promised by Obama if he were elected?


-All hearings shown on CSPAN and no secrecy.

-All Bills posted on the Internet for 5 days for comments before he would sign any Bill.

-He would sign no Bill containing earmarks and would veto them out of hand.

-No Lobbyists in his Administration.

Every single promise listed has already been broken. The Health Care Bill is being rewritten and the Bill that came out of committee was pretty well thrown away which is not even legal to do. More than half of those polled are opposed to this Bill. Everyone want's Health Care Reform but not this way. They don't give a damn what the majority wants.

They just told us very clearly through their actions that we no longer matter and they are there to serve the Lobbyists and Special Interests; not us. Even if you voted for them, they don't give a damn about you. They want you poor and desperate so they can Dictate to you and throw you bones to keep you subservient and weak. You know; good little subjects (slaves).

....and people actually trust them? Insanity has taken over.

I've lived and participated in this system from JFK to now and for the first time in my life, I'm terrified of a President and his intentions for us. By the end of Obama's first four years there will be nothing left to save. I honestly believe his plan is to destroy us so he can remake us in his own image. I believe we have a genuine megalomaniac on our hands who has very bad intentions for us. Politicians lie and we all know that. This man though is more than just a chronic liar. He want's to bring us down.

[edit on 10/28/2009 by Blaine91555]

+12 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 02:51 PM

This man though is more than just a chronic liar. He want's to bring us down.

How can you say that with a straight face? What evidence do you have to support this that doesn't also apply to every other President in history?

--- Bush uses taxpayer dollars for illegal wars that kill hundreds of thousands of people.

--- Obama wants to use taxpayer dollars to give the US a healthcare system that isn't the joke of the developed world like it is right now.

How is Obama worse exactly? Please spell it out as I'm missing something.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 02:59 PM
Failure it not a problem when it is a part of an overall strategy to grow government through greater dependence on government.

It has been an ongoing agenda for decades, from the power-grabbing extreme left Washington elite, special interests and lobbyists your message does not expose failure, it highlights a successful plan to grow government.

Don't be fooled into believing you can stop them now, you can't.

The final phase of this plan will usher in global governance, a real new world order.

The US economy and government are being systematically broken down and reorganized to better fit within the "world model"

Failure or success are simply a matter of perspective.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by ImplausibleDeniability

Illegal wars? The same wars that Obama claimed not to have voted for unlike Hilary? Health care? Notice that we have not once heard about what happens when a congressman gets elected and gets that super duper gov't health plan. Not a single politician is giving up anything for this health plan. They won't be in it!! What a great start, kinda hard to trust in something the creators won't be part of!

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:04 PM
I love visual interpretations (seriously). Thank you for sharing!

On a side note, regarding how we can change our government and/or the world, the answer is as follows:

YOU can't do a single thing! YOU are slave to the cause! YOU will continue to follow their rules and regulations! YOU will continue to celebrate birthdays, Christmases and Halloweens! YOU will (hopefully) live a long and fruitful life .... then YOU will die!

Obey and YOU shall continue to breathe. There will never be nothing YOU can do to change what is and will be.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:04 PM
I've never seen the post office as a fail. My grandmother loved social security.

I don't agree with "wars" on (subject here) because they are wars on ideas, and that's rather pointless.

By the same argument of saying fannie and freddie were a fail we could state unfettered capitalism is a huge fail. I don't think that was the email's point though.

+12 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by ImplausibleDeniability

Do you really think that the destruction of us from inside by destroying our economic system is any less destructive than anything Bush did?

I'm not beholding to a Party so I can freely criticize Bush and Obama.

Since you played the Bush card apparently not knowing I'm as angry at him as I am at Obama; you have showed your hand. It is impossible to debate a person who is blinded by Partisanship.

Are you happy Obama broke most of the promises he made to you? If so, why? Explain why committing fraud to be elected is OK?

I think to know a person you look at who they surround themselves with. He has surrounded himself with Special Interests and Lobbyists with some of the most radical political beliefs there are. So radical he has to hide the facts about them.

