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posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 04:44 PM
Or "Buy one drink for the price of 2 and get the second free!

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I don't know if you feel good about posting a thread with a misleading title but I'll bite. I'm sure that we UFO enthusiasts want disclosure from Uncle Sam. But what would U.S. tell us that we don't already now? What kind of info would they reveal with us knowing that it would be watered down? Unless you believe that U.S. really has "captured" UFOs that they have "reverse engineered" with the assistance of friendly or captured aliens, I wouldn't have any hope of ever finding out anything new.

And next time you start a thread, be upfront and don't bait us.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Azureblue

To achieve this they will change some key words in all the worlds holy books and the above phrase will certainly be one of them.
All of them. Because all religions say that. All religions say that God only created intelligent life on Earth.

Well; I don't know for certain, but the RC bible says so and the Muso's seem to think their religion and Koran is the top dog n book in the world and the Jews of course believe they are gods own creations etc etc.

Personally I dunno what such books say and frankly i don't give a phark either cos i am not the slightest bit interested in religion.

The important thing is that what this Dr Day is highly like to be accurate because they are going to have global govt, global laws etc then it follows they will only want one religion in the world (one they would control). That's what makes me think, as he said, that they will only have to change a few key words here and there in all these novels and they will eventually get one just one univesral novel.

In my country, the priests have been busy doing xyz with little boys and girls but the bishops never do anything about it.

Why? we this is something I never ever thought of until this lady put these thing together. If the bishops don't do anything about pedeos and all they do is just send them off to some other place without telling the new community about the people, what are they actually doing?????

Well; the lady who wrote the article said..... they are playing their part in dismantling the church, FROM THE INSIDE. In other words they assisting the NWO types to bring the christian religion down. This will then help in the creation of a one world religion. Therefore it would seem, the bishops support the NWO agenda.

Perhaps that's also one of the reasons they are bringing muso's into every western country worth living in, in other words TO PULL THEM DOWN into second or third world status, ie achieve the aims of Agenda 21 or 30 whatever it is now?

Just in case you are not aware, the bloke whose behind agenda 21, Maurice strong, a 4 x billionaire, said that heating and cooling is not environmentally sustainable and it has to go. I wonder if he has heating and cooling in his house he's yanked out and ditched?

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:39 AM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen
a reply to: Azureblue

"Everything Is in Place and None Can Stop us Now"

(grin) Famous last words . . . .

Usually talking like that just jinxes everything.

yes, that can certainly happen.

Trouble is I dont really see how they can be stopped anymore because as a lady I know and I both agreed, there are just too many fronts to be faught on and far too few people who want it stopped.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Azureblue
The Catholic Church covers quite a few people:

So does Buddhism. Pretty sure Buddhists don't rule it out.

Are you sure you're not looking at a pretty narrow part of the human spectrum of belief?

Well, the Buddhists wear the same set of clothes all year as far as I know cos they only have what they can carry so their environmental footprint would be farily small but by and large and tend to harm none.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

Does it really matter if religion became global? I'm speaking from a perspective that looks upon religion as unimportant, but I can see how people would feel betrayed if it did happen.

It might led to conflict between state and church. The Chinese government crackdown on Falun Gong comes to mind, the 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and State, as too Japan.

THE coming of Francesco Xavier to Japan in 1549 resulted in a continuous activity of the Roman Catholic missionaries. Oda Nobunaga, especially, furthered the spread of Christianity. He built a church at Kioto which quickly became important and was soon recognized as the principal church of the Japanese Christians. It was called Nan Banji. From that time the new faith spread quickly through the provinces adjacent to the capital Many of the Daimios became Christians, and assumed Christian names. The Dominicans, Augustinians, and Franciscans, following the example set by the Jesuits, founded settlements in different parts of the Empire, and carried on their missionary work with great zeal. According to one account the Christians increased to half a million, according to another, even to a million and a half.

