posted on Jul, 23 2014 @ 11:36 AM
Creating a thoughtform or servitude.
Most of us, at some point in our magickal careers, have realized that like it or not, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and practice purely
offensive magick. Whether your enemies exist on the astral, like a dangerous parasite or vampire, or whether they have manifest existence, in the form
of, say, a persecuting right wing religious group, or a hostile magician, you are extremely lucky if, at some point, you don't have to practice some
darker stuff.
Now, your basic training includes most of the self defense you're likely to need: purifications, elemental balancing, power journeys, banishing, etc
etc. This thread is about when that stuff isn't enough, and you need to go on the offensive. I thought it might be conducive to discussion, and a
resource for intermediate level occultists, if some of the more experienced magickal practitioners shared some of the ways they use offensive magick
with the board.
I'll start by describing a ritual which is not too difficult, but quite dangerous, very effective, and a bit gross by most peoples estimation.
The purpose of this spell is to create a servitor to act in a purely destructive manner.
The first step is to decide a specific purpose for the servitor and create a name and sigil. For argument's sake, let's say that the stated intent
of the creature is 'Seek And Destroy Enemies'. From this, we can construct a mantra / name by taking the first letter of each word. In this case,
the name would be SADE. Using a standard method, you can then construct a sigil. Next, i get some ingredients.
First, I obtain the corpse of a house spider. These things are everywhere, the big black evil looking ones that die in the corners of dusty rooms.
The purpose of this is to provide an inert (lifeless) DNA template to build the servitor around.
Second, I gather some feces (preferably one's own brand). Only a small amount is required, but it is used to represent toxicity (as human waste is
Third, I produce either semen or blood. This fluid serves to provide the life force and animating power to the ritual, as well as establish a
sympathetic bond between the magician and the servitor.
Once all these ingredients are gathered together, they should be placed in a small bag with the sigil on it.
I then wait until darkness, and build a small fire. Around the fire, I scan a triangle. I would also suggest that anyone who is not an advanced
magician construct a magick circle or something similar.
I place the bag into the flames and perform the following ritual.
As the bag begins to burn I perform an invocation to infernal powers. A suitable invocation can be found in any of the old black magick grimoires, or
the magician can compose their own. it doesn't need to be lengthy, just effective.
Then, I begin to visualize the form of the servitor, a gibbering, spider like, demonic monstrosity. As well as a visual identity, it's important to
visualize the component parts of the creature, the purely destructive hunger; proto-insectoid intellect and persona; alien like consciousness; This is
a creature that lives solely to feast and kill, a scuttling alien mess, evil by human moral standards, and it helps to embody negative, pre-human
emotions, like lust and fury, at this stage. Whilst doing this, I chant the mantra / name of the creature, in this case SADE, and visualize the sigil
at it's core. i begin to visualize it crawling along a web, an astral symbol of existence, looking to kill. This continues until the bag and it's
contents are fully cremated.
When this is done, the creature is complete, and should be coaxed into reality. It can be put to any 'destructive' task, whether that simply be to
exist in your aura temporarily, feasting on any astral parasites you may have accrued, or sent out to devour and destroy a particular enemy.
I have found these servitors to be EXTREMELY effective, probably too much so for a beginner. I have also found (originally to my distress) that if
left for too long, these servitors can replicate into a hive or swarm, become very powerful very quick, and even develop a very simple and distasteful
personality. This is fine as long as the magician is in full control of them, but it can make them hard to handle. For this reason, I tend to destroy
them myself before they get too big. I would stress that I would never recommend this practise for a beginner, as they would likely be able to
accomplish it, but probably not be able to deal with the servitor as it grew. I've had these creatures find me in my dreams and appear spontaneously
in my waking life if left to get too powerful, hence my suggestion for an early destruction.