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UFO's over house, son scared to play in the backyard

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posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 01:36 PM
I think we can rule this out as a hoax now.

The entire thread is the standard formula of a hoax. We've already analyzed the photo, figured out it was done on the computer. In addition there are other discrepancies in the story pointed out by various other members in this thread.

In addition, he has not responded for a long while. That gives it away for me. He obviously has been or possibly is watching this very thread, and realizes that his hoax has been revealed, and out of shyness and/or shame refuses to post.

Yep, hoax.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Originally posted by roadgravel
I am not intending to sling mud here, but, why did you as a professional (you imply you are) write off the TV possibility when there was no information backing it up either way. That appears that a judgment was made based on your preconceived thoughts, not a more detailed investigation.

1. Yes, my PhD is in clinical psychology and I have more than 35 years experience counseling and teaching part or full time.

Run a check on your dev psych books -- the drawing wasn't made by a 6-8 year old. but by an adult emulating a childlike style. I won't give away the pointers here, but if you glom onto some of those books you'll quickly spot the blunders by the adult.

Really. It's a "D'OH!" sort of moment.

(the other option would be that the child is developmentally delayed by a significant amount (though the art isn't consistant with that), and the original poster didn't say that.)

That and the "therapist directed him to ATS."

Oh... and the fact that he has a second ID, and an IP check shows that he's actually living in Toronto, Canada. I'm sure our fellow Canadians can pop up and discuss how likely it is for UFOs to be flying over one yard in the city and not be seen by a LOT of other people in the city.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 01:52 PM

The OP clearly states he lives in Toronto, Canada:

I am from Texas, Odessa to be exact. I moved to Toronto, Canada for a job and this is where we live now.

How are we supposed to know he has two IDs?

Will you discuss the 'signs' it's an adult emulating a child drawing in a U2U? If so, I'd like to know what you saw in your Dev Psych books.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by moonking
I must be paranoid, but I get the feeling that this is just another story in a series that have plagued the internet of late , there’s a pattern to them that’s hard to define

Want a pattern? Let me give you guys a warning:

ATS is advertising on "Coast to Coast AM". To put it bluntly, after years of listening to "C2C", I can't figure-out how half the callers manage to operate a telephone. A LOT of these people are going to come to ATS with a lot of bogus crap. It is unavoidable. Good for the Amigos. Bad for us. Unless "J.C." joins.

That being said, let O_Tx respond to some questions before burying him! It hasn't even been 24 hours yet, fer crissakes.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by IAttackPeople]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:06 PM
I've scanned over this thread and my primary question for Texas
Longhorn is this: Why does your 7 year old play outside by himself
when it's dark? My 8 year old never wants to go into the backyard
after dark. Besides, during the Summer it's usually close to bedtime
for little people after 9pm. Since these "shields" appear at night,
I'm assuming that your 7 year old is seeing them after 9pm..which
is kind of strange, considering his age.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Originally posted by NGC2736I do understand the frustration level that hoaxes create. But wouldn't it be better, once there was some evidence of a hoax, to just ask for more information from the OP, telling that person that with the available data nothing has been proved? Then the OP gives more information, or the thread dies because everyone isn't climbing all over each other to see who can shout "Hoax" the loudest.


The guy asks for some helpful input and

before he even manages to get back on the thread amidst a busy life . . .

essentially in abstentia . . .

he's sliced, diced, judged, sentenced to hoaxer gulag before a UFO can flash over a back yard.

You're both right. At the same time the members of this community deserve the benefit of the doubt, too. I never label anything a hoax, even the hoaxes that have been declared hoaxes, I just let it be known that I don't buy the story. After all, my little narrow sliver of perception of the universe is quite narrow. So I just admit that. I will argue, though, and stay away from quarrels.