But a thorough set back soon occurred. The Daimios, whom the Jesuits had converted to their faith, became infected with the spirit of the inquisition and began to persecute those of their vassals who refused to become Christians. And therefore they aroused the hatred of the tolerant Japanese people. It seemed almost certain that the Jesuits had it in mind to bring the Japanese Empire under Spanish rule. In any case they awoke the suspicion of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and particularly of the far-sighted Tokugawa Ieyasu, who forbade the farther spread of Christianity. But the active commercial relations of Japan with Europe rendered it easy for the Jesuits, in spite of the prohibition, to enter the country disguised as merchants and prosecute their activities. Therefore Hidetata, Ieyasu’s successor, decided that all proselytizers should be put to death. Iemitsu, the 3rd Shgun, finally forbade all commercial intercourse with foreign lands. Portugese merchants were banished for ever. Only the Dutch who carried on no missionary work and were known to be enemies of the Jesuits, were permitted to continue trading. Great cruelty was practised towards the native Christians. They were crucified, burnt, starved, or executed in other sorts of cruel ways by thousands.

-- reprinted with permission from: A History of Japan, by Hisho Saito

That may be the outcome of a centralised religious state outside of nations.

The same thing may happen with a centralised hierarchial disclosure of an alien species. We could end up with (grin) The religious-industrial-military-alien-government-complex

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Peeple

as much as Id love to go wandering the stars I couldnt leave my fiance' behind
it would have to be both of us or not at all.

As for the fall of man , id just goto my parents and farm until the end

Id be willing to sacrifice myself in order to save millions

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 07:29 AM

The secret space program is just a myth, a good one, but doesn't hold any more credibility than time travelling. Even Hawking says a wormhole would give you a point back in time, but you can't travel any further forwards than the point the hole was created. And there simply is no way to make us a space species without learning how to do that. How to manipulate spacetime itself.

How does a technologically enhanced "astral" body look? Is the size and form depending on the "spiritual energy" of the user? I mean are maybe some of us tall whites and others little grey helpers?

There is a real physical and developing "machine" aspect to all encounters. Which means simply it is not a dead end technological road but it goes further and further and... but only a physical thing can leave physical traces of it's interaction on another physical thing. My mind can maybe feel you out, detect how you feel, but it can't puncture you, or operate on you, or collect your DNA, or...

"The powers that be" is describing the survivors, not? Those that rule the future. At some point, if you find yourself facing a threat you are not advanced enough for, you have to start using what you got to make yourself further developed than you currently are. Your past determines your standpoint in the present and your survival in the future. ET is out there without a doubt and we are simply too curious to not go everywhere we can and ultimately we will find them. A big surprise so inherently completely mind boggling different we can't help it but feel fear and threatened and so are they.
We might really embrace Star Trek and try our best to become Mr. & Mrs. Nice Guy because we had to, a lesson learned by the great war that will set us back a lot, like a good 150ish years of achievements. That's a lot. That's from coal to fusion.
But their experience is different.

Where am I going with this? Black projects exist there is no doubt and no question and they often explore what regular science is told to avoid because it's "silly and crazy", very effective also a big hurdle.
Are those BT and UFO and whatnot manmade? Possibly, very likely. The question is what kind of man? Us? The next step of evolution which developed on a planet with altered living conditions? Will all the radiation from the fallout give those that learn to adapt and develop from there a far greater survival chance in the radioactive universe? Definitely. But is it really necessary? No. Radiation can be controlled with the right shielding.

We don't have to go through the nuclear winter, loose that many people which will have to rebuild everything while batteling sickness and the end result of that forced "evolution" is a mutlitation that won't make us stronger and better at all.
We are the last ones that can be classified as homo sapiens sapiens. ET is still far away. We won't be able to recognise ourselves in what we had become.
We really do need our strongest, most advanced selves in the future. To face something we currently wouldn't even have the words for to properly describe it.

If we make contact in physical from, share our technology from the future with our present self it surely will have dire consequences on the future people they will not exist after that event. It's all theoretical of course because nobody has dared to do it on a relevantly big scale. But the odds are in favour of extinction.
Well the future people will also surely all die if nothing is done.
Problem is nobody can exactly tell what will happen to the technology and or the involved contactees. If it isn't a futile enterprise that will cost us 1000 years of life.

