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Policeman blindsides girl at arizona university

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posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:39 AM
You have all failed to see two things.

1. She is not an ethnic minority.
2. The officer was trying to provoke reaction to allow more retaliation by the officer

If this was 'Tekiesha Johnson' with a white cop beating her down like this it would have been on every MSM and front page there is with the Rev Jackson and Sharpton calling on why is this happening to our youth but staying silent on the group attacks of black on white crime that has steadily increased in the last 4-5 years. This is about causing division on the country and keeping the people off of what is really happening. Sad but true.

The second part is that I really think this was an overzealous LEO who wanted to beat some ass that night either because his home life sucks, (start of some sarcasm) lost a beer league softball game or is simply pumping up the testosterone. She could have seriously injured her and if someone with balls came to her aid they would have beaten him, tased him and probably others. Possibility of shots fired. Almost as if they want it to happen to be able to exert more force. Not stop the action from progressing to protect the public.

To serve...and protect. Not get check...beat ass. This is what has happened though and more and more we see LEO's with chips on their shoulders who use the small authority to self serve. Not all LEOs are bad but as in any industry there will be those that are.

This should be sent to police and he should be fired. She is not hurt so no lawsuits but get his ass fired.

edit on 03am31amfu2014-03-31T11:39:05-05:001105 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:49 AM

Obviously, the video was cropped for effect-so in any attempt to analyze the provocation- the entire video would be non grata for the simple fact it cut out what appears to be the young woman throwing a bottle.

In an interdepartmental provocation examination eye witness statement would take prescient over the video unless the entire screen can be shown.

There are 3 different levels of street confrontations and this seems to fit none of them as the officer appears to be without protection of body armor or face plate. So, anything thrown in his/her direction would be cause for disarming the person.

The reaction of the onlookers seem to prove the point of provocation...

Did we watch the same video? It sounds like you're referring to the same video, but everything you said about it is opposite of what's actually in the footage.

The Cop was wearing 'body armor' and a face plate. The officer had a riot baton.
I don't think this video was cropped. Even if it was cropped there is nothing to suggest that anyone, especially the girl in question, threw a bottle. In fact, the footage shows enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the girl was innocent in this.
The reaction of the onlookers does nothing short of suggest the officer exceeded his power.

All in all, either you were high when you watched the video, you're being sarcastic, or you're retarded. I don't actually think you're retarded. It's a figure of speech.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:57 AM
WTF?! I hope the video is evidence enough when that girls family sees it and sues the department. That cop needs to lose his job.


posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:04 AM
I hope the officers wife and daughters are returned the same treatment in the future.

Maybe I am old school but I was raised on the ideal of..


posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:29 AM
Was the officer a woman?

Don't really get a good look at the officer, but from what I saw, it looked like a police woman.

I do have to wonder, why all the officers in riot gear. Is this now our nations norm, anytime people gather, the police show up in riot gear?

From what I read, police started a riot, brutalized university students, and apparently they did the same thing in 2001 when they shot out the eye of a student with a bean bag.

Seems to be conflicting views as to who started what, but over all looks like the police were the instigators, and were prepared and planned this attack on the public.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:40 AM
Does anyone else find it odd that they are chanting USA USA USA?

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:48 AM
Wow. Pretty nasty vid.
Nothing will happen to the cop though.
The big blue gang looks after it's own. Gone are the days when it was a few bad apples.
You'd have a tough job finding one good apple in the barrel these days.
And yes, that's one cop, but where were all the good cops? Why don't these mythical white knights ever step in and stop this kind of thing? Why do they never report and arrest the bad guys?

I'll tell you why, cos being a cop corrupts. And even if a cop isn't actively corrupt, the fear of sanctions from the rest will scare them into inaction and silence.

Hell, you'd be better off with marines on the streets. At least they have a sense of right and wrong.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:10 PM

Police brought in cruisers and a unit of officers with batons, helmets and face masks to block the street when people started tossing beer bottles, cans and firecrackers, hitting police vehicles and endangering officers.

That, in it's self, makes the officers disarming legal. Once one person in a crowd, initiate violence against officers-AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO DISPERSE-then officers can-legally-disarm anyone without provocation.