He has no loyalty even to his own beliefs. He throws people under the bus almost daily. I'd have some respect for him even if I don't agree with him if he at least stood up for what he believes and stopped lying. He threw his church away. He threw his friends away. He threw his family away. He will throw you , his supporter away before it is over.

He signed the Omnibus Bill which was filled with earmarks. Do I need to post the video's of him promising not to sign any bill with even a single earmark in if it came across his desk?

His first appointment was a Lobbyist and many of those that came after are Lobbyists. Should I post a video of him promising not to have ANY Lobbyists in his Administration? Did you miss all of his speeches?

The CEO of GE who controls NBC is one of his appointed advisers. He promised no Special Interests in his Administration. He gave billions to Unions and not a dime to help those who need the help the most. He has SEIU actually writing parts of the Health Care Bill. Once again did you not hear his speeches where he promised no Special Interests? Don't you care he lied to you?

He promised total transparency and to have all hearing aired on CSPAN along with posting all Bills five days on the Internet before he signed them. He broke all of those promises. If you watched the news you know the Health Care Bill is being written behind closed doors in secret and they threw away the one written in committee. Again, do you like being lied too? Why do you like him lying to you? Are you even aware the Health Care Bill already is full of known earmarks?

He is for the Fairness Doctrine. He tried to block Journalist with opposing points of view from access to him and his Administration. He is transparent about wanting to control the media. Are you also opposed to Free Speech and Freedom of the Press as he is?

He promised to pull out of Iraq. Even though the media he controls has failed to report anything about it, he is not pulling out. He never intended too. He just lied to you to get your vote. Again why are you not angry about that?

His popularity ratings are dropping every week as people realize just how badly they were lied to and as they realize his promises were all lies. His lies are documented on video's for anyone to see unless they have their heads buried in the sand.

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:29 PM
Ok, let's see here:
Cash for clunkers went "broke" because it was successful beyond their imagining.

Medicare and Medicaid help have helped literally hundreds of millions of Americans over the years and continue to do so today. They are in financial holes, but saying they are broke is a sweeping oversimplification used for your political ends and is not a factual analysis.

The "war on __blank__" mentality is one that comes from the right....does the war on .....terror, drugs, crime, etc ring any bells, and you are correct, it has been a failure.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have helped millions of Americans to buy homes, the private market is one that lead to the bubble and its ultimate bursting.

The USPS is one of the most efficient examples of mail delivery the world has ever seen. You drop a letter in your mailbox with a 44 cent stamp on it, and by tomorrow afternoon its across the country, wow, that sure is an example of a failure!?!

Social Security: Come on now, are you really saying you want you or your parents or grandparents to be denied Social Security because it's a failure as well, or are you just playing partisan politics?

Oh wait, don't answer, that was a rhetorical question.

Your facts are wrong, your arguments weak, your conclusions questionable, and your methods are patronizing to those of us who think for ourselves. Might I suggest you come back and try again after a little nap?


posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Seiko

The Post Office has a serious deficit every year. If it were a business it would have gone bankrupt long ago. Just do your homework and you will find it is a financial disaster.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:36 PM
As a former letter carrier I can tell you that eveyrday you get your mail is a miracle. 3 seperate unions and an over paid, under qualified management under the same roof! Leaving that job was the best move I've ever made...

Has anyone noticed that all the things listed here as epic failures are really none of the gov'ts business constitutionally?

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Since you played the Bush card apparently not knowing I'm as angry at him as I am at Obama; you have showed your hand. It is impossible to debate a person who is blinded by Partisanship.

Are you happy Obama broke most of the promises he made to you? If so, why? Explain why committing fraud to be elected is OK?

He promised to pull out of Iraq. Even though the media he controls has failed to report anything about it, he is not pulling out. He never intended too. He just lied to you to get your vote. Again why are you not angry about that?

His popularity ratings are dropping every week as people realize just how badly they were lied to and as they realize his promises were all lies. His lies are documented on video's for anyone to see unless they have their heads buried in the sand.

