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Malaysian 777 Passenger Airline Shot Down Over Eastern Ukraine

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posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

From the talking heads on tv it looks like the missile hit near the rear of the aircraft, blowing off the tail section but not causing enough damage for the plane to explode midair.

Hence the 10 mile long debris trail to the point of impact.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: CaptainBeno
What is this I hear about Leading Aids researchers being on-board.

Really? Where did you hear that? My antennas have lifted.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:50 PM
The death toll from MH17 has now been increased to 298 — because there were three infants on board who weren't previously counted. Source

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed Not to mention the plane that was shot down by Russia in 1983. President Regan took control of that because US citizens were on board. Where is President Obama on this? Maybe he's on the golf green.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: NoRulesAllowed

originally posted by: zatara
and shot the malaysian plane by mistake.

Uhm..I for myself have no doubt that this is what happened. (No strategical, tactical advantage to shoot down a civil plane, and no one would also be so dumb and risk shooting down Putin's plane, Ukraine would have dug their own grave if they had intended and succeeded to shoot down Putin's plane).

And the truth (they wanted to shoot down a transporter but by mistake shot down a commercial airliner) is actually rather SIMPLE. There is no "requirement" for a conspiracy theory to spin some yarn, it just distracts from the truth.

It was not the intension of who ever shot down the plane to aim for a civillian plane.... It happened before that such a misile systems does not recognise a civillian plane flight pattern.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: CaptainBeno
What is this I hear about Leading Aids researchers being on-board.

The flight was connecting with a flight to Australia I believe, there was an AIDs conference in Melbourne, which many people were going to.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

I believe the missiles explode in close proximity to the target, not actually hitting the target? Is this right?

This would explain say, taking out the APU at the rear of the aircraft and possibly the tail / elevator section which would render the aircraft useless but does not explode in the sky. It would then descend at a high rate of speed before reaching a speed that would be too much for the aircraft to take , then start breaking up......i.e before hitting the ground.
edit on 17-7-2014 by CaptainBeno because: Spelling.......really bad!!

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Staroth Thank you for watching Fox News. Guess where the unverified are from?

edit on 17-7-2014 by Bentnutt because: Missed fact

edit on 17-7-2014 by Bentnutt because: miss spelling

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:53 PM
this is just insane if true

Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot Down Boeing MH#17

Eyewitness Accounts July 18, 2014
Translated from Spanish by Luis Lopez
Source: Tweets by Spanish Air Controller - @spainbuca

10:21 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Autoridades de kiev, intentan hacer que pueda parecer un ataque de los pro-rusos

“Kiev Authorities, trying to make looks like an attack by pro-Russian”

10:24 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Ojo! Que puede ser un derribo B777 Malaysia Airlines en ukraine, 280 pasajeros

“warning! It can be a downing, Malaysia Airlines B777 in ukraine, 280 passengers”

10:25 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Cuidado! Kiev tiene lo que buscaba

“Warning! Kiev have what they wanted”

10:25 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Vuelven a tomar la torre de control en Kiev

“[Miitary] has taken control of ATC in Kiev”

10:27 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El avión B777 de Malaysia Airlines desapareció del radar, no hubo comunicación de ninguna anomalia, confirmado

“The Malaysia Airlines B777 plane disappeared from the radar, there was no communication of any anomaly, confirmed”

10:30 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Avión derribado, derribados, derribado no accidente

“Plane shot down, shot down, shot down, no accident”

10:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Kiev, tiene lo que buscaba, lo dije en los primeros tw, kiev es responsable @ActualidadRT

“Kiev have what they wanted, I said in the first tw [Tweets], Kiev is responsible @ ActualidadRT”

10:35 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Un accidente muy normal no es, no están amenazando en la misma torre del aeropuerto de kiev,

“An accident that is not quite normal, they are threatening us in the same tower of Kiev airport”

10:35 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nos van a quitar, nuestros tlf y demás de un momento a otro

“they will take from our phones and others stuff at any moment”

10:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Antes de que me quiten el tlf o me rompan la cabeza, derribado por Kiev

“Before They remove my phone or they break my head, shot down by Kiev”

11:12 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nosotros tenemos la confirmación. Avión derribado, la autoridad de kiev, ya tiene la información, derribado, estamos tranquilos ahora

“We have confirmation. Plane downed, Kiev authorities already have the information, downed, we are calm now”

11:13 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Que hace personal extranjero con autoridades de kiev en la torre? Recopilando toda la información

“What are doing foreigners with kiev authorities in the tower? Gathering all the information”

11:15 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Cuando sea posible sigo escribiendo

“When possible I´ll keep writing”

11:48 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El avión B 777 voló escoltado por 2 cazas de ukraine hasta minutos antes, de desaparecer de los radares,

The B777 plane flew escorted by Ukraine jet fighter until 2 minutes before disappearing from the radar,

11:54 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Sí las autoridades de kiev, quieren decir la verdad, esta recogido 2 cazas volaron muy cerca minutos antes , no lo derribo un caza

“If kiev authorities want to tell the truth, It´s gathered, 2 jet fighters flew very close minutes before, wasn’t downed by a fighter”

12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Nada más desaparecer el avión B 777 de Malaysia Airlines la autoridad militar de kiev nos informo del derribo, como lo sabían?

“Malaysia Airlines B777 plane just disappeared and Kiev military authority informed us of the downing, How they knew?”

12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014 A los 7:00 minutos se notificó el derribo, más tarde se tomó la torre nuestra con personal extranjero q siguen aquí

“7:00 minutes after [plane dissapeared], the downing was notified, later our tower was taken with foreigner staff, they still here ”

12:01 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En los radares esta todo recogido, para los incrédulos, derribado por kiev, aquí lo sabemos y control aéreo militar también

“all this is gathered in radars, to the unbelieving, shot down by kiev, here we know it and military air traffic control also”

13:29 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El ministro del interior si conocía que, hacían los cazas en la zona, el ministro de defensa no, .

“Interior Minister knew what the fighters were doing in the area, the defense minister didn’t.”

13:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Militares confirman que fue ukraine, pero se sigue sin saber de donde vino la orden

“Military confirm It was Ukraine, but still does not know where the order came from”

13:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Hace dias lo dije aquí, militares de kiev querían alzarse contra el actual presidente, esto puede ser una forma, a las órdenes de timoshenko

“Days ago I said here, kiev military wanted to rise against the current president, this may be a way, ordered by timoshenko [following timishenko orders]”

13:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los cazas volaron cerca del 777, hasta 3 minutos antes de desaparecer de los radares, solo 3 minutos

“The fighters flew close to 777, up to 3 minutes before disappearing from the radar, just 3 minutes”

13:45 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Se cierra el espacio aéreo, por miedo a más derribos

“Airspace is closed, more downings feared”

15:17 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Control militar entrega ahora mismo de forma oficial que el avión fue derribado por misil

“military control now officially [say] the plane was shot down by missile”

15:23 – 17 de jul. de 2014 El informe oficial firmado por las autoridades militares de control de kiev ya lo tiene el gobierno,,,, , derribado

“Government has the official report signed by the control military authorities in Kiev,,,, [plane] shot down”

15:26 – 17 de jul. de 2014 En el informe se indica de donde abría salido el misil, y se especifica que no proviene de las autodefensa en las zonas rebeldes

“The report indicates where the missile had come out [from], and specified is not from the selfdefence in rebel areas”

15:34 – 17 de jul. de 2014Los radares militares si recogieron los datos del misil lanzado al avión, los radares civiles no

“Military radar collected data from missile fired to the plane, civilian radars didn’t”

15:36 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los altos mandos militares no ordenaron el lanzamiento del misil, ,,alguien se le fue la mano en nombre de ukraine

“military high command did not gave the order to fire the missile, someone screw it ine the name of ukraine”

15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Para el que no lo sepa, digamos así, hay militares a las órdenes del ministro de defensa y militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior

“For those who do not know, Let’s say, there are military under the orders of the defense minister and military under the orders of Interior Minister”

15:38 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Los militares a las órdenes del ministro del interior conocían en cada momento lo que sucedió, .

