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Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez Major victory for Army warrior questioning O

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posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by GuyverUnit I

Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez

Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"

She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons – just revoked."
(visit the link for the full news article)

Just because they revoked the orders doesn't prove anything about President Obama's legitimacy .That is a straight up logical fallacy to say that is conclusive because of this .

[edit on 15-7-2009 by Mumbotron]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:45 AM
Hospital won't back Obama birth claim
Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center refuses to confirm White House letter.

Source Link:

The hospital in Hawaii where Barack Obama claims he was born refuses to produce any documentation – or even confirm the claim – without permission of the president himself.

The Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu has posted on its website a letter on White House stationery dated Jan. 24 in which Obama wrote, "As a beneficiary of the excellence of Kapi'olani Medical Center – the place of my birth – I am pleased to add my voice to your chorus of supporters."

Kristy Watanabe, the public relations specialist for the hospital refused to confirm or deny the veracity of Obama's letter claiming he was born at the hospital

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Rams59lb

Just for perspective, I lived in Hawaii in the 90's and tried to get my driver's abstract sent to me after only being gone 4 years. They had no record of me even holding a driver's licence in Hawaii anymore when I contacted them. Trust me I talked to lots of people lots of time to wind up asking myself how that is even possible in a place like the USA.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by JulieMills
YES!! I love this part:

Taitz said she will attend the hearing to amend the temporary restraining order to an injunction because more members of the military have joined the cause.

"We are going to be asking for release of Obama's records because now this completely undermines the military. It revoked this order, but it can come up with another order tomorrow. It can come up with orders for other people," she said. "Am I going to be flying around the country 1,000 times and paying the fees every time they issue an order?"]/b]

Taitz said the issue "must be resolved immediately," and she will continue working to ensure Obama proves he is eligible for office.

"We're going to be asking the judge to issue an order for Obama to provide his vital records to show he is legitimately president," she said. "We're going to say, we have orders every day, and we'll have revocations every day. This issue has to be decided."

She said there cannot be any harm to the president if he is legitimately holding office.

I love this little lady!!!

The last line caught my attention, the Governments of the world usually tell us , the public , that if we are honest and law abiding then we have nothing to worry about right?

So why shouldn't the same line apply to those that issue it?

If you have nothing to hide then why hide the truth?

[edit on 15/7/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:29 AM
Why can't we just look at the damn birth certificate already! From what I understand it is sealed and will not be released until AFTER he serves his term in office? Or am I horribly mistaken?

Wouldn't showing the birth certificate shut everyone up?

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
Wouldn't showing the birth certificate shut everyone up?

You mean like the actual birth announcements from 1961 did?


How do I know?

Because his birth certificate has been online since June of 2008.

It's not good enough.

Since they have no concrete proof that he isn't a citizen, they merely continue to incessantly ask that he prove himself to be one.
It's not a quest for truth anymore, it's become a bizarre hobby.

Obama will need to bring the actual certificate to the household of every single individual questioning his citizenship. Even then they may reserve the right to ask for dental records, a copy of the sonogram, or the use of an H.G. Wells time machine to witness his birth first hand.

I personally wouldn't even indulge some of these delusional fanatics with a simple stool sample, even though this dubious article and the soldiers agenda smells just like one.

- Lee

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:11 AM
Is there anyway people can use this kind of thing to push for an END of the WAR. If he is not legally our president, and he is certainly not helping the American people, but destroying us, maybe enough people will say enough already END the WAR, it's based on lies, based on "elite" interests, based on destroying the American economy and the American people. If Obama is not the president that would be a great excuse to stop and back up and try to get the government back on a footing in reality. This war is being fought not just for oil and for power, but for murder and chaos and destruction on behalf of the Nazi Rockefellers. They are using spent uranium blended into the metals of armor & ammunition to destroy the countries we fight in and to destroy our own soldiers. They claim to want to save the planet!!!!! We don't need this kind of a war. How can we get our country back?

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:14 AM
If anyone cares to know the REAL reason his orders got cancelled you can take a look at the youtube video link. Obama used 39 different social security numbers prior to becoming pres..and that info was part of the lawsuit.
O did NOT want that information to get into a court proceeding!!

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

Your guy is a fake. Also the BC was scrubbed because it was proved to be a fake. If he is legit why did he need to use a Social Security number of a dead person??

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:18 AM
Here's what I don't get. Probably Obama's biggest campaign promise (lie) was that he would end the war on terror. He increased the war on terror, and now not only do his apologists not call him on it they are actually ON THE SIDE of sending a troop into the "illegal" war. I remember many times under Bush a soldier would fight deployment and those same people would cheer them on. What a bunch of crocks with no credibility.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by JulieMills
I am a little dissapointed, this just means that HE got away with it again...
the only way this would be helpful would be if dozens and dozens of enlisted guys follow suit, they would either have to revoke all their orders or risk going to trial.


