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2008 Elections to be Cancelled??

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posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Hi all,

I felt it was important to get the word out and spread the information

Dare I say it... Civil war is just round the corner?

The next false flag event will not be something that we can all point to and disbelieve...

I predict they are planning to create a massive earth quake and use that as a means to put their plan into place.

If 2008 passes without incident I will be sighing in relief... but all the information coming my way doesn't look good.


NeoN HaZe

[edit on 6-5-2008 by Neon Haze]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:13 PM
Bush said this in a radio address 12 months ago. I will try to find the exact date.

"One freedom that defines our way of life is the freedom to choose our leaders at the ballot box. We saw that freedom earlier this week, when millions of Americans went to the polls to cast their votes for a new Congress. Whatever your opinion of the outcome, all Americans can take pride in the example our democracy sets for the world by holding elections even in a time of war.”

Read it again.

We should be “proud” that the federal government didn't cancel our elections? We should be “proud” that the current administration didn't use the war as an excuse to interrupt the democratic process?

Fishy indeed.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:22 PM
Hey man, great post!!
I think that most of us are thinking the same thing about this administration and their secret agenda(s).
I'm not getting the earthquake connection though. Did I miss something here? I did read about the earthquakes in Indiana the other day.
The way that I think it will go down is that a wmd will be set of in a non-vital US city. Non vital to the economy recovering after the event, that is. Was thinking that it will be Vegas or San Francisco.
If it goes the way I'm thinking, the US is free to retaliate in Sandland, saying it was a terrorist attack on a US city.
A natural disaster, such as an earthquake, gives the military no enemy. I think that you thought on this is great, don't get me wrong, loved the post.
I guess that I think that this administration is capable of more evil than that.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:28 PM
They let Gore air out flapping in the wind with the electoral congress loophole against popular vote. Can I see a pearl harbor 3 allow w to remain president. You betcha'. Will I be surprised? No.
We should be proud Cheney wasn't a poll worker with his elmer fudd costume and 30 odd 30. Bloody hell.

[edit on 5/6/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by wolf241e
Hey man, great post!!
I think that most of us are thinking the same thing about this administration and their secret agenda(s).
I'm not getting the earthquake connection though. Did I miss something here?
A natural disaster, such as an earthquake, gives the military no enemy. I

Thanks for the compliment.

The reason I believe it will be a man made earthquake is the following...

9/11 has been found to be an inside job. The evidence is so plain it's impossible for it to be as the official record shows it... So....

If they attempted to pull something off like a wmd event or something then they will firstly get disbelieved and secondly all investigations would be centred around was it the Bush administration again..


If the disaster appeared natural then people couldn't point directly to bush.

I have been looking very closely at the news around the world and it appears that the number of instances of earth quakes has increased. Whats more is there are earth quakes where there should be none i.e England 2008 nearly 6 on the Richter scale....

I think they have worked out a way of triggering earth termers at will, and plan to do something massive like simulate an asteroid strike or some such event.

I would even go so far as to stretch a little and say it's possible that the tsunami of 2004 could have been entirely man made.... an experiment, a trial for future events.

My main concern now is this....

How many people are going to die before someone has the guts to stand up and do something about it??

All it would take is one man...


NeoN HaZe

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Thank you for the post. I have to concur that attempting to fabricate an 'enemy' for justification to declare a 'National Emergency' would be too far reaching unless we could be convinced that Canada or Mexico was trying to take us over. It would be MUCH easier to capitalize on a natural disaster.

Of course you realize that in order for such an extreme overthrow of the government to work the entire military structure would have to be persuaded to cooperate. I'm not sure any president since Eisenhower had that kind of loyalty behind him. Maybe not even then.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 11:39 PM
Who is that guy in the first video, and why should I believe him when he says this year's elections are going to be cancelled?

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by flybynight

The identity of the person in the first vid is irrelevant... it's what he is saying that it important..

it's the new powers the president has awarded HIMSELF in the recent changes to the National Security Directives - NSD

effectively giving him dictorial powers.... Dictator Bush... Liberty is in Crisis

You see??

All the best People...

NeoN HaZe

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 07:36 AM

The reason I believe it will be a man made earthquake is the following...

9/11 has been found to be an inside job. The evidence is so plain it's impossible for it to be as the official record shows it

9/11 hasn't been found to be an inside job. Yes, there is plenty of ancedotal evidence pointing to much funny business, but definite proof is still elusive. I DO personally believe that the official story is bunk, but that does not make it a fact.