Nobody is taking this lightly. That's why I keep asking, is it worth dying for? To me the answer is an obvious yes. There's a 50/50 chance it will be awesome. That's good enough for me.

Add: I guess what I'm really trying to say is there are at least three possibilities what it can be, black project, us from the future, or ET. Heck as possibility even simulation theory could be still in the race.
But isn't it finally time to figure that one out? With real proof, no more assumption and mathmatical/statistical evidence. But undeniable truth.

edit on 13-12-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 08:16 AM
I've seen what happens when abductees are forced to give up their reality and suddenly accept a huge paradigm change.
Children seem to be more resilient and can recover quickly since they don't have as much hard baked luggage.
As a5yo I had sworn off fiction and the arts for math and science to conserve resources.
At that age you are a sponge for knowledge, and don't have the resources for more esoteric adventures.
I really didn't enjoy the Hollywood basement in the early 60's till the Star Trek series came along when I was 9.
Nimoy made that a good series for "Square" children.

If you are going to work underground on black projects as an adult there are tactical difficulties living in two different worlds. We have seen all the effort that goes into tracking Janet flights out of area 51 for example. Suicide puts a heavy toll on family members left behind, but its always hoped they go to a better world where they can focus without distraction.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Peeple

the black project I want to know about is the off world colony developed to preserve the human genome from an ELE
on earth.

Has Russia and the West already manned a mission to mars to preserve the human genome, I would wager either a lava tube on the moon or mars and there is one there !

an off world colony to protect the species DNA

you heard of any /
Ive seen that soviet fake mars landing

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: justwokeup

invalidate what? I don't understand your question

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 01:32 PM
You indicated in your post 'belief systems being shattered and things not making sense any more for many, including me'.

I was asking what drove that feeling. What is it that wouldn't make sense any more? Not being critical in any way, just interested.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: justwokeup

Well for starters it would mean that we are no longer at the top of the food chain, we are no longer the most capable and intelligent creature we know of. We are not the dominant species. Best case scenario we are the classroom bunny at middleschool or we might just be prey in some form or another.

It's very scary and intimidating

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Jubei42
a reply to: justwokeup

Well for starters it would mean that we are no longer at the top of the food chain, we are no longer the most capable and intelligent creature we know of. We are not the dominant species. Best case scenario we are the classroom bunny at middleschool or we might just be prey in some form or another.

It's very scary and intimidating

Thanks, those reasons I can understand.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: justwokeup

Now don't get me wrong, I am a believer and I do want to embrace their good intensions. But thats a YUGE gamble, we don't know squat. What do we really know about ET and their motivations?

Entertain the scenario that they made contact with a select few of us for whatever reason. What kind of deals were made? It's bad enough we get screwed by our own kind and now they want a piece of something aswell? No thank you.

And if it was just some concerned message out of compassion they can take that to the next habitat because we got enough of those to laugh at ourselves. Thats right, the meek will inherit the world. Right after everbody else has had its way with her. Who do THEY think they are dealing with here? Their cosmic brethern? Gimme a break, we're a bunch of wild animals and everybody involved knows it.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: Jubei42
a reply to: justwokeup

Now don't get me wrong, I am a believer and I do want to embrace their good intensions. But thats a YUGE gamble, we don't know squat. What do we really know about ET and their motivations?

Entertain the scenario that they made contact with a select few of us for whatever reason. What kind of deals were made? It's bad enough we get screwed by our own kind and now they want a piece of something aswell? No thank you.

And if it was just some concerned message out of compassion they can take that to the next habitat because we got enough of those to laugh at ourselves. Thats right, the meek will inherit the world. Right after everbody else has had its way with her. Who do THEY think they are dealing with here? Their cosmic brethern? Gimme a break, we're a bunch of wild animals and everybody involved knows it.

If aliens arrive with hostile intentions then we could do little about it but perish. If they arrive and start talking it doesn't imply they are benign but does at least suggest a more subtle long game at work. The sad truth about humans is we need an enemy. We define our groups in terms of who we oppose and if we don't have one we make one. A terrifying but not immediately hostile force is probably more beneficial to us than 'space hippies' or some other fantasy aliens. 🙂

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Lol...carry on living....nice to know I was right

Question for the rest of humity....can you evolve?