Anyway, the OP went to see his company's therapist, he didn't state that he took his child to see the therapist, or a child therapist. It's true that all therapists have to undertake a general study of developmental psychology and child psychology, eventually they choose to specialize. So it's weird that a therapist for a business would suggest a site like ATS as a possible recourse of remedial action for the OP's concern. Why wasn't the OP referred to a child therapist? According to the OP the therapist only asked a couple of questions, but the therapist apparently has a great deal of interest and has done a great deal of research in, "this type of stuff"? Well, that's vague. Child UFO encounters? UFOs in general? Parents with children who've encountered UFOs? Hard to say what the OP meant. But why would a therapist that works for a business confess to having a lot of interest in UFOs? It was the OP that went to see the therapist, not the other way around. It would seem to me that the therapist would be more interested in helping the child and the OP than telling of his great interest in UFOs. One would think that the therapist would be more helpful and more interested in areas of psychology that deal with stress in the workplace, competitiveness and jealousy, corporate structure, marital concerns and stress in the home, financial and legal concerns for employees, and not UFOs or other paranormal concerns. Anyway, I suppose it possible that the therapist is a member here at ATS and suggested that the OP check it out. But that would likely take place in small talk as the OP was at end of his 50 minute session and was on the way out of the door, don't you think? After hours in a bar and not in a professional capacity, maybe? It wouldn't be at the crux of advice given. Therapists have ethics, they don't reveal about themselves during sessions because they could influence the responses of the patient/client.

Who knows, but there is that picture, and it may be what the child originally drew. However, it seems that the OP would have mentioned that the child drew the pictures on a computer. Instead the OP makes it sound like he casually noticed the pictures laying about the house somewhere. He doesn't say that exactly but that's the impression and tone of what he said:

Originally posted by Texas_Longhorn
I went and talked to my son again, and he told me about "shields" flying over the house. I was really confused and he showed me a Captain America comic he had. He said they were like his shield, only they flew over the house.

When he was showing me I noticed some pictures he made, and one made my blood ran cold. I asked him what it was and he said he didn't know he just drew a picture and this is what he made.

Seems a little deceptive to me.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by Areal51]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:27 PM
I read the OP and I am very inclined to post now. After reading the comment with the goofy CGI sarcasm, I had to check the picture for any true faults. I don't have the time to read the rest of the comments, but, this is a hoax. It's an undeniable & terrible hoax. The image has sharp pixels and perfectly square sections. Then there's the whole aspect of, that's not drawn by a kid but by an imitator.

Why would you ever attempt to hoax something like this, especially if you're going to suck so bad at it?

Here's what OP should have done:

1. Find a kid to draw a silly picture of a UFO + Alien.

2. Take a photo of the picture.

3. Scan the drawn picture.

4. Post both pictures + kid's story.

5. Leave out bogus dog story.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:32 PM
Well..he's probably down at the bar now collecting $$$ from his friends.
Maybe TLH bet them that he could get 25 responses and 10 flags, or
something like that.

And besides, what does the therapist think WE (ATS) can do? If I was
a therapist, I sure wouldn't send my FRIEND to
with nothing but a story. Maybe if I didn't like the client I would..LOL.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by carewemust]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by CAPT PROTON
Then the attack on the psychologist. You know, they're real people too.
Right. And if he sent the guy here, its probably because he doesn't have the background or training to deal with UFO stories. I mean for God's sakes, it was a stupid company doctor, what do you expect. Oh wait, you guys probably don't have real jobs yet.

This is what the OP posted:

Originally posted by Texas_Longhorn

I went into work and booked an appointment with the therapist we have on staff. I showed him the picture and asked him if the whole family was going crazy. He asked me a couple questions, than assured me we were all sane, especially my son. But he did direct me to this site, and said he does a lot of research into this type of stuff and our experience is not uncommon.

From this the therapist doesn't sound uninformed about UFOs to me. He sounds like the kind of person that would take a scientific approach to the problem instead of directing the OP here. Also, the comment about the the OP's type of experience being uncommon sounds like reassurance. Wouldn't it have been better to refer the child to a child therapist instead, to get a more credible level of reassurance? Some have mentioned that the OP get a second opinion. That sounds like better advice than what the OP's business therapist directed.

There are a bunch of maybes, as it stands the OPs story doesn't sit too well.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by Areal51]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Texas_Longhorn

I brought the dog to the back to bring porch to let her out, and she wouldn't go. She welped and I literally had to push her to try to get her to go outside and she just wouldn't go. Now I knew something strange was going on.