If they attempted to pull something off like a wmd event or something then they will firstly get disbelieved and secondly all investigations would be centred around was it the Bush administration again..

No it wouldn't. People have short memories and lives which make it difficult to go against the grain. It's much easier to believe and tow the government line.

That being said I think your scenario is just as possible as many others and I do enjoy reading about it.

So thanks!

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 08:30 AM
Im swayed to believe the earthquake theory..... im in the uk, and was sitting on my bed on ats (lol) when the earthquake struck, in my 25 years ive never experienced something like that..... and i can say it scared the hell out of me and all the street came onto the streets almost quite hysterical!.... it was a pretty big deal here, and it showed how badly alot of us would cope if something happened on a greater scale, and who would the majority run to? you guessed it

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Neon Haze
reply to post by flybynight

The identity of the person in the first vid is irrelevant... it's what he is saying that it important..

Since when is the credibility of sources irrelevant? I'm supposed to believe that the 2008 elections will be cancelled b/c some guy with a handycam posted a video on youtube? It's one thing to raise awareness about the frightening measures taken by the Bush administration that are a matter of public record. It's quite another to make the claim that elections will be cancelled with no proof.

You do realize that if the elections aren't cancelled, this video will only serve to further invalidate the claims of the 'truth movement' in the eyes of those who are already skeptical or fence-sitting?

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 12:30 PM
Whatever the 'event' may be (if one) -- which I lean toward 'man-induced' weather/quake/volcano phenomona (on purpose or not) -- recently all the quakes, the cyclone killing thousands, the volcano erupting after 9000 years laying dormant... or small-large nuclear explosion set off somewhere -- which I put to Texas and dilapidated oil refineries -- which would make the price of gas now seem miniscule to what it would be in that event -- plus that way the Gov't pays for the clean-up, opposed to the oil companies...

One of th ebiggest things I point to is why isn't Cheyney running for Pres. opposed to McCain? Not even an exploratory effort, as far as I know. Anyone think big Dick wants to give up The White House? He's been around there, in one capacity or another, for most of the past 30+ years. I just don't think he's worried about it because they will try to pull off this cancellation.

I won't stand for it... I'm guessing many hiding in the woodwork won't either.

[edit on 5/7/2008 by RabbitChaser]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by flybynight
Since when is the credibility of sources irrelevant? I'm supposed to believe that the 2008 elections will be cancelled b/c some guy with a handycam posted a video on youtube? It's one thing to raise awareness about the frightening measures taken by the Bush administration that are a matter of public record. It's quite another to make the claim that elections will be cancelled with no proof.

If you had listened to what he said and then watched the supporting evidence by very repituable sources you would not be citing the evidence as false.

If you don't believe in what was said then state your reasons for dis belief...

Myself, I listened to what was said and then researched... to my horror I found all the evidence supporting the scenario...

I would also state that if the scenario were not to be played out at this point then Bush will be out and what would have been the point of making the changes he has made to this point??

Sept 11 has indeed been irrefutably exposed as an inside job and in the next post I will prove it by way of video evidence.

I have to go now but will be back to post that evidence..

Don't touch that DIAL!!!


NeoN HaZe

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze
If you had listened to what he said and then watched the supporting evidence by very repituable sources you would not be citing the evidence as false.

I did listen - now what evidence would you be referring to? I heard no direct evidence supporting the claim that the 2008 elections will be cancelled. Of course the framework may be in place for Bush to do that if he wanted to, but to state that he will simply because that framework exists is sensational and misleading.

If you don't believe in what was said then state your reasons for dis belief...

Pleaes don't generalize my words. I specifically said that I don't see any evidence to support the claim that the 2008 elections will be cancelled. Unless you'd call the unsubstantiated claim of some guy who has trouble pronouncing big words evidence.

I think the two of us are generally on the same page but I just can't blindly accept every claim thrown around on youtube. If you want to convert me you'll have to do better than some random guy throwing around a possible scenario with a lot of 'ifs' involved.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Well here is is Ladies and Gentleman...

The Truth about 911...

Let's break it down into pieces.

1. Three Burning Buildings - One Result

2. All At Freefall Speed

3. Bombs in the Buildings

4. 1,000 Cameras and No Airplane!