Whoa whoa whoa, slow down superchamp. I'm a Canadian, I don't care who you vote for. Or don't vote for, as it doesn't matter what voters want anymore apparently.

I just wonder why you single Obama out as someone not to be trusted, when by your math no-one ever to set foot in the oval office deserves to be trusted.

That's all I'm saying on that.

Except for a bit more...

I tell you what you guys really's the same thing that we need up here in the Great Green North...we need politics to matter.

Nobody votes because nobody cares. Apathy is entirely to blame for the mess democracy is in.

If your livelihood and safety TRULY mattered, and there were consequences to voting, you can be damned sure voter turnout would surge and the crooks would be driven out.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Great thread but I sense you are throwing a lot of muck at obama and the democrats. You may disagree but the democrats do care more about the average joe than republicans. They are the workers party and republicans are the rich need to talk about other issues since I am strictly talking about financial matters.

Bush did more damage to the us economy and our reputation as a world super-power than all the other presidents combined in our 250 year history. Correcting just a few of his mistakes within 4 years will prove to be a difficult, if not impossible challenge.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I can't see any difference between this "email", and the ones sent out leading up to the '08 Presidential election saying that Obama was....

-A secret Muslim
-Pals around with terrorists
-A communist
-A socialist
-A kenyan

Come on, if you can't tell the difference between a legitimate difference of positions, and a cowardly hatchet job by now, then you should refer to your original post, which gives it away completely.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
She does not know where it came from

Do you also find interesting the countless emails from people that you don't know that promise "get rich quick" schemes, "endless supply of Viagra", "homes for $100.00", et cetera ?

-C'mon, you're smarter than that.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Artephius Abraxas Helios

By crushing all the cars in Cash for Clunkers they removed the best used cars from the market. Now used cars are at an all time high. Who got hurt. The poor working people. I'd call that a failure.

Exactly where is the money that will cover Medicare and Medicaid and are you aware the new plan is to cut Medicare by 50 billion? Please post where this money for Social Security and Medicaid is as nobody else seems to think it exists. Where is the lockbox and exactly how much does it contain. When did Congress pay back all these funds they took out and spent? I missed that? Not even the DNC denies these entitlement programs are in deep trouble.

There is no more money!!!!!!!!!!! The piggy bank is empty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...and yet the entitlement crowd wants more. The only way to give it to them is to steal it. The money is gone. All gone. Our credit rating is now predicted to go the same as a Third World Country within three years. When he took office it was predicted to happen in 11 years.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Rhetoric

I'm not a Republican. I am equally upset at both Bush and Obama.

I do think the Democrats who let the Party do their thinking for them are in denial. This man lied to get in office. He is a bad man. He is no Messiah. He has surrounded himself with horrible people who are doing a terrible job.

I'm not a Birther either. My problems are to do with the bankrupting of our country and the attempt to fundamentally change us to a system like the one that is failing in Europe.

I believe in Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press and think the government should never interfere with these freedoms. This Administration scares me because it is clear they want to control the media. Everyone should be terrified of the Fairness Doctrine and what they want to do to the Internet.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Even though it's a federal agency, the Postal Service has not received any taxpayer funding since the early 1980s, when it was phased into an independent, self-sufficient financial entity. "We're not seeking any tax dollars," said Postal Service spokesman David Partenheimer. "We don't use tax dollars for our operation."

This is a far cry from the bank bailouts. A deficit on paper because of the projected retirement costs of their workers does not equal to a tax hole.

It's entirely possible I'm mistaken.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:17 PM

By crushing all the cars in Cash for Clunkers they removed the best used cars from the market. Now used cars are at an all time high. Who got hurt. The poor working people. I'd call that a failure.
Wait..what??? Are you seriously saying that "the best" used cars were pulled from the market? First, used cars in general were at a premium during cash for clunkers but have since leveled out. Second, even if it were true that used cars were still "at an alltime high," that would only help the drivers of those used cars ...generally the working class. Again, your facts are wrong, and your analysis weak.