Hold on , the other shoe may drop on this soldier.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:41 AM
Call me crazy, but would ANYONE running for President, have to provide proof of citizenshipt BEFORE he could run for office. Would that be severly checked out by our Government BEFORE he was allowed to run for office and BEFORE he was allowed to take the oath? Any soldier that refuses a order by the President of the USA should be court martialed. Kicked out, or thrown into Levinworth. You CAN NOT run a military with a bunch of yahoos questioning orders at every turn. If you can question the orders of the President, than you can question anyones orders. That turns into chaos and people die. Your own people die. i've attended military funerals, it sucks big time.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Rams59lb
reply to post by XTexan

Well I guess we can continue to look at his motives all day long but as for me I served during Regan, Bush Sr, Clinton and got out well into Bush Jr admin so what does that make me? I didn't believe in Desert Storm but went, I didn't agree with Clinton's realignment of the military but stayed and lost all faith in our gov with the disinfo of 9/11 within days of the event. I simply don't care who is running the WH as they are all just puppets. I would like America returned to it's greatness is all. I hope soldiers flock this attorney to take their case and we start to see a large amount of suits come forward that will either set off unrest or change that needs to be made.

I see a military draft coming..................

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Honestly they must be TRYING to rile people up because any half-ass con-man can forge a passable birth certificate, so I can only imagine what someone could do with the resources Obama has, especially if he DID get into office without being born here.

John McCain wasn't born here either!!! OMG.........McCain was born in the heart of Panama, but his parents are US citizens..............

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by XTexan
I think its important to note that this guy is a reservist and not full time military.

On May 8, Cook submitted a formal written request to Human Resources Command-St. Louis volunteering to serve one year in Afghanistan with Special Operations Command, U.S. Army Central Command, beginning July 15, Quon said.

The soldier’s orders were issued on June 9.

“A reserve soldier who volunteers for an active duty tour may ask for a revocation of orders up until the day he is scheduled to report for active duty,” Quon said.


I find it strange that he volunteered on May 8 and is now changing his mind. Obama was the Pres. when he volunteered...

It goes on to say that Cook didn't ask for the orders to be revoked.
I'd say the Army clearly thinks its better to drop him than move forward with trying to keep him. Even if the Army wins, he's clearly not a man of his word...

Very good point...........why did he "change his mind"?

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Here's what I don't get. Probably Obama's biggest campaign promise (lie) was that he would end the war on terror. He increased the war on terror, and now not only do his apologists not call him on it they are actually ON THE SIDE of sending a troop into the "illegal" war. I remember many times under Bush a soldier would fight deployment and those same people would cheer them on. What a bunch of crocks with no credibility.

President Obama stated during the campaign that more was need in Afghanistan.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by JulieMills
the only way this would be helpful would be if dozens and dozens of enlisted guys follow suit, they would either have to revoke all their orders or risk going to trial.

All things in time, it will build in momentum and they kinda have
their mind on other calamities that are about ensue
nationwide and throw the whole country into a mess.

1) US embassies have been told to store 1 years worth of foreign
currency for a possibly lengthy banking shutdown.

2) The $134 billion in US bonds on the two japanese guys in italy
were real because they let them go.

3) The unofficial troubled bank list shows 247 banks in the red zone,
and eligible for seizure and another 101 in the orange zone that
are 1 - 2 % away from being in the red.

4) Geithner on TV refused to answer congressman sherman's
question about the fact that more derivatives bombs are on the way.

5) Someone is sprinkling wheat rust fungus on the world's wheat
and it is likely to wipe out 80% of the world's wheat.

Also this major may have just got himself an admin discharge,
or a court martial by refusing orders.

The UCMJ is outside civilian law, and Orly can't help in that case.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:21 AM
Obama is liar and his father was a polygamist Jihadist. His mother was naive. Probably nothing will ever come of this

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by breakingdradles
Yeah, this can't be right.

How many people are going to say no now?

Could you imagine if just 10% of the military walked out?

[edit on 15-7-2009 by breakingdradles]

This is obviously an issue that isn't going to go away. I guess for the greater good of the country, Barry ought to show his real forums. It's quite simple and absolutly harmless.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:30 AM
While I don't think this means anything in terms of Obama's actual birthplace, I do think that it may be the army's way of letting those actually watching know that Obama is not their guy.

Whom ever it was who had the order recended had one of two goals in mind:
1) Remove a potential negative media story that would have drawn unwanted attention to the army, or:
2) Send a little signal to the White House that while the military would perform its constitutional duty, it was not in the pocket of the administration.

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