Remember just because you think something is evidence does not make it so in the eyes of the law. Here it's a epidemic of persons forming their own opinion about evidence and considering it without thinking-or refusing to think-that their opinion does not mean squat.

The University has accepted the blame and will discipline all students-regardless of who threw at the police.

Intoxicated people upset about a loss in a basketball game is somewhat sad. Perhaps they will learn something from this experience that will help them later in life.

All those disciplined by the school will be forced to inform potential employers of their agreeing to the discipline.

I'm not really concerned about your internet lingo such as shill, troll and so on. Believe me I have seen a lot worse and those events were not hiding behind a computer screen trying to insult . It upsets people here that they can't make up their own laws and use them anyway they please.

That is perhaps as sad as getting drunk after a basketball game and throwing beer bottles at the police.

By the way we got another one-up to eight now.

The armed carjacker fatally wounded Friday night on Elliston Place after directing his gun at police officers is identified as Aaron Dino Smith, Jr., 51, a parolee from Franklin, Tennessee.

He pulled an elderly woman from her car then smashed her head against the back window breaking her nose, jaw and neck. He didn't have a gun and was hit 11 times.

No one is complaining. 3 of the officers will get commendations for pulling the woman out of the street before she was run over. They risk their own lives to save her.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:45 PM
Pigs are pigs. 90% are cowardly as*holes we remember from high school. Guys now who run around and play army in full military garb with military rifles, to use against us civilians. News flash you’re not in the f**king army. And almost of all of them, and I stress almost all (not all) are ready to beat the utter s*** out of me, you, your kids and the elderly if given an order to or just because the officer next to them is.

They do not protect and serve. They harass and kill.

edit on 31-3-2014 by twistingtree because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:51 PM


Maybe I am old school but I was raised on the ideal of..


Maybe it's finally time to say "NO VIOLENCE ON ANYONE....PERIOD!"

The actions I witnessed in the video are unjustified and illegal and extremely dangerous no matter who or what.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Zaanny

Still new school around here.

Here in South Ga we get smacked for not saying mam.

Cops or not there would have been blood. Many happy bondsman too...

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:26 PM
Something is not right with the video:

1. Why the portrait format? Absolutely useless for videoing the activity since that is presumably the reason in the first place.
2. Why the concentration on the bench beforehand. Again, absolutely no sense whatsover if the ORIGINAL aim of the footage was to film what was going on as opposed to getting the viewer to note the bench.

Now, if the original footage was landscape format then the following applies:

1. The whole scene is captured and makes sense.
2. If the victim was carrying something intimidating it would be clearly visible on the cropped right hand side
3. Likewise the behaviour of the copper would be visible on the cropped left.

Very very suspicious.

I have no time for a..holes on either side of the law but I hate being duped. This smells very fishy.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by yorkshirelad

She was carrying an intimidating cup, what are you blind or something?

Also, the bench isn't the focus until the raging bull makes it the focus. Didn't you notice that line of cops behind it? And the crowd? They were the focus before raging bull came blundering onto the scene.

Right before raging bull comes in, the camera pans left because the crowd starts cheering, obviously the camera man or woman's attention is there, not the bench.

Here you can clearly see she has a dangerous weapon in her hand, and notice she is looking nowhere near the direction the cop is coming from. Bonus damage points for sneak attack, just like in a video game.

Look at the flawless execution of a weapon on that scary girl.

Here we can see that dangerous weapon has been removed from her hand, avoiding the possible tragedy that could have come to be had that hero not sprung into action.

edit on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:52:45 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:53 PM


Police brought in cruisers and a unit of officers with batons, helmets and face masks to block the street when people started tossing beer bottles, cans and firecrackers, hitting police vehicles and endangering officers.

That, in it's self, makes the officers disarming legal. Once one person in a crowd, initiate violence against officers-AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO DISPERSE-then officers can-legally-disarm anyone without provocation.

Remember just because you think something is evidence does not make it so in the eyes of the law. Here it's a epidemic of persons forming their own opinion about evidence and considering it without thinking-or refusing to think-that their opinion does not mean squat.