Tuff sh1t if you can’t.....natural selection.....we need a culling any way.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I would say that while it would be a sight to see, I do not believe it would be as chaotic as some people believe. A majority of people already believe we are not the only intelligent life in the universe. Would it be a shock to the system? Sure. But I also think it would bring humanity closer together.

Say disclosure where to happen tomorrow, in the manner that you are saying. People would be scared, some would be terrified. Others would be excited, and their minds would be full of awe and wonder. But those feelings would persist only in the current adult generation. The young would grow up in a world knowing that they are not alone. Knowing that another race of beings exist. And that race probably wouldn't classify us as English, Mexican, American, Chinese, Russian, Liberian, Brazilian, etc. They would classify us as humans, from Earth. Not dark skinned Africans from Ethiopia, or white skinned Europeans from Ireland. It would force us to reevaluate the way we see each other.

I'm not saying it would go smoothly, but I certainly do not think it would go badly. And the benefits to my children alone would justify the struggle that the adult generation would have to go through.

For my part, if there are extraterrestrials, and they are here. Just get it the hell over with and say hi, that's really all they'd have to do. They don't have to provide technology, or weapons, or medicine. Just say hello, fly over, roll the window down, and wave. Just show the human race that they exist. Swing by my house and have a beer, meet my dog, eat some barbeque, play catch with my son. That alone would be enough of a catalyst to accelerate a rapid change in human thought. We'd be forced to push forward in education, and technology in the hopes that we could join our new friends that just dropped by to say "hey, nice to meet you, now hurry up and get up here so we can play together".

I never understood why people think that the worst will happen. Have a little faith in people, more often than not, they will surprise you.
edit on 13-12-2017 by aravoth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 03:06 PM
Yeah Sure....WTF...I'm all for Mind F*** OverKill Anyways.

You can tell I care very little for the integrity of people's minds and if they go berserk that is what every bodies trusty self defense tool of choice is for anyways.

Also we can count on Military Patrols to keep order and shoot rioters and looters.

I say just randomly place civilian military officers in convenience markets, grocery stores and gas stations ect... with some good sharp shooting gear behind counter and back end of belt.

For the Dumb Bred... you don't deserve your life if your going to be a self serving weak link in society! So don't loot or pillage,rape, riot or you will be taken out just like a common house roach or swatted like a black fly!

No empathy, no emotion, that is clean up for humanity!

Oh the bodies can be burned and bones ground to dust in titanium commercial heavy duty grinders. Then planted in edible gardens for something beautiful and fruitful to actually come out of poor excuses for human beings.

If you don't like it consult your congress or federal administration!

Act Humane and become a member of a cooperative for adjustment and community organizing for your own local reliance factors on skilled labor for whatever needs to be done.

That means from week to week everyone takes a job that they can do or are definitely willing to learn and/or are physically/mentally capable of doing.

Local Food Production/Harvesting and/or Transportation/Packaging ect...

Energy Engineering/ Installation and Technicians needs, Clean Water Distribution and Plumbing, Maintenance, Entertainment, Mesh Net Off Grid Network Installers, Technicians, Engineers, IT Operators, Programmers, Assemblers....what not.

People still need what they needed before except without a Useless Governent Parasite to Host Relationship like before.

Can people handle Govern-Control+ Ment-Mind= Mind Control Society coming to a crashing halt for the sake of true Human Liberation????

I don't know...depends...many people still may need their imaginary protection from the Guber-Ment Baba....

It really just depends on Human Kind Being able to finally stand on own two feet with own mind about order and systems that don't depend on A Huge Parasitical System on People Lives and Energy everywhere they go.

No one owes these people or institutions for selling you back your hard labored blood, sweat and tears as more death to you!!! Stop The perpetual death loop entropy tolerant behavior and maybe you'll see they never did anything for you anyways!!

In fact they have only made it 10 times harder.....Federal Goober-mint!! That's All..

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 03:55 PM
double post edit
edit on 13-12-2017 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

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