Exactly where is the money that will cover Medicare and Medicaid and are you aware the new plan is to cut Medicare by 50 billion? Please post where this money for Social Security and Medicaid is as nobody else seems to think it exists. Where is the lockbox and exactly how much does it contain. When did Congress pay back all these funds they took out and spent? I missed that? Not even the DNC denies these entitlement programs are in deep trouble.

The plan is not to "cut" medicare by 50 billion, the plan is to find 50 MILLION (not billion) in savings by streamlining the red tape and useless redundancies in the system. That frees up the money to be spent elsewhere. Next, if we would quit dipping into the savings and tax money that social security, medicare and medicaid are designed to have, then there would be plenty to run those programs. The problem is not those specific programs, but wasteful spending that uses the money that those programs are supposed to be endowed with. Spending on ... I don't know ...wars on drugs and terror maybe. As a veteran I'm all for defense spending, but two wars abroad and police wars back at home really are not what our armed forces were designed to do. Empire building should be left in the 1600-1800's.

There is no more money!!!!!!!!!!! The piggy bank is empty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...and yet the entitlement crowd wants more. The only way to give it to them is to steal it. The money is gone. All gone. Our credit rating is now predicted to go the same as a Third World Country within three years. When he took office it was predicted to happen in 11 years.

The problem I have with this is that you seem to be saying that anyone who agrees with health care reform, or has not come to the same conclusion as you, that Obama is a socialist who is ruining America, is somehow part of the "entitlement" crowd. Well Blaine, I take great offense to that suggestion. I put myself through college on a military scholarship. Spent four years in the service of this country and put myself through lawschool on loans I may never be able to pay back...but I'll damn sure try every month. I don't take hand outs and I don't believe in entitlement. But corporate greed is not my master, and I'm not fooled by those in DC telling me we can afford two wars but cant afford to provide health insurance at a reasonable cost to everyman woman and child in this Country. I respect your right to your opinion, I just with you'd take the time to formulate your own instead of spouting what some email told you to think.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I don't understand why people keep playing the Bush card on a thread about Obama now and the entire federal government over their history, written by a person who is not a Republican who does not like Bush either. It is a useless tactic to divert attention. It is the DNC method. Never deal with the issues, just blame Bush to divert attention. The Republicans do the same nonsense also.

This is not even really about Obama. It is about the government in general. Both Parties hold equal blame for most of this. The two party system is a ruse to keep us at each others throats instead of doing something about these crooks who occupy our government.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Its rather interesting.... apart from my differences in stance to you on the stimulus which by the way the red states recieved the most of, who are you folks wanting to replace those 2010 democrat seats given the hypothetical win? The republicans? The tea party protestors, the ron Paulers and many conservatives utter the words "2010", but I dont see who they are pushing for?

Are you afraid to say it? Do you intend to vote the republicans in? There seems to be alot of republican supporters here who are not "republican supporters". I'd just like to clarify this from folks as it is hard to debate politics if the opposition is deceptive about who they support.


posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:37 PM
To have 100% failure rate, that would mean that nothing the government has ever done has been successful. This author of this "email" that is listed on many websites has picked out issues that THEY think are disastrous and claimed them all failures and then concluded that the government, therefore has a 100% failure rate...

This is just another Obama bash thread. At least it's in the right forum.

Government Success Stories

Before presenting the entire list, here are some truly dramatic government success stories that every American should know. Private enterprise could not have accomplished a single one of these feats.

Settling the West:
Funding Railroads:
Telephone Infrastructure:
Eisenhower's Interstate Highway Program:

Much more at link.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
I do think the Democrats who let the Party do their thinking for them are in denial.

And the Republicans who let the Party do their thinking for them? Or, for that matter, ANYONE who lets ANYONE do their thinking for them?

This man lied to get in office.
He is a bad man.


He is no Messiah.

On that we can agree.

He has surrounded himself with horrible people who are doing a terrible job.

That's a judgment call. Your opinion and you're welcome to it. But it's not like it's unbiased fact.

Everyone should be terrified of the Fairness Doctrine and what they want to do to the Internet.

What do they want to do with the Internet?

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