The University has accepted the blame and will discipline all students-regardless of who threw at the police.

Intoxicated people upset about a loss in a basketball game is somewhat sad. Perhaps they will learn something from this experience that will help them later in life.

All those disciplined by the school will be forced to inform potential employers of their agreeing to the discipline.

I'm not really concerned about your internet lingo such as shill, troll and so on. Believe me I have seen a lot worse and those events were not hiding behind a computer screen trying to insult . It upsets people here that they can't make up their own laws and use them anyway they please.

That is perhaps as sad as getting drunk after a basketball game and throwing beer bottles at the police.

By the way we got another one-up to eight now.

The armed carjacker fatally wounded Friday night on Elliston Place after directing his gun at police officers is identified as Aaron Dino Smith, Jr., 51, a parolee from Franklin, Tennessee.

He pulled an elderly woman from her car then smashed her head against the back window breaking her nose, jaw and neck. He didn't have a gun and was hit 11 times.

No one is complaining. 3 of the officers will get commendations for pulling the woman out of the street before she was run over. They risk their own lives to save her.

you a cop?

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by spooky24

Nice fairytale. Doesn't look like anyone even remotely in that shot was throwing anything.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:10 PM

Obviously, the video was cropped for effect-so

DON'T think so looks like a typical camera phone video on youtube for some reason most phone users shoot video/take pictures that way!!!

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:15 PM

reply to post by spooky24

The cops are useless. We don't need violent thugs with guns bullying citizens. This isn't Russia.

The escalation of the miss-use of LEO powers started during this administration.
Remember the white house beer party, where, we can agree to disagree?
This may not be Russia, but obama is doing nothing to curtail this pig jack-boot action.
Well, maybe he'll have a few nazi's over for a beer.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:18 PM


reply to post by spooky24

The cops are useless. We don't need violent thugs with guns bullying citizens. This isn't Russia.

The escalation of the miss-use of LEO powers started during this administration.
Remember the white house beer party, where, we can agree to disagree?
This may not be Russia, but obama is doing nothing to curtail this pig jack-boot action.
Well, maybe he'll have a few nazi's over for a beer.

Agreed. I would have really thought that Obama would be curtailing the police brutality running riot in this country.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:19 PM

reply to post by yorkshirelad

She was carrying an intimidating cup, what are you blind or something?

Also, the bench isn't the focus until the raging bull makes it the focus. Didn't you notice that line of cops behind it? And the crowd? They were the focus before raging bull came blundering onto the scene.

Right before raging bull comes in, the camera pans left because the crowd starts cheering, obviously the camera man or woman's attention is there, not the bench.

Here you can clearly see she has a dangerous weapon in her hand, and notice she is looking nowhere near the direction the cop is coming from. Bonus damage points for sneak attack, just like in a video game.

Look at the flawless execution of a weapon on that scary girl.

Here we can see that dangerous weapon has been removed from her hand, avoiding the possible tragedy that could have come to be had that hero not sprung into action.

edit on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:52:45 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

Dude, that was priceless! Sorry, I could only give you 1 star, but here is a *#!t of thumbs up.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by 5ofineed5aladder

I don't know if the "officer" was a man or a woman. The person was short so it may have been a woman. That might have explained it, they would be more likely to use force on another woman.
I've read suggestions that this might have been an auxiliary officer, a volunteer called up to help with crowd control and large crowds. Their training would be a lot less.
Also with the helmet on, their sight and perceptions would be reduced. If they're told to watch the other officers backs and not let anyone approach them, and their attention is turned elsewhere and they suddenly see someone approaching they could over react. Maybe they saw the cup and jumped to the wild and wrong conclusion that someone was going to throw liquid at them and had a violent fear response.
I'm not trying to defend the officer, their behavior was inexcusable and completely unjustified. I'm just trying to make sense of it and try to give an explanation for their nitwit reaction. I hope the girl sues. And if the police department chief says after an investigation the officers action was justified, then he should be egged on camera by two dozen students. Egg his house, egg the station, egg the police cars. Have an " Egg an Arizona( was it Tempe?) Cop campaign."
Maybe it was Austin O such, wasn't he from Arizona?

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