“The military under the orders of Interior Minister knew what happened all the time .”

16:06 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Mandos militares aquí (ATC) torre de control, confirman que el misil es del ejercito de ukraine,

“Military commanders here (ATC) control tower, confirm that the missile is from the ukranian army,”

16:07 – 17 de jul. de 2014 Mandos militares que si lo sabían y otros mandos que no,

“military commanders that knew it and others didn´t ,”

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: AstralTrespass
a reply to: Bilk22

It seems you are the one not answering questions.

And what makes you so sure that the footage you are looking at is not of the biggest section of the plane that came down?

I haven't seen any footage that would let me conclude that I am looking at the complete plane wreck.

My question was and still is, where was the wreckage for flight 99? We were told it disintegrated because it crashed from altitude. So did this plane. I see a lot of wreckage. Same goes for the Pentagon site. Where was the wreckage? Not trying to derail this thread. Only pointing out that we can at least take something from it.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Bentnutt
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed Not to mention the plane that was shot down by Russia in 1983. President Regan took control of that because US citizens were on board. Where is President Obama on this? Maybe he's on the golf green.

The US only got involved in tat incident because the Soviet Union initially denied any knowledge of what happened. It was not until a UN hearing on the subject where the Soviets wereexposed by the US. Apparently we played the audio from the military air traffic control and the soviet fighter being given permission to shoot the plane down.

As for this incident Obama has made resources available to Ukraine. There is no confirmation, that ive heard anyways, of US citizens being aboard. However according to Russian media there are 40+ individuals who have not been identified as of yet (and im not sure why that matters for a manifest).
edit on 17-7-2014 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: cosmonova

source link?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:56 PM

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Yes, this is true. Some quite important ones to. (So I have heard)

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:56 PM
Look at this US puppet already blaming Russia and Rebels over the shotdown before any evidence came to light.. Look at US news media all blaming rebels for the shotdown.. Everyone blaming Russia and Rebels before evidence is gathered..

This is MEDIA war to garner world's support to the US/KIEV and to smear the Russians..

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott blamed “Russian proxies” for shooting down the plane, in a significant escalation of rhetoric against Russian forces and President Vladimir Putin.

“This is only happening because Russia wants to stir up trouble. It’s important we don’t make a bad situation worse.

Andrei Purgin, deputy prime minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the insurgent group in eastern Ukraine, denied in a telephone interview that the rebels had anything to do with the downing of the passenger jet.

He said the rebels had shot down Ukrainian planes before but that their anti-aircraft weapons could only reach to around 4000 metres, far below the level of passenger jets.

“We don’t have the technical ability to hit a plane at that height,” he said. He said the plane apparently came down in an area of Ukrainian military operations and that it was not out of the question that Ukrainians themselves shot it down.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:57 PM
If let's say the plane was shot down by Russian separatists, how can we be sure that they are actually Russian separatists, and not CIA-backed(in other words, it seems like the CIA is backing both sides. To me, this issue should have been settled a long time ago, but then for some reasons, these pro-Russian separatists just came out of nowhere. I mean, where did they come from?)

How can we be sure that the tweet about shooting down a Ukranian jet an hour earlier was not set up? I mean, I know terrorists like to brag, but this is assuming that the Russians are terrorists, and they don't look like the type who would brag about every achievement, at least until the war is over.

To me, this all seems like a set up. Tweeting about an achievement in the middle of a war seems rather childish, and not something the Russians would do.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: cosmonova

source link?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Bilk22

My question was and still is, where was the wreckage for flight 99?

I don't see why I should answer this question in the context of the particular discussion we were having.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:59 PM
I read there were 23 US citizens on board, just saying...

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:59 PM
So I wonder what's happening elsewhere in the world today? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Russia has just shot down a commercial Airliner......Apparently.

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