It's interesting that the dog wouldn't go out there, i've heard about dogs (and other animals) being able to pick up on things that a lot of us don't but i always thought that they behaved in this way at the actual time when the strange visitor (be it ghosts, aliens, george bush, etc) is occupying the same location, not afterwards, or inbetween visits.
Is this pretty common?

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Texas_Longhorn

I brought the dog to the back to bring porch to let her out, and she wouldn't go. She welped and I literally had to push her to try to get her to go outside and she just wouldn't go. Now I knew something strange was going on.

It's interesting that the dog wouldn't go out there, i've heard about dogs (and other animals) being able to pick up on things that a lot of us don't but i always thought that they behaved in this way at the actual time when the strange visitor (be it ghosts, aliens, george bush, etc) is occupying the same location, not afterwards, or inbetween visits.
Is this pretty common?

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

Thank you for your reply NGC very intelligent and thought out and I appriciate the way in which you get your point across. I do understand why people will flock to threads like this.

BO XIAN take some notes on how to reply to someone you disagree with. your sarcasm leads one to wonder if you practice this same technique at work. I would think if you had 35 years of expieriance in the shrink field you may be a bit more professional in your responses to people you dont know.

But then again maybe the odor you smell is your upper lip.

Thx NGC for the insight and post.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:58 PM
I believe a response from the OP to the above would be rather
appropriate at this moment considering the input by Skeptic above.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 02:59 PM
I believe a response from the OP to the above would be rather
appropriate at this moment considering the input by Byrd above.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by pmexplorer]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Maybe I misunderstood but I thought he said that the company Therapist was a friend and they did lunch on occassion.

Maybe this happened and the son drew the picture long before it clicked and Mom started to wonder what's up. Mom asked Daddy to have the talk, so time could pass before this all came to light.

Maybe the son drew the picture and the dad tried to draw it in paint shop and put it here not realizing how this place jumps on things and that can be taken in a good way and also a not so good way. (I don't mean to insult, just trying to call it as I ssee it)

The Dad hasn't been back here which makes you wonder but there could be a logical reason so we can't jump the gun.

I know for myself I never told a soul about my experiences for over 40 years so I have no problem understanding why someone doesn't speak out right away.

This could be a hoax but I think we can't jump to this conclusion until we hear from this Dad and get more information to hopefully make a correct decision.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:10 PM
Uhm guys (and girls too ofcourse
)... it was less than 24 hours ago that you heard from the op. Now I understand the deal with the picture and all and I understand you want an explanation (as would I). But come on...if you have a job, a kid and a wife you can not be online all the time. Just give it some time.


posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:22 PM
I sugest using a camera to record it, then put the film on the computer. When you come to a frame with the "shield" in it, pause and press the "prnt Scrn" button. Then open paint or another image editor, and press "ctrl" and "P" at the same time to get it, then save and post it. That way you won't need a direct picture.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:24 PM
(Well, this stuff was already established. Whoops.)

That picture was made in photoshop.

1) That's obviously a brush tool and not a crayon or pencil or any other utensil.

2) If you open it in wordpad, you see:

"Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows 2007:03:04 20:10:56"

Now you can explain 2 by saying you used it to compress to jpeg, but the drawing is so obviously computer-generated as well.

Unless the kid knows photoshop, this is fake.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by Johnmike]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:26 PM
Hi all,

I am starting to think BO Xian is the therapist who referred the OP to come to ATS lol!
All that defending and posting big post about something so useless.
Give it a rest move on!

Nando out!

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:32 PM
After sitting on the fence earlier, and trying some experiments of my own, I am now on the hoax side.

It hurts me to say it, because of the way the original post was written, but I'm now convinced of it.

A few of you have said that the OP may not have been able to get to a computer since his last post, but if if this was that important in his life, he'd have surely have FOUND a way to check. I know I would have.

To me it now smells of someone setting something up, sitting back and watching it go...

Which is sad, sad, sad, on the part of whoever did it.

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