5. PNAC: "A New Pearl Harbor"

6. "ABLE DANGER" Terror Drills on 9/11

7. WTC7 Implosion

8. Thermite Reaction

9. Mysterious Power-Downs in the World Trade Center

10. The 9/11 Commission: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil!

11. Who Benefited From 9/11?

12. Guilty Demeanor

13. The BUSH-LADEN Connection

14. The BUSH-LADEN Connection (continued)

15. TIM OSMAN: The Perfect Manufactured Enemy

16. Fake Hijackers

Even if you are somehow not able to deduce for yourself the truth then these videos should help you attain closure on the single greatest lie told.

There is far less evidence of what will come as it has yet to pass, but I will present the information that brings me to believe that the US elections 2008 will be in fact cancelled following Huge Disaster....

All the best people,

POWER to the PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!

NeoN HaZe

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:36 PM
No offense, but where does 911 come into play? I came to this thread because I found it intresting, and now you just turned me off by trying to convince us 911 was an inside job. I really don't know what to belive when it comes to 911, but that wasn't what this thread was about.

Ok, wasn't there a President who got voted in for three terms than he said that couldn't happen again due to too much corruption? I can't remember... I personally think Bush will step down. I think he realizes if he dosen't there will be heck to pay from the people, and we won't stand for him again. Cheney... isn't he getting kinda sickly? I think he's gonna take off to an Island somewhere and spend money that he got from cheating the people and everyone else... Bush is gonna do that too I think.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:55 AM
has anyone ever thought that Bush might need to cancel the elections? Perhaps were giving Bush to much credit, what if he is merely a puppet? The real people in charge could be controlling Obama, Clinton, and Mccain so no matter who we vote in they still control power without upsetting the public. And it makes it look like we put him in office. just a theory...

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by MacSen191
No offense, but where does 911 come into play? I came to this thread because I found it intresting, and now you just turned me off by trying to convince us 911 was an inside job. I really don't know what to believe when it comes to 911, but that wasn't what this thread was about.

No offence taken at all.

In this case to understand where the future leads we need first to understand how we arrived at today.

The reason we need to establish the truth about 911 which I have done in my expose above is so we can understand why the next STATE Emergency MUST appear as though there is no direct contact with the people responsible for 911.

I'm saying that should there be another 911 type attack then people will not fall in line with the plan to move forward and that resistance is exactly what the Powers that be want to avoid.

In my next post (will be upped within the next couple of hours) I will detail exactly all the evidence on the reasons for believing in the plan to cancel the Election 2008.

All the best people


NeoN HaZe

[edit on 8-5-2008 by Neon Haze]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by thegdfather
has anyone ever thought that Bush might need to cancel the elections? Perhaps were giving Bush to much credit, what if he is merely a puppet? The real people in charge could be controlling Obama, Clinton, and Mccain so no matter who we vote in they still control power without upsetting the public. And it makes it look like we put him in office. just a theory...

My thoughts exactly. I don't think it matters WHO gets "elected" to the white house, they all are merely playing out the orders they get from above; all the while giving the masses the idea that they actually did something to influence things.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by MacSen191
Ok, wasn't there a President who got voted in for three terms than he said that couldn't happen again due to too much corruption? I can't remember...

Yes, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to four terms. He died in office in his fourth term, then Harry Truman became president. The Constitution was amended to say that a person can only serve 2 terms as President. But I'm pretty sure it didn't come about because of FDR. And it wasn't for corruption, it was so that no one person became too powerful.

It was probably the anti-FDR's that got that amendment passed.

On the topic: I don't know who the guy in the video is, but I do know that everything he said is true, except for the part about the Christians. Haven't heard anything about that, actually. l follow politics very closely, and I watched as these laws came into being. Yes, we no longer have habeas corpus. And if you go to a protest, they can seize all your property, including your bank account - becaue you can be branded a terrorist. I do know they've had the Quakers, an anti-violent group, on their terrorists lists. I would guess taht most people don't know any of this, but they should. The information is out there, you just have to do alot of research sometimes to prove that something is real.

This is why so many people keep saying "Wake up America!". I've actually posted here on ATS about the above information, but most people don't believe me, and I get ridiculed. But it doesn't make it any less real.

Will we have a 2008 election? My guess is yes, if only to pacify the people of America. But they'll go right ahead stealing elections and making unconstituional laws, and most people won't even know it until their behind bars somewhere, among the "disappeared". There are already the "disappeared". I've read about it since 9/11.

A huge earthquake would be an ideal way to terrify the public and keep them in line; good thought, I hadn't thought